Monday, April 18, 2022

Kill that noise

Queens Post

Queens Council Member Robert Holden introduced a series of bills Thursday aimed at improving the quality of life for New York City residents.

The bills aim to combat everything from noise pollution to sidewalk obstructions—to the unauthorized towing of vehicles. The legislation would also require film crews to provide more notice when they plan to occupy public streets.

Holden introduced 16 bills in total and said that many of the bills address unruly behavior that has contributed to rising crime. Crime is up 40.5 percent citywide for the year through April 10, compared to the same period a year ago, according to NYPD data.

“With the trend of legalizing or ignoring, and thereby normalizing behaviors that diminish our city’s quality of life… it’s time to take measures to bring balance to living in New York City,” Holden said in a statement.

Holden introduced legislation designed to combat disorderly motorists blasting out deafening music from their vehicles.

One of his bills would increase the civil penalties for motorists who blast an unreasonable amount of noise from their vehicle via a personal audio device. The new penalties would range from $200 to $2,100, depending on the number of violations committed within the preceding two years.

Another bill would target raucous motorists who attach speakers to the exterior of a vehicle. Violators would be hit with a civil penalty of between $100 and $225 for a first offense increasing to as much as $575 for a third violation.

Holden has also introduced legislation that targets business owners who pump out loud music from a commercial establishment. He has a bill that would reduce the acceptable level of noise.

Holden, whose district covers Glendale, Maspeth, Middle Village, Ridgewood and parts of Woodhaven and Woodside, said that noise pollution is a serious concern among his constituents and his bills aim to clamp down on the problem.

“We know that unreasonable noise late at night is not only a nuisance but a threat to New Yorkers’ health,” Holden said. “All New Yorkers are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their homes.”

Holden’s other bills take aim at film crews operating on public streets. The crews, he said, often disrupt small businesses by taking valuable parking spaces.


Anonymous said...

And who will enforce this? As if nyc doesn't already have enough to worry about besides loud noises. Let's get our streets in order first and put the lowlives back in prison where they belong. I also am whole heartedly all for bringing back the death penalty in this state.

Anonymous said...

will they inforce?

NPC_translator said...

As most of these bills will "unfairly" target Peeple of Color, they are dead on arrival. The one about film crews might pass.

Anonymous said...

Car totalitarians won’t like this one bit.

Deke DaSilva said...

Good luck with these proposals. Do you really think the City Council will approve laws that will "disproportionately" impact the sainted "black and brown" people?

I'm surprised we still have laws against murder in the City, because, disparate impact, or something.

Better not give AOC and her Soros funded white liberal minions any ideas.

Anonymous said...

And how are they going to control people that are now high on legal marijuana from making noise and acting boisterous in the streets?what you going to do about the subway it's also urinating in public drinking in public all of these quality-of-life crimes that were made legal by biblasio. So now let's see if Eric Adams has the backbone to reverse a lot of that stupid stuff that was passed into law .let the coos roast these troublemakers.

Anonymous said...

This will go nowhere unfrotunately

Anonymous said...

Very bad for white people because like VTL traffic stops, to keep the ticket stat's equal by race you need 1/3 of tickets written to whites.
Otherwise the cops, enforcers get reprimanded for racism, racial targeting etc.
How will they accomplish this?
Ticket whites for talking in public or wearing noisy shoe & boot heels?
I have yet to see a white person playing bongos or blasting a trunk thumper to Black or Spanish music.
Whites simply don't do not commit this behavior.

Go into a street like Fresh Pond road, Grand ave or Roosevelt ave on a weekend. You will find a good 19 of 20 passing cars blasting music, motorcycles with no mufflers have undoubtedly operated by people of color.

Anonymous said...

@"motorcycles with no mufflers have undoubtedly operated by people of color"

Most of those extremely noisy motorbikes are overrated Harley's driven by aging TrumnpTurds.

Prove me wrong ...

Anonymous said...

Where is the drummer ?

Anonymous said...

how are they going to control people that are now high on legal marijuana

Its worse then that !!
Since marijuana stays in the system 30-90 days these is now way to prove a high as a kite driver can cause a serious accident and say they smoked yesterday.
No way to prove a driver was stoned at the time of the accident.
This marijuana shit was rushed through to fast without thinking.
Car insurance is going to skyrocket.

Between all this covid, crime and now legal dope where is the court system going to get all these jurors for the huge number of cases that are coming?
Put juror pools in stadiums with blankets?

panzer65 said...

Cant they make a race track, like Aquaduct for example, to funnel all these noisy and speeding vehicles into one place legally?

Anonymous said...

Of course people are posting that blacks and browns are being picked on. Most of New York City IS black and brown so of course they're going to be targeted, especially since they're the ones making the noise. I see very few whites driving around blasting music or sitting in their backyards blasting music. This bill would be better if it included the people who blast music from their backyards too. Let's hope they enforce it.

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