Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Pizza avengers


NY Post 

A heroic pizzeria owner and his father are fighting for their lives after being stabbed multiple times when they jumped in to stop a 61-year-old woman from being robbed outside their Queens restaurant, relatives and police told The Post on Tuesday.

Louie Suljovic, a 38-year-old military veteran, was working behind the counter of his Elmhurst pizzeria, Louie’s, when he and his father, Cazim Suljovic, saw the elderly woman being robbed by two men Saturday night.

Without hesitation, Suljovic and his 68-year-old father jumped in to help — but ended up being stabbed and struck with an unidentified object, cops said.

Both father and son suffered punctured lungs in the attack, a relative told The Post.

“Cazim is in a serious situation … Louie is improving, he’s hanging in there and I believe he’s going to be okay,” said Cazim’s cousin, Remzija.  

Robert Whack, 30, and 18-year-old Supreme Gooding were taken into custody over the attack. Both were charged with robbery, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.  

Whack was also found with a large amount of what cops believe was heroin and was hit with a criminal possession of a controlled substance charge, police said.

The father and son are being treated at Elmhurst Hospital — the same facility where the pizzeria donated meals to staff and first responders during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the "worlds borough" so diverse!

Anonymous said...

hey this was in AOC's district? I wonder what she has to say...

Anonymous said...

More Guns, Less Crime said...
We need Gun carry laws for all NYC law abiding citizens to deter crime !
Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine Laws will save lives.
Legal access to firearms is 2A ! Right-to-Carry Laws Will Deter Violent Crime !

Anonymous said...

NYC is a shit hole said...
According to NYPD stats, crimes in the seven major categories are up 45% since last year. And still lawmakers in Albany see no problem. Good going DemOrats and the Sheeple who voted them into office and keep them there !

Anonymous said...

@"I wonder what she has to say..."
Elvis sightings have far more credibility than anything AOC has to say.
Prove Me Wrong...

Anonymous said...

The Left's warped perception of reality is our doom !

2 to go said...

Now the Perps will sue them for hurting their feelings

Anonymous said...

I live in a Red State. We have Constitutional Carry. Everybody but the democrats carry. Nuf Said!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that these guys could stab two people and only get charged with simple assault. Why the undercharging?

>Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine Laws will save lives.

NY already has Castle Doctrine and our self-defense laws are functionally stand-your-ground. The problem is that it's near impossible for trained, law-abiding citizens to get a gun carry permit.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Gooding???? Really?


Ned said...

""Right-to-Carry Laws Will Deter Violent Crime""
Yes indeed, when the criminals know law abiding citizens cant pack heat or stand their ground they will strike every time.

The system and Castle Doctrine Laws here in New York is ass backwards. It only protect the criminals and lunatics.
Every law abiding New Yorker should be allowed a permit less conceal carry right to carry any type of firearm they want for self defense and good Samaritan use.
Its called "Legal Constitutional Permit less Concealed Carry"
You cant have democrat communiests "issuing permits" because they will redtape or deny everybody except themselves, teachers, journalists and social workers. (like in Canada and Europe)

Its sure works in Texas, Kentucky and Maine, were the carjackers, home invaders, criminals robbing & hitting old lady's in the head with hammers get their heads blown off.
Firearms in Citizens hands save innocent peoples lives.
Examples: The American Revolution and the people of Ukraine where 95% the population owns and knows how to shoot.
Including 600,000 or so 8-16 year olds AK-47 shooting gallery giving Vladimir
a new asshole from every direction.

What do the liberal Woke communist shitheads not understand ?


Anonymous said...

I'm waiting for the communists, AOC and the stupid mayor going on TV saying thank god those poor impoverished nice inner nice city who committed this crime to "help themselves" weren't hurt. Then go call those hero's vigilantes.

On the guns --yes let the good people have them provided they take and pass a 6 or so week criminal background check and safety course series. That's more then fare and its also a federal constitutional right!
New Yorks local sate constitution is an illegal, unfaare communist rag drafted by communists.
We would be sipping tea, flying a British flag and bending over to the Queen of England (or worse) without guns !!

Anonymous said...

NY Guns Laws and the new Marxist bail reform are cause for the out of control crime wave.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions; than to put it in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell

Politicians, experts, MSM, police, CEOs, the affluent, leftist, Hollywood, CDC, Fauci, CIA, Intelligence Agencies, and govt bureaucrats, pay NO price for being wrong.

Anonymous said...

Just seeing Trump makes me miss him more!! This is a living hell now.

Anonymous said...

We're screwed, Way too many indoctrinated mislead Sheeple in NYC !

Ned said...

""NY already has Castle Doctrine and our self-defense laws are functionally stand-your-ground"

No they are watered and culled down down to shit.
You are required to retreat against an assailant.
An asshole breaks into your home, you need to run into a bedroom or bathroom and jump out a window. Only id you are cornered with no chance to jump out a window or run to another room and call 911 can you use deadly force.
All kinds of other bullshit too in NYs castle doctrine.
Like if the assailant come at you with a bat or knife you cant shoot unless your hit first.
You also have no qualified immunity for the civil lawsuit that usually follows.
It cost around $90 a month for $1.5 million gun insurance for defense and civil lawsuit insurance. The NY cops now have the same shit, no qualified immunity for self defense. Rodney King, Black Lives/Criminals lives matter my ass!!
What about our lives?
Innocent citizens not allowed to CCW are being killed in the street, public transportation and own homes because the scumbags have all the knives, hammers and guns. They also get protection with frisk and search currently revoked.
Pure insanity thanks to the loony left and stupid voters.

The NYC DA, mayor, Albany legislature liberals and new governor need to be all thrown out and put in jail for near 500 street murders not including the negligence with the lives of 9 million people.
26 NYC children shot & wounded during street crime so far in 2022, shootings of kids nearly doubled by mid-March. All committed by released criminals: 'Disgusting'

Power must be returned to the police and New York to catch and order jail for perps they deem dangerous or at high risk of reoffending, all the way down to serial shoplifters. It doesn't matter if 96% doing this are black, we cant go arresting 50% of innocent white people to keep the arrest stats equal.
This is bullshit !!


Anonymous said...

@"Every law abiding New Yorker should be allowed a permit less conceal carry right to carry any type of firearm they want for self defense and good Samaritan use."

And how are you going to define "law abiding" citizens? Do they wear white hats? Do they look like you? Do you run a criminal background check every year, which your buddies in the NRA don't allow? Do you subject them to mandatory mental health checkups every 6 months by some government agency? Will there be any requirement that they don't carry when they are intoxicated, high, angry with the world, etc. ?
As for "any type of firearm they want"? Does that include Stinger Missiles, Uzis, AK47's etc.
Numerous convicted murderers were "law abiding" citizens before they became murderers.

The "good guys with guns" myth, is just that. Something put out by "Putin News" and the gun lobby, and nuts like you.

Captain Renault said...

Supreme Gooding???? Really?


Elvis said...

@"Elvis sightings have far more credibility than anything AOC has to say."

I think she's a refreshing change compared to most politicians. I wish her district included Maspeth and Middle Village too.

Anonymous said...

To last Anonymous who said:

❝I think she's a refreshing change compared to most politicians. I wish her district included Maspeth and Middle Village too.❞

Since you like the adverse effects of Little Miss Occasionally-Coherent's neo-liberalism, neo-feudalism and neo-fascism so much, then kindly move into her Third World (or rather, 'TURD World' district, as it were), and tell me how you like it there, what with her double talking, grandstanding, zero productivity track record that has already, and long ago, betrayed her ever languishing, completely invisible constituency——but what can anyone expect from a lying, cheating, disingenuous, hustling, Met Ball attending counterfeit who is 300% fake, whose grandfather apparently appears to be Bernie PANDERS——the greatest and longest government hustling, grandstanding hustler of them ALL!

❝There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.❞ ——Daniel Dennett

Anonymous said...

Julie Won is hiding under her desk
Waiting for the photographers.she’s using her baby for free publicity. This is Cathy Nolan’s protégée. Irish mafia handshake to the Korean mafia. I am really sick of the phony Democrats scam artists.
Those guys are hero’s. Our mayor.doesn’t have the balls to come out to our county, visit them in Elmhurst Hospital and give them what they deserve- the Keys to the City.

Anonymous said...

You are required to retreat against an assailant.
An asshole breaks into your home, you need to run into a bedroom or bathroom and jump out a window. Only id you are cornered with no chance to jump out a window or run to another room and call 911 can you use deadly force.
Like if the assailant come at you with a bat or knife you cant shoot unless your hit first.

To the best of my knowledge these statements are all untrue. I've read plenty of articles of New Yorkers shooting a home invader or a mugger with an illegal gun, and getting charged with gun possession but not with anything else. But I've never directly read the applicable laws, so I welcome being proven wrong. Please feel free to point me to some articles or the parts of the law that support your claims.

Anonymous said...

"Good guys with guns is a myth..." Just like in the shithole blue states, the vast majority of gun violence is committed by criminals. Ordinary citizens who responsibly own firearms are responsible for less than 1% of gun violence. The difference is that in the blue states you're a sitting duck and in the carry state you can protect yourself from criminals.

Ned said...

"As for "any type of firearm they want"? Does that include Stinger Missiles, Uzis, AK47's etc"

Yes, because of the gang violence (multiple criminals with multiple guns)you need more advanced options.
Except for Stinger misses (missiles in general) which have homing electronics and rocket motors. Such are NOT firearms. What a ridicules comment are you stupid?

"Numerous convicted murderers were "law abiding" citizens before they became murderers"
Oh yea? Who told you such propaganda some school teacher?
Yea yea, always gonna have your John Hinklys,movie theatre clowns, Asperger kids on drugs and prozak getting daddy's guns. Fact is you couldn't name 100 in that category for the whole century VS the 20,726 gun homicides, excluding suicides, so far in 2021.
You don't strip and punish 10 million innocent law abiding New Yorkers with no criminal records for the actions of a couple nuts who will always find a way to kill.
In 500BC the cavemen used rocks, bones & sticks.
The country's prison and insane asylum population so has alternative methods for the past 300 years


Anonymous said...

***I wish her district included Maspeth and Middle Village too. ***

Personally I wish you and her be stuck together in some Federal Prison.

Anonymous said...

At least Grace Ming have the decency to show up and honor the men with an official congressional proclamation and a certificate of special congressional recognition.
Just asking , where is Mr. Showtime (Major Adams)?
Also, why not pictures of the robbers? Something to do with "color"?

Anonymous said...

Something to do with "color"
Yep, The NYPD no longer controls the press credentials, permits and access.
The mayors office of Entertainment and Media is now one big multi remote control.

If the media crosses mayor they would be locked out of permits, press credentials and access for "spreading hate" Especially if the robbers are black or out on no bail.
The mayor only wants things and people showed in "good light"

Anonymous said...

Please feel free to point me to some articles or the parts of the law that support your claims.

Depends on what part of Neds comments your talking about, the NYS castle doctrine, civil lawsuits, prosecution, implied immunity, good Samaritan laws.
In any case why would one bother looking it up for you.
Explaining so many complex technical laws to prove a liberal anti 2nd amendment communist wrong is like going to the park and attempting to argue with a pidgin.

You get one example, look the rest up yourself

Anonymous said...

NRA Ned obviously never had a mental health checkup, and he has a gun license! Glad he doesn’t live in Queens.

Anonymous said...

The One Dollar Pizzerias are really "Realtors Pizza", stand ins that keep vacant storefronts from totally sucking money and dead bunnies out of a straw, I mean, store.

Anonymous said...

The stabbers are foot soldiers of the shock troops

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