Friday, March 18, 2022

Community board profiling

NY Post 

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards is pushing a quota-like selection system for the borough’s 14 community boards in a controversial bid at gaining more diversity on the panels, which weigh in on virtually all local projects, The Post has learned.

Richards appoints half the members to the advisory boards and local council members the other half. The boards often wield influence on key land use issues as well as on locating bars and restaurants in neighborhoods and sidewalk cafe permits.

A source forwarded to The Post a recent letter that Richards sent to council members recommending new appointments based on his affirmative action plan that takes into account the current composition of the boards with regards to race, age and sexual identity as well as census data.

For Community Board 9 covering Kew Gardens, Richmond Hill, Ozone Park and Woodhaven, for example, Richards said council members appointments should be “between the ages of 16-45, 56-65, of Asian, Black and Latino/x background and female/gender non-conforming.”

The CB 9 district has a large Hispanic population and a growing south Asian and central Asian population. But Latinos, who make up 40 percent of the population, accounted for only 16 percent of the 47 community board members.

Queens Councilman Robert Holden, who makes selections to CB5, blasted the quota-type system.

“We should appoint people who are most committed to their neighborhoods and who are the best candidates. You don’t look at race, ethnicity or age,” said Holden, who served on CB 5 for 30 years before being elected to office.

He expressed concern that racial and ethnic preferences, while well-intended, could lead to accusations of discrimination.

“You don’t want to be charged with racism or ageism,” Holden said.

For CB6, which takes in Forest Hills and Rego Park, Richards recommends selecting new board members who are ages 16 to 35, “of Asian ethnic background based on the latest census data” as well as women.

The neighborhoods have a growing population of Bukharan Jews from central Asian countries, particularly Uzbekistan, as well as Chinese immigrants, who combined make up about a third of the population. But only five board members of Asian descent, or 13 percent, served on the board.

The borough president also recommended younger and Asian and Latino appointees in CB5 that covers Ridgewood, Glendale, Middle Village and Maspeth.


Anonymous said...

I call BS. What King D wants is to pack the Boards with people with kids who have no vested interest in land use matters such as owning homes and others who are older perhaps and perhaps homeowners but who don't grasp that they are no longer in third world countries. Packing the Boards with them will make it far easier for King D to ram through projects the old guard would oppose.

Anonymous said...

between the ages of 16-45, 56-65, of Asian, Black and Latino/x background and female/gender non-conforming.”

Wtf does a 16 year old know about that kind of stuff? And what happens to the ones who 46-55? Do they not qualify? Seems like more racism pushing shit if you ask me. Just like how long Island wants to "diversify" teachers. Why should anyone get a job just based on their race? People are really sending this country WAY back. That's like idiot biden who only hires based on race. I thought the whole point to "equality" is to hire based on experience and who qualifies for the job best. Like I dont think kamala should have been vice president just based on the fact that she's black and a woman. She has proven multiple times while in office that she has zero qualifications for the job as vice president and even speaks like a 10 year old.

Anonymous said...

These Boards should be eliminated and banned as a violation of citizens rights, period. Anything that would remove people like they have now, would be an improvement. Check out Gene Kelty when he tried to assault the youn Asian woman at a meeting, who merely wanted to talk and make her point. NYPD stood by and looked to be protecting Kelty while he launched his attack. He should have been arrested. BAN COMMUNITY BOARDS FOR GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Whitey not need apply

Anonymous said...

Beep Richards is a clueless shithead in a dead end job...

Anonymous said...

Sue him !

Anonymous said...

As Queens has diversified so have the Boards, it is happening naturally. Diversity is fine, but diversity with skills to deal with developers is better but that ain't what he wants. He wants people he can steamroll.

Picture this scenario...50 members on a Board...every member from a different ethnic 1 Pole, 1 Chinese, 1 Ecuadorian, 1 Trinidadian, 1 Italian, 1 Swede, 1 Korean, etc. etc. Nowhere near enough seats on any Board to accommodate the actual diversity of Queens.

Last I heard discrimination by age was frowned upon. But if he wants to use age then lets look at that. What's the median age of each Board? Half the members should be above it, half below. What's the median age of the differing racial groups so that half the Asians on a Board should be above it, half below, half the Hispanics, etc, half the whites etc, half the Blacks etc. Down the rabbit hole we go if moron Richards keeps his nonsense going.

Anonymous said...

They have these requirements but how can they really check? We don't have these identities branded on our heads or IDs. A white person of Italian origin from Uruguay beats out his cousin born in the US? Who verified gender?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a charming state of denial how the chocolate failed leadership laughably believe that they are in complete control, and the tables have been turned, when in fact the reason for their abruptly planned rise is because ALL of the white failed leadership have already bolted from this DemonRat-entrenched, lefty Marxist state of anarchy, and never to look back at the pandemonium that they themselves created (for the purpose of self-aggrandizement), which is now rampant in their speedy departure/wake.

Watch what happens next when New York City (a/k/a 'GATTICA') and Upstate New York are burrowed (pounded) underground by the intensely failed Black leadership of their unfit positions, ironically cemented into being by the same poor persons of color who will all end up screwing themselves (again), exactly like a loop of 'Groundhog Day' from the past as they anointed their savior, David I. Dinkins, in 1989, who crept into temporary, single term power, only to magically transform his privileged life of color into the exalted life of a Lily White Playboy to benefit himself, as he stepped over the huddled masses of his colored brethren with impunity, in a narcissistic, fedkless rise to the top of the heap of the new, shabby Harlem Renaissance——a devolution of society, like nothing else.

❝One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.❞ —Carl Sagan

❝It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.❞ ―Thomas Sowell

Keep people as slaves and pets LONG enough——and eventually they will SEE their kidnappers as saviors.

❝Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.❞ ——Voltaire

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