Monday, March 7, 2022

Board of Ed vaccination retribution

NY Post 

They are unvaccinated and shunned.

New York City educators granted medical or religious exemptions from the required COVID-19 vaccination were mandated to report to school buildings Monday where some said they were treated like pariahs.

The teachers and other staffers who showed up at a building on Ocean Avenue in Flatbush were met with hostility from vaccinated DOE workers already at the site. The unjabbed were directed to one stairwell — forbidden to walk down the first-floor corridor where the vaccinated staff work, and forbidden from using their restroom.

Upstairs, those with exemptions made do with only a single toilet that flushed irregularly, or tiny children’s toilets, staffers told The Post. The kiddie commodes were replaced Wednesday night after they complained.

“The whole thing just reeks of discrimination and segregation. I never in my life have ever experienced something like this,” said a teacher who normally works on Staten Island and has a medical exemption for the vaccine.

The teacher, who had been working from her New Jersey home since October, says commuting to the Brooklyn site takes up to three hours one way.

A Staten Island administrator reporting to the building said the DOE also reassigned her from the regular duties she had performed from home since September to work remotely doing what she called busy work.

“I’m miserable because I’m not with children and I’m not with my teachers. I’m sitting here in a room not helping a soul. I feel like we’re being punished,” said the educator who has a medical exemption.


Anonymous said...

Better to be shunned than to be a sheeple. Hemingway called it being damned, and he enjoyed it. So should you. Stop whining and stand up for your rights.

NPC_translator said...

The teaching profession proved itself to be even more horrendous than we already knew they were. Of course, they are totally incompetent, unable to even teach basic math and reading to children. This has been obvious for decades. Covid showed us they are also sanctimonious, greedy, self-centered, ignorant and the very last thing they give a shit about is "the children."

And they're way overpaid while whining non-stop about how they need more money.

Hey teachers, you're not "heroes." You're basically worthless trash. Oh and of course 99% of them vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

What is the UFT doing for these Union Members ?
Pot, meet kettle: Randi Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, says police unions need to stop protecting their misbehaving members. Yet it typically takes many years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a thug UFT Teacher fired.

Anonymous said...

The DOE needs to be broken up. It is EVIL plain and simple. Discrimination against unvaxxed and Non-POC is the program at these madrassas. Burn it all to the ground. Its rotted.

Anonymous said...

Medical Apartheid

Anonymous said...

The UFT can be stopped in its tracks by simply putting its Welfare Fund for supplemental benefits, which receives over $300 million in city tax dollars a year, under NYC government control, and taking that money away from them. The City government could even consolidate all of the more than 100 municipal union Welfare Funds into one group and house them in one government building. They would save literally millions and millions of dollars. These unions use that city tax money to fund their political agendas, using retirees under their Retiree Programs to work for their favorite democrat politicians at election time. Skimming this money is called siphoning!

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