Monday, February 28, 2022

D.O.T.'s building bike lane walls



LIC Post 

Three protected bike lanes in Queens will be getting safety upgrades as part of an effort to better protect cyclists from cars throughout the city, the Department of Transportation announced Friday.

Bike lanes in Long Island City, Astoria and Forest Hills will be among the first lanes in the city to have their plastic bollards replaced with cement barriers through the initiative. Four Manhattan bike lanes are also scheduled for the first updates.

The three Queens lanes that will be hardened are Crescent Street from Queens Plaza North to Hoyt Avenue North in Long Island City and Astoria; Vernon Boulevard from 46th Avenue to 30th Road in Long Island City and Astoria; and Queens Boulevard from 73rd Street to Yellowstone Boulevard in Forest Hills.

The three Queens and four Manhattan protected bike lanes are the first lanes in the program. The DOT plans to harden a total 20 miles of the 40 existing miles of delineator-protected bike lanes in the city by the end of 2023. Existing plastic bollards currently separating bike lanes from car lanes will be removed and replaced with cement Jersey barriers that weigh several tons.

“New York City’s cyclists deserve to be safe everywhere, but especially in protected lanes – where drivers will too often disrespect and block that critical space,” DOT Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez said in a statement. “We have an actionable, concrete plan to protect cyclists and we are going to deliver on this work to keep our lanes clear.”


Anonymous said...

Working hard on UN 2030 Agenda, now we will have matching segregation on the roads to the shanty street bodegas.
You see we only outsourced jobs, now we in-sourcing shanty. Think Mumbai on Hudson.
One benefit, TA commie can be hidden now, so unsuspecting motorists don't mow his sorry ass down while he is high on fentanyl.

Anonymous said...

Says it all about New York drivers. Maybe include anti tank barriers too.

Anonymous said...

More imperialist expansion from the TA Bike Nuts !

Anonymous said...

Lol drivers too often disrespect. Bikers and traffic signals anyone?

Anonymous said...


NPC_translator said...

When do we start protecting pedestrians from bikers?

A. Wyatt Liberal said...

I oppose bike walls!

1. Bike walls will separate families.
2. Bike walls won't work.
3. Bike walls are immoral. Human powered transportation is a human right. Only selfish racists would object to this.
4. Let's reform traffic laws instead.

M. How said...

So what happens when people are double-parked, or large delivery trucks are double-parked and you can't get around them? At least with the Ballards we can scoot in and out and avoid being stuck.

And how many bike riders are using these bike lanes? About 3 a day and that doesn't include the motorcycles from the local restaurants.

This is another boondoggle from our new mayor and part of the green new deal to eliminate cars.

How do you expect the elderly to get around? Use the bike lanes? Most can hardly walk. And where do they put their purchases? On top of their heads?

I wonder how much of a kickback he and his cronies are getting for this one.

Anonymous said...

The Queens Blvd bike lanes are an utter failure, only used by a handful of poor deliverymen and rich commuters in outer Queens who cycle to Manhattan and back - so the City's response is to make them worse?

With the bikelane intruding on a single narrow service roadway that carries tens of thousands of cars per hour (compared to zero bikes per hour for the bikelane), a single double parked car (which happens often because there's no parking available thanks to these same bikelanes) can stop traffic for miles.

And the City's response to this utter failure that's universally unwanted in the neighborhoods it cuts through, is to double down? To install hideously ugly jersey barriers to make sure the dozen rich cyclists from Holliswood can commute in peace two hours out of the day?

We can't even blame DeBlasio anymore. We elected Mayor Adams because we desperately needed a change from failed DeBlasio policies - and we get him ramping those policies up instead?

Anonymous said...

They’ve done it without consent.

Anonymous said...

Bike lanes are indigenous justice lanes! Immigrant justice ways? Marginalized justice paths?? The good of the few outweigh the good of the many!

Anonymous said...

You folks are not going to change this equation until you change the equation at the polls. Albert Mindstein

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple elected Mayor Adams and now ​my head feels like a mushroom cloud !

Disgruntled Citizen said...

All hail the Crap Lanes. Must widen them for the proletariat powered rickshaws. Truly a Transportation Alternative that TA Commie will love. Convicts and Welfare recipients will be handcuffed to the rickshaws, who will run faster if they are being chased by someone in a uniform.

Your tenant not paying rent? Get a judgement from your Queens landlord loving housing court judge (a silent partner in the LLC) that stipulates they must work as a rickshaw driver to pay you back. Because there will be no more cash (so sorry illegal aliens!) the fare and tips goes directly to the landlord.

Bike Lane walls - wow! perfect for the open air latrines men like to use. The undomiciled can pitch their tents on them. Can't Wait.

The Commies have such wonderful ideas. What will they think of next?

Anonymous said...

>4. Let's reform traffic laws instead.
Don't give them any ideas, any reform that would be proposed now would only make things even worse for drivers.

Anonymous said...

@"The Queens Blvd bike lanes are an utter failure"

Queens Blvd. is an utter failure. Time to convert it to a park.

Anonymous said...

From history, dictators like building walls.
See Berlin Wall.
Stupid communist pigs.

Anonymous said...

@And how many bike riders are using these bike lanes?

Not many.

About 3 a day and that doesn't include the motorcycles from the local restaurants.

They use the regular lanes.Mostly. Law? Nah.

This is another boondoggle from our new mayor and part of the green new deal to eliminate cars.

UN Agenda 2030, Great Reset, Build Back Better, etc - Corporate Fascist propaganda by Nazi WEF and the rest of the Global Crime Syndicate.

How do you expect the elderly to get around?

They don't. Mostly killed in nursing homes, now mostly in hospitals. Andrew knows a few thing about this.

I wonder how much of a kickback he and his cronies are getting for this one.

Plenty. Going rate for hospital jobs are $100,000 now. Bike lanes have to cost more.

Anonymous said...

If you car totalitarians could drive, there would be no need for all of this. But you can't. Even back in the day when you could see straight and didn't need a nurse and a wheelchair, you couldn't drive.
It's too easy to get a license, that's why the roads are full of morons in tanks. Cops are too lazy to ticket cars, but they blame bicycles and pedestrians for every "accident", because the Sheeple accept that, and it means less work for them.

Anonymous said...

@"@And how many bike riders are using these bike lanes?"

Does this mean that all quiet streets should be converted to parks too?

NPC_translator said...

Cops are too lazy to ticket cars, but they blame bicycles and pedestrians for every "accident"

So the bike zealot drops this turd in the punch bowl, and assumes we'll somehow just believe it. While it's hard to find much current data, here's a nugget from the sainted NY Times:

There were 24,765 speeding tickets on March 27 [2020], up from 12,672 tickets issued daily a month earlier, according to city data.

That's 24 THOUSAND tickets IN ONE DAY. And that's just for speeding. Doesn't include running a light or a stop sign, lack of inspection, etc. So gosh, you're right, I mean NOBODY is getting tickets and cars can run rampant all over the city.

Don't you get tired of always being wrong?

JQ LLC said...

Admin note:

Apparently, I got the area incorrect where that bozo on the unicycle was according to an urbanish twitter account that was arguing with me and then blocked me on the twitter. It's at Forest Hills, I presumed it was Kew because the union turnpike station was a block behind, apologies to my "world's borough" neighbors.

Anonymous said...

“The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant, it’s that they know so much that isn’t so.”
- Ronald Reagan

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