Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Mayor-elect Adams hires Ydanis Rodriguez to run D.O.T.


New York City will replace half of its plastic-protected bike lanes with “sturdier” barriers during the first 100 days of the incoming Adams administration, soon-to-be Department of Transportation Commissioner Ydanis Rodriguez announced Tuesday, Dec. 21.

The move would mean reworking hundreds of miles of protected green paths across the Five Boroughs that currently separate car from bike traffic with frail one-foot sticks known as flex posts.

“We are going to commit to replacing 50% of all plastic protected bike lanes with sturdier and more permanent structures within the first 100 days,” said Rodriguez at a joint press conference with Mayor-elect Eric Adams officially announcing his appointment.

The uptown councilman wouldn’t say where he planned to put the stronger barriers or with what he wants to replace the plastic flappers, but said that federal dollars from President Joe Biden’s infrastructure package could help fund the scheme.

“Day one, we’re gonna be going to the agency and listening from the experts that we have there, people that have decades of experience, and we’ll be looking at where in the city should we get started,” Rodriguez said. “What we know is that there’s now funding at the federal level that is part of the infrastructure plan.”

Adams on Monday tapped Rodriguez — who chairs the Council’s Transportation Committee — to head DOT and replace Commissioner Hank Gutman come Jan. 1. 

The city had 546 miles of protected bike lanes as of 2020 and the agency planned to add another 30 miles in 2021, but it is unclear how many of the roughly 576 miles are bordered by flex posts.

DOT’s definition of “protected” covers a wide range of ways cyclists are separated from car traffic, including completely detached paths on bridges or raised sidewalks, or lanes level with the rest of the road but shielded by concrete jersey barriers, flex posts, or a row of parked cars.

The plastic posts are easy to drive over for motorists and block the lanes, and cycling advocates have long called on the city to use more hard materials like concrete to keep pedalers safe, but DOT has continued to add them to new projects, such as Queens Boulevard.



Anonymous said...

You get what you vote for

Anonymous said...

bikes, bikes, bikes, what about subway improvements...

Anonymous said...

I guess this means more bike lanes no one will use, and more bus lanes that will sit empty, except for the one bus that uses it every 20 minutes

Anonymous said...

you wanted another democrat for mayor, well you got it!

Anonymous said...

This is going to be great for ambulance chasing lawyers as everybody on two wheels sues after hitting one of these hard materials at 15mph or up to 30mph as some of the these souped up bikes go!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else change the channel, once this guy opens his mouth?

Anonymous said...

Its clear Adams is another racist, He hasn't appointed a single white person.
Only people of color with zero experience for the positions they are being handed.
New York voters have committed suicide!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully he puts steel spikes wired to a detenator for all cars that infringe on the bicycle lane.

NPC_translator said...

I don't have a car and I don't really care, but these people are all out of their minds.

Anonymous said...

Kitty-Corner said...
Build Back Backwards !
The "WAR" on cars and personal freedoms to travel continues.

Anonymous said...

Bike Lanes are the least of our problems.
NYC Urban Decay brought to you by the DemOrats !

Anonymous said...

Many of these idiots on bikes are drunks, or bad drivers. Yea put steel sticks, concrete, corrugated sheet metal they will all be dead in no time. --Less bikes.
I no longer drive on roads with bike lanes, I don't want to be sued for when these idiots end up under my truck. These people on bikes and electric scooters need to be in the insurance pool and be subject to points, fines and liability just like cars. They are causing accidents and hurting too many people

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NYC Urban Decay brought to you by the DemOrats !


The destruction of civilization as we know it, brought to us by insane globalists.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about Adams not appointing whites to offices. White folks are not flocking to live in or visit NYC anyway. CRT is a trickle down disease. You racists have it from the top down.

Anonymous said...

Liberal politicians keep forcing bike lanes down our throats because they want the criminals who support them to get away with the crimes they commit on their e-bikes and scooters.

Queens Chronicle, December 16, 2021:

Beware thieves on wheels

Dear Editor:

I am a senior citizen living in Maspeth and was the victim of an attempted robbery on Eliot Avenue in Middle Village on Dec. 8. I bought a pizza pie at Phillies and as I was crossing the street at the corner of 71st Street and Eliot Avenue, a person on a motorized bicycle or scooter grabbed my purse from behind, forcing me to the ground. I am 70 years old and fortunately was not seriously injured but very well could have been. It was 3 in the afternoon, and I assume because it was the Feast of the Assumption and Our Lady of Hope was closed, there were no pedestrians around. A Good Samaritan in a car stopped and asked if I was OK.

I never expected anything like this to happen in this community. Middle Village and Maspeth residents, especially senior citizens, should remain alert since these motorized bicycles and scooters move very quickly and are virtually silent until they are right behind you.

Sonia M.


Anonymous said...


Better question is, are qualifications required at all?
Maybe is decided while playing poker. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

@Sonia M. Sorry to hear what happen to you and glad you were not hurt.
Politics shouldn't do this to us. New "Bail Reform" laws are the main problem and needs to be fixed pronto. I fear things are going to have to escalate before the people wake up.

Anonymous said...

Its clear Adams is another racist, He hasn't appointed a single white person.
Only people of color with zero experience for the positions they are being handed.
New York voters have committed suicide!!“

Guess you missed his appointment for Mayor’s Office counsel (both white) and his appointment for first deputy mayor (also white). If you know how city government works, these are among the most powerful in his cabinet, but they are not public facing. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

Do you know who the outgoing commissioner of DOT is? A white man whose claim to fame is that he was an Intellectual Property lawyer for years. What were his qualifications to run the transportation agency? Go on, I’ll wait. All those people running and screwing up Board of Elections for years…what were their qualifications? People of varying colors, but mostly white, have been handed positions for which they were unqualified for years. See Cuomo and de Blasio’s administrations for examples. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

@"Liberal politicians keep forcing bike lanes down our throats because they want the criminals who support them to get away with the crimes they commit on their e-bikes and scooters."

I bet you never heard of a get-away car.
Back in the old wild west, Democrats also invented the get-away horse just to help criminals.

Anonymous said...

Adams is less qualified than a wild jungle primate (actually, a primate would in fact work to productive means, output and great achievement). And now the head of the new, entrenched 'ADDAMS FAMILY VALUES' mobster/impostor, who is en route to re-infect an imploding City Hall (not EVEN inaugurated!) has AREADY, flagrantly abused his unearned, undeserved power to appoint more vacuous porch monkeys (to continue to delay accountability, social contract and betray social trust), apes, baboons and the like, in the most arrogant, racist power grab the likes of which a mentally ill City Hall and Albany has never seen——it's unprecedented!

The rapid decline of standards (ANY standards!) started with a one-term 'nig-nog' named Dinkins who, for his entirely single term was continually AWOL from all pretense of accountable work and visible leadership throughout citywide governance. Dinkins ditched his offical public duty in order to play tennis, dress in chic, country club white and rack up the frequent flier miles in unnecessary foreign travel——whilst bilking city coffers to play the role of a white, well traveled tourist.

Hence, it's far, FAR too late for accountability and transparency, my overtaxed, overworked, oberburdened land serfs: The Great White Exodus has left the city, effective March 21, 2020——EN MASSE!——and they're not coming back anytime soon (most likely not at all). The Black militia know that they are free agents of government leisure, never to work an honest day's pay, much less to be accountable to We, the People. More compelling, no sane white person would freely promote, much less subsidize, a better life for welfare queens, drug addicts, homeless transients (by way of Middle America), and all of the other obscene, disgraceful, publicly unauthorized giveaways that Mayor Chirlane (and her marxist Mongrel, free walking prick) have lavished over the impoverished, nomadic masses who serve as their DemonRat-worshiping, electoral base——so long as THEY don't have to pick up the hefty, exponentially climbing tab (❝ONLY the 'Little People' pay taxes.❞ ——Leona Helmsley).

Meanwhile, not a single prosecutor to investigate the missing $1 Billion that disappeared into a Black (literally!) hole in outerspace, under the bogus THRIVE NYC, money laundering- Ponzi scheme. But, I still can't come to terms over decades of a completely failed, MIA Black leadership in South Jamaica, which now looks like an incendiary Third World, Banana Republic——COMPLIMENTS of Meeks, Flake and a laundry list of Black criminals, all of whom now gingerly practice their corruption graft and greed——as openly as the erstwhile white, politically failed hacks from whom they've learned the 'never-work-a-day-in-your-life' trade, in the FIRST place——to complete, public betrayal effect!

FINALLY, despite homeownership in New York City and New York State, I spend most, if not all of my time down in BUCKS County, Pennsylvania (amongst civilized, educated whites who work for a living), as well as quality time with my exiled friends and family, all of whom now call Naples, Florida their main home (which used to be their winter homes).

The inmates are running the asylum in New York State, all DemonRat-ruled 'tax and spend' slaves, and they HAVE been since Nixon disgraced flag and country, with impunity. Better to bolt, white stragglers, from this rotting, stinking, racist, marxist, intensely incompetent garbage dump of a city while you still CAN——before you sink deep into the 'BLACK HOLE' landfill itself——and buried head under the weighty BLM sludge!

Anonymous said...

Everytime a leftist City gets screwed a demon gets it's horns.

Anonymous said...

@" Better to bolt, white stragglers, from this rotting, stinking, racist, marxist, intensely incompetent garbage dump of a city while you still CAN"

Please hurry, and don't forget to not bother coming back.

Anonymous said...

@Back in the old wild west, Democrats also invented the get-away horse just to help criminals.

Was that before or after their invention of the KKK?

Anonymous said...

@Its clear Adams is another racist, He hasn't appointed a single white person.

Actually at what point one's qualifications come into play?
Just asking...

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