Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Blaz, suffering from Weather Forecast Derangement Syndrome, is spending over two and half billion dollars for the city's own meteorlogists



  Remnants of Hurricane Ida dealt New York City a sudden, costly lesson in the effects of climate change — and city officials don't want to be caught unaware again.

A city-penned new study — "The New Normal: Combatting Storm-Related Extreme Weather in New York City" — released Monday outlines $2.7 billion in steps to fight severe storms.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said many recommendations by the study's extreme weather task force, such as evacuation preparations and travel bans will go into effect, soon. Others, such as a $100 billion overhaul of the city's sewer system to accommodate previously unseen rainfall, will take longer and likely require federal help, he said.

"We know the climate crisis demands of us a lot of changes, a lot of new approaches," he said. "We also know it is manifesting as something that's shocking: more severe, more sudden. The type of weather that we've never seen before, literally in our lives — kind of stunning, brutal weather changes that have a horrible impact on our people."

Ida on Sept. 1 claimed 13 lives, broke a city record for the most rainfall in an hour and flooded streets, subways and basement apartments across the city.

De Blasio said the storm showed the need for the city to set up its own weather tracking and alert office. He said information currently provided by the National Weather Service, while appreciated, isn't specific enough for the city.

A new city-run weather system would be analogous to the NYPD's Counterterrorism Bureau set up after the Sept. 11 attacks — an added level of warning able to work more quickly for the city than federal agencies.

"So, my simple summary would be having a private forecasting capacity to just be that second set of eyes, just like you go to a second opinion with the doctor, to tell us if what we're seeing from the National Weather Service looks like the whole story, whether there's the possibility of things happening earlier, higher impact, what level of alert we should go to," he said. "Someone dedicated to thinking from the New York City perspective, not the whole nation perspective."


Anonymous said...

#WFDS Alert !

Anonymous said...

Finally he is doing something useful. Of course the usual climate change denier set will come out from under a rock and complain. But who cares.

Anonymous said...

The Great Global Warming Grift goes on, unabated! Hey remember, coastal cities were ALREADY supposed to be underwater. Gosh darn it, though, they're not! Whoda thunk it?

Europe is on the brink of massive power grid failures thanks to Das Green Energie, and hey, things been getting colder over there too. That's right, there has been ZERO warming for over 20 years in Northern Europe. Now how can THAT be since we're not all driving unicorns?

And isn't it sad how the last surviving polar bear is lonely at the Bronx Zoo? Oh wait, wait. Polar Bear numbers are up quite a bit. How can THAT be if Al "Jetstream" Gore was telling the troof?

But wait, I remember reading about how this summer in Seattle -- in soakey wet SEATTLE for chrissakes! -- was the "driest in the whole history of the world!" Greta told me. Oh but what, it was only the 24th driest since records were kept in 1894?

But the ARCTIC!! Surely we were promised the Artic would be ice free by now and ships would sail right over the top of the world! Wait... what? The artic sea ice minimum this year was the third highest in a decade?

Oh dear, one can go on and on and on. But it doesn't matter. The "sophisticated" rubes in NYC buy the lies hook, line and sinker. And now we're going sink a bunch a more billions into a pointless attempt to combat global warming that doesn't even exist. It would do a lot more if DumbBlazio just had the storm grates cleaned once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Look out the fucking window....

Anonymous said...

#WFDS Alert !

Fix the sewers fucko!

Anonymous said...

"The New Normal: Combatting Storm-Related Extreme Weather in New York City" — released Monday outlines $2.7 billion in steps to fight severe storms.

And the southeastern portion of Queens County will still flood when heavy rains occur.
And basement apartments will still flood.

Pinky said...

So he can shut down the economy at will ad ruin NYC even more!

Anonymous said...

@"The "sophisticated" rubes in NYC buy the lies hook, line and sinker."
It is you who is buying the lies hook, line ans sinker. If not then you are one of the liars.
Now please go back under the rock you came from.

bubba said...

we need storm drains and pumps not weathermen

Anonymous said...

@The Great Global Warming Grift goes on, unabated!

The cult and their dogmas.
Vaccine, Global Whatever, doesn't matter.

They want everybody dead or paying carbon taxes.


Now here is the poster girl for the cult. Speaks for itself.


Anonymous said...

I think Queens Crap is suffering from De-Blaz Derangement syndrome.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: DBDS

We all have been for 8 years in NYC.

Anonymous said...

@I think Queens Crap is suffering from De-Blaz Derangement syndrome.

I think you are an agent provocateur. Or an asshole.
Take your pick.

Anonymous said...

@"They want everybody dead or paying carbon taxes. "

Right wing nuts want everybody dead from toxic air, unvaccinated vermin and dirty water. Then to top it off, they want us to pay more taxes so the rich don't have to pay any.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Finally he is doing something useful. Of course the usual climate change denier set will come out from under a rock and complain. But who cares.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Well written for someone now living under the ocean lol.

Anonymous said...

Right wing nuts want everybody dead from toxic air, unvaccinated vermin and dirty water. Then to top it off, they want us to pay more taxes so the rich don't have to pay any.

LOL-3rd World living has long been the hallmark of Leftist loons. Please get a clue.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

Come on man! DeBlaz and Chirl only got 90 days left to get their palms greased.
90 days. And BeBlaz is history, as in the worst NYC mayor in History.

Can't you give a guy and a gal an even break?
They're gonna be HOMELESS in 90 days.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

I stand with Greta.

There is no Planet Blah
as in DeBLAH sio

Anonymous said...

Wanna resolve your climate cri$$eS New Yorkers, stop voting for democrats.

Anonymous said...

Right wing nuts want everybody dead from toxic air, unvaccinated vermin and dirty water. Then to top it off, they want us to pay more taxes so the rich don't have to pay any.

The full nut is inventing his own reality.
Pollution is not global warming, vaccine is a gene therapy, vermin are you, dirty water is where you were born.

The "rich", "elite", "globalist cabal", "Illuminati" call them what you want, own the Senate, Congress and Administrator Bidet. Plus SCOTUS and the media.
And you.
Have any more questions commie or just simply working on your visa for your China trip?
You'd be a lot better off there, where comrade Xi Jinping (some call him King Pin) will cut your liver and heart out while you still alive and sell them to the highest bidder. Take Bernie and AOC with you please.

Anonymous said...

@"There is no Planet Blah
as in DeBLAH sio"

Ha ha. Thats so funny. I was rolling around laughing.


Anonymous said...

@"Wanna resolve your climate cri$$eS New Yorkers, stop voting for democrats."

Who are you? Karl Rove?

Anonymous said...

@"Have any more questions commie or just simply working on your visa for your China trip?"

Excuse me, but I'm not a commie. I'm a full fledged member of the Illuminati. I'd advise you to choose your words wisely before I cast a spell on you and turn you into a Toad.

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