Wednesday, September 1, 2021

MTA command center upgrade collapsed during weekend subway blackout

 Acting MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber visits the subway rail control center on Aug. 2.

 NY Daily News


The MTA spent $63 million over the last five years to upgrade the backup power systems that failed Sunday night and caused a catastrophic subway meltdown, records show.

The agency in 2017 approved a contract to upgrade electrical systems at its rail control center and power control center, two buildings in Hell’s Kitchen that are essential to the operation of the subway.

Those upgrades included the installation of a new rooftop emergency generator for the rail control center at an adjacent building, adding to two backup generators that were already in place, MTA officials said.

The work also included an “automatic transfer switch” that would automatically switch power in the building between Con Ed lines and generators as needed, according to the contract description.

When much of the city’s power grid was interrupted at 8:25 p.m. Sunday by an outage Con Edison said lasted “a fraction of a second,” a battery-powered backup system at the rail control center switched on, MTA officials said.

The system was supposed to automatically activate the emergency generators and “return to Con Edison power when it becomes available, but that did not occur,” the MTA said in a statement Monday.

Instead of switching to generators or switching back to Con Ed, the system kept operating on battery power — and the batteries drained after 45 minutes.

“We are investigating why that happened, as are two independent engineering firms,” MTA spokesman Tim Minton said Tuesday.

Additionally, the system didn’t alert managers that it was malfunctioning, and that the rail control center was at risk of losing power, the MTA has said.


Anonymous said...

Scrap the whole damned system, fire the board of directors and end this (Literally) money pit, and begin all over again, with a devotion to the core values of transportation, to move people safely and on time...

Anonymous said...

Look, when you have the 'Woke' crowd running things,

and the 'White Man's Way' of running things is discredited by the Democratic Elites,

you get 3rd World management for problem-solving

as well as 3rd world behavior from the crowd that got out of the cars and ran the tracks with a live rail ignoring the crosswalks on the wall. That tends to be is the kind of stupid panic found in every 3rd world s*thole which is now the new norm, at least while Dems are running things.

Anonymous said...

Trust the experts, trust the science!

Anonymous said...

The only thing the MTA is good for is pissing away money. All they do is cry lack of funding constantly.

Anonymous said...

The MTA has long imposed a 'blackout' on its endless supply of other people's money, since before one of the ONLY competent chairperson's, Richard Ravitch, took office in his ever so brief run over this wayward, parent agency of profligate, wanton waste, mismanagement, corruption, cover ups and unfair labor practices without censure, all of which strains all credibility regarding government leadership that leads by example. The 'OTHER' blackout is one that has been foisted by the unaccountable policies that have made it possible for unqualified people of color to continually receive mid level, six-figure managerial positions when they were never able to chew gum and walk at the same time, much less conjugate a verb.

It was but one of the major reasons why my seriously overqualified father took early retirement in December, 1986 after serving 42 years, and after having successfully worked his way up to Vice President, Design and Engineering. His justified complaint (echoed by many, as it was no secret) was that the people of color who reported directly to their respective chain of supervisors would simply refuse to work, repeatedly call in sick during required, scheduled overtime or worse, they would instruct another worker to clock them in while shooting pool on Willoughby Street in Brooklyn, on company time. The scared (mostly White and Jewish) management would continually look the other way, which is why only a few receptive workers would collect the 'Lion's Share' of overtime because whenever the others refused, it naturally fell into the laps of who was next on the list for scheduled overtime (one worker scored $150K in overtime alone one year, because he was the only one who constantly agreed to work when his services were called upon).

Ironically, many of the qualified people of color didn't want my father to retire, because that would mean that those in the coveted group of chaste, qualified management would have to carry the full weight of an entire division of insubordinate workers of which the majority were protected people of color under the insane directives of Affirmative Action policy.

Nothing has ever worked properly since the 'One-in-Three' rules have continuously been manipulated that unfairly and unlawfully placed less qualified people of color over candidates up for listed positions that embodied the 1% who successfully passed their tests. In fact, the bottom scorers of civil service testing were given an automatic 'curve' on their borderline test scores, followed by a generous bump into the winner's circle of employment that rescinded the rules of civil service, which forced many legitimate complainants to sue the New York City Department of Personnel. That's the REAL 'blackout.' And, it's also the truth that no one wants to hear!

Anonymous said...

I cant believe the shit they feed us when they themselves don't know.

That's a political know nothing teamed with public relations/damage control person talking not an engineer or anybody with boots on the ground, dirt in the fingernails
Dry run for ransomware or terrorist attack.
That Britt canook jackass Andy Byford and his buddys at Bombardier France created problems like this.
"I'm gonna put NYCs subway system into the 21st Century"

So far every brand new Bombardier subway car has failed and been taken out of service at some point and the same shit continues. Bombardier cant even do brakes or door motors right for the demands of NYCs system
Just wait till a hacker takes over a train or track switch.

Yea--Put more computer shit & wireless on a system so large and vast its impossible to secure it. And when something goes wrong it takes a flown in mob of proprietary software "experts" from France to figure out what happened, if they can figure it out at all.
Old and crappy worked best and you had nothing our local guys couldn't fix with basic tools.

Signal light stuck no problem:
Hey Caz Colowicz "get the flashlight, hammer, oil and contact cleaner" and run down the track to signal B22.
10 to 20 minutes problem solved.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping these same people can run the congestion pricing program. If its down and broken as much as the subways and buses, most of the trips into the congestion zone will be free, since the equipment won't be working.

Anonymous said...

The MTA has long imposed a 'blackout' on its endless supply of other people's money, since before one of the ONLY competent chairperson's, Richard Ravitch, took office in his ever so brief run over this wayward, parent agency of profligate, wanton waste, mismanagement, corruption, cover ups and unfair labor practices without censure, all of which strains all credibility regarding government leadership that leads by example. The 'OTHER' blackout is one that has been foisted by the unaccountable policies that have made it possible for unqualified people of color to continually receive mid level, six-figure managerial positions when they were never able to chew gum and walk at the same time, much less conjugate a verb.

It was but one of the major reasons why my seriously overqualified father took early retirement in December, 1986 after serving 42 years, and after having successfully worked his way up to Vice President, Design and Engineering. His justified complaint (echoed by many, as it was no secret) was that the people of color who reported directly to their respective chain of supervisors would simply refuse to work, repeatedly call in sick during required, scheduled overtime or worse, they would instruct another worker to clock them in while shooting pool on Willoughby Street in Brooklyn, on company time. The scared (mostly White and Jewish) management would continually look the other way, which is why only a few receptive workers would collect the 'Lion's Share' of overtime because whenever the others refused, it naturally fell into the laps of who was next on the list for scheduled overtime (one worker scored $150K in overtime alone one year, because he was the only one who constantly agreed to work when his services were called upon).

Ironically, many of the qualified people of color didn't want my father to retire, because that would mean that those in the coveted group of chaste, qualified management would have to carry the full weight of an entire division of insubordinate workers of which the majority were protected people of color under the insane directives of Affirmative Action policy.

Nothing has ever worked properly since the 'One-in-Three' rules have continuously been manipulated that unfairly and unlawfully placed less qualified people of color over candidates up for listed positions that embodied the 1% who successfully passed their tests. In fact, the bottom scorers of civil service testing were given an automatic 'curve' on their borderline test scores, followed by a generous bump into the winner's circle of employment that rescinded the rules of civil service, which forced many legitimate complainants to sue the New York City Department of Personnel. That's the REAL 'blackout.' And, it's also the truth that no one wants to hear!

Anonymous said...

"public relations/damage control person talking"

I think its called a NYC public advocate?
One was just on TV wearing a "GO WOKE" button talking about how people shouldn't wash dishes because of flooding. He was black, maybe 25 years old and could hardly talk. He was practically speaking kindergarten ghetto. I didn't get a name

Anonymous said...

That typical Affirmative Action hire (like Letitia James before him) for Public Advocate that has ALL of the erstshile, mostly wealthy, citywide White people bolting, en mass (since March, 2020), to their second homes (in the 99% White Hamptons, and likewise, in northern Westchester, in Litchfield County, Connecticut, the Hudson Valley, and BUCKS County, Pennsylvania) is a public fool named Jerkface Jumaane Williams who has the IQ of rain, and naturally the Black SHEEPLE vote behind him——the same numbskulls and poorly educated people of color who invested their blind faith into tired vulture, David Dinkins, legaly blind David Paterson (seriously, it really IS a case of 'The Blind Leading The Blind'), and the entire cabal of Black failed leadership, all of whom are worse than any White politician, and a hundred trillion times more lethal than nuclear proliferation. After all, the correct term for their mental and physical laziness, CPT ('Colored People Time') was not invented out of thin air, and without just cause! And, if it weren't for cit and state government, they wouldn't be hired to shovel privately owned piles of shit on the outside!

So, the next time one of these government handout politicans (NOT public servants) snag a defined pension system for life by virtue of the color of their skin, remind them that they are the reason for why all pretense of this shabby society is collapsing faster than those towers in Florida that went crashing down to the ground, and into a pillar of salt!

White people, get out while you can: The Useless Black Brigade has slithered into town and they've alreqady colonized and invaded the entire NYC landscape with their pitiflly low IQ's and zero productivity, and let's not EVEN talk about accountability and transparency because they DEVALUE BOTH, with impunity.

As a testament to their completely failed leadersip, my own failed Black Assemblyman- coward, Khaleel Anderson (foisted upon me by gerrymandering), and his intensely incompetent, ALL BLACK staff of entrenched spokes-liars and empowered idiots in diapers, continues to block me on Twitter as of Tuesday, June 8, 2021 which is illegal for a public servant, because I called him a liar on his own account (true story), and nothing has been done about it. That fat Black elephant and his dead weight is more useless than a pet rock, although my pet rock proves to be quite useful since it serves as a paper weight that could be MOST usefel to a counterfeit hustler like Anderson, to control all of the Paper Tiger (reactionary) bureaucracy that is inundating his crappy office that he and his vapid, insipid office monkeys continue to ignore the masses of willfully ignored White people like ME! And, I dare anyone to call me a racist when this ungrateful ape has nicely padded his taxpayer funded office with extreme Black patronage, cronyism and nepotism that is now open and sloppy without censure!

❝The self-righteous rule out the possibility that THEY are what has gone wrong.❞ ——Mason Cooley

❝Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking——so as not to offend the imbeciles.❞ ——Dostoievski

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