Saturday, September 25, 2021

Black Lives Matter calls The Blaz's vaccine mandate racist


Fox News

A leader of the Greater New York chapter of Black Lives Matter says Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is targeting Black people with his mandate requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination to enter certain businesses in the city, and warned that continuation of the dictate could spark an "uprising" similar to last year's George Floyd protests.

The threat comes from chapter co-founder Chivona Newsome, who unleashed on city leaders during a demonstration earlier this week outside a restaurant that allegedly denied service to a group of Black would-be patrons.

"Seventy-two percent of Black people in this city from ages 18 to 44 are unvaccinated," Newsome shouted into a megaphone. 

 "So what is going to stop the Gestapo, I mean the NYPD, from rounding up Black people, from snatching them off the train, snatching Black people off the bus?" she added.

"We’re putting this city on notice. Your mandate will not be another racist social distance practice," Newsome went on to say. "Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that is not a threat. That is a promise. Because it is our job to defend liberty, and that is what we are here to do."

The mandate, announced by de Blasio in early August, requires that both workers and customers of certain categories of businesses like restaurants, gyms, and movie theaters provide proof that they have been vaccinated against the coronavirus in order to enter.

But since the rule went into effect, there have been reports of disputes at several establishments, which have also been burdened with manning the front lines of its enforcement.   

 Besides the other outlandish claims this duo is making, the NYPD is not tasked with enforcing the fascist and discriminatory vaccine mandate. Yet.


Woke progressives are race baiters said...

Maybe the pols will listen now that the race card has been played.

Anonymous said...

Dividing the U.S. is the Marxist goal ! To Hell with these Commie bastards...

Anonymous said...

As much as NYC sucks they DID do a good job at making the vaccines available in black neighborhoods. In fact they had them exclusively in non-white neighborhoods at the beginning.

But funny how they assumed blacks would want the vaccine.

If you don't want the vaccine, you ain't black!

Anonymous said...

@"Dividing the U.S. is the Marxist goal ! To Hell with these Commie bastards..."

Trump was bad but he wasn't a Marxist, Jerky.

Anonymous said...

another shakedown by BLM racial arsonists

Anonymous said...

Being an old white man, I don't always see eye to eye with BLM, but they have a very good point here. Riots are not the answer, but outspokenness and across the board unity certainly is. These Marxist, Leninist polices being advocated by the Democrat party of the U.S. are an insult to all Americans, black and white. This is an issue that we can all stand together on. No one should have to show some "passport" as though they are living China, Russia or Nazi Germany, to get into some lousy restaurant. Or be called by some Racist insult, that long ago most people have abandoned for a more civilized behavior. Go BLM!

Pinky said...

BLM trained with the Chinese communist party one year before George Floyd died. They learned how to destroy the country using race. Sources, Trevor Loudin Epoch Times, China in Focus and Crossroads with Joshua Phillip. Epoch TV. They have leaked documents proving that. Having said that and I do believe they are a false movement having zero to do with black people otherwise they would be protesting the incessant shooting of black in Chicago but they do not (see Officer Tatum for more) They are right about the vaccines.
Project Veritas did under cover videos showing someone fro the FDA saying they want to dart them with the vax and all kinds of racial stuff. Check it out!

Anonymous said...

I hope BLM brings the NYC Vaxx passport system to complete ruin.

Anonymous said...

As much as NYC sucks they DID do a good job at making the vaccines available in black neighborhoods. In fact they had them exclusively in non-white neighborhoods at the beginning.

Of course. Depopulation starts with the minorities.
However the black folks are much smarter than to fall for these lies.
They remember the Tuskegee syphilis experiments very well.

So much for conspiracies.

Anonymous said...

Finally people will unite and once that happens, these scumbags, really a few thousand the most will start to shake in their boots.

Nicky Minaj and her fan base, 152 million strong, already organized weekly protests at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, every Friday.

They get it. RIGHT vs. WRONG!

Anonymous said...

It's all whitey's fault.

Disgruntled Citizen said...

They should not have attacked the hostess at Carmines. She didn't say N***er at all. BLM is lying... again. Six people attacked one person. A small woman at that. It was not a fair fight. She was working, doing her job. And these buffaloes railroaded her. Totally inappropriate.
While BLM is a load of crap most of the time,
I do agree with them about the vax mandates and having to show the vax card to sit down to eat in a restaurant. I went into a pizzeria. I could buy the pizza but I had to sit outside. Ridiculous.
For more ridiculousness. Who pays the Newsomes to go give people grief? Where is that money coming from?

Anonymous said...

This should be "Fat" lives matter. These F.L.M's are as dumb as Trumpanzees.

Anonymous said...

@"BLM trained with the Chinese communist party one year before George Floyd died."

If this is really true, then this must be where Trump trained as well. How else could he have learned to destroy a country in such a short space of time.

Well done Pinky for exposing this.

How about some salad dressing anybody?

Anonymous said...

@Pinky "Project Veritas did under cover videos showing someone fro the FDA saying they want to dart them with the vax and all kinds of racial stuff."

Excellent expose Pinky. Anyway why bother with darts. It's in the salad dressing, Yikes. And watch out for those crafty Dem's deflecting lasers off the moon to to vaccinate you in the ass.

Anonymous said...

This is such crap. Only an idiot or malevolent mind would spout out this kind of garbage.

Anonymous said...

Well it's NOT a racist thing. However, I say I wouldn't make people get vaccinated at all. If they want to risk their own health, then just have them sign a waiver and make everyone's lives just easier. Then again, when it comes to BLM, they will probably just play the race card if they are asked to sign a waiver. But atleast its worth the try. They should especially make people sign a waiver for their young children as well when they take a plane, I mean really, what two years old would actually wear a mask for hours at a time without them throwing a fit? BLM is ridiculous anyway and the people who are in it are all sheep just making money for other people. And their faithful founder decided to take all the funds and buy real estate with it while giving the victims (they are supposed to be helping) absolutely nothing. Funny how black people really are the enemy against their own race. They screw their own people over constantly. Just look at African countries where they were given billions of dollars in aid over the years and their people still suffer....guess where all that aid went to? Not to mention, the low tips they give their own fellow people whenever they get services done.

Anonymous said...

The Statue of Liberty got a restoration 35 years ago. Now, She deserves a relocation!!!

Anonymous said...

I wasn't allowed to buy groceries today.

Anonymous said...

I was in my local pizza shop today in Qns when a uniform police officer and another person in plain clothes came inside to speak to the owner if they have their paperwork updated and the posters for the vaccine mandate. I asked isn't what your doing the job of DOH. The response was they are making all city agencies get involved. Proof that the NYPD are part of this system.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that democrats love to scream MY BODY MY CHOICE when it comes to abortions, but not when it comes to the covid vaccine?

Anonymous said...

When you are a professional racist everything is racist.

Anonymous said...

"The demand for racism has outstripped the supply. So they just interpret everything through the lens of race."

-Ben Shapiro

Anonymous said...

I don't understand.
Why are 72% of black people in NY age 18-44 unvaccinated?
Isn't a vaccination free in the USA?

Anonymous said...

Does the banning of menthol cigarettes fit in this same niche of un intentional racism?

Anonymous said...

This is also used by people to cause racism when there was no racism there. More so when it comes to BLM, using falsehoods.

Anonymous said...

All communist Bidenzees need to be vaccinated pronto and follow their dumb as a rock
leader for more vaccination until Pfizer and Moderna are drowning in money.

Make Amerika Communist is their slogan.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand.
Why are 72% of black people in NY age 18-44 unvaccinated?
Isn't a vaccination free in the USA?

With no brain to worry about how can you understand?
Go back to your latrine TV programming.
They'll explain to you.

Anonymous said...

"All communist Bidenzees need to be vaccinated"
Liberals love to spread their Left-Dogma political agendas and I love it when it comes back to bit them in the ass.

Anonymous said...

No population in the United States has a higher obesity rate than African American women, They should take the jab or loose weight !

Anonymous said...

"I don't understand" But Nicky Minaj is right !

Anonymous said...

"I hope BLM brings the NYC Vaxx passport system to complete ruin"

Mayorkas admits 12,000 Haitians released in US — and more could follow.
Do you think they have the Jab ? Sheeple wake up !

Anonymous said...

As much as I like to make fun of vaccine deniers, this restaurant ban is a bit of a joke and totally unworkable. The only good thing to come from this is that a few grossly obese Texans got the opportunity to loose a couple of pounds.
Do these people eat 24x7 ?

Anonymous said...

@“ Why are 72% of black people in NY age 18-44 unvaccinated?”

Maybe because they are as dumb as TrumpTurds.

Anonymous said...

#TDS Alert !

Anonymous said...

I don't understand.
Why are 72% of black people in NY age 18-44 unvaccinated?
Isn't a vaccination free in the USA?

Free? From where do you get anything free in the USA? Let us know.

The so called "vaccine" which is really a gene therapy is not free.
Taxpayers are shelling out for their own demise.

At $30 a pop, we are up to round three. $90x332,475,723 is a pretty good amount of money. With new diseases on the horizon, thanks to Frauduci, Gates, Burla, Schwab we are talking trillions of dollars. They get the money, some will die, won't be able to procreate (kids' mandate), is a win-win situation for the cabal.

Anonymous said...

If Blacks though their own lives matter they’d get vaccinated. For your children’s sake....DO IT !

Anonymous said...

Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.
Nobody cares of if you choose to die. Only dir privately without infecting your children and others.😂😂😂😂 Freedom to die.😂😂😂😂😂 Isn’t that written on the Constitution?😂😂😂😂😂
Don’t take an aspirin. It’s a racist plot.

Anonymous said...

@"The so called "vaccine" which is really a gene therapy"
It is not gene therapy stop spreading false information !

Anonymous said...

@"The so called "vaccine" which is really a gene therapy"

Can you send the link to the infowars, Q-Anon, Tucker site that explains this?

Anonymous said...

@" Anonymous said...

#TDS Alert !"

Thanks's again for warning us that you are around.

Anonymous said...

Idiots calling another idiot a "racist". Truly priceless stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why is it that democrats love to scream MY BODY MY CHOICE when it comes to abortions, but not when it comes to the covid vaccine?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

They're just being true to their hypocritical selves.
A pity there isn't a vax against the Commiecrat party and all of its BS. THAT is what's desperately needed in this society.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
All communist Bidenzees need to be vaccinated pronto and follow their dumb as a rock
leader for more vaccination until Pfizer and Moderna are drowning in money.

Make Amerika Communist is their slogan.

Actually, MASAP-Make America Shitty As Possible- is their slogan. The opposite of MAGA.

Anonymous said...

@"Don’t take an aspirin. It’s a racist plot."

Yes, true, asprin is an evil plot to subjugate Americans. And if you think that's bad,
you haven't started reading up on Vitiman C. Rally scary what the government is doing with this. My advice is to stay away from oranges, apples or anything with vitamin C before the communists get you.
But I'm not a doctor so you can look it up on Info-wars or Q-anon. Not sure if our good friend Dr. Tucker Carlson has to say on the matter.

Anonymous said...

@"The opposite of MAGA."

Thanks for explaining that Make America Shitty As Possible is the opposite of MAGA. That really helps to clarify things.

Anonymous said...

"All communist Bidenzees"
They all belong to a sick Cult.

"Communistic boots will never trod
Across the fields of freedom that were given to us
With the blessing of our great almighty God"

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg tried to help stop these big girls from drinking too much soda pop !

Anonymous said...

@“ All communist Bidenzees need to be …”

Sorry, but Bidenzees doesn’t have the same ring to it as Trumpanzees. It just doesn’t sound right.

I could never tell my kids that were going to the zoo to see “Bidenzees”. They’d have a look of boredom on their faces.
I could however say, “We’re off to the zoo to see wild rabid Trumpanzees” , and they’d be over the moon with excitement.

Anonymous said...

"Yes, true, asprin is an evil plot to subjugate Americans. And if you think that's bad,
you haven't started reading up on Vitiman C. Rally scary what the government is doing with this. My advice is to stay away from oranges, apples or anything with vitamin C before the communists get you.
But I'm not a doctor so you can look it up on Info-wars or Q-anon. Not sure if our good friend Dr. Tucker Carlson has to say on the matter. "

You need more than aspirin. Lobotomy comes to mind.
Hopefully one day you'll be displayed like Lenin in the mausoleum, with limited visiting hours, except he is wearing a suit, you'll be wearing a straight jacket.

Anonymous said...

@Can you send the link to the infowars, Q-Anon, Tucker site that explains this?

Don't know about above references, but I can tell you where to find it.
Try SEC filing, FORM 10-Q. Here is a snippet:




For the quarterly period ended June 30, 2020

paragraph 2 page 70

Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.

Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism.

In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain.

The number and design of the clinical trials and preclinical studies required for the approval of these types of medicines have not been established, may be different from those required for gene therapy products, or may require safety testing like gene therapy products.

Moreover, the length of time necessary to complete clinical trials and to submit an application for marketing approval for a final decision by a regulatory authority varies significantly from one pharmaceutical product to the next, and may be difficult to predict.

Anonymous said...

Freedom to die.���������� Isn’t that written on the Constitution?

Plenty of people died for the freedom that's written in the Constitution.
The freedom you enjoy to spread your blatant propaganda.

You are right though, Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

Dumb people like you only hear shit and they think shit.Then they write shit.

At the end of the day you are dumb and full of shit.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

@Sorry, but Bidenzees doesn’t have the same ring to it as Trumpanzees. It just doesn’t sound right. @

Sounds just perfect. Bidenzee Bidet Turd. You see? Problem solved.

When you get to the zoo with your kids, just ask for Bidenzee Turd.
They will know where to send you.

Anonymous said...

Wow some deranged freak show has Biden derangement syndrome.
Get over it lad before you end up in the funny farm.

Anonymous said...

While I live in a mostly white community, I appear to be alone in my defense of the right of these black people to exercise, if nothing else, their right to Free Speech. People here are so fixated with Race that they can't see, or hear, that, because, these black people are speaking up about the right to "choose" between having the "shot" and not having the "shot", not being ordered to by a government gone awry, that they would give up the freedom of speech just to satisfy their own bigoted beliefs. We must all come together on this issue of big government stepping into how we decide to live or die. Or we will live to regret it one day. All of us; black and white. Speak your mind!

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