Saturday, September 11, 2021




georgetheatheist said...

It is what it is. It was what it was.

And 20 years from now?

Anonymous said...

God bless their souls.

Anonymous said...

God Bless America !

Anonymous said...

Horrible, horrible day. And yet this morning, at the memorial at Ground Zero, there were the politicians of past and present, yukking it up amongst themselves, preening for the cameras. Made me sick to my stomach.

Anonymous said...

@“ there were the politicians of past and present, yukking it up amongst themselves,”

And if they didn’t show up you’d be complaining too.

Anonymous said...

Agreed #4

Hope this link works

Joe said...

Horrible, horrible day indeed.
The media, Clinton's, Obama, DeBlasio, Bidon and a mob of democrats grandstanding for cameras on other people misery.
So much shit in one place the whole tri-state area stinks outside
What mother_ckers, people better vote right in November this time.
Democrat liberal policy's like illegal immigration and zero VISA overstay enforcement are what murdered those 3200 people, and that count is still rising from WTC related Cancer and COPD which according to doctors really starts kicking in at the 20 year mark.


Anonymous said...

there were the politicians of past and present, yukking it up amongst themselves, preening for the cameras. Made me sick to my stomach.

Don't forget the one-term, twice-impeached former president who also went to NYC today, who was posing for pictures, smiling, signing autographs, and giving the "thumbs up" to police and fire fighters. How appropriate for such a solemn day. I wonder if he passed a fire helmet around to ask for donations?

Anonymous said...

The media attempted portray Donald Trump as dishonorable for not joining the Washington elites’ 9/11 ceremony at Ground Zero on Saturday, which included former Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and puppet president Joe Biden.

Well done Donald, at least you are not hanging out with the Satanist elite.

Anonymous said...

Politicians are the final empire-racket, ALL of whom are obsolete by 50 years, since Watergate. We, the People are government! Why should THEY be the ONLY ones not working in their ALL PAY and NO WORK jobs that are taxpayer funded without OUR authorization and consent?

Abolish all politicians and let the purportedly free market regulate itself by the way that it always USED to work: By Supply and Demand economics! Right now, We, the People are blistered with extreme Taxation WITHOUT Representation, a dereliction of public duty, a betrayal of public trust, and that's all on top of ZERO social contract and ZERO social trust. If Albany's former mob boss, Sonny CUOMIGULA didn't teach New York State taxpaying suckers anything, then keep paying for services that are MIA! WORSE, these politically failed representatives are now being relegated (and routinely ignored, with impunity) by the polluted/toxic wave of second-tier Black militia sycophants of a collapsing government, society, where one crazy Black, weasel f**kwad is dumber than the other (which is why the wealthy White Manhattan set are bolted down in their second or third country homes until Mayor Chirlane and her ugly sock puppet are banished from government terrorism). If Hollywood ever decides to make yet another shabby sequel, then THIS one will be called 'DUMBER & DUMBEST': The Black Edition!

Anonymous said...

@“ Well done Donald, at least you are not hanging out with the Satanist elite.”

The Satanists aren’t all bad. I’d rather them to the Illuminati or TrumpTurds. At least Satanists don’t tell you what to do. No rules and stuff.They just act a bit weird at times .

Anonymous said...

@“ Well done Donald, at least you are not hanging out with the Satanist elite.”

The Satanists aren’t all bad. I’d rather them to the Illuminati or TrumpTurds. At least Satanists don’t tell you what to do. No rules and stuff.They just act a bit weird at times .

Anonymous said...

Taxation WITHOUT Representation

Plus Taxation via Citation - NYC red light robberies, highway robberies via speed cams.

Anonymous said...

@At least Satanists don’t tell you what to do.

Nah, they just want to stick 100 million+ with their "vax". They don't tell, they just do it, chickenshit.

Anonymous said...

Politicians are the final empire-racket, ALL of whom are obsolete by 50 years, since Watergate. We, the People are government! Why should THEY be the ONLY ones not working in their ALL PAY and NO WORK jobs that are taxpayer funded without OUR authorization and consent?

Abolish all politicians and let the purportedly free market regulate itself by the way that it always USED to work: By Supply and Demand economics! Right now, We, the People are blistered with extreme Taxation WITHOUT Representation, a dereliction of public duty, a betrayal of public trust, and that's all on top of ZERO social contract and ZERO social trust. If Albany's former mob boss, Sonny CUOMIGULA didn't teach New York State taxpaying suckers anything, then keep paying for services that are MIA! WORSE, these politically failed representatives are now being relegated (and routinely ignored, with impunity) by the polluted/toxic wave of second-tier Black militia sycophants of a collapsing government, society, where one crazy Black, weasel f**kwad is dumber than the other (which is why the wealthy White Manhattan set are bolted down in their second or third country homes until Mayor Chirlane and her ugly sock puppet are banished from government terrorism). If Hollywood ever decides to make yet another shabby sequel, then THIS one will be called 'DUMBER & DUMBEST': The Black Edition!

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