Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Here she is, the new governor


 NY Daily News 

 Kathy Hochul, the first woman to serve as governor of New York, was sworn in Tuesday during a private midnight ceremony.

The 62-year-old Democrat is taking over the Empire State following the resignation of disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who stepped down amid sexual harassment allegations.

Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals Janet DiFiore presided over the early morning transition of power at the State Capitol.

“While it was not expected, it is a day for which I am prepared,” Hochul said a day after Cuomo announced his resignation earlier this month.

 The newly christened leader has already vowed to help New York turn the page from the tumultuous final six months of Cuomo’s tenure which were shadowed by the misconduct claims, an impeachment probe and questions about his administration’s handling of the COVID crisis.


Anonymous said...

No thank you, ill pass.

Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss, she's just like the old boss! Nothing new in New York, just another insider democrat, only wearing a dress.

Anonymous said...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

You NYers will be crying out for Cuomo in 6 months.

Anonymous said...

I think she'll be great. I feel bad for those who have governors like Florida Man and that clown in Texas.

Anonymous said...

Meh. From the same criminally insane, domestic terrorist group that spawned Il Stronzo. No big difference in the end-the destruction of the state will continue.

Anonymous said...

She's as bad or worse then the guy she's replacing. Another bleeding heart liberal. We will be longing for Safcim to come back soon.

Anonymous said...

She had better get her shit together——and FAST: New York is an overflowing cesspool of violence, corruption, graft, greed, lawlessness and rampant, ever expanding vigilantism——and, it all propagates from the top corridors of crooked power itself, all of which has rapidly spiraled downward, ironically toward We, the People, all of whom continue to be held at the mercy of 'Taxation WITHOUT Representation,' and a willful dereliction of public duty that for decades has continually betrayed ALL pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, ACCOUNTABILITY and transparency that tragically underscores zero social contract, and zero social trust.

There are 10,000 ways to get this wrong, Governor——and, ONLY ONE WAY NOT TO BETRAY PUBLIC TRUST: DEEDS, Kathy——NOT WORDS!

Anonymous said...

Oh these self appointed political pundits that abound here on Queens Crap. Clairvoyant are you now?
Save it for a good stock tip or a winning horse while I horse laugh 😂😂😂😂!!!

Anonymous said...

If Jehovah were NYS gov....you’d still all complain!
Malcontent mainstream vent blog!

TheSheeple said...

Most of these chronic complaining types, conspiracy theorists, quotation drones, and anti everything New York are just a bunch of old dudes who were shipped out to some remote old folks home way out in the boonies by their millennial offspring who were tired of listening to them whine and complain day in, day out.
I do feel bad for them sometimes, having such a miserable existence after all those years working and saving.
Then again...

Adriatic Hillbilly said...

At least she ain't cuomigula. Sad that her chief advisor's hubby works for the same lobbyist outfit as Melissa Derosa's dad.

Anonymous said...

To reply to someone.above, I feel bad for us New Yorkers to have voted commie clowns like Cuomo and end up with another clown even if only for a year.

Anonymous said...

She's a bangable soupchicken...

Anonymous said...

No one is good enough for you morons, you should all move to a red state and be done with your complaining. It's not ever going to be the way you want it. Who's the sucker?

Anonymous said...

Read in the paper she said she hasn't talked to the Governor since Feb.With all that's been going on how is that possible.

Anonymous said...

Give her a shot we will find out soon enough.
Never trust a politician, especially if he has nipple rings.

Anonymous said...

How long before the "WOKES" call her a WHITE SUPREMACIST !

Anonymous said...

She has to be better !
Cuomo left the dog because he is no longer needed for election optics. It's actually a representation of his real attitude towards living things.

Anonymous said...

@No one is good enough for you morons......

I feel compelled to invoke an old French term: Oy vey!

Spoken like a truly miserable, enslaved and victimized person.

Mishpucha: You CHOOSE to be happy.......and that happens when you STOP being submissive.

Take off the mask, refuse experimental shots and start living again.

It's simple. Except we ALL gotta do it TOGETHER.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

No one is good enough for you morons, you should all move to a red state and be done with your complaining. It's not ever going to be the way you want it. Who's the sucker?

Why don't people like you start voting with your heads instead of your asses? Look at your wonderful duo of Cuomo and deblasio who have made ny a laughing stock over the years and have made it very unsafe to live here anymore. If you want more proof of your wonderful dumbocratic party, lets look at other big cities and who run them. The wonderful big cities where crime is ridiculously out of control, the criminals run around in the streets because "bail is racist" and the millions upon millions of dollars they waste on giving illegals free handouts. Maybe YOU people need to start changing the way you vote.

Anonymous said...

The Sheeple like their Masters !

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
"I blame Biden!"
"I blame Trump!"
"I blame you!"
Stop blaming others and start thinking.

Anonymous said...

I wish NYC had a elected Libertarian party !

Anonymous said...

She will soon start pushing "Leftism" REALLY hard in Albany. It's sickening.

Anonymous said...

She is a life time liberal Demorat and part of the Vote Blue No Matter Who crowd.

Anonymous said...

Hochul is already showing her libtard colors. She is inviting tens of thousands of "Afghan refugees" to come to NY. Yeah, NY doesn't already have a massive budget problem, has no soaring crime, no problem with rapes, murders, shootings, assaults, etc. So send us tens of thousands UNVETTED UNKNOWN people from a terrorist nation. There have already been 100 Afghans found to be on the terrorist list among those mixed with people trying to flee. Who knows the COVID status of these [literally] unwashed masses? Yet this stupid Dim-agenda-driven idiot has implored them to come to NY. But keep voting Dimmocrap, NYers.

Anonymous said...

When I see insipid, unqualified, 'Sour Grapes' comments like that of 'The Sheeple'above, (not to mention too many 'OTHER' conformist, poorly educated, snarky, simple life forms who actually reinforce why so much unregulated corruption, graft and monstrous greed actually is practiced openly throughout New York State government in the first place, not to mention how lacky, powerless politicians continually mistreat, publicly betray and abuse their constituencies with impunity), only a select few of those historic quotations come to mind from one of those ' ...old quotation drones ... ' that I correctly attribute to the nameless, faceless, admittedly corpoate wage slave drones themselves, like 'The Sheeple' (who own nothing and who happily pay thousands to rent a filthy Bushwick shithole)
because they arbitrarily take unjustified jabs at senior level, critical thinkers like me, which is why the following are what defines their 'do nothing, know nothing,' mentally lazy 'Lot of Lunacy':

❝No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.❞ ——Mark Twain

❝It is easier to fool a person than to tell them that they've been fooled.❞ ——Mark Twain

❝Always beware of the fact that the only thing hindering an all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.❞ ——Gore Vidal

❝Blind belief in authority, is truths greatest enemy.❞ ——Albert Einstein

❝Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking—so as not to offend the imbeciles.❞ ——Dostoievski

❝The inability to grasp the pathology of our oligarchic rulers is one of our gravest faults.❞ ——Chris Hedges

❝No man will be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.❞ ——Denis Diderot, French philosopher

❝The truth will set you free——but, FIRST it will piss you off.❞ ——Gloria Steinem

❝It’s discouraging to think many people are shocked by honesty——and, how few by deceit.❞ ——Noël Coward

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝There's simply no polite way to tell people they've dedicated their lives to an illusion.❞ ——Daniel Dennett

In conclusion, 'The Sheeple': Hobble back to your neo-liberal, neo-feudal, neo-fascist flock of wooly hipster, government brainwashed androids. For all of your purported youth (and excessive mouthiness), you own nothing and you're intensely stupid. Once New York City is restored enough to attract back the massive exodus of the 1% (in conjunction with a mayoral victory from Curtis Sliwa——not the best choice, but certainly better than any racist, minority, Demon-Rat-entrenched stooge of tyranny), then maybe you'll be invited to approach the table where a people like me who are flush with cash and real estate sit——but, alas, only to clean up the scraps that we leave behind, ironically for your tone deaf following (of digitally programmed automatons of the behemoth industries who employ your 'Useful Idiot' types of unchallenged conformity, with contempt), as you pit your meager, starvation wages over who will get a bigger crumb from the modly loaf of peasant bread!

Bon Appétit, you tired, 'amateur' vultures!

Anonymous said...

How much did those thousands of afghans pay?? How much?

Anonymous said...

Colonel Panic Man said...
If Hochul was really concerned about refugees she would allow Cubans to have asylum. But Cubans vote Republican so they must return. It always been about votes. The serf class is just a bonus.

TheSheeple said...

Quoting others instead of coming up with an original thought is the last refuge of the brain dead. "

Anonymous said...

Another corrupt Democrat POS. New Yorkers will continue to live in Hell.

Anonymous said...

Always remember, QUEENS County inmates of the political asylum: CENSORSHIP is the propaganda tool that is employed when the LIE loses ALL of its power and control. Hence:

❝Anarchy doesn't mean 'out of control'; it means out of THEIR control.❞ ——Jim Dodge

❝The media have become the propaganda arm of the very wealthy.❞ ——Brian Eno

❝The gentle art of politics is getting votes from the poor, and camaign funds from the rich——by promising to protect EACH from the OTHER.❞ ——Oscar Ameringer

❝The brilliance of Bill Clinton is that he transformed the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and he pushed the Republican Party so far to the right——it went insane.❞ ——Chris Hedges

❝The only difference between the Democratic and Republican parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door.❞ ——Ralph Nader

❝ ... most men and women will grow up to love their servitude, and will never dream of revolution.❞ ——Aldous Huxley, 'Brave New World'

❝Before a revolution happens, it is perceived as impossible; after it happens, it is seen as having been inevitable.❞ ——Rosa Luxemburg

❝There will be, in the next generation of so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.❞ ——Aldous Huxley

❝We can disagree and still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity, and right to exist.❞ ——James Baldwin

❝Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed every date has been altered.
And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.❞ ——George Orwell, '1984'

❝Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide+.❞ ——John Adams





Anonymous said...

Well it didn't take long did it...New York People I pray for you.
The State’s first Un-Elected female governor introduced the new incoming Un-Elected Lieutenant Governor, Democratic state Sen. Brian Benjamin. “Champion of criminal justice reform"


Anonymous said...

“Everything woke turns to shit”- Donald J. Trump

Anonymous said...

Chief Judge Janet DiFiore is under the microscope of the Court Unions !
She tried to impose a vaccine edict for workers without input from the union.

Anonymous said...

@“ Anonymous said...
“Everything woke turns to shit”- Donald J. Trump”

Everything Trump turns out shit.

Says most normal people.

Anonymous said...

@“People I pray for you. “

Sorry, god doesn’t listen to dummies.

Anonymous said...

Always entertaining when trolls show up - low IQ individuals.
I still pray for them !

Anonymous said...

Only God can help us! I trust He will. Our Government is soo corrupt.. it’s heart breaking.

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