Friday, June 18, 2021

Brooklyn Bridge cancels vehicle lane for bike lanes


One of the Brooklyn Bridge's car lanes will officially start its transformation into a dedicated bike lane on Monday, June 21st.

The new two-way protected bike path is expected to be completed this fall, at which point the crowded promenade will become pedestrian-only. The plan was previously announced by Mayor Bill de Blasio during his final State of the City address in January.

"The Brooklyn Bridge, one of the nation’s most beloved structures, will this year celebrate its 138th birthday," Department of Transportation Commissioner (and Transportation Alternatives marionette) Hank Gutman said in a statement. "Over that long history, the bridge has changed with the times – as horse-drawn carriages were replaced with trolleys, which were then retired with the advent of car lanes.  In the coming months, we are going to transform this bridge we all love once again – this time with new bicycle lanes that invest in the bridge’s more sustainable future."

This isn't going to work. And what will happen when unlicensed motor scooter riders take over the lanes (another thing that de Blasio thinks will solve itself, even after a woman got killed by one of them in a hit-and-run).



Bronco Bozo said...

Which lane do I use when I ride my horse?

Anonymous said...

Genius, absolutely genius, who dreamed this shit up? I love the illustration everyone is in the proper land, helmets on all neat like. The reality is there will be chaos arguments. fight etc. Those bicycle fuckers can't get out of their own way! This is going to be tremendously entertaining...

Anonymous said...

Improved safety and convenience for cyclists and walkers/runners. Win Win !

Anonymous said...

Bicyclists seem to think the rules don't apply to them, so I'm sure they will still ride on the promenade and ride in the traffic lanes, instead of using the bicycle lane.

Unknown said...

The bridge does not serve trucks, so all this will do is make the folks with reserved parking spaces on Park Row late for work.

Joe said...

Typical progressive communist bullshit.
War on private registered automobiles, private homes and everything else.
New York City is not Amsterdam, Belgium where you can cycle flat ground for 1/2 mile before reaching an intersection, stop sign or streetlight.
NYC is not like the shitty little villages in Europe I seen in my own boots.
If these bikes and electric motorcycles are going to use roads I pay $$ fees to subsidize with $1500 auto insurance and $200 registration fee's they should require the same treatment.
A fees based on bike weight + the max GWVR with a driver + tags and minimum liability insurance. Moving violation points and high insurance premiums for violators and drunks too !!
Fee's and insurance based on the above are more then fare. These bikes and worse electric motorcycles are sending innocent pedestrians to the ER facing huge medical bills. --Even into bankruptcy in some cases!!

The shit mayor, DOT and city council demand everything equal for all, right ?
What a bunch of split tongue mother f~ckers !


Anonymous said...

It's okay, they're going to install a static line between Brooklyn and Manhattan and all commuters can then hang upside down while they whiz across the East River when commuting. Very upscale and inclusive. Don't mind the wait! And how's that police defunding working out for Y'all?

Anonymous said...

This could be considered tranportation segregation !
Mayor de Blaozio should give new bikes to any of the oppressed peole in NYC.

Anonymous said...

sustainable future

Anonymous said...

Free walking, Bribe taker, the 'Tall 'N Stupid Dope from Park Slope': Everyone ELSE, ironically, is in jail for offering bribes that de BLASS-hole himself demanded, yet HE'S the ONLY free walking criminal who law enforcement capriciously and arbitrarily passed over. And, now this exalted shithead just eliminated an entire lane of traffic from the Brooklyn Bridge——in BOTH driections!——thereby causing future ROAD RAGE, anarchy and pandemonium (how will emergency ambulances be able to get through with ease and efficiency when there is one less lane to make headway???). Then, when this three-time, pension collecting anarchist finally retires from uncivic life as a public nuisance, the REAL work to remove millions of dollars of bike lanes, and restore Times Square will fall on the next puppet-stooge, who will essentially do nothing, sit back and collect their government paychecks, with contempt and impunity for We, the People.

SEE, possums? Voting only reinforces everything that has continually hastened your demise. STOP VOTING and STOP BIRTHING your MONSTERS!

❝It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.❞ ——Thomas Sowell

Anonymous said...

Do you Queens Crappie people know lots of your taxes go for things you don't use.
I send my kids to private school but still have to pay the local school tax right ?
I don't use city parks but my taxes pay for them right ?
I don't ride the subway but my taxes pay for them right ?
On and on I can go, look at the bigger picture it's a bike lane, A bike lane, A bike lane !

Anonymous said...

Bike Lover said...
Keep them coming Bike Haters I love reading your BS !
I own four bikes and ride them all for free so watch my toned spandex legs & arse while you are stuck in traffic FAT.

Anonymous said...

Bike Lover said... Keep them coming Bike Haters I love reading your BS ! I own four bikes and ride them all for free ...

HISTORIAN SAYS: Back in the day - 4 or 5 generations ago - people talked like you - there were bicyclists everywhere in old lithographs ... then it stopped ... cold. Why?

Come back to us when you are 40 and with a family - and have to get around and don't have access to a car except for a tiny expensive one to rent that needs to be recharged every few hours and has a top speed of 20 mph and is not too available. Take a look at how families move around in India or Indo-china on tuk-tuks. That is your future. You are a smug nitwit.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder why fascists hate clean air. Maybe they should wake up every morning and suck on an exhaust pipe.

Anonymous said...

Something should have been done with the bridge a long time ago.As one who has biked and walked it many times it was very dangerous for pedestrians and for bikers.The bike lanes were narrow and pedestrians often walked into the bike lanes which was separated by a painted line.The Brooklyn Bridge is a big tourist destination and need the whole promenade for a walkway,it can get very crowded.The only other alternative would have been to make bikers take the Manhattan Bridge which would have been a hardship for many bikers.I also have driven a car for more than 50 years and traffic congestion is just part of driving in NYC.

Anonymous said...

"Congestion is just part of driving in NYC" Bingo we have a winner !

Anonymous said...

Bike haters need to learn to ride bikes more often so they can decreased their stress levels.
Sheeple you are missing out on all the enjoyment that riding a bike can bring.

Anonymous said...

To second Anonymous from bottom (as in bottomfeeder):

Hey, millennial brain fart: I'm not a fascist; I'm a REALIST! New York City is not some picturesque Bavarian village for you to bike from town to town without serious consequences (to yourself and innocent drivers AROUND you). Your eyes are WIDE SHUT: Have you not SEEN how many bicyclists have been killed, maimed and crippled because they don't belong riding next to heavy, mega-ton machinery that has the size and horsepower to flatten you to smithereens? Is it WISE for ANYONE to be riding side by side with these mack trucks and Peterbilt semi's?

You hipster freaks must ALL have a SERIOUS death wish! In case you haven't noticed, the roadways are tightly lined up with VEHICLES, BIG, POWERFUL VEHICLES, not bikes! And, the dumbasses who insist on riding electric bikes (one just killed a woman last week), electric scooters (too fast, too silent and DEADLY!), and yes, EVEN a single electric wheel (ridiculous - this is not a CIRCUS ACT!), will all end up without ANY wheels, followed by two stumps for legs! Don't take MY word for it - it's already happened (to those who are still lucky to be among the living)!


Gino said...

What stupid comebacks, I'm cracking up !!

"there were bicyclists everywhere in old lithographs"
Yea, chamber pots, raw shit, piss and typhoid in the streets too.
4 or 5 generations ago we didn't have gasoline engines let alone cars. No shit Sherlock they used horses and early crude big wheel bikes that often landed them in the hospital !!.

"Come back to us when you are 40 and with a family and don't have access to a car" ?
Hey, if you cant afford all them kids use birth control or get yourself 'fixed"

"watch my toned spandex legs & ass while you are stuck in traffic FAT"
1-I don't pay taxes so you LBGT people can force your advertising on me.
2-Im not fat.
3-Im not anti bicycle I'm just like many here "anti asshole"
I and have a small highly maneuverable mountain bike myself for quick local 4 block shopping or picking up takeout. Only light traffic quick side street errands.


PS. I like the idea of zip lines, anything to keep these cheap bastards & girliemen in spandex spiderman costumes on bikes away from under my wheels or in my grill. I use the big truck for work and these maniac reckless cyclists on the bridges, major roadways don't carry personal injury or even health insurance. I don't wanna get sued for millions.

Gino said...

"install a static line"
I been thinking and that would actually work. And several system have already been proven safe.
Go back to the design of the old Coney Island parachute jump and Elisha Otis elevator brake.

Use steel cable baskets with spanners that unlock and open flat when landing, walk or drive on, hook on, up and off. Two or three side by side baskets every 8 seconds
Hang the cable trolley systems under the bridges !!
It would work like the Disneyland or the 1964 Worlds Fair Skyway with a station at each end.


Anonymous said...

To second Anonymous from bottom (as in bottomfeeder):

Hey, millennial brain fart: I'm not a fascist; I'm a REALIST! New York City is not some picturesque Bavarian village for you to bike from town to town without serious consequences (to yourself and innocent drivers AROUND you). Your eyes are WIDE SHUT: Have you not SEEN how many bicyclists have been killed, maimed and crippled because they don't belong riding next to heavy, mega-ton machinery that has the size and horsepower to flatten you to smithereens? Is it WISE for ANYONE to be riding side by side with these mack trucks and Peterbilt semi's?

You hipster freaks must ALL have a SERIOUS death wish! In case you haven't noticed, the roadways are tightly lined up with VEHICLES, BIG, POWERFUL VEHICLES, not bikes! And, the dumbasses who insist on riding electric bikes (one just killed a woman last week), electric scooters (too fast, too silent and DEADLY!), and yes, EVEN a single electric wheel (ridiculous - this is not a CIRCUS ACT!), will all end up without ANY wheels, followed by two stumps for legs! Don't take MY word for it - it's already happened (to those who are still lucky to be among the living)!


Anonymous said...

I always wonder why fascists hate clean air. Maybe they should wake up every morning and suck on an exhaust pipe.
Get real kid. Something your coddled generation will find out sooner than you think.

Please, we do not need bikes. They can only be used by a small portion of the population, specifically young single hipsters at the expense of everyone else. You should not be hogging up the transit system just because a handful of hacks want your votes.

We need a streetcar system if you want clear air. Caters to young and old, single and families.

Anonymous said...

Anon Said: "it was very dangerous for pedestrians and for bikers"

Who gives an actual fuck about the bicyclists? They're causing the problems on the bridge and in the city in general when the issue is traffic problems it's usually bicyclists at the root, When there's an accident involving a bicycle it's usually the bicycle at fault. Did you ever notice when Automobiles have accidents it's usually referred to as a "Crash"When Bicyclists collide it's an "Accident"? That little twist in semantics is a gift from a group called "Transportation Alternatives" Look 'em up they're dedicated to an "Automobile Free City" Wing Nuts" all of 'em sometimes they're as bad as vegans.

Anonymous said...

I always wonder why fascists hate clean air. Maybe they should wake up every morning and suck on an exhaust pipe.

Have you ever given any though to where that energy to charge your electric toy bicycle comes from? It comes from the outlet on your wall right? It actually comes from coal yeah we still burn coal to generate electricity. Also, those heavy metal batteries are a product of exploited children in mines in third world countries..

Anonymous said...

Bike Lover said...
Car tough guys... LOL
Just share the road and relax, take some magnesium or dandalion tea to chill out.

Anonymous said...

Your measly $200 yearly registration fee isn’t subsidizing anything. You think that $200 covers repairing roads, bridges etc.? Does it cover all the pollution you caused? Not even close. Not even close if you include the tiny gas tax. You are being subsidized by taxpayers so you can keep your big fat lazy ass inside a big lump of metal. American Baby boomers are the worst pile of garbage ever inflicted on the planet. Lazy, selfish warmongering garbage.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you never built anything bigger than a 1960's Lego set. When was the last time your minders let you out alone? Just because you spent years watching "How It's Made" on the Discovery channel doesn't mean you actually know what you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

American Baby boomers are the worst pile of garbage ever inflicted on the planet. Lazy, selfish warmongering garbage.

Aside from that, we were at the barricades before you were even born is precious. Their biggest mistake is to have hipshits like this Woke Generation.

Anonymous said...

Some Flaming Anus Said:
"American Baby boomers are the worst pile of garbage ever inflicted on the planet. Lazy, selfish warmongering garbage."

Who said anything about generations, butthead? Now that you opened THAT door, it's your generation that can't decide where to take a piss, or had to invent "New Genders" so snowflakes didn't get their feeling hurt... I doubt very much this will see anyone's screen but mine, because it has nothing to do with the subject. But that's alright I got it off my chest... For now

Anonymous said...

Could Critical Race Theory stop the privilege boomers from driving SUV's ?
Don Lemmon said “The problem is, that people don’t like to have their privilege interrupted”

Joe said...

Communist Anonymous says:
"Your measly $200 yearly registration fee" "tiny gas tax" "American Baby boomers are the worst pile of selfish warmongering garbage garbage"

The Baby boomer hating is the dead giveaway here.
Same shit you hear from protesters, human shields for ANIFTA spitting at police & torching property.
Stupid brainwashed millennial AOC types always attempting to start fights, keep a dialog going by steering narrative. That what activists do to practice arguing. Warmongering boomers ? Talk about calling the kettle black.
To stupid to understand New York is a "No Fault" car insurance state its not just registration fees (as stated in my original post).
Go back to your art and finger paint, computer gaming, protesting, mining crypto currency Ponzi scam, dreams of free stuff and universal income.
Everything every servicemen fought and died in wars to stop & prevent.

You wouldn't even be here without such hard work and sacrifices you no good communist. Your going to have a long LONG wait, Remember the US Constitution is still in effect, 400 millions guns in this country and people that know how to use them.
Like most good for nothing self entitled brat Millennials and department of education educators your parents should have worn condoms and tossed your DNA in a trash bin.


Anonymous said...

Several activists on this blog are being "graded" and encouraged to practice argumentive and Persuasive Speech by several teacher "buddies" of a local political figure who don't like what people say here.
Have your friends shove that Persuasive Speech class and bullshit up your ass AOC and Jimmy boy
Democratic Socialism, European Socialism is just friendly wording for selling and enacting communism. Both are the same thing.

Here is some crap being pushed by professors at NYU via proxy. The activists are using blogs (they don't like) to "practice" That's appears to be what's been going on here.

Anonymous said...

What brand bikes do the Sheeple ride ?

Streetsblog asshole said...

Moderate leaning car drivers are shooting themselves in the foot by voting for Kathryn Garcia!

Anonymous said...

What brand bikes do sheeple ride ?

Whatever shit they find in the garbage, Craigslist or Costco.
You have the one 1 in 100 exceptions on expensive carbon fiber and other bikes going to and from work. The working people are usually careful with them.

The shit bikes are more sacrificial for ditching or mooring to poles.
The white commie activists and ANIFTA & BLM supporters come on cheap bikes the night before protests, this to plant rocks, guns, kerosene cocktails, bolt cutters, lighter fluid, bottles of shit and piss. They then tag the locations on black anarchist cellphone apps to organize these protests (riot mobs)

Always lock up hallways, trash cans and watch for white youth on cheap bikes and backpackers the nigh before if you suspect trouble or a protest.
They are not delivering Chinese food and are much more organized and trained then most people think.

Anonymous said...

@"Several activists on this blog are being "graded""

What do you do? Sit at home all day, smoke weed and come up this nonsense?

( By the way, I expect to get an A+ for this one. )

Anonymous said...

@"What brand bikes do the Sheeple ride ?"

Maaaaaazdas !

Anonymous said...

You mean the guy who’s husband handed him ‘the bag’ (means the pay off, the bribe, the bag of money) to construct bike lanes? After he told a meeting of residents who did not want the bike lanes that they had nothing to worry about? You mean this guy’s little slaves are encouraging the disenchanted to be trolls?
I am shocked simply shocked.
Not really- they are a bunch of neo liberal fascists

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