Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Blaz Aid



NY Post

This bridge over troubled waters ends — with a concert in Central Park.

City Hall is teaming up with legendary producer Clive Davis to put on a massive music festival on Central Park’s Great Lawn to celebrate the Big Apple’s summertime revival following the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We decided to do something classic, iconic, a massive concert in Central Park” said Mayor Bill de Blasio during his Monday morning press briefing. “It will celebrate the summer of New York City, the comeback, and it will emphatically make the point there is no stopping New York.”

The festival could be as much as a week long and is set for sometime in August, although there are no set dates or acts yet — though Hizzoner promised a line-up full of big-name New York talent recruited by the Brooklyn-born Davis.

“I turned to Clive, I said, I need the biggest, most extraordinary all-star lineup you can put together, heavy on New York artists. He said, I’m on it,” de Blasio added. “Get ready for an unforgettable week, a once in a lifetime concert and a moment that really says New York City’s back.” 

 The Blaz announced this after spending 40 minutes saying nothing about how to stop the daily gun violence. I bet more people would rather be able to go outside without the fear of a stray bullet hitting them than to see a lame ass concert festival featuring a record executive's artist portfolio.


Anonymous said...

I’m shocked that Clive Davis is still alive

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile they cancel memorial day parades but then they plan this? What a true hypocrite

Anonymous said...

@#2 What a true hypocrite ? No TRUE Marxist !

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the roving bands of feral youth robbing everyone in sight.

georgetheatheist said...

Anyone have the exact days in August for this? I want to make sure I'm out of the city then.

Anonymous said...

Clive is blowing the dust off his Rolodex at this very moment.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1..Right? In other news Clive Davis is still alive.

Bread and Circuses.

Any guess on the over/under on assaults after the shows let out?

PJ said...

Wouldn't go anywhere near it. One shooting/stabbing/brawl would likely set off a massive stampede. Not worth getting trampled over.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone risk getting shot by going to a free concert in CP? This idea sounds like a disaster waiting to happen

Joe said...

Horseshit !
One big promo for the slaves of Simon & Schuster publishing and CBS-VICOM, with Clive Davis name on it. Everybody else locked out, its called monopoly !


Joe said...

""cancel memorial day parades but then they plan this""
I saw this coming last year.
Yes because a lot of money is to be made by two big corporations that support progressive democrats. (three if Ticketmaster/Live Nation gets its hands in it) Big-time donators who also own 1/3 of all the billboards, radio & TV broadcasting in the country.

Who can guess what the payback, special airtime discounts, blackouts and biased news & journalism will be come election time?
F~cking dirty communists !!


Anonymous said...

Perfect....Clive Davis scuzzball!
Rumor has it at old CBS.......!
Did he score coke for rock record talent? Hmmmm!

JQ LLC said...

@Anons re: crime

I'm pretty sure the Blaz and the scumbags at the NYC EDC have already got a plan to make sure this show will be heavily deployed by a battalion of cops and will be the safest place in NYC for at least one day.


You're right this has all the earmarks of a big bailout to all those entertainment corportations that lost billions during the pandemic in the last year.

They better hope that Delta Variant doesn't have an impact.

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: Clive

I'm as surprised as you are that he's still alive and also that he's still influential in some way. But then I remembered that he was the one who signed the Notorious B.I.G. and put out his only two albums.

Anonymous said...

This filthy city is crumbling ALL AROUND——BECAUSE OF an even FILTHIER SCOURGE of profound, political failure, as their full, cradle-to-grave terms of corruption and graft date farther back in the annals of history than Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall.

There is clearly a crisis in ALL government leadership, that openly flaunts a flagrant abuse of power (that was ironically never in their purview to exploit in the FIRST PLACE!), not to mention ZERO accountability, ZERO social contract and ZERO social trust (if anyone can EVEN find any government services/staff left to TRUST). Case in point: I just tried to call both Senators Schumer and Gillibrand's New York, Albany AND Washington, DC offices, and the recorded announcement from all three say that because of the Covid-19, there is nobody there to help you (REALLY?).

Worse, my own purported Assemblyman Khaleel Anderson (DemonRat-South Ozone Park, a/k/a The Ghetto) just blocked me today, June 8, 2021, from his Twitter account because that incompetent ape was offended by my criticism of his failure to help ME, his LAWFUL constituent, and I openly called him a liar on his account (which is completely true)! It is against the law to block a constituent from a publicly held social media account by ANY public official. I reported this counterfeit assemblyman to Twitter for harassment, but where is the punishment and censure for a person of his title and position to be held accountable for his outrageous, unaccountable, public misconduct? Who in hell do these feckless, incompetent and lawless dirtbags think they ARE???

Not only is Anderson's arrogant actions unlawful, but he has an entire staff of frightningly young Black men and women, ALL of whom don't know how to conjugate a verb, much less pick up a telephone and demonstrate what ACTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY to their taxpayer funded constituency looks and sounds like! So, does that FACT make me an automatic racist now that I have officially challenged his entire staff's competence (and, willful lies and deniability) in executing simple, public office etiquette that a trained 'Seal & Monkey' sideshow could learn in 30 minutes——and, learn it BETTER, MORE RESPONSIVE and to complete, constituent satisfaction, no less?

And, THIS is why (mostly) white people with status, money and second homes have bolted from this padded cell of a 'Welfare QUEEN' city of willful negligence, depravity and openly practiced anarchy is unlivable for ALL living things, and whose REAL feckless mayor (of proofligate, wanton waste, mismanagement and profound incompetence) is Chirlane McCray, and whose governor is so deeply entrenched in decades of his dynastic family's corruption, graft and never-ending greed, that it's a miracle that anyone without a death wish continues to live in this dystopian, nihilistic cesspool of 'NAKED GREED,' cognitive dissonance AND Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), three forms of mental illness for which there IS no cure. And, the public be damned!

❝The truth that survives is the lie that is pleasantest to believe.❞ ——H. L. Mencken

❝Terrorism, first and foremost, is an instrument of statecraft.❞ ——Neil Kramer

❝In war, truth is the first casualty.❞ ——Aeschylus



Anonymous said...

I hear they signed Elvis for one 50 minute set. There’s an NDA on His green room requirements
They must’ve got Ed Sullivan too- it’s gonna be a really big shoe

Joe said...

Its a scam to keep all the credit cards in Manhattan were the USTA US Open is sure to be announced to follow this. That's why that late August date was selected.
Nobody actually from the city will be able to afford it.
Were likely talking over $325 a day for entry not including VIP packages

You have the fee for the concert then Live Nation/Tickemaster charges (because they are the same company). You can bet this event wont have an actual box office because the also want to "double dip" via fees & surcharges.

1-Service charge – Ticketmaster's charge for its service.
2-Facility charge – Charge added by the venue.
3-Shipping, convenience and processing charges for on-line services, Charges added dependent on the ticket delivery method and credit card processing fees.
Online Service charge – Ticketmaster's charge for 3rd party surcharge for third-party websites, including StubHub, tickets.com they also control)
4-Facility charge – Charge added by the venue.
5-Shipping, convenience or processing charges.
6-Security charges
7-credit card processing fees.

Keep in mind the most those older artists performing no longer own their publishing for all those old songs. They are hired guns and licensing fee apply to them.
1-Song fee
2-Performace rights fee.
That's right compensation is involved to play their own songs, Most of that publishing is likely from Clive Davis/Simon & Schuster catalog.


Anonymous said...

Did he score coke for rock record talent? Hmmmm!

Yes, Janis Joplin and others Monterey Pop had a sugar bowls of it.
If you look at the video, that's Clive in the white shirt jumping up and down and dancing during Joplins performance.

JQ LLC said...


This is utterly sick. Really confirms the Blaz's recovery for all of us is really meant for disposable income frivolous spending elites and it's a vertical integration apparatus graft complex involving government and entertainment

Anonymous said...

Rich White Sheeple need concerts too ! Just saying...

Anonymous said...

The Blaz looks Baked and Blazed ! Just saying...

Anonymous said...

All you need is one jerk acting stupid in the crowd and the whole thing will be canceled midshow.

The bad publicity will throw off NYC recovery for the better part of a year.

stupid stupid stupid

don't put your eggs in one very public basket.

Joe said...

Total shit and more to come.
To have bands like "Earh Wind and Fire" "Pink or Taylor Swift" that actually play and sing requires involved stage logistics and backline changes.
Hip hip shit & backing track acts with the autotune protools rigs will likely be added as fillers. (and jack the cost and days)
Sick deal, using a public park for corporate use.
It will likely be "No re-entry" so concert-goers will have to buy water and food from corporate venders (which is another deal)
NOTHING in this for the people who live and pay taxes here unless some attendee wishes to eat or shop after the 10:45-11PM IATSE curfew when the daily shows must end.

Biggest entertainment scam in NYC history, perhaps the whole country.
The big corporations are sure to set this good.
the asshole mayor, Clive, ClearChannel-CBS LiveNation/Ticketmaster, and the music publishing company's should call it Corporate-stock.
What a setup !!


JQ LLC said...


It won't be just hip hop shit, and not the quality acts but the laptop app dashboard kind, it will probably be Korean pop vocal groups despite The Blaz's wish for New York base acts (who are probably all over 60 and won't risk contracting covid because of their vulnerabilities).

Damn right this isn't for the residents (even from the upper east side) it's all for the tourists and in the Blaz's demented mind, his own legacy.

It's very interesting how the NYC EDC and the Blaz concocted this out of thin air with no billing and he's planning this even though COVID indicators are showing no signs of dropping fast. This is a already a scandal of Frye Festival proportion

Anonymous said...

Always like Joe's inside info. Thanks...

Anonymous said...

Saturday August 21st is the day
Now this is what I have from a very reliable source: (the press has an embargo on this info because its not set in stone because Friday (the 20th) or early slots may be added)
3 hour show for 68,000 per day:
Most 60-75% of the tickets are for VIP package purchases only and comps for dignitary's.
Got $20,000 for your brokerage group or family of four?

The remaining 25-30% are for the public and free split into two "pens" in the rear expanse by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. You must first have or sign up for the Excelsior Pass vaccine passport to get a token for the free ticket lottery.
How nice of them to avoid a antitrust lawsuit by reserving "the back" for the public, trash cans & ports potty's.
-- this mayor really cares :} :}

Will free tickets require a facility, shipping or processing charges ?
I don't know and have no desire to attend this shit.

Anonymous said...

George said:
"I want to make sure I'm out of the city then"
I think It will only effect people in upper Manhattan and rich tourists lodging at the $$ hotels.
Like JQ LLC said its meant for disposable income frivolous spending elites.
On the other hand it may be wise to stay home and guard you property if you live in Brooklyn , Queens or the Bronx.
All available cops will no doubt be dispatched to Manhattan to protecting all those SPECIAL PEOPLE.
Lets see:
Nothing all summer for us then BOOM!
This concert, US Open, Fashion Week, MTV awards, a Hip Hop fest at City Field all running in series within days of each other. All orchestrated by the same 3 corporations.
Talk about rigging and corruption !!
This was in the planning a long LONG time and kept hush.

Joe said...

''The Blaz's wish for New York base acts''
The Blaz fulla shit, cant get a permit for BX native Ace Frehley at Cedar beach but Jennifer Lopez (who lives in Florida, cant sing without autotune & backup on laptop, never wrote a song in her life) would be OK and be rubber stamped?
What bunch of horseshit, discrimination & racism from this bastard and city council. All stink on ice !

No "Back In The NY Groove" "Cold Gin" or "Rock and Roll All Night" for us !!


Hunter said...

Those are Hennessey prices!!

Anonymous said...

More in this taxpayer royal f*cking
Bob Gelforf just applied to protect the use of the term `Live Aid’. The license covers tickets, billboards, advertising, merchandise such as clothes, jewelry, books, posters, bags and toys.
Intriguingly Gelforfs "Band Aid Charitable Trust" has also filed to protect the use of the term "Live Aid" and "Band Aid" for live music concerts.

Does this mean Bob don't like deBlasio or perhaps gears are turning behind closed doors for Live Aid II in Flushing Meadow or Central Park?
How about a Burning Man festival in Flushing Meadow Park for Queens?

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