Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Blaz still has 348 days to fail even more


NY Post In 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio was swept into office after promising voters he’d put an end to “income inequality” that created a “Tale of two Cities” across the five boroughs.

As the lame duck completes the final year of what’s been a rocky two-term mayoralty, critics say he’s not only failed to deliver his central pledge but is on pace to renege on a plethora of other promises before leaving office.

“When it comes to lying, Mayor de Blasio would give Pinocchio a run for his money,” quipped Councilman Robert Holden, a Queens Democrat.

While Hizzoner has delivered on some key promises — including bringing universal pre-K to city schools, expanding paid sick-leave benefits, and reducing stop-and-frisk policing – he’s failed to make headway on much of his progressive agenda and stands to leave City Hall with few legacy projects to show for it.

 Uh oh, looks like the NY Post was premature in praising The Blaz for pre-k:

NY Post

The Department of Education has canceled 105 community pre-kindergarten schools that applied to continue programs this fall, The Post has learned.

That’s 11 percent of the 997 current sites serving families citywide.

The Brooklyn Archdiocese, which will be forced to close pre-K programs at three Catholic schools in Queens and two in Brooklyn, sent a letter to Mayor de Blasio and Chancellor Richard Carranza last week protesting the decisions.

 “It is inconceivable that successful, long-term programs hang in the balance and that families will once again have to try to find suitable options for their children” wrote schools Superintendent Thomas Chadzutko.

The city’s $1 billion-plus universal pre-K program, free to all parents, is considered de Blasio’s signature achievement.  

DOE letters rejecting the applications do not specify reasons, saying only: “Your proposed site location was not selected because the need for services in this area was met by proposals that received higher quality scores.”

The diocese has received no response to its appeals and requests for a more thorough evaluation, Chadzutko wrote.




Anonymous said...

Seriously, is there anything good De Blasio has done?

I'm not really into politics

Anonymous said...

And cuny school tuition went up this term. I now pay 100 dollars more for CUNY school tuition for my child and all she does is take classes online. There is another failure of mayor dumbdumb and Cuomo. College is supposed to be free here after Cuomos promise but ever since the state went broke, they halted that and now I have to pay 100 bucks more this term than I did last term. What a fucking joke these politicians are.

Anonymous said...

Bolshevik scum.

Anonymous said...

Really what is the big deal? Ok Diblasio is term limited out, then everyone elects a new democrat/ socialist politician who leads the city the exact same backwards way Diblasio did. The complaints then start about the new mayor, and the cycle continues. Nothing changes, it only further degrades.

Unfortunately the idiot people in this city deserve everything they get. We are now too far down the hole now to be saved. I don't even think a Mayor Rudy of the 1990s can save us now, much less the list of characters that are currently running. Look to Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago if you want to see what our city will look like in the next decade. This is the final result of a fully democrat run utopia.

Anonymous said...

"College is supposed to be free" ?
No it's not me the tax payer pays and pays and pays !

Anonymous said...

New York has never had a good mayor. NYC is a whore. People use it for their own reward.

Anonymous said...

Total destruction is the aim. Everything. Look at Manhattan!

Anonymous said...

Exactly, the aim here is to destroy everything and "reimagine" it into commieville.

Anonymous said...

A “caravan” is already heading north from Central America. We are going to be invaded, again.

Anonymous said...

College is supposed to be free" ?
No it's not me the tax payer pays and pays and pays !

Yeah and what the hell do you think I do every SINGLE year?? I pay ALOT of taxes too so its not on your back, it's on my back right now since I pay taxes too and my family has lived in nyc for over 150 years, so yeah, YOU AREN'T the only person paying taxes!!!

Anonymous said...

"College is supposed to be free" ?
No it's not me the tax payer pays and pays and pays !

We are the only idiot country in the world where people do nothing but complain. If you look at other countries, college is free and all they pay for is a few fees and for books. Especially if you're only going to a local college over there. Maybe in those big fancy prestigious schools, you have fees but in general college is free. We are the only country in the world who complains so much about paying to educate citizen kids.

Anonymous said...

Asshole socialist!
400 free Chromebook multimedia laptops today, not one kid was Asian or White,
More being shipped tomorrow, the city likely paid full list price too.
The hard workings 1/2 million tax dollars at work, this as axel breaking moon creators grow on the streets of Maspeth and Middle Village.
I hope voters wake up.

Anonymous said...

If you look at other countries, college is free and all they pay for is a few fees and for books.

Why don't you mention the taxes in those "socialist" countries?

Better yet, go into detail how taxpayers finance research at our universities which in turn sold for profits, mention the big banks who get paid for "paper degrees" with no jobs in sight? Go for it. Listening.

Anonymous said...

College might be free in other countries but you have to take an aptitude test then it's free if you go to school for what you are deemed to be qualified for.

Ned said...

""complains so much about paying to educate citizen kids""

Yea, And I have every right to complain when these millennial morons run up $100,000 tabs on my dime for educations in art, music and liberal science.
All stupid useless shit nobody will pay them 2 cents for.
Great job security for the hippy teachers but not so for everybody else.
This is why these young people demand socialism and re-distribution of wealth. These dumb fucks cant even work a broom or change a lightbulb also

If education is going to be on the public dole all this useless crap needs to be done away with. Dump the sports college scholarships too, nobody needs National Felons League. Its nothing more then a marketing platform for Nike sneakers, Amazon and Anheuser-Busch and Pepsi diabetes.


Anonymous said...


You can't go and make a logical and sensible argument like that. You are going to drive all the liberals insane.

Ned said...

"Drive'em nuts" you got that right!
God dam lazy good for nothing shit for brains, socialists & liberals want a piece of what I crawled, climbed, fought and worked hard all my life for.
I want to hide all their food stamps under work boots and starve them to death.


Anonymous said...

"Swept into office"-like so much trash.

Then again, that's what the Prog sheeple vote for over and over again. One loser worse than the next. Then they wonder why NYC is dying.

Anonymous said...

"I hope voters wake up".

Ballots don't matter anymore. Last November's election farce proved that once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Look to Detroit, Baltimore, or Chicago if you want to see what our city will look like in the next decade

Baltimore is really something else. Don't call the cops unless someone is dead.
Not saying it, Baltimore cops are saying it.

NYC already looks like CRAP, no need to wait for a decade.

DeBozo managed to get the city completely destroyed.

Big money dudes apparently agree with the destruction. Wonder why.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately the idiot people in this city deserve everything they get" It's all about the money.

Anonymous said...

You're missing the point. DiBlasio is a huge success by the only metric that matters to him and his ilk. Destroy a capitalist society and "reimagine" it into a commie "utopia."

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