Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mack the jackknife


Anonymous said...

These 53 foot tractor trailer trucks are banned in all 5 boros. I have no idea why that law is never enforced. It would prevent a lot of this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

It's not enforced because the NYPD says it needs to train their officers in how to properly measure a truck. No shit, you can't make this shit up. The real reason is to cause traffic congestion and further the bike nazi transportation alternatives agenda...

Anonymous said...

If the city collected all of the legitimate fines that they’re missing out on because of incompetent enforcement, maybe they wouldn’t have to go after the rest of us for nickels and dimes to try to raise money.

Anonymous said...

Talking of trucks and enforcement of the law.....Every fifty to a hundred yards on the Cross Bronx Expressway there are signs, large and small that say "No Trucks Trailers or Busses in Left lane" Yet every day from the minute I get on at the Throggs Neck Bridge all the way to the GWB the left lane is a conga line of trucks. The left lane is just as slow as the right lane. Traffic is unnecessarily backed up as they plod along trying to go uphill. Why this rule is NEVER enforced is frustrating. But that might be the city's plan. "Calm" the traffic and send more frustrated drivers to mass transportation....

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