Saturday, November 7, 2020

America fires Trump


BoredWithFascists said...

Bye Bye Fascist Pig!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How do you think this helps America ?

Anonymous said...

Good for you JQ ! You wont have to pay your rent or any of your bills...

Anonymous said...

Nor even close.

CNN - DEEP STATE wants to fire Trump. He is golfing by the way.

Whoever endorses this type of FRAUD is part of the game.

Anonymous said...

... and fends off the predicted Blue Wave. See you in the trenches.

Anonymous said...

And now we go down the inevitable path to becoming a socialist country. The horrors of progressive democrat rule that has infected and ruined NYC and other inner city areas will spread to now ruin the rest of the country.

The only question is how many months Biden lasts before he is officially diagnosed with dementia and is replaced by Harris.

georgetheatheist said...

Old Man Biden - the American von Hindenburg - ready to croak. Hyena Harris - the American Adolf - ready to pounce. History repeating?

Anonymous said...

Proof of systemic racism. The white guy Biden, got more votes than Obama. Come on man?!

Anonymous said...

Late and illegal ballots being counted. Dead voters. Truckloads of thousands upon thousands of 100% Biden votes. Sharpies handed out in traditionally red areas.

This is it. Our democracy is gone.

Anonymous said...

A Biden presidency is gonna be sad. Buckle up for foreign wars and multiple countries pushing against weakness.

Anonymous said...

Biden struggling to be president would be much like George W. Bush. Painful & embarrassing to watch.

Anonymous said...

JQ You won't be entertained when Harris becomes president and starts trying to institute Marxism.

Anonymous said...

Moe said...
The side that rallied on for four years about election interference, now suddenly believe elections can't be rigged !

Anonymous said...

We have become a third world county. Our elelctions are what separate us from dictators. We effectively now have dictators for life. The cornerstone of our system is free and open elections. What we really have is the old fashioned Pravda spreading lies and misdirection on everything. I can no longer watch any of the mainstream news outlets because it makes me so sad, and so ashamed that our country has become the new Tammany Hall?

Anonymous said...

Well 4 years of misery with Biden. I actually liked Obama but I think Biden is just not what America needs. But it is what it is so let the illegals and visa recipients pour in again. If anyone thinks that they will get a job after this covid thing ends, think again. Biden will just give your jobs away to hb1 visas and to [more] illegals. Good luck everyone! The sheeple of America have spoken! Good luck with living in a welfare nation. Tax payers will just pay more to keep up with the amount of money we need to pay the illegals and the lazy people in this country. Remember, your parents who have worked hard for 30 years have to pay for their insurance even after they go on Medicare, meanwhile, the illegals who never paid taxes here get it all for Free! Also, get ready for the prisoners to all get out of jail and be as shitty as nyc has gotten over the last 2 years. No punishment for crimes and the police will get defunded. I expect shootings to rise throughout the country. So good luck to all Americans on both sides of the political fence!

JQ LLC said...

Just a few responses to some anons'

Free rent and no bills? Looks like the right guy won.

Biden and Harris are not socialists and I never endorsed either.

And it it's any consolation to Trump supporters here, the people who are celebrating (including Chuck Schumer and his clique clustering in front of the Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn sans a mask on) this are doing it more for Trump's defeat than Biden's victory.

Anonymous said...

The Deep State backed by the Communist Chinese are attempting to install their puppet and complete the destruction of the American Republic

Congrats JQ LLC. So no need to complain about anything. Just go with the flow.
No worries about the lawsuits, cheating. All is good. The demented basement puppet won. According to Deep State's propaganda arm like CNN, MSNBC, AP, FOXNEWS. Will see.

The real "ELECTED", "VOTED FOR" President will have the last laugh.

JQ LLC "Biden and Harris are not socialists and I never endorsed either."

Really? You must be living in an alternate reality.

JQ LLC said...

Last anon re: all caps elected voted for

Yes really.

And don't complain, because nothing will fundamentally change.

And its not the deep state, it's the steady state.

Anonymous said...

JQ LLC the press can't be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Biden did not win. Look at the Benford graph anomalies for Biden's numbers as tens of thousands of only-for-Biden votes were dumped into battleground states in the middle of the night when no GOP observers were present. Listen to USPS whistleblowers admitting they were told to backdate postmarks so that late (and therefore illegal) ballots would be counted. Look at the thousands of Trump ballots found by the side of the road or in dumpsters. Look at the "strange coincidence" of 30 states with unusually high amounts of Biden votes used the same voting software which is known to be glitchy---Dominion Voting Systems. Look at the door-to-door squads of Biden team activists in GA who went to peoples' homes, knocked on their doors and "cured" their "defective" ballots, which were missing signatures and other necessary fill-ins. And then they counted such tampered votes which were clearly not within the legal chain of custody. Look at the Biden-mask-wearing ballot counters (now that not electioneering, IS it???) counting ballots not admitting GOP vote counting observers, boarding up their work area so no one could see what they were doing---yeah, that's kosher, right? A man with advancing dementia, who could barely string 3 coherent sentences together, whose few rallies were attended by a dozen people, who cannot point to a single achievement in 47 years in government, whose son is proven to have given state secrets to China, along with other Biden family members, including Joe---you expect me to believe that he honestly achieved a majority of the votes? Only by heretofore unbelievable levels of FRAUD on the American people.

Anonymous said...

Apparently everyone voted red for house and senate. And then blue for president. Crazy huh

Anonymous said...

We're supposed to believe that Trump lost while winning the 2nd most Latino county in the country in Texas, winning Florida and Ohio, while the Reps will likely keep the Senate, win seats in the House, hold every state legislature, win the NH Senate, the Alaska House and Jeff Van Drew keeps his seat in blue New Jersey after flipping from Dem to Rep.

We all went to bed on the 3rd with Trump winning, then a major vote dump in the dead of the night happens after kicking out every GOP poll watcher and we wake up to a likely Biden presidency?

Yeah, nothing to see here ...

Anonymous said...

Trump will continue to expose these fraudsters, reelected or not.

Anonymous said...

A 74-year-old Jamaica Estates developer has less than three months left at his current address after Americans overwhelmingly voted him out of the White House, the AP projected Saturday.

President Donald Trump, a Republican, lost his bid for reelection after a days-long vote count, becoming the 11th commander-in-chief to lose the presidency after a single four-year term and the first major-party candidate from Queens to twice lose the popular vote.

Anonymous said...

LOL. Congrats public education. You have educated/trained a bunch of dopes to believe the press/media tells us who will be the next president

Biggest fraud ever committed on the American people.

Anonymous said...

Knock Knock:

Who’s there?:


JQ who?:

JQ who thinks the media tells us who the president is!!


You certainly got your free public education worth. Lol

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: JQ who?

The media told me Trump won in 2016. Told me that right after midnight.


Anonymous said...

JQ you are acting like most ignorant young people who have been indocrinatd and brainwashed !
They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government. That is, by definition, treason. It is waging war against the United States. The fact that no charges are being filed and no investigations going on it tells you everything you need to know about AG Barr, the DOJ and the FBI. . . . There is a coup underway right now, a coup d’état. . . .Their goal is a complete overthrow of the United States.

Anonymous said...

JQ who? Right JQ who !

BoredWithFascists said...

Yep, its all the fault of the Chicom, Marxist, Leftist, Libtard, Collectivist, Socialist etc. etc. etc. Nobody voted for Biden, yada yada yada. Trump was the second coming of Jesus, sure. Except for a cross, he and the royal family are destined for a federal jail sometime in the future. We have to thank him for exposing American Christians for the fakes they are. We got to thank him for exposing right wing Jews as the fascists they are. We have to thank him for educating the Democratic leadership that a large percentage of Latinos love Fascists and want the immigration door closed behind them. We got to thank him for exposing a large percentage of Americans as people who care for nothing else except money. Greedy, greedy and greedy, but trying to portray themselves as decent people. Fake businessman, fake president, fake man of the people, fake patriot but a real loser.

Bye Bye Fascist Pig. Hello Sleepy Joe

Anonymous said...

The democratic party is full blown communist. This is an attempted overthrow of the Republic. God bless the USA, President Trump !

Anonymous said...


You got it almost right. Kamala is not Adolf. She is more like Josef. Stalin that is.

Anonymous said...

The President is who CNN "SELECTS". Together with DEEP STATE of course.

Here is how it works:

Bet any of you commies did not vote for Brennan.

He made sure you vote for the clone though who can be controlled by blackmail.

He and his buddies did this worldwide, you know we need to spread democracy.

Now they finally did it here. No, I did not vote, but someone did - in my name.

Anonymous said...

"The media told me Trump won in 2016. Told me that right after midnight."

Ha-ha-ha. They couldn't steal that one. Even the DEEP STATE despises HildaBeast.

Nice try.

Anonymous said...

"Truman loses"
"Bush loses"
"Trump loses"

Because the mainstream media never lied about who won before.....

Anonymous said...

Media Says Biden WON And COVID Fear VANISHED Instantly As Leftists DANCE In Crowds !

Anonymous said...

You Trump supporters and truth deniers are all f&*$ing crazy. Go take your meds or drink a Jonestown Kool-Aid.

Anonymous said...

Go take your meds or drink a Jonestown Kool-Aid.

You already beat everybody to it.

Anonymous said...


You should be the poster child of Planned Parenthood.
Rare specimen.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Willy Brown.

Anonymous said...

I already heard from many is the only reason they voted was to get him out of office. It worked. Just remember when things don’t go your way don’t complain you voted.

Anonymous said...

This is great. I will now be making as much money as the guys who run Apple and Microsoft. We're all equal now right ?

Anonymous said...

I know who really won, and the Trump train never stops no matters who's president ! #MAGA2022

Anonymous said...

Trump told his supporters to vote in person on Election Day, so it's no surprise that he would be "in front" on Election Night. Democrats, afraid of catching COVID, overwhelmingly voted by mail, and in most states those votes were not allowed to be counted until Election Day, so as those votes were (slowly) counted, the President's early "victory" (which it never was) was taken away from him - it's called counting the ballots.

If there are real, substantiated claims of any fraud, then the courts can deal with it - but Trump's legal team will need to provide actual proof and not just repeat rumors from social media and from QAnon conspirators.

Even the New York Post - hardly a left-wing paper, is telling him to stop the stolen election rhetoric and "Get Rudy Giuliani off TV. Ask for the recounts you are entitled to, wish Biden well, and look to the future."

Anonymous said...

"America fires Trump"

Nice catchy title. Since I'm part of America I don't remember saying this. Why do people speak for other folks?

Mr. Trump is playing golf. hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Jonestown Kool-Aid.

Hey anon like in General Jim Jones? Shadow gate anyone?

Anonymous said...

So Kathryn Murdoch, wife of James Murdoch, represent America now. Guess by blowing the FauxNews honcho.

She also works for Clinton Climate Initiative. What lovely people. No wonder Arizona was called before they even started voting in some counties.

Anonymous said...

Dominion Voting Systems?

Improved electoral process. I'd say. Technology cannot do it alone. Hence people born in the 1800' voting.

For the crowd blaming New Yorkers for electing these commies. My friends we had term limits for mayors. Bloomberg shows up and puff the term limit is gone! So how is this voting thing working out for you?

Anonymous said...

Not yet! You are getting ahead of yourself. The fraud will be exposed and Hidin' Biden will go down!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Joe BYE-DONE peasants! Democrat operatives used a SUPERCOMPUTER called 'HAMMER' to steal the 2020 election (see first link below).

The gift of Communism will be coming soon to a neighborhood near YOU! Advantages? You will no longer be required to know the difference between a democracy and a Republic. Or, understand the Constitution. You will ONLY have one term to understand: COMMUNISM. For those who revel in paying $6 for their Latte and Cafe au Lait, you will proudly shell out $10 for a gallon of gasoline——assuming that gas cars will still be legal.

Likewise, no longer will anyone have to worry about God given rights, much less equality, egalitarianism and equalitarian standards of living. ALL rights will be assigned and controlled by entrenched, government bought henchmen. Worse, there will be an abundance of government controlled poverty and public squalor for the masses, versus PRIVATE SPLENDOR for the criminally, politically connected elitist kakistocracy of BrainWashington, DC kleptocrats.

You will be overwhelmingly burdened with 90% of your pay for taxes——if anyone is even allowed the luxury of a job, regardless of professional rank, assuming that jobs will still be available. Since food and services will be obsequiously controlled and micromanaged by the government stooges of oligarchy, get ready for major changes that will become increasingly draconian and Kafkaesque. Less use of cell telephones, computers, TV. No electric for everyone. Any weigh watchers out there? No problem: No food, no added weight——CRISIS AVERTED (unless you suddenly develop an acquired taste for eating rats).

For those large groups of stupid people who voted for Communism and free stuff (free EVERYTHING!), may YOUR house and home be greenlight selected for depopulation FIRST!

❝Learn to disobey immoral orders. Otherwise, you reiforce government tyranny and oppression.❞ ——Richard C. IRITANO

❝Anarchy doesn't mean 'out of control'; it means out of THEIR control.❞ ——Jim Dodge

❝Biden is worse than TRUMP. TRUMP inherited the system; Biden was its architect.❞ ——Chris Hedges

❝People spend so much time mocking President Donald TRUMP, or waiting for him to be impeached. And, the danger with that kind of obsession with a single person is that you don't see the system that produced him.❞ ——Arundhati Ray, Indian novelist, human rights and environmental activist

❝Always beware of the fact that the only thing hindering al ALL OUT revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.❞ ——Gore Vidal

❝The people don't have a voice because they don't have information.❞ ——Gore Vidal

Anonymous said...

@Merry Christmas, Joe BYE-DONE peasants!

Actually that is partially true. They had access to it.

Wait until crap from Georgia comes out.

Keywords - Podesta, Hillary, Soros, Huma Abedin, Abbey Meller - New Georgia Project, Onward Together, Working Families Party, Democracy Alliance, Voter Protection Associate

The swamp is deep and vast!

Sagi Pariente said...

Biden winning means nothing. All politics is local and in NYC, progressives like Gale Brewer who expect us to open our hearts to the homeless and oppose Trump's Muslim ban, think that James Oddo, who supports profiling Muslims and gave a hard time to those wanting to build mosques, is a "first rate human being" that should be the NYC deputy mayor after 2021. Remember all politics is local and a lot of the outrage is fake outrage while the real root of problems go unsolved in NYC and the rest of society.

Anonymous said...

Epic. Simply epic. From Faux News.

Anonymous said...

For the record

the media can make projections for each state but have no legal authority to call a state until the state election results are certified.


FCC complaints to start over this non-sense.

Anonymous said...

We have a plethora of whistleblowers in Michigan.
Litigation is about to be started there.
I hope gov Whitmer gets a delicious taste of justice

Anonymous said...

I hope gov Whitmer gets a delicious taste of justice

Plus her AG. Check this CRAP out:

Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Voter Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION


Now, is this going on here also? Since a lot of fools are blaming NY-ers for voting these commies into office.

Some CRAP!

Anonymous said...

The media doesn't get to decide elections, WE DO!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Obvious said...
“Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count.” — Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza

Anonymous said...

President Trump won and is moving along, moving ahead with Indictments. Now they will get them on election interference instead of human trafficking.

Anonymous said...

MSM today: Cuts off guest who is providing evidence of Voter Fraud !
MSM tomorrow: Nobody has ever shown any evidence of Voter Fraud !

Anonymous said...

MSM today and tomorrow - Propaganda arm of the Deep State - wonder how much crap DS has on most of them. Blackmail is a very efficient tool.

Anonymous said...

America fired nobody. Catchy and misleading headline.

In case anyone is interested, here are the real standings, while states where fraud is suspected certify their numbers

there is a tab with and without voter fraud for the inquisitive.

This ain't Tammany Hall people.

Anonymous said...

Everyone share this video and watch it. This is hard proof that democrats used the system to change votes from trump to Biden in certain counties. Trump even tweeted about this. Share this everywhere and get people talking about it!

BoredWithFascists said...

It’s all over Fascist Pig. Get your big fat ass off that golf cart and back to Moscow. Take the royal family with you. John McCain had the last laugh. Maybe he voted from the grave too along with Lazarus and JC.
Putin let you down, just when he needed you most. Maybe he could rig the electronic votes, but little Vlad couldn’t get to those Mail In’s.

JQ LLC said...

@Bored re: Moscow

Trump has no ties with Putin. The Mueller hearings found zilch connections of any influence in Trump's policy decisions. And the NY Times expose of his taxes also turned up zilch regarding debts to Russians.

If I was Jack Dorsey, you wouldn't have a voice here as would hundreds of others that have been contributing comments in the last 6 months during this chaotic year.

Anonymous said...

To all those morons who voted for having the exact same criminal gang back in the WH....gongrats!

Anonymous said...

"If I was Jack Dorsey" JQ you are like Jack Dorsey you keep money in the globalist billionaires’ pockets ! This is all the fault of the Mainstream Media and Social Media. They are the enemy of the People.

Anonymous said...


Well said. We can disagree, but we are humans and Americans first!

Jack Dorsey is a creep. Mentioning his name here just stains the page.

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