Saturday, October 24, 2020

The lying monument of de Blasio's "Affordable Housing" program


 Impunity City

As everyone is aware now, Mayor William de Blasio Wilhelm has resuscitated his Housing New York program to provide way overdue affordable housing for your city’s most lower income earning residents in the niche, upper upper class towns of Soho and Noho (the latter of which is about 4 square blocks tops). Actually, only about 25% of 3200 apartments that are projected to be constructed will be earmarked for them. Which still doesn’t correlate with the hundreds of thousands of people who live check to check with 50 to 60% of that check going to rent and the near 70,000 people who don’t have a home at all.. 

But that’s going to be for the next post in process here. What this post is about is basically a spoiler alert for it and what de Blasio’s HPD plans will actually accomplish. Because this is unbelievable.

The building on the right from a picture taken in April last year is on 111 Varick St., which is also in Soho. Last year it gained local news attention when a construction worker got killed by a massive 7 ton concrete structure that snapped off a crane and crushed and dismembered his body while working in the early morning hours. For months it laid dormant because of building and worksite violations. Then passing by there back in January there was a peculiar site. A big banner for de Blasio’s HPD’s Housing New York was draped over the scaffolding. 





Anonymous said...

Nothing is affordable around here.
5 cent paper bags? Soon there will be no food to put in any bag.
CO2 is bad for the planet, but is good for the people in masks?

F-ed up world.

Anonymous said...

When will this guy actually make a deal with the landlords to lower rent in Queens apartments to Half Price and then you give the landlord's a discount on property taxes sewer tax water taxes all that trickles down but now they can't do that because the city has these goddamn pensions to pay for the cops the firemen the school teachers salary they need these taxes to pay the goddamn budget that's why you'll never see the rent come down in Queens

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