Friday, October 23, 2020

Devouring their own...


 Queens Eagle

Queens candidates, activists and lawmakers have criticized Councilmember Daniel Dromm for a series of confrontational tweets directed at several candidates for City Council — predominantly women of color — who he says do not adequately highlight LGBTQ rights issues in their campaign platforms. 

Dromm, a pioneering gay rights activist, defended the tweets, calling them a deliberate strategy to put LGBTQ issues front and center in the 2021 campaign, and to galvanize younger New Yorkers who he said have taken the struggle for equity for granted. 

“What motivated me is that I’ve been a gay activist for the last 47 or so years. We’ve fought so hard for LGBTQ visibility in political platforms and to revert back to an era where you have the political platform that did not include LGBTQ issues is a setback for the community,” he told the Eagle.

But several activists, elected officials and candidates responded that the issues they champion are inherently LGBTQ rights issues. They also blasted Dromm for focusing his attention almost exclusively on women candidates.

District 22 candidate Tiffany Cabán, who identifies as queer, was one of the women of color who Dromm publicly questioned. Cabán said that LGBTQ rights issues cannot be isolated from other progressive goals.  

“Housing is a queer issue, incarceration is a queer issue, workplace protections, reproductive justice are queer issues…” she tweeted. “I walk into every space bringing my full brown, queer self, even when it isn’t safe to do so. My politics are rooted in radical queer tradition.”


Anonymous said...

A) what is a queer?
B) what rights don’t don’t they have that straight people do?
C) how does incarceration fit into this?

Anonymous said...

Is queer the same as gay? Also why does Dromm always look like he has a major hangover

Anonymous said...

"He is one of the first two openly gay City Council members from outside Manhattan" This whole "pioneering" thing is abit of a stretch. Everyone wants to be a hero of a struggle, but c'mon he came out of the closet in his 30's and champions a political movement that is notoriously male and white. Look it up

Anonymous said...

The LGBT crowd doesn't want tolerance. Approval isn't even enough. They want to be celebrated and adored. Anything less is homophobia.

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