Thursday, October 29, 2020

Billionaire row tower crane spins like a music box ballerina and drops 8 ft. blades on 57th St.


 NY Post

A crane on top of a high-rise apartment building in Manhattan went spinning in the wind Thursday evening, sending debris from the under-construction building falling to the street below. 

The crane, atop a Midtown building under construction on West 57th Street near Sixth Avenue, spun wildly in the wind and rain, video taken at the scene shows. 

Fire officials said the FDNY was responding to building debris at 111 West 57th St. It was not clear if there were any injuries in the incident. The NYPD also warned pedestrians to avoid the area because of falling debris.

“Please avoid the area of West 57th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues due to an unstable crane and falling debris. 

Expect emergency vehicles and traffic in the area,” the department said in a tweet.

The Department of Buildings said the crane was safely secure, but “weathervaning” in the wind, a normal crane function which allows them to swing 360 degrees when not in use. 

The agency was investigating what caused the debris to come crashing down from the building.


georgetheatheist said...

Weeeeeee. I'd like to work up there. Must pay pretty good too!

Anonymous said...

Weeeeeee. I'd like to work up there. Must pay pretty good too!

You have to be part of the mafia or the child of diverse, nepotistic tawny whites.

Anonymous said...


Imagine going to work on the crane every morning? Bathroom breaks? Must be interesting.

Anonymous said...

How many billionaires are still living in 'Billionaire row"? didn't they move to their Hampton mansions?

Anonymous said...

"didn't they move to their Hampton mansions"
The democrats running East Hampton town turned the Hamptons into a toilet.
Part of the problem is all the restaurants & hotels will not (absolutely refuse) to hire Americans who want benefits, mimimum wage and days off.
They source the labor from Ireland and Central America.
Once nice places are now toilets with people living 6 to a room in shifts, all the clotheslines and garbage bags in yards. Springs and Montauk have it the worst. The illegal imported Irish service industry people live worse then the Mexicans. The rich had enough of the filth and drunk driving and have been bailing to N Carolina, LIC and back to Manhattan

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