Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Rent apocalypse now

People unfold banners from a subway platform in Queens May 21st, 2020.


Hundreds of people marched from Glendale to Bushwick, and back to Ridgewood where they held a sleep-out to demand an eviction-free New York on Saturday, Aug. 1.

 “Today is the day to pay rent, unfortunately, more than 1 million people have lost their income and haven’t been able to pay rent,” said Raquel Namuche, an organizer with the Ridgewood Tenants Union (RTU). “That’s why we’re here demonstrating to tell [Gov. Andrew] Cuomo … [we need] ‘universal rent relief, the actual cancellation of rent.'”

 While the city has entered phased opening and hundreds of thousands returned to work, the city has 1.3 million workers out of work with the unemployment rate at about 20 percent as of July — “a figure not seen since the Great Depression,” according to The New York Times

The demonstration, organized by RTU with support from Mi Casa No Es Su Casa and various other tenants associations representing Queens and Brooklyn, began at the Glendale Veterans Triangle on Myrtle Avenue and Cooper Avenue with some English and Spanish speeches.
Throughout the introduction, protesters were repeatedly heckled by a group of people and passersby watching the event.
The event was one of many eviction protests held throughout the city during the months of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, as advocates fear for the safety of tenants at risk of eviction once Cuomo’s eviction moratorium expires entirely on Aug. 20. NYC Housing Court began accepting new eviction filings on June 20.


Anonymous said...

The steeple don't realize that by getting everything for "free" they become dependent - and beholden - to their masters. Dependency is the most dangerous way to live. When the SHTF, and it will, these people will starve.

Anonymous said...

Gas Grass or Ass nobody rides for Free.
Even the Hippies from the 1960's knew better these #SNOWFLAKES need to grow up !

A man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
-Muhammad Ali

Anonymous said...

What you own, owns you!

Anonymous said...

If you can't afford to live in NYC move. I hope this teaches them Economics 101 save for a rainy day ! Time to double up or sleep on a couch, Rent a room or move back to mom's basement.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Mayor de Bozio just appointed his wife to a commission with a billion dollar budget to see if any right wing group was responsible, she also added Al Sharpton and BLM, and antifa to the commission.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this will get posted, but I propose they legalize the exchange of sexual favors in lieu of rent. Can't pay? Get busy!

Anonymous said...

Build Back Better said...
It's like the Demoratic party is doing a test to see how many lemmings there are in the NY.

Anonymous said...

Best part was when these hipster transplants screamed “Black people used to live here!” Um, no, Black people never lived in Ridgewood/Bushwick in large numbers. Germans and Hispanics, yes. #demographicallychallenged

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that there are eight and a half lemmings in NYC, so they can end the experiment.

minababe said...

"Best part was when these hipster transplants screamed “Black people used to live here!” Um, no, Black people never lived in Ridgewood/Bushwick in large numbers. Germans and Hispanics, yes. #demographicallychallenged"


I talk about this in my latest entry. It's called concern trolling. The white transplants that started this bullshit cancelrent movement are pretending that it was all about protecting blacks and hispanics the entire time. Naturally, when you're a white millennial sociopath cynically use blacks and other disadvantaged groups to legitimize a bullshit slacktivist campaign created by and for the benefit of your peers, you're not really going to be fussed about the details. The most important thing is to throw out, "Think of the blacks!" enough times to convince the lamestream media that this is all about them.

And before anyone calls me a racist for pointing out race, check out this article from Curbed NY, about a "heroic" #cancelrent activist based out of Bushwick: A guy was making $10,000 a month in 2019 as a real estate agent for EXR before whining and crying about how COVID-19 "disrupted" his income and has made it impossible for him to pay rent. He and other scumbags started organizing rent strikes all over Bushwick--all white, all millennial, all privileged, all on the take.

Caroline Spivack of Curbed NY and the hacks at Gothamist wrote story after story praising grifters like this one, including a profiteer--Cea Weaver--who was paid to come down to NYC to become a "housing activist" and is now being trotted around as this humble grassroots organizer (cuz you know, it's so typical of grassroots organizers to be hired from a far-flung location to start "organizing" tenants). It was this halfwit who got a huge set of historic "rent reforms" that will DESTROY affordable housing stock inside of a year and slummify whatever's left. There'll be so many properties up for grabs in the bloodbath that The City, the banks and real estate sharks won't even know what to do with themselves. Beleaguered landlord will start torching properties again to collect on the insurance.

Parasites, all of them. But you know what? This is what the Archie Bunkers who were oh, so happy about gentrification signed up for. I warned everyone time and time again that this new generation of transplants were parasites and now--true to their parasitism--small landlords are being "rent striked" against by privileged transplants who are collecting $4K a month in CARES, $1200 in stimulus and were making several grand a month before this all happened.

Not only that, Cuomo, De Blasio, AOC, Gianaris and others just gave every single native and honorary New Yorker an "FU." You voted for them, they took your vote and now they've thrown you under the bus for Sally and Chet Transplant. Your rental income has been canceled for their sake while The City STEALS income from you in the way of property taxes and increasingly draconian housing laws.

So, let this be a lesson to everyone--be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.

Amazon Viner said...

Everyone, remember these names:

1. Brennan Stultz, a former real estate agent who was making $10,000 a month before starting a rent strike in his apartment building in Bushwick.

2. Caroline Spivack, a writer and staff member of Curbed NY, who keeps churning out a prodigious amount of yellow journalistic headlines screaming about "evil landlords" and putting people like Brennan Stultz as the face of struggling renters here in NYC.

3. Cea Weaver, a carpetbagger from Rochester, NY, who was paid handsomely by a non-profit to move to Crown Heights, "rally" the residents there and handpick candidates for office to push its agenda. Spivack, Gothamist, The New York Times, The Real Deal and so many others have pushed this PROFITEER as an organic member of the anti-gentrification and affordable housing movement in NYC, but she is anything but. She is a plant. It's why she--and not one native or honorary New Yorker--has had the complete and total undivided attention of neoliberal hacks like De Blasio, Cuomo, AOC and Gianaris and the mainstream media. If she said tomorrow that landlords should start paying renters, all of these political hacks will not only do her bidding, but the lamestream media will praise her for it and pretend as if it's the most brilliant, feasible plan they ever heard.

4. AOC and Gianaris, who are buying votes by supporting #cancelrent, knowing full well that the end result of canceling rent would be mass displacement of the constituents they're pretending to care about when landlords cash or crash out. AOC and Gianaris, pretending to be for the people of NYC but only listening to the whines and cries of the Brennan Stultzes, Debbie Transplants and Bobby Gentrifiers.

5. De Blasio, who peddled his fake interracial marriage, and changed his name to pass himself off as some "paisan", then later spearheaded a program in which elderly black homeowners had their properties seized under Third Party Transfer.

6. De Blasio and Cuomo, who are both on the take from developers, who've donated millions to their campaigns.

Remember all of these names, spread it across social media, let the world know what these people are all about. Tell your neighbors, your friends, your relatives. Let everyone know that we have an unholy alliance of the Press, Profiteering Organizers, Opportunistic Transplants and Neoliberal Politicians who just decided to screw over New Yorkers for transplants and Big Development.

Anonymous said...

The fix is gonna be if you ever wish to see a penny for rent you must make your home open to section 8 and accept what the government hands you.
deBlasio will do the rest for you including a rubber stamp CO for the basement.
Choice 2: go bankrupt paying for your tenants with the 3 year backlog in housing court, and that's AFTER the virus shutdowns is lifted. New rules: When the judge approves an evection, the Sherriff can only execute the evection when a shelter or sec 8 is available to place your deadbeats.
So winning an eviction means NOTHING
BTW the happy partying S Bronx deadbeats, criminals and brats have places like City Island Ave bumper to bumper, buying fried fish every night instead of paying the rent & credit cards off with the free stimulus money. They have NO intention of working or paying rent ever now. These racists animals throw garbage right out the car windows at the small private homes and white people. Start fights, spit at or even stab, pull guns on white people who say "please use the trashcan" No cops in sight, not a single peep from Alexia Ocasio Cortez as people in her district get stabbed & assulted in the streets by out of town blacks.

JQ LLC said...

@minababe re:Bushwick slacktivists

I think those are the ones in that photo on the elevated train station there.

Good thing you and stranded NYer listed those grifters. The organizations profiled in the article, to my knowledge, are not aligned with them and if they have met with them they better watch their backs.

JQ LLC said...

@minababe again re: Stultz

I just read about that stupid frivolous spending hipster, the demographic that ruined north and waterfront Brooklyn forever and is about to do the same to Sunset Park and Crown Heights,and that stupid ratfucker is the living embodiment of the dumbass grasshopper in that children's book "ant and the grasshopper", partying all the time in a town the city help remake for his and his gentry peers leisure.

What a bunch of immoral weasels.

minababe said...


I am also Stranded NY; I just forgot to post under my Wordpress profile the second time. I'm just letting everyone so that no one accuses me of using socks. If any admin can change the name to minababe, that would great.

Anonymous said...

I view it more as a scorched earth/extortion strategy. You either vote Democrat or we burn your cities down.

TommyR said...

If you can't outspend 'em, out last 'em. And insofaras possible, don't enable their stupid lifestyles...

Anonymous said...

Irony is all y’all having your panties in a bunch over the $10,000/month earnings activist don’t realize the guy is a total con artist. He never made anywhere near that amount (probably made that in a tear), he is hardly an organizer, just moderates a facebook page, and now that no one is paying attention to his rent activist grift, he is rebranding himself as an alt-right free speech activist. I actually know Brennan. The guy is full of shit and the fact that he triggers you shows how gullible folks can be.

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