Monday, June 1, 2020

At 11 PM, remain indoors




Anonymous said...

Sek Heil, Warren Wilhelm!

Anonymous said...

And promise to be nice

Anonymous said...

It was shunned on and you were looked upon like a demon if you DARED to go out during quarantine. You would be kicked out of stores and businesses if you dared come in one without a mask or the proper apparel. This was not very long ago, for some places it wasn't even a week. Then the floyd protests happen and we went from these same people shunning you to these same people leaving their houses to mass congregate in groups of thousands of people, all close together, many without masks.

We've gone from talks of reopening to a full reopening of the nation all because the media wanted to do so. The worst part is nobody is really mentioning it, again their time is spent talking about BLM and police brutality and whatever else pertaining to that subject. The pace at which the recent events have unfolded proves just how much power the media has over society as a whole, for a "life threatening terrible destructive pandemic" to be thrown into obscurity in the face of "Go out and protest in groups of 4,000, which if you did a day before we told you to you would be arrested"

Media has so much power and influence it can change public opinion and influence their actions to parallel opposites in a matter of days. Just because the media shone the light on one black man and one video of the police choking him out it's like we've gone into completely parallel universes.

The worst part is that it's not like directly opposing political viewpoints are doing this, it's the same group of people who both shunned you during lockdown and are now going out into the streets to protest without masks. The exact. Same. People.

Anonymous said...

It's Not working tomorrow it will be 8:00 PM !

Anonymous said...

Why is so much of black culture violent and racist. Listen to the music, the talk, watch the videos. Disgusting. Vulgar.

Its not Nat King Cole.

A lot of it is gutter. Low class trashy gutter. And you cannot blame white people for that.

After decades extending help this is where we stand. Can you blame a cop pulling over someone who dresses and acts out what you see in those videos?

Anonymous said...

The notice says the curfew will last through June 2, 2020.
Does that mean the curfew ends at 12:00AM on June 3, 2020?

Anonymous said...

The notice says the curfew will last through June 2, 2020.
Does that mean the curfew ends at 12:00AM on June 3, 2020?

Anonymous said...

All Hell has broken out ! Our New York Electurds "Lawmakers, Council stunned by NYC curfew announcement" This must end now bring in the Army.

Anonymous said...

Open the g dam city already. WTF!?!
Social distancing is dead. Can’t get a haircut, can’t visit granny in the home, can’t have a few drinks with friends at the local watering hole. But hell go F’ing riot all you want!!

Anonymous said...

Cuomo II on Rioters "They are young people who should be encouraged !"

Violent rioters burn down Minneapolis, vandalized the Washington Monument, and threaten the White House.
Hateful American Fake News: "Peaceful protesters"....

Anonymous said...

This is a War on America !
The rioters should be arrested and forced to clean up their mess and pay for the rebuild. Or stay locked up for years.

georgetheatheist said...

Black on black crime.

Think about it. Everything was lid-on-the-pot - normalized in the corona pandemic news cycle - UNTIL a HOPPED-UP-up black man came into a legitimate business establishment, Cup Foods, and paid for his wares with a COUNTERFEIT bill.

Look at the NYTimes', the newspaper of record, video HERE. An employee realizes the bill is bogus and exits the store to confront this hopped-up Floyd. (Pretty brave, no?) The employee wants his wares back. Who is accompanying the clerk? A YOUNG BLACK MAN PRESUMABLY ALSO A STORE EMPLOYEE. (@ video 01:25 to 01:50). This young black man is seen, scratching his head, watching the co-worker's confrontation with Floyd and his red-suited passenger. (Anyone ever interview the latter?)

In any event, this young black man, an employee of Cup Foods, sees his employer ripped-off by another black man.

Black on black crime. (Again.) Black man George Floyd started all this shit. And assholes are making him a sainted hero.

Anonymous said...

IT'S DOMESTIC TERRORISM IN AMERICA. DeBOasio isn't incompetent, he is a Villain.

Anonymous said...

It won’t work either at 8pm. Maybe he should consider 6pm.
They want the protesting but did they forget we still have the virus out there?

Anonymous said...

Defy your Democrat dictators, New Yorkers, if you can, go outside. It's a nice day.

wh said...

Why isn't curfew applied to the rallies?

Anonymous said...

NYC, CALL UP THE NATIONAL GUARD,” Trump tweeted. “The lowlifes and losers are ripping you apart. Act fast! Don’t make the same horrible and deadly mistake you made with the Nursing Homes!!!”

Blaz is saying everything is fine, and Cuomo wants to beat Trump by sending troops to NYC first. Another night of fun and we will certainly move things to a new level I am afraid.

Anonymous said...

Don't you just LOVE the American political criminal, possums?

Case in point: Mob thug-boss Governor Andy (Sonny) CUOMIGULA, who murdered New York State (and, created a $13 Billion deficit——WAAAAY BEFORE the man made, manufactured Covid-19 crisis hit), refuses to remove ANOTHER free walking criminal in City Hall, Mayor Bill de BLASS-hole——DESPITE that he has the power to SO ORDER his immediate removal. How disturbingly TELLING is THAT!

Meanwhile, in the Capital of Corruption (Albany), our esteemed, bridge renaming gov (who destroyed history by allowing his lackeys in the Assembly to rename 'The TAPPAN ZEE Bridge' to honor his crooked and dishonorable, disgraced father's family name, to falsely become 'The Mario M. Cuomo Bridge), has employed ALL sorts of criminal sociopaths on HIS state payroll, all of whom have either been indicted, prosecuted and on their way to jail—but, NOT the kingpin of all CRIME WAVES himself!

It's the end of humanism, possums. This militaristic state (and, national) government is not revolutionizing, much less humanizing We, the People's rights, liberties, freedoms—and, democracy itself—but, DEHUMANIZING everything to create a chronic state of fear, paralysis, weakness, doubt and lawlessness through vigilantism BECAUSE of the rampant lawlessness that passes for honest, ethical leadership that has never led by example in CUOMIGULA'S Albany House of Wobbly-and-Wet Cards.

❝The media are the propaganda arm of the very wealthy.❞ ——Brian Emo

❝Dear America: You are waking up, as Germany once did, to the awareness that 1/3 or your people would kill another 1/3—while 1/3 watches.❞ ——Werner Twertzog

❝The only thing hindering all out revolution is your fear of losing the scraps they throw at you.❞ ——Gore Vidal

❝You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook.❞ ——Harry S. Truman

❝Terrorism, first and foremost, is an instrument of statecraft.❞ ——Neil Kramer


Anonymous said...

Curfew in NYC, the City that never sleeps? It's antithetical to everything our City is about. Crack down on looters, not the rest of us. This seems like just another excuse for the City to hand out fines.

@georgetheatheist - Floyd passing a bad bill, even intentionally, doesn't justify cops slowly murdering him in broad daylight as horrified onlookers watched and begged them to stop. There's no evidence in any videos or security cams that Floyd was resisting or violent, much less so violent that he needed to be rendered unconscious in a dangerous fashion even though he was already handcuffed and being held down by two other policemen.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,BLM - Black Looters Matter..

Anonymous said...

Fuck NYC I'm moving to the sticks.
I will never allow my family to be exposed to this again.

Anonymous said...

You should have been a lawyer George The Atheist you're so on the ball

Anonymous said...

400 looters cut lose without bail

Thanks Dems

Anonymous said...

Please, do not move to the sticks. We love our community and our neighbors. We would never burn our business owners out, like those who live among you in NYC. And if they come here with torches, we won't need no fucking national guard.

georgetheatheist said...

This just in: George Floyd's past criminal record (Doncha like the one where he puts a gun into a woman's stomach? A black woman?). Read it and weep HERE.

But the past is past, no? Now he's in a new life: endangering the public driving around hopped-up on fentanyl and meth and passing counterfeit currency. Some might say good riddance. Would you?

Now he meets his "turned-around " life wearing a wife-beater undershirt with his face lying in the gutter. Black lives matter as do all lives but it seems to me George Floyd failed his race miserably. Black men don't you think it's time to get your shit together?

Anonymous said...

This has been one seriously illuminating year thus far.

Between the mass hysteria over a virus that would "kill millions", but ended up being a bad flu in most states while destroying our economic base, led by the democrat/media/Hollywood complex;
to the mass rioting and arson, led by the democrat/media/Hollywood complex following a universally condemned murder.

This is the positive perspective:
for the hundreds of rioters, dead-enders, stoners, antifa-tards, attempting to destroy our society nightly for the past week there are millions of Americans watching and realizing the difference between Democrat leadership and Republican leadership.

No amount of NY Times/CNN/MSNBC/Washington Post spin will change the desecration we have seen through our own eyes on the Lincoln Memorial, St. John's Church, WWII memorial, etc.
No amount of massaging from ghouls on leftist media will change the facts of violence and criminality that we've seen on innocent people and law enforcement in numerous cities.

From their media bubble, they have the audacity to claim the moral high ground. That was lost when peaceful protests were turned into excuses for undermining the very idea of our American society.

Bottom line: the protestors number in the hundreds and the incompetent mayors number in the dozens. Some of our great cities will fall deeper into a hole, including NYC.

But, the number of Americans who will be voting for Trump in November has increased by the MILLIONS this past week.

Do not believe any bullshit polls, these are just another arm of the vermin media. Think I'm wrong?; just remember how the polls all said Hillary would be President.

If you're a Democrat reading this: I dare you to defend your choice of Mayor, City Councilman, Assemblymember, State Senator, Senator, Congressman and Governor today.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Please remove him !

From the new York Post:
Cuomo, noting that de Blasio refused his offer to send 13,000 National Guard troops to the city, even talked about invoking his right to remove his fellow Democrat from office.

Anonymous said...

No updates on QC ? JQ are you out pass Curfew ?
Don't let Karen 311 you :-D

TommyR said...

There are plenty of opportunistic criminally minded wastes of space looking for a convenient protest to operate under the cover. But it's equally as idiotic to assume that all protestors are looking to loot and burn as it is to assume they're all innocent saints. Only a fool sees the world through a binary lens.

The NYPD itself has reported one out of seven arresstees were from out of state, as far away as Texas, and several extremist groups - from radical anarchists to white nationalists to the Islamic State, were distributing propanda to the susceptible to encourage lone-wolf attacks, in furtherance of their own aims (i.e, loss of trust between citezenry and government).

Think on that for a bit, and remember the bit about trading freedom for security. Don't be bootlickers, and don't be bleeding hearts.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the majority of New Yorkers went from screaming stay locked up inside your house forever or you'll die of Covid 19 to cheering for thousands of hoodlums who torch stores and cop cars, all inside of a week. What happened to Covid 19 was it a scam?

Anonymous said...

This is what the world sees of NYC. Plenty of the business community believes that armed forces should be brought into the city. We have 10 weeks of a hot summer facing us. The city's backbone has already fled or has gone bankrupt.

Just think of the hospitals in July. Think of the image of an addled Biden looking like Mr Murkle the few times he goes pubic. The Governor telling the Mayor he did a poor job and ready to send in his troops to beat the President and the Army.

The Democrats have finally done it to themselves. And to us. Remember this in Nov.

Anonymous said...

Another of our representatives show their true colors.

While AOC offers helpful advice to rioters.

Anonymous said...

It's June 3rd and not a story posted since June 1st What Up JQ ?

Anonymous said...

The next time you hear a public official talk about the riots of the past few days think of this essay so you can put their comments into some degree of context:

Anonymous said...

Think about these words every time you hear a discussion of the past few days.

Anonymous said...

Enlightened governance: “Could you please put on this mask? Just put that crowbar down for a moment, honey, and put this mask on. It will keep us all safe. I can help you and hold your crowbar for a moment while you put it on. Thanks a million for helping keep us all safe. You can continue now, safely, with what you were doing.”

Anonymous said...

The terrorists wipe their ass with these orders.
deBlasio orders the cops to "watch and stand down" as the terrorists smashed into a car dealership with a fork lift, steal over a dozen SUVs and smash them into homes and police officers.
Pure insanity, the Governor needs to remove deBlasio and send in the military immediately. deBlasio is with the terrorists !!!

Right now the ANIFTA terrorist's are planning to burn down City Island Saturday. The former closet democrat activist hipster CI civic association president (who was kicked out on his ass) and his domestic partner are advocating this for revenge.
Keep in mind City Island is the home to 750 police officers, 500 fire & EMS dept personnel and 100s of combat war veteran's. All who have guns loaded, masks, blackjacks, tear gas and riot gear all ready to go. They are all claiming they will retire Friday and do what need to be done if the governor does not remove deBlasio.
Add 100s of very large Italian guys who aint the boyscouts backing them, another 300 already organizing & mustering at an undisclosed location.
Get the popcorn and Hart Island labor ready for more burials, I guess?

If this group is allowed to cross the City Island bridge the nation will (I repeat WILL) see the worst bloodbath to date, revenge on white riots will really escalate.
City Island is one bridge road in, same road out with nowhere to hide, the Governor must remove deBlasio and send in militia IMMEADIETLY.

Anonymous said...

Black Lives Matter Deface Former Slave Quarters in Washington. (Well another reason for us to condemn the White Devil who wants to paint over the past, eh?)

The more you look the more Bull Crap you see. The media did not cover how much of our national monuments in the Capital was defaced including burning out the church where the President held up the bible and the Lincoln Memorial. People you are only seeing a very careful sanitized version of what happened - heavily censored by the Democratic Party. Funny how they all howled when the President held up the Bible whom they tried to smear with a completely fabricated back story.

Anonymous said...

But we want to live!we're affraid!they outnumber us !!

Anonymous said...

Scott nyc said...
Imagine getting arrested for going to the gym but then getting a free pass for burning it down.

Anonymous said...

Interesting read.

Anonymous said...

How democrats and the media see things:

Kids in Missouri having fun in the sun not social distancing. BAD

Rioters, looters, arsonists destroying lives and property not social distancing.

Captain Al said... (at approximately the 19 second mark, demonstrators appear to throw an object, possibly a water bottle, onto the Cross Island Parkway. At approximately the 1:32 mark, the protesters have been cleared and the partially empty case of water bottles can be seen)

A water bottle, thrown from a highway overpass, striking the windshield of a vehicle moving at 50 mph, could easily cause a fatal accident. This video is prima facie evidence of violence. Not a riot, but if someone you loved was killed in an accident, how would you feel?

Anonymous said...

When I see articles like this:

All I can think about is how certain segments of society are really far more important, like a fellow that died senselessly who had a criminal record and tons of illegal drugs in his system and tried to rip off his community with counterfeit money - and then ran into a cop who committed a tragic stupid mistake.

Mourning the death of a lowlife miscreant is worth trashing a great nation and city and impoverishing millions. Right? I think its about time to wrap up this 'woke' nonsense and put it up on a shelf along with slavery and Prohibition and move forward to stop the car from falling off the cliff. Point made. Now lets work together to bring things back.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats failed with collusion.
The Democrats failed with impeachment.
The Democrats failed with coronavirus.
The Democrats failed with the lockdown.
and now they are trying to saddle this administration with this violence.

Simply because they failed to find a candidate worthy of a vote.

Anonymous said...

The next time an unarmed person armed with a knife tries to stab you, just go for the legs...Joe Biden 2020

Unarmed...with a knife........ Lmao

Anonymous said...

@Blogger TommyR said... You need to wake up or you are just low IQ !
CNN Journalist standing in front of a building on fire, "Yeah it's peaceful here" gunshots in the background, "Everyone is just here calling for peace and unity" chick is raped in the background "The kind heartedness of these people" dumpster on fire rolls across the screen "It's just heartwarming, you know?" black business owner dragged out and beaten to death, "It's just special" homeless man cries while all the remains of his worldly possessions is set afire "So peaceful here"

Anonymous said...

Interesting read.

Anonymous said...

Voice of Reason said...
Keep trusting the Marxist TV/Cable Media and the NYT you liberal idiots.
If you vote blue you are a fool...

Anonymous said...

NYPD Union Boss - we are losing this city:

Looking forward to our elected officials to comment on this. Local. State. Federal.

Anonymous said...

A neighbor of mine asked me as he said the 5.00 question “Where are all those protestors getting the rocks and bricks in the city?” Who is dropping off this for these people to throw?” He said every night? Got a lot of his neighbors wondering too

Anonymous said...

"Maybe it’s Storyline No. 2: The United States was brutal, unfair from the get-go, colonized by quarreling white European factions that shared little but a tendency to overrun indigenous cultures and hold human beings as property. Its best days, if there really were any, are receding."

Ah, here's the error. American popular culture still thinks only Europeans took slaves, and never did anything to stamp out slavery the world over. No wonder things never progress. We know all the history we ever need to, right and proper.

Anonymous said...

"why are blacks so violent?", someone asked. Let me give it the old college try. Because we ALL need to understand that we can no longer ignore the plain, obvious fact that there are differences between the races.

Sub-saharan Africans have the lowest collective IQ on the planet, and East Asians the highest. This is because geographically isolated groups develop characteristics and adaptions that are specific to the environment they are living in. Throughout the entirety of Sub-Saharan history, they were isolated by an expansive and impassable sand trap to the north.

The environment in the Sub-Sahara was nearly as brutal, but livable. For the earliest humans, life consisted of hunting and gathering. Because death and starvation was so common, women were encridibly fertile. Women produced enough offspring to offset the deaths.

Gestation periods were brief. This allowed boys to mature into young men rather quickly - a trait that is easily observable in modern American blacks as well.

Both men and women developed physical adaptions (long legs for running, hunting, etc.). Note that the winner of every marathon, every year is an East African.

The climate enabled them to never gave to store food. But this climate benefited other animals as well. And there was a constant battle with creatures, all of the year.

In short: they evolved to fuck and kill. Life was a constant struggle, and physicality - not ingenuity - was paramount.


Contrast this with Europeans, who had made there way out of Africa. They dealt with WINTER. Food was available for only 6 months. Completion from other animals not as fierce, and our bodies became more compact over time. We were forced to develop methods of food storage. This required ingenuity. Over time, Europeans became more cognitive, and less physical. Gestation periods became longer. Metabolism slowed because winter made it necessary for the body to store fat.

In short: Europeans developed ways to manipulate nature when nature was not producing enough for us to survive. But the Sub-Saharan Africans stayed the same.

Today, sub-saharans have a collective IQ of 85. East Asians and Europeans average about 110. I know that there are smart blacks, but that is the upper margin of their Belle curve. Our upper margin is Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin.

They evolved in chaos and they need chaos to function. The elites who orchestrated this revolution know this full well. They aren't civil because they can't be. They lack the cognitive functionality.

Anonymous said...

What about this idiot cop who gets rehired to get his pension and claims he has PTSD after he blows away a young white man, Daniel Shaver, sobs to not be shot then the scared cop shoots him dead. Cop gets acquitted.

This narrative that if you just obey a police officer then nothing bad will happen to you isn’t always right. Well, in this case, a white man does exactly what the cop tells him to do while being yelled at and the cop tells him he is going to shoot him if he does anything incorrectly is sadistic.

But he’s white so no national protest for him.

Anonymous said...

Now he meets his "turned-around " life wearing a wife-beater undershirt with his face lying in the gutter. Black lives matter as do all lives but it seems to me George Floyd failed his race miserably. Black men don't you think it's time to get your shit together


Using your logic, the white cop who killed him along with his brethrens and we’ve seen police officers brutalize protestors. Vice had a story where a Minneapolis shop owner had his convenience store looted twice by outsiders who were white as he didn’t recognize them from his security cameras. He and others stood guard and when the cops cleared his street he was warned to get inside which he did but the idiotic white cops shot him in the back with a rubber bullet, his white son was attacked and Maced by cops without warning, the journalist held up his press badge and yelled out press! Repeatedly and was told they don’t care. The cops actually went into his boarded up store and tear gassed the occupants. The store owner said he understands the protestors after that event.

The video is on YouTube. Watching that made me mad that these cops were out of control.

You know the Opiod epidemic is mainly in middle white America right? But blacks were weak to succumb to crack while whites were just peddled addictive drugs by big bad pharma. Whites love their heroin and cocaine right? Eric Clapton? Heroin addict. David Bowie? Cocaine addict.

You know who also loved to riot? Whites who lynched blacks then burn their dead bodies, posed for pictures alongside their bodies, killed Chinese men, Native Americans that were massacred especially women and children.

Let’s see what race dies most from opioids? White people.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D

What makes you different from your forbearers then?

You’re a disgrace to the white race.

Anonymous said...

The All Blue Government is spitting in your Face NYC and you like it !

Anonymous said...

Got to admit watching the looting and rioting on tv was more entertaining than anything Hollywood has produced in awhile
Now it's back to boring tv.

The Ghost of Vachel Linsdsay said...

White Lives Matter From Black Lives.

From the NY Times (6/4/20): "... [BLACK teenager] Weaver stabbed her [Barnard college freshman Tessa Majors, a WHITE woman] at least four times after she refused to give them her cellphone, one thrust hitting her heart."

Extra. Extra. Read all about it <HERE. Where's the outrage from the white community? Where do they march?

Anonymous said...

@ Vachel. And the young white woman was unarmed when the black devil plunged the knife into her heart. The shoe belongs on the other foot: SYSTEMIC racism of blacks against whites.

Anonymous said...

White Lives Matter From Black Lives.

From the NY Times (6/4/20): "... [BLACK teenager] Weaver stabbed her [Barnard college freshman Tessa Majors, a WHITE woman] at least four times after she refused to give them her cellphone, one thrust hitting her heart."

Extra. Extra. Read all about it <HERE. Where's the outrage from the white community? Where do they march?


I don’t know. Maybe whites like you are too lazy to march. Why didn’t you organize a march? There was outrage from the white community. Just like years ago, a white woman was raped by allegedly a gang of black teens.

Remember that one? The NYPD was extremely pressured to get the culprits and get them into court and no surprise railroaded with false confessions.

Anonymous said...

@ Vachel. And the young white woman was unarmed when the black devil plunged the knife into her heart. The shoe belongs on the other foot: SYSTEMIC racism of blacks against whites.


We absolutely have overwhelming documentation of systematic racism against blacks by whites. Was the cop who killed Floyd racist? Don’t know. A brutal police officer you probably don’t want to meet even for running a red light? After seeing what he did why being filmed without a worry he was not doing the right thing and just the optics of having his entire weight on his knee pushing down onto Floyd’s neck and pulling out a mace can shows how he has a certain personality.

The Irish Examiner on Twitter had video filmed by the perpetrators where one black male is repeatedly stabbing a young Irish lad in the right side. But what does the politically correct Irish Examiner do? Ask people not to retweet but they have no problems with BLM photos. So you’re right, there’s a double standard especially during times of police brutality where the victim is black and cop is white.

I find it disturbing Amazon, and all sorts of companies support BLM and will donate money. They should spend the money by getting their lobbyists to encourage politicians to pass legislation to make education equal for all kids not just kids in rich neighborhoods.

BLM has policies like defunding the Police. They and organizers actually are interviewed that property can be replaced. This came from an Asian American organizer from Baltimore interviewed in NYC recently. Well, explain that to the minority store owners that had their businesses looted and destroyed.

It’s disgusting protestors think it’s completely acceptable and organized to purposefully shut down traffic.

No justice, no peace? What about No justice, we will keep protesting and vote and donate money to potential candidates?

Anonymous said...

"Maybe whites like you are too lazy to march." We have Jobs and homes to take care of who has time to march Soy Boy !

Anonymous said...

"We absolutely have overwhelming evidence of systemic racism against blacks by whites?"

So overwhelm us. Where's your data? A link to peer reviewed article will do just fine.

Fact is they are 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the violent crime. They have destroyed every country that they inhabit. This includes Haiti and Jamaica, where they overthrew their white dictators and gained autonomy. Both Haiti and Jamaica are lawless and barren now, though they were once considered a paradise.

The same goes for Liberia, a country that is partially populated by freed American slaves who were repatriated. The constitution of Liberia is nearly identical to the US Constitution. The country is now run by warlords.

The average IQ of Sub-Saharan Africans is about 85. Speaking of Sub-Saharan Africa, 6 white farmers have been tortured and murdered in South Africa since George Floyd's overdose.

We have given all we can give. There are no more policy changes left to create. Nothing left to give except our lives. If we gave them a NASA space shuttle they would year it down, loot it, and film a rap video in front of it. They cannot function in civil, lawful society.

GetsGet readybready for a massive wave of miscegenation. White women seem more than eager to participate in social engineering, judging by their social media hysteria the past two weeks. Now that we've handed over our institutions to BLM without a fight, women will start trading sex for safety. This happened in WW2 Germany after the allies, as well.

Honestly, that's our only way out of this. They need European genes.

Anonymous said...

"Where's your data ?" They don't need data they "Feel" a certain way and Virtue Signal on Social Meadia. And yes it's mostly women who participate in socia media hysteria. Men fight the wars and die and they spread their... for the victor. It's happen in history for thousands of years.

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