Saturday, May 2, 2020

Breaking News: Mayor de Blasio suddenly doesn't want to convert hotels into homeless shelters

The Intercept

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration is opposing legislation that would allow thousands of at-risk homeless New Yorkers to live in vacant hotel rooms for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, claiming the price tag is too hefty — but according to advocates, legislators, and City Council staff, the program could be paid for using federal government funds.

The 80,000 New Yorkers who sleep in the city’s shelters, streets, and subways are among the most vulnerable to Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. On Wednesday, the mayor announced that the city would move 1,000 people experiencing homelessness into double-occupancy hotel rooms each week going forward, in addition to the 2,500 who had already been given hotel rooms. But homeless individuals and advocates say this isn’t nearly commensurate with the severity or urgency of the crisis.

City Council member Steve Levin has introduced legislation to offer all residents of congregate shelters and all unsheltered single adults — 12,000 people in total — the option to relocate to some of the 100,000 vacant private hotel rooms across the city. On the current course, Levin told The Intercept, it’s “inevitable” that New York’s shelters will see the devastating outbreaks experienced by shelters in other cities. Already, 94 of the city’s roughly 100 congregate shelters, where single adults live as many as 20 to a room and eat in communal areas, have seen at least one positive Covid-19 case.

De Blasio’s administration opposes the bill, testifying at a Council hearing that it would cost the city $495 million over six months. “I don’t see that as a real number,” Levin told The Intercept. The city has not answered the Council’s questions about how it arrived at the estimate but appears not to have factored in the steep drop in the market rate for hotel rooms amid the pandemic. Levin estimates the bill will cost just $108 million, excluding operational and social services costs.

Regardless of the total price, it is likely that the bill can be footed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, which reimburses costs for approved state disaster response programs. FEMA is currently funding California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s “Project Roomkey,” which will eventually house tens of thousands of people in 15,000 hotel rooms.

Wow, good work there Levin. Although you should include those other costs that way you can expose de Blasio lies better.

Wonder what Maspeth and East New York think of the Mayor's harsh decision.


Anonymous said...

Party bosses likely to oust Biden for Cuomo late August.

Anonymous said...

The problem is the spaces filled with homeless would be near the Long Island City waterfront. Coupled with the skittishness of young families who then could bolt, could then convert the waterfront and pockets of midtown (including bozo development fantasies like Hudson Yards) into cash flows that could pay off the lenders - damn the long term consequences to everyone else.

Well, except for the Democratic Party. They will be ecstatic that fixed hard core blocks of voters will be entrenched for the next several generations in the center of New York City. What a great image on how the Dems have re-imaged the city and by extension the nation.

De Blaz would have Kennedy or LaGuardia renamed for him.

Joe said...

Why not house them in the huge vacant hotels up in Ulster and Sullivan county's (former Yiddish Alps) they would be glad to take them at 1/5 the price.

Anonymous said...

Need to pay off big debt from construction loans in NYC -that's why it would be NYC and not upstate.

Also easy access to a host of programs and a great backdrop for Democratic politicians - who wants to take a picture of the needy receiving a gift basket from some hack 'Great Leader' in front of a resort stuck in 1960 when you have the Hudson Yards as a backdrop.

Anonymous said...

N.Y.C little bitch Demorat cheerleaders have no idea what's coming from this satanic cult !

Anonymous said...

When they close the subway next week the homeless will return to under every construction shed in lower Manhattan where DaBlossio can hand out free masks!!

Anonymous said...

Thank Gov Cuomo - sign petition.
National Democratic Training Committee - WTF?

Anonymous said...

My my think they should space this campaign out over several days - flooding all social media in one day seems to send the signal that the Dems are a bit of a frantic emergency mode and are just waking up to what everyone else decided a month ago.

More Prevagen Ma!! said...

What’s Joe’s hairy legs have to say now??

We know you were playing three fingered hide and seek with that co-ed on your staff. You no good chicken hearted chuckle head. No malarkey my keister by gum!!

JQ LLC said...

@Anon re: NDTC

Don't worry about that, it's a hoax org.

Anonymous said...

@More Prevagen Ma!! said...
Well Take a ruby red look at this scone-eating pants chaser !

Voice from above said...

Dear Leader says his most beautiful hotel will not become a homeless shelter just cause it’s empty. He can willingly fill it with loyal S.S agents compliments of the US taxpayer. Extra $$ for him.
He would Iike to thank his loyal minions for helping him re-write history. Who needs Fascist News Network when his minions have the brain capacity of an amoeba.
Make the rich richer again is what Dear Leader says.
God Bless Dear Leader

Anonymous said...

Maximus said...

And for more good news...
You Moron New York City Voters don't get it ! (Voted Him in Twice) You are Fucked and nothing can be done until November 2021. You must pick a new Mayor who must fix all the damage Bill de Blaio and his first lady did to your City ! Your city council is a pile of Marxist shit too.

De Blasio is letting thousands of Riker Island Criminals out for ideological reasons, and public safety be damned. The Post reported, 50 of the first 1,500 who were released were already rearrested — and some of them released yet again ! Leftist Mayor Bill de Blasio, "It’s the perfect excuse to swing open city jail doors and free the inmates."

Anonymous said...

''De Blasio is letting thousands of Riker Island Criminals out for ideological reasons""

Yup, and these criminals feel they are entitled to steal, and teach children is OK to commit robbery now also.
Firehouse Deli on quiet City Island
One of these inner City persons of color with his + wife (whatever) and 5 kids in tow all in masks ran sacked the deli as the woman distracted the counter person with stupid questions. "What ya mean you don't sell scratch tickets" ""how much is this, that blah blah blah"
This as the guy and the kids grabbed whatever they wanted. It was all small stuff like candy and a tall buy can of beer.
They didn't give a shit about the cameras, spoke some ghetto jailhouse lingo English I couldn't even understand.

I am now will carry personal protection.

Auntie Invasion said...

What time and where do I line up to get my Gift Basket from the hack Great Leader?
Can I get one for my neighbor, my grandmother and my son,too?

Anonymous said...

Somebody is providing transportation & masks to bring inner City persons of color into white neighborhoods to get the "gift baskets" at schools where the people don't want the mayors handouts or don't qualify for them. (you gotta have kids or something called a snap card)

This and all the jailbirds are likely related to the robbery's on City Island, Pelham Manor and Little Neck that all happened 1 block from schools handing out free food.
The crooks & freeloaders are cleaning up good thanks to deBlasio.
Be prepared for one fucked up summer, worse if this home schooling on computers stays permanently so all schools can be converted to shelters to make every single neighborhood an equal demographic slum, equal with crime and problems.
Now I see what these Marxist bastards are up to.

Anonymous said...

@Anon "I Will carry personal protection."
God Bless You and stay safe !

Ned said...

Another cop doing his job has been stripped of his gun and badge pending an internal investigation.
How is it discriminatory policing by the NYPD when its mostly people of color committing these crimes. Include punching and tackling police officers when confronted to escape arrest. (include some 3X free strike probation violation for the 10th time)
What does the mayor want the cops to do, arrest innocent white & Asian people to keep the pie chart equal?
Cops being stripped from patrolling with guns & Tasers so criminals wont get hurt? This is INSANE !!!
What was the percentage of Rikers Inmates released?
Why does the media never disclose this
Answer: 95 percent of the youth released from New York City jails were black or Latino and that fact upsets the racist Marxist mayor bastard.

This jackass set the prison population (95% of dark color) free to help themselves and terrorize the city, grocery store owners and cops.
With the cops now being told to stand down when confronted by blacks NYC is about to see surge of people getting arrested for fighting and shooting back because that's the only way DeBlassole is going to see his equal pie chart of arrests.
NYC is going to be the next Wild Wild West and the fed up cops may all quit the force and not be around to restore order


Anonymous said...

QC Reader said...
Well said Ned !

Anonymous said...

"God Bless You and stay safe"

Glad the good people are now getting it and what our politicians and media are up to.---Which is place the police in handcuffs and allow the thugs attempt to run the white middle class out of town.
I had enough of having to be around these criminals wearing masks and scull caps when I need to buy food.
To add to my personal protection, I just ordered a Kevlar vest, gloves (to grab knives) hat and some big respirator masks too.

If thugs, jailbirds and their family's are allowed to play dirty, citizens are equal to do so too.
No discriminatory practices, Right Mr. Mayor?

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