Saturday, April 18, 2020

The subterranean mobile homeless shelters

Dear Crappy,
I took the attached photo at 6am today on the F train. In the last few weeks, I’ve noticed a drastic increase in the number of homeless ppl sleeping on the train. I don’t blame them- who would want to go to one of the covid-filled pesthouses that the city calls shelters? But  can we (meaning the city) at least offer these people masks? (And gloves.... and maybe a meal.) Seriously-  the decree that NYers must wear masks in public places  fails to acknowledge the homeless population. I wish some local reporter would ask DeBlasio at one of his press conferences. 

From: Elmhurst Garbage Lady


Anonymous said...

You know that many choose to live that way !
They need to be taken off the streets and put in Mental Hospitals.
They are a danger to public safety.

Anonymous said...

There are two realities and have been for some time. The Democratic Party and the rest of us including the Government. The Party places things that are important to them over the interests of the rest of us be it city, state, nation.

For example, they are doing everything they can to protect the lawless, read future Democrats, by diverting government funds and resources to help them, while telling the rest of us: "you are on your own". This picture is "Exhibit A".

They know about this as one among many examples of public squalor (who doesn't) but its in their best interest to ignore it. Their problem is that as the rest of the country starts to move forward, NYC will remain a festering sore because of this and those overcrowded garrets and basements full of needy people who welcome their handouts and give them purpose and their Agenda a future.

Pretty interesting to see the next big earthquake: when the readership of the snowflake and genteel New York Magazine cracks. And that should be pretty soon. Its only so long they will put up with their restaurants, bars, and galleries closed. There are two needy groups in this city and I am putting my money on this group.

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers expect the rest of the nation to pay for this insanity?

georgetheatheist said...

AOC supporters.

Anonymous said...

When things get going again how long will it take to clean this up? I'm worried that this will be the new normal.

Anonymous said...

In the seven train a dude was jerking off. He had a mask so theyre looking for him. He left a mess in the floor all slippery slop sticky. He was touching the poles and spittin. Im going back to brooklyn queens is too turnt.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here.....Business as usual!!!

Anonymous said...

New Yorkers expect the rest of the nation to pay for this insanity?
No, 'Democrats' not New Yorkers, and the two circles are starting to separate.

New Yorkers want to get to work, to live their lives. They want their families and friends happy and healthy. New Yorkers do not want people to live like their great grandparents. They have moved out of the 19th century a long time ago and have no interest in returning.

'Democrats' want to build a fantasy Dystopian State. That picture is their world.

Is it yours?

Pete said...

Many homeless are mentally ill. That said, just because they may be mentally ill you can no put them into a mental hospitals against their will. Mentally ill people still want to be treated with dignity and they still want to have independence. This is not an easy problem to fix.

If you hate it so much anonymous, move to Larchmont. What is stopping you?
How dumb can you be to hate a place so much and not move.

They know about this as one among many examples of public squalor (who doesn't) but its in their best interest to ignore it. Their problem is that as the rest of the country starts to move forward, NYC will remain a festering sore because of this and those overcrowded garrets and basements full of needy people who welcome their handouts and give them purpose and their Agenda a future.

Craphurst Garbage Lady said...

“They need to be taken off the streets- they are a danger to public safety.”
—Certainly there are severely mentally ill people who are a danger to the public- they live among the homeless population as well as the upper echelon of society. But I don’t think the people in this photo are out to harm anyone (except maybe inadvertently, by not wearing masks). I sentCrappy this photo yesterday because I wanted people to see what is happening here in Queens. Obviously NYC has always had a homeless problem, but since the pandemic started, the subways have become actual mobile shelters- every bench is someone’s bed. I don’t know what to do. I am SO disgusted with DeBlasio. The man has no character. He wants us to text 311 now to report ppl in public without masks, while the subways are full of maskless desperate people who have nowhere to live?!? Only God can save us.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it this issue of the homeless started decades ago with President Ronald Reagan and this issue has only exacerbated with so much federal money being diverted away from cities and cities realizing they count on the rich, so hence gentrification and super expensive housing and not affordable to most people, let alone the lower income. Really both parties have not done much, Republicans do nothing and cut funding to social service programs and Democrats keep ignoring or just warehousing homeless in hotels till whenever.

This situation on the subway has been going on badly for the past 10-15 years and has gotten worst. And the so-called liberal mayor has done little. Just like on his appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher two weeks ago, mentioning how lower income and people of color tend to be really affected by CODVID-19 because of high rates of asthma, yet did not mention that he and past mayors have done nothing about the dumping of those big dumps in Jamaica, North Brooklyn and the Bronx, which cause high rates of asthma.

This is not just a Democrat or Republican thing, this is the total failure of both parties. Equal blame to go all around and most do not get this, since they tend to pick one side only.

Anonymous said...

"This is not just a Democrat or Republican thing" Really ?
The biggest HOMELESS problems are in Liberal Marxist Demorat Cities !

This is the New York you get sheeple ....

Anonymous said...

The Mayor wants NY’ers to rat on people not complying with social distancing.
The dope who runs one of the biggest sanctuary cities is now worried about people breaking the rules. Dipshit.

Anonymous said...

”When things get going again how long will it take to clean this up? I'm worried that this will be the new normal.“

I don’t see how we can restart anything without first ensuring that the homeless have a place to go and aren’t just taking even more train cars out of service when the goal is social distancing. I suspect that even when jobs return, many will still be doing remote work. Those who can’t will walk, bike or drive to work. The subway was an overcrowded nightmare before. I can’t imagine that it will be any better when there’s even less service and more crowding. R.I.P. subway, and good luck to those who continue to ride.

Lee Waters said...

This is not new. It's always like this late at night on most lines, but it's more noticeable in regular hours to regular people now that the subways are closed to all but essential workers, though clearly not everyone riding is going to work, and I'm not referring to these homeless souls.

To the guy bitching about New York: leave. Problem solved.

To the guy who doesn't understand the difference between causation and correlation (cities tend to be liberal, cities tend to have homeless populations, these are correlated facts, not causative): go to school, you sound ridiculous here and you don't even seem to realize it. I expect a bunch of random insults to come my way now. Don't bother. You'll be ignored like all the other people ranting in the streets, screaming for someone to hear their crackpot conspiracy theory. It's sad, really, that this is what you choose to do with the time God has given you.

To the person who sent the photo: For what it's worth last night I saw some sort of homeless outreach teams going around to people sleeping at Union Square on the N, Q, R, W platforms. I'm not sure what good it did, but they were there, at least.

Anonymous said...

Common sense would indicate to me that the coronavirus will mutate in the homeless populations in America. You have diseased people in the streets of America -- New York, Chicago, San Francisco, mainly on the West Coast in the sick, disgusting state that I live in -- festering with illness. And they are a petri dish with depressed immune systems from the overuse of illegal drugs -- shooting up drugs, snorting drugs, not eating properly, laying in their own feces, eating their own feces in some cases. There is a high likelihood that the coronavirus will latch onto some of these people and mutate in the homeless populations.
Michael Savage

Anonymous said...

We cannot shut down society because people have issues, ranging from true mental illness to being an outright lazy a-hole. The first priority to any society that wants to survive is the health of people, families, cities, and economies.

As some point you might have to cut bait. People need to get to work. Students need to get to school. Should a city be held hostage at the needs (and whims and political agendas) of the few?

Of course not. Cooler heads will prevail. The only Question is will the Democrats wake up to the new reality, or will they, as Royalists of a century ago, be swept away by the seas of change. They have less than a year to make up their mind. For them its the summer of 1918.

Anonymous said...

Watch Bill Gates Laugh, and Giggle About Vaccines and Mass Death

Unknown said...

Nobody cares about working new Yorkers who pay their taxes every year;
Work 50-51 weeks a year for one week vacation. Just go to work and keep your mouth shut.
But then they jam homeless shelters into working class neighborhoods also. So, you're struggling to pay your bills, away from home 11-12 hours a day and you have very numerous types in these shelters. They include the insane, the drug addicted, some registered sex offenders and others. I'm not insinuating all homeless in shelters are awful. I am saying there are enough of a percentage to really put damage in the safety of the nearby residents.
For instance, in the converted hotel on Van Dam and Review in LIC, they had to put up an additional 8 foot fence around the outdoor, first floor public patio. This is because the homeless women and their mail guests were having happy hour parties daily for all to see.
Your tax dollars hard at work.
Good luck to everyone trying to find normalcy after this horrible period of our life.

Pete said...

These cities are also the cities with the strongest economies and the highest number of ultra rich residents. This drives up prices on housing, which is really why this happens.
The top four cities are also the top for areas in the USA with the highest GDP.

Another way of saying this is, the biggest and strongest and richest economies in the USA are in democratic cities.

New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, D.C.

The biggest HOMELESS problems are in Liberal Marxist Demorat Cities !

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people complain about this. This is the way New Yorkers want the trains to be.

If any cop went on the train and tried to kick any of these people off or arrest any one of them, the passengers would be recording and going nuts on the cop for abusing these poor people in need. The politicans would be freaking out about it and people would protest it. The cop would be demonized in the media for days after.

Since we are more worried about criminal's rights and the rights of the insane and illegals over the average person, this is what happens. Its not pretty but these are our progressive values in action.

Ivanka said...

Poor people are gross.

Anonymous said...

ALAS, the hyper-corrupt, entrenched, establishment-rigged and corporate obedient DemonRat, DNC scourges of BrainWashington, DC (District of Corruption), are ALL about anti-EVERYTHING——except their OWN corruption (as evidenced by disgraced Mayor Bill de Blasio).

So, what good have they EVER accomplished for America, and We, the People? They just continually play lethally dangerous games with 'OTHER' people's hard earned money, savings and retirement accounts, and STEALING IT, with a vengeful impunity that remains unprecedented, to date—and, the ever languishing public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!


❝The self-righteous rule out the possibility that THEY are what has gone wrong.❞ —Mason Cooley

❝I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know.❞ —Epicurus

❝The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn—and RELEARN.❞ —Alvin Toffler

❝It's frightful that people who are so ignorant have so much influence.❞ —George Orwell

❝Political correctness is fascism pretendiing to be manners.❞ —George Orwell

Rob said...

Ok, Steve... lol

Did a five year old make that website...jesus.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Watch Bill Gates Laugh, and Giggle About Vaccines and Mass Death

Anonymous said...

Some people consume too much lefty propaganda and it shows here on Qeens Crap !
I haven’t spoke to a sane Liberal/DEMONcRAT in years.

Anonymous said...

Other U.S. States going back to work Today and Lame New York is waiting for a handout.
#1 Question - The Stupid Liberal People voting in dangerous (where's the Ventilators) Gov Sonny and Marxist(Pot Head) Mayor de Bozo can you see your mistakes now ? Take that and have some Ice Cream suckers...

Anonymous said...

Fox News Reader said...

Pelosi's preparedness plan is over stocking gourmet ice cream. That's how removed from reality this Dimwit is. Reminds us of Imelda Marcus and her closet full of shoes. One can draw the lines of comparison in mental processes. Pelosi's streets full of homeless people, Imelda's subjects fighting for bread.

Anonymous said...

Urban Studies Gone Wrong said...
"This is the way New Yorkers want the trains to be"
Yes they do ! Suck it up NYC Sheeple...

Anonymous said...

Homeless outreach teams should take home one Bum each. Problem solved !
Yes that's what they are called "Bums" !

Anonymous said... up NYC PREMATURELY again and REINFECT the city. THEN wind up closing it down again ....and go from a recession to a full fledged depression!
Anything to put a dollar over human life you IGNORANT scum sucking mouth breathers 🤮

Anonymous said...

To Fox News Reader:

The enclosed link below is where skeleton face with makeup, 'Nothing Below Me,' I mean 'Nasty PIG-losi,' I mean Nancy Pelosi lives, QUEENS Crappers! Burn that drunken wench's house down to the ground, patriots——that's where ALL of We, the People's money went!

❝An HONEST public servant can’t become rich in politics.❞ ——Harry S. Truman

❝In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of. In a country badly governed, wealth is something to be ashamed of.❞ ——Confucius

❝It's fascinating to watch legislators turn away from their usual corporate grips, when they hear the growing thunder of the people.❞ ——Ralph Nader

❝The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door. That's the only difference.❞ ——Ralph Nader

Says John Barlow:

❝Pelosi and Maxine Waters live like royalty. At the same time, they both have unmerited wealth, while presiding over shitholes that they created——to become even richer. I despise ALL politicians.❞

Says Arlene Kahn:

❝Diane Feinstein's husband has received something like $1 BILLION in sweetheart deals for US Post Office retired buildings. There is a homeless epidemic in her state, and what has she done for those people? How many elections has that scumbag won? Let that sink in.❞

❝The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.❞ ——H. L. Mencken - (1880-1956) American Journalist, Editor, Essayist

❝I have never wished to cater to the crowd; for what I know they do not approve, and what they approve I do not know.❞ ——Epicurus

❝The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn—and, RELEARN.❞ ——Alvin Toffler

❝It's frightful that people who are so ignorant have so much influence.❞ ——George Orwell

❝The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.❞ ——George Orwell (And, they already have!)

❝Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.❞ ——George Orwell

❝If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.❞ ——George Orwell

❝ALL tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.❞ ——George Orwell

❝The media have become the propaganda arm of the very wealthy.❞ ——Brian Emo

❝Sooner or later, the people of this country are going to find out that the government doesn't give a fuck about them. Government doesn't care about you. All they are interested in, is keeping and expanding their own power.❞ ——George Carlin

❝Political correctness is fascism pretending to be manners.❞ —George Carlin

Anonymous said...

Who's worse? The Dimwit you morons elected? Or the morons who elected the Dimwit?

Anonymous said...

New York Post ...
Subway crime is up despite dramatically lower ridership amid coronavirus.

Citywide stats released Monday show that crime after March 12 was down year-over-year in every category except burglary and auto theft, which increased by 45 and 95 percent, respectively. Read that agin (45% and 95 %)

Mayor de Blaso say...Inmates committing crimes after coronavirus release ‘unconscionable’: De Blasio Really you smuck !
Thanks to all the Demorat NYC Voters you did great !

The Big Apple Sucks...

Anonymous said...

This is why the plague will stay in NYC a very long time. The city will have to eventually be quarantined.

Anonymous said...

Dirty Kyle said ...

Shut yer Pie Hole Dipsh#t !

Leey Watters sez... "Causation and Correlation"

Anonymous said...

VOTE DEM OUT — how much evidence do people need ?

Anonymous said...

Why don't these "HomeLess" work jobs ?

Anonymous said...

Queens Resident said...

Why are illegal invaders treated better than our American Homless Citizens ?

Anonymous said...

No worries, DeBlasio says the situation is under control!!

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