Sunday, December 1, 2019

Staten Island Amazon warehouse workers demand fulfillment benefits, services and safety provisions

NY Post

Workers at Amazon’s Staten Island packing facility say Jeff Bezos deserves a lump of coal in his stocking for running roughshod over them, especially during the busy holiday season.

Over a hundred Amazon workers and their supporters gathered outside the facility on Monday to protest working conditions that they say only worsen as the e-tailing giant gears up to deliver a rush of packages ahead of Christmas and Hanukkah.

The workers, who gathered outside the warehouse around 5:30 p.m., carried signs, chanted slogans and demanded a manager emerge from the building to accept a petition signed by 600 people — and addressed to Amazon chief executive Bezos, tied for richest man in the world with Bill Gates.

Their petition demands longer work breaks and more dedicated MTA buses to the far-flung facility. It also protests newly released injury data showing that the rate of worker injury at the facility is three times higher than similar warehouse work.

“It has become clear that our safety is a secondary concern in your eyes, lagging far behind line speed,” the petition said. “There are only weak plans in place to prevent more pain, more injuries, and more deaths as we enter the hardest time of the year,” the letter said.

Amazon’s eyebrow-raising injury rates at the warehouse, which opened in 2018, where released Monday by labor advocacy group Make the Road New York based on Amazon’s own submissions to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Among the injuries reported were sprains and strains from pushing, pulling and lifting machinery and merchandise.

And because the facility is kept at an overly warm temperature, workers sometimes pass out from overheating, said Frank Kearl, staff attorney for Make the Road.

“There are serious structural problems in the way that facility is operating,” Kearl said.


Anonymous said...

"There are serious structural problems in the way that facility is operating"

They operate just like factories in China, another problem is America's young people are dominantly a bunch of cry baby's who never experienced a hard days work.
They also do not understand the concept of reading fine print in the employment contract and earning those benefits & services by staying employed more then 2 weeks without expecting to retire.
My sisters 3 boys out on Long Island refuse to rake leaves or even push a lawn mower for $20 an hour. They all want to be artists making $200K a year, $100K each in college debt down the toilette to study useless garbage nobody will pay you for.
Well Staten Island asked for Amazon, and now they have it.

Look at the slums of RVs & people made homeless in parts of California & Seattle where these tech company's dropped anchor.

Ned said...

SWEAT SHOPS SLAVES run by robots.
New York asked for it with its habitually miserable voting and sheep stupidity.
New York's elected socialist Governor and communist mayor are proof of this self chosen path to suicide.


ron s said...

So maybe all of the screaming about keeping Amazon out of LIC was wrong after all?

Anonymous said...

>So maybe all of the screaming about keeping Amazon out of LIC was wrong after all?

Oh no, it's not the same at all, a dozen Amazon executives would have moved out here from the West Coast wit their $200,000 salaries, so somehow that makes the LIC project much better.

Julie B. said...

Amazon is running their "it's great to work here" commercial round the clock.

Anonymous said...

The answer to these questions is because the postal culture embraces and reflects core values that center on achieving bottom-line results with little or no regard for employee participation, respect, dignity, or fairness. Additionally, there is little or no accountability for the actions of top management in the Postal Service. Many postal facilities consequently have toxic work environments, and they can be a catalyst or trigger for serious acts of workplace violence, including homicide and suicide. . . The primary factors contributing to a toxic workplace environment are high job demands, low job control, and low social support. Low social support generally entails a lack of respect and validation of employees’ dignity by their “superiors”. It also oftentimes includes organizational practices and methods that encourage the bullying of employees to meet corporate goals.

Dr. Steve Musacco
Beyond Going Postal
Amazon has essentially BOUGHT the USPS anyway

Anonymous said...

Here are the "well paying" jobs that LIC lost.

Anonymous said...

The Staten Island Amazon 'Fulfillment Center' makes hell look like heaven!

Anonymous said...

I've been using gmail from the same library for a decade but the millennial goofballs say my device is not recognized and lock me out. It is time to break up the goon ghoules and futz pucks!

Anonymous said...

Spectrum cable gave free stuff to these Librarys to gain special interests.
You likely need different wifi firewall and incoming and outgoing server settings in your email program.
For email think you need SMTP settings. POP protocals wont work and the Millennials don't know jack shit about this.
Best is to install a separate email client like bluemail or Mozella on your device

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