Friday, November 8, 2019

Governor Cuomo gets stingy with criminal justice reform

NY Post

District attorneys across the state slammed Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday after he said law enforcement agencies don’t need more funding to implement new criminal justice reforms.

“I think they’ve gotten additional funding, and they’re getting additional funding, so no, I don’t think they need more funding,” Cuomo told reporters at an unrelated event in Albany.

“Everyone always says they want more funding. This year, funding is going to be very difficult.”
DAs have argued they don’t have enough funds to properly carry out the new discovery law — which goes into effect in Jan. 2020 and mandates a 15- to 30-day window for prosecutors and defense lawyers to exchange materials before an arraignment.

They’re seeking extra money for staff and technology upgrades.

“The governor’s unwillingness to appropriate funds for this unfunded mandate will only cause victims to be victimized again when prosecutors are unable to perform the basic functions of their offices,” seethed District Attorneys Association of New York President David Hoovler, a Republican.

“If the state refuses to fund ordinary costs related to the implementation of these new laws, the burden will then be on county budgets, who may be unable to pick up the slack.”

 Hoovler’s organization estimated the mandates could cost law enforcement agencies across the state upwards of $100 million.


Anonymous said...

Why do they need so much money for something so simple and standard, that pretty much every other state has had since the beginning?

>“The governor’s unwillingness to appropriate funds for this unfunded mandate will only cause victims to be victimized again when prosecutors are unable to perform the basic functions of their offices,”

Funny how NY prosecutors up until now claimed that the lack of simple discovery was unnecessary and completely fair, and now suddenly consider it a basic function and are worried about victimizing people.

I can't believe I'm siding with Cuomo, but I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

Anonymous said...

Tax Divorce lawyers,they are the real criminals making money for the court system

Anonymous said...


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