Monday, July 22, 2019

Ridgewood residents resist the specter of rising rents and a dubious affordable housing development


Anonymous said...

There is no question that in many neighborhoods the demand for housing outpaces the supply and that rents rise faster then wage growth pricing lots of people out of the market. The answer has been to have rent controls and regulations which in the end deter development and aggravate the housing shortage.

Anonymous said...

Remember when certain communities would complain that Nobody would invest in their neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

How many tenants were evicted the week those laws were passed? I'm so sick of the Real Estate Industrial Complex. Even these so called activists are part of it.

Is this group going to be like the one that fought against the Barclay Stadium in Brooklyn, then were paid off with the promise of affordable housing? I mean ACORN.

Anonymous said...

Rents are rising due to taxes, water bills, electric & gas, sidewalk repairs, plumbing repairs. A rent increase is more of a "nuisance tax" to deal with both the city and tenants bullshit.
For starters: All the sewer lines in the streets are over loaded due to so many people and development, it cost the average landlord over $2000 a year in snaking just to keep the sewer line and check valves working.
If a landlord has 2 tenants that's a near 10% rent increase requirement right there just for a landlord to break even, its not profit by no means.

God forbid should rent controls and regulations be imposed on private landlords, that would lead to friggan bankruptcy!
Why are landlords treated so badly and unfair in this city ?

Anonymous said...

I definitely see the seeds of communism in these ladies' methodology and language. And I also see that a lot of the people she spoke to in Spanish were most probably illegals earning minimum wage or less. She was "Dialing for Democrats", this one. She's hoping to facilitate those illegals right into a voting booth to pull that "D" lever and get on the gubermint teat.

Gino said...

>$2000 a year in snaking just to keep the sewer line and check valves working<
That's due to all the nasty & greasy cooking from the immigrants.
They have the worst diets on the planet.
The grease turns into wax in the sewer lines that no drain buster can break up. You need to rotary snake and flush-bag the whole system and line from the yard to the street 2X a year.
The shit also floats in the city's lines so when heavy rains come it back-flows into the houses where it eventually solidify into plugs as hard as a soap bars.

Yeah, the landlords fault right ?

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz, renters are they finally making the connection. Thats right keep voting for radical left progressive elected officials that offer you the world and love you to death yet repeatedly pursue policies and new environmentally and green glitzy building rules and regulations that punishes property owners and drive their profit margins lower and lower. Even as a building owner and my attempt to SAVE WATER is rewarded with annual double percentage increases to the NYC Water Board as punishment just so the Mayor and City Council can pay the ultimate financial cost for maintaining a Sanctuary City for its illegals that abound in Ridgewood and Bushwick. And I agree, this woman of the Tenants Union is sowing the seeds of Communism and provocation painting all building owners as robber barons to be destroyed by her next communist revolution.

Gino said...

""painting all building owners as robber barons to be destroyed by her next communist revolution""
Well put exactly !
I refuse to rent and have an agreement with all my neighbors to airBNB one apartment 2 months a year (summer) I get a lot of couples from Poland who are her to visit family then go home, no problems.
I interview on Skype, they must speak English, agree to no in/out with the bags and backpacks too. --low key only
I do the same for the neighbors, replace their water heaters, trim trees, sweep the dogshit etc, nobody complains.

FUCK Mayor and City Council Communists !
This "CCC" is nothing more the opposite version of the KKK

Gino said...

Save water by collecting and filtering the roof gutter water into plastic 55 Gal drums + small pool filter pump + pressurized well tank as an alternative for flushing toilets and watering tomato plants. Use sanitizing tablets or UV LEDs in the toilet tanks if you wish.
It cost you around $400 to build, run PEX tubing to a changeover A/B valve at the toilet tank for city water if needed.
Install a urinal in the bathroom.

Systems in Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and Dominican Republic re-cycle the washing machine rinse cycle water (not recommended)

UrbanMole said...

The are property owners and then there is these guys. But I wouldn't go too far believing what radical left nonsense and lies Leticia James is selling as truth.

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