Thursday, July 25, 2019

Rally to Preserve 1632-Richmond Terrace Cemetery

Hi Fellow Staten Islanders,

Enclosed are a few videos that we did to assist in letting people know about a rally to halt, for a short time, the destruction of a burial site that goes back beyond the American Revolution and includes some Native American graves at 1632-Richmond Terrace last Saturday, late morning on July 20, 2019.

We have produced these 5 videos with the intention of using the links on FaceBook as our way of distribution. Instead of making one longer video with all the speakers, we decided to show only a few of the presenters by themselves with their own point of view.

You can view them in any order that you like and please pass them on to anyone who you think would be interested and can help.

Charlie Olson

Ask STOP & STOR to do MORE- Preserve Staten Island's Native American & Revolutionary War History at 1632 Richmond Terrace!

Please Contact elected officials, historians, museums or anyone that can help!

We want a full archeological survey with a monitor so historical artifacts are not destroyed at 1632 Richmond Avenue!

Please Contact elected officials, historians, museums or anyone that can help!

We want a full archeological survey with a monitor so historical artifacts are not destroyed at 1632 Richmond Avenue!


Anonymous said...

Why can't people leave NYC alone? Go build elsewhere. All of long island is full of untouched land. Why does everyone have to bother NYC and have every single piece of land turn into crap? Why cant nyc just have some greenery left? All of this just to build a storage place. People in staten island own houses and I'm sure they have room to store their stuff in their own houses. I want to see how many of these storage places actually do business. Everytime I pass by one, I dont ever see their huge parking lots full of cars. I'd really like to see if this storage place would actually do business out there. Soon there will be no greenery left in NYC at all. Probably within the next 100 years if nyc is still here, you will see even central park knocked down to build some stupid monstrosity crap on it.

Anonymous said...

Instead of constant complaining about SHITTY NYC (because is is shitty and will continue), JUST MOVE to another state/city. It is a big country with much better quality of life and jobs. I mean what makes you people stay in this crappy overcrowded filthy city with awful infrastructure and public transportation. I have get heard anyone state why they still stay in this shitty city and just complain and have no joy. LIFE IS TOO SHORT.

Anonymous said...

Just another way to wipe out the history of those who gave their lives to establish this country. It doesn’t serve the invaders- ever know of an illegal alien who cares about American history or American culture.They are rewriting history to their advantage.

Anonymous said...

Can you see something like this happening in Queens? Of course not.

Well the good thing is those people that live in all that new development has not the slightest interest in keeping the machine in power. Its become the wild west!

Zoƫ said...

Could be a natural spring that acts up dating from back when the Indians lived in that area. The Indians likely also placed some kind of curse when the Dutch stole the land.

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