Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Chutulu Tower of East Flatbush

NYC Gentrification Watch

Last summer when I rode down Linden Boulevard, I was shocked the see the usually quiet, tree-lined street of wood-frame houses, row houses and 1920s apartment buildings had become one gigantic construction site. Literally dozens of men in hard hats and yellow vests were walking every which way, and cement trucks and materials lined the street on either side. As I explored further, to my shock and dismay, I saw several of Linden Boulevard’s signature low rise town and wood frame houses getting replaced with fugly generic modernist boxes. But just when things couldn’t have gotten worse, I encountered this huge, sprawling hulking monstrosity, right off Rogers Avenue:

The date? July 22, 2018.

The thing was so huge, so massive, I almost passed out. I couldn’t believe it. It took up of what looked like the place of three large apartment buildings, and could’ve have been more out of scale. But a hopeful part of my brain tried to see a silver lining in what looked like a very dark cloud. I thought, 

“Well, this is bad, but at least it’s not overshooting the local area buildings too much. What’s it gonna be? Ten, twelve stories? That’s bad, but it could be worse.”

Fast forward almost a year later, and this…thing…has topped out at 27 stories. It is so huge that the once open skies of East Flatbush and other surrounding areas have been forever blotted. As of June 2019, it is now visible from at least a 3 mile radius in every direction.

 Seeing this thing in photographs, it’s very hard to gauge just how obscenely large, out of context and out of scale it is. But trust me–this thing is so huge, so obnoxious that it is the biggest F*** YOU by developers I have ever seen since the proposed development for Two Bridges

She's not kidding. I went there myself and it's literally a hideous daylight devouring monster certain to cause displacement of the residents of those rowhouses and the neighboring apt. buildings and homes down the boulevard.

Also like to add that it's also the derelict mayor de Blasio's biggest fuck you to the people he swore to help in the still developing "tale of two cities" (pun intended).

Check out those precarious balconies too.


Anonymous said...

I’m sure Willhelm ensured a good portion of the units in there are affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

no worries new york will vote even more de Blasio and Cuomo, and Aoc and will keep wondering why nothing works .. and, like any brainwashed communists, will find guilty people who either are trying to help them or they have nothing to do..

Angry Queens Taxpayer said...

Its not worth being a landlord and owning these homes anymore due to the city's hostility, People are cashing out and fleeing.
To live average and pay the taxes, water bills, heating, electric you need to make $200K or renters.
Bottom line todays renters are dirtbages who have more rights then the landlords, its just nor worth it and things are only going to get worse.

All these areas are becoming solidly progressive socialist shitholes. Scumbag transplants move in and immediately start voting for people like deBlasio, Cuomo, Cortez and they did the same dam thing for Caban.
And these millennials are THE WORST of them all !!!

There is no way to pay for this coming socialism but take from homeowners pockets. I'm selling before the city goes bankrupt and property's tank. Figure buy a $200K house in a red state, buy some classic cars and put the remainder in an IRA and retire.
If I can get a good 10-15 years before I get to old and croak I will be happy.
Why should one continue to work and give near every dollar left to a bunch of scumbag socialists to stay in the rotting Apple and look at hipshits and 3rd world immigrants.
I wont even get into taking in renters--not happening, never.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear that the whole point of de Blasio's "Two New Yorks" ideology is to ensure which one controls NYC and never has to interact with the other, except as the help! That seems to be the point of these enclosed developments like this one and the tower complex next to the Jamaica LIRR and the NYC Ferry system.

Ivory tower mentality!

Amazon Viner said...

@Anonymous Angry Queens Taxpayer: Your tirade is a shining example of why America is screwed. You don't have the first idea who The Enemy is because you can't bother picking up even a high school primer on political science. You just grasp at straws trying to think of the first group you can find to scapegoat.

What you're talking about has nothing to do with socialism. It has to do with Neoliberalism, which Ronald Reagan introduced in the 1980s. We have been living in a solidly Neoliberal economy since 1981, thanks to Ayn Rand, a Russian bitch whose books that Reagan and others like him read and based all of our current economic policies on.

Part of Neoliberalism is about destroying the middle class in favor of the rich and corporations. The rich get tons of tax breaks while the middle class are increasingly forced to shoulder the burden of taxes, until they are eliminated and we are back to the Gilded Age, where it's just a small collection of rich people and dirt poor masses who can only do things like labor and menial work. No middle class businesses, homeowners, workers. Just laborers and housekeepers and the uber-rich.

Moving to a Red State doesn't mean squat, because Neoliberalism cuts across party lines. It just plays out differently. Blue state neoliberals destroy the middle class by encouraging them to shoulder the burden of taking care of the homeless and less fortunate members of society while giving huge tax breaks to the corporations that are helping to create joblessness and homelessness. Red state neoliberals destroy the middle class by giving billions in tax breaks to corporations, who then outsource their jobs overseas or replace it with AI. In addition, neoliberals encourage the middle class to get rid of the social problems they also would benefit from (like national health care), by lying over and over again that only welfare queens and illegals would benefit.

You can rant and rave about "millennials" and "socialists" all you like, but all of that isn't worth a damn, because the problem all along is that America has been taken over by Ayn Rand cult members/neoliberals for almost 40 years and Americans are still refusing to understand that this is the problem--that whether we're talking red state or blue, the people in power are all neoliberals trying to destroy the middle class and turn back the clock to the 1880s, except instead of the Vanderbilts, Carnegies, Rockefellers getting all the money and breaks, it's the Bezoses, Zuckerbergs and Musks.

Angry Queens Taxpayer said...

"picking up even a high school primer on political science"

You mean propaganda now taught at our local DOE and university's.
Some of what you say is correct
I believe our problem is our own fault for committing bad voting habits and placing our children (now a generation Millennials) in front of the TV. Yea, It is we who allowed Disney channel as the babysitter. It was we who allowed Neoliberal programming into our children's brains to create this disaster at the doorstep.
We did this to ourselves.

Now we have a bunch of moron children who all want to be singers, artists, rappers and every other stupid shit nobody will pay them one cent for. To make matters worse you have people like Sanders and Hillary Clinton telling our young Quote: "Be who you wanna be" don't worry about debt we will pay for you" --As in more educations in useless shit.
As in re-distribution of wealth (communism) to pay for it.
Don't you know socialism is just another word for communism, the same as liberalism is another word for the devil?
If I told my father I wanted to get $250,000 in debt for a degree in art or music production in 1975 he would still be laughing his ass of today.

Recently Boeing had no choice but source its computer code writing to India @ $9 and hour because it couldn't source American brains. Result fly by wire aircraft that cant fly straight, can fly manual, 2 crashes and hundreds of fatality's due to lousy computer software.

Anonymous said...

@ Blogger Stranded NYer said...
The Middle Class has been under attack for over 75 years in the U.S. !
Look at all the Men (Yes Men) who have died fighting useless wars.
We went from the Greatest to the worst in my lifetime.
It's a damn shame...

Amazon Viner said...

@Anonymous Angry Queens Taxpayer:

Wait...wait...let me get this straight...You want to rant about political problems, yet at the same time refuse to actually learn basic political terms because it's "propaganda?"

Again, this is why Americans are screwed. We want to solve serious problems but at the same time do it by not learning anything. Same reason why we now have crazy people running around refusing to vaccinate their kids, denying climate change and trying to convince everyone that the world is flat. Everyone wants to combat scientific and medical problems but not actually read any science or medical books. They want to go by gut feeling.

You keep ranting about liberalism, communism, etc. and I am telling you point blank that the problem is neoliberalism. For a democracy to work, it has to have an informed populace. It was Reagan-era media producers in the music and TV industry that put the lowest common denominator on a pedestal and taught kids to worship fame and money at any costs (trash TV like Jerry Springer, gangsta rap, etc.). It was Rupert Murdoch who overran our entertainment with reality TV. It's the neoliberal and libertarian suits running social media who keep pushing trash like the Kardashians as celebrities.

This was all done to dumb down Americans, get them to stop thinking and to only care about stupid stuff, so that they wouldn't know or care when the neoliberals (and now libertarians) took over and started wrecking everything.

You can insist all you want that this "communism" and "liberalism" but it's not. It's Ayn Randism. It's neoliberalism. It's libertarianism.

Amazon Viner said...

@Anonymous (Sunday, June 30, 2019)

"Look at all the Men (Yes Men) who have died fighting useless wars.
We went from the Greatest to the worst in my lifetime."

What is shocking to me more and more these days is the fact that the great-grandchildren of the Americans who died on the beaches of Normandy are now more loyal to the Confederacy and Nazi Germany than they are to America. Imagine that. Imagine that people spilled their blood to defeat the Germans so that 70 plus years later, their great-grandchildren could worship the Nazi flag and Mein Kampf.

Part of the reason why America took a deep dive is that we killed off anyone who could've been a force of dynamic change. Once we killed off JFK, RFK, MLK, Medgar Evers and Malcolm X, we killed off this country's future. There was nowhere else to go but down.

Anonymous said...

This is the reason public transportation will never work. Keep trying to put 5 quarts in a gallon container....

Anonymous said...

Here's their ad:

Anonymous said...

>I believe our problem is our own fault for committing bad voting habits and placing our children (now a generation Millennials) in front of the TV. Yea, It is we who allowed Disney channel as the babysitter. It was we who allowed Neoliberal programming into our children's brains to create this disaster at the doorstep.

Don't blame yourself or your generation. The Baby Boomers were raised by television, and so was Generations X and Y. It's now with later Gen Ys and Gen Z (aka the millennials) who are being raised not by television but by the internet that we're seeing things go from bad to even worse.

>Recently Boeing had no choice but source its computer code writing to India @ $9 and hour because it couldn't source American brains.

That's bullshit. Boeing didn't do outsource because they couldn't find competent, trained Americans to do the work - they did it because they couldn't find train Americans who were willing to do the work FOR NINE DOLLARS AN HOUR.

You're clear-eyed when it comes to the nonsense being pushed by politicians - yet you fall for corporate propaganda.

Anonymous said...

"The Middle Class has been under attack for over 75 years"
True that shit Roosevelt started it, then Clinton with all the deregulation, especially FCC deregulation that allowed company's like Disney, Warner, Clear Channel, Viacom and banks to buy all the competition out become monopoly's and behave like mafia gangsters.

I think the intent of what Angry Taxpayer said was why live in New York and pay all this money, work you ass off and have nothing. Then have to put up with all the dirty bullshit, have the city who you Can and CANT rent and apartment to in your own home, tenant rights, gay day, cant own guns, can sit outside and drink a beer on you own dam stoop unless your 8 feet from the sidewalk.
Shit, you can no longer even park your truck let alone expect to find it undamaged in the morning. Hell, now the communist dictators don't even want your own work truck with commercial plates in your own driveway

My grandparents and great grandparents helped build this city and subway, Italian brick layers, plumbers, electricians, who worked hard and built quality. To see sold and destroyed in such a way to make room for shitheads, shit builds and 3rd world shit-locusts who literally piss in the street, make welfare baby's and drink 40oz malt liquor with my tax dollars is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Love the comments on this thread. I'm with AQT. Can't wait to get my as s to a tax free state.

JQ LLC said...

Thanks for the link anon, but that site has to correct that, it's definitely in East Flatbush.

Anonymous said...

East Flat bush ends a NY Avenue. Prospect Lefferts Gardens,like Wingate,is a made up RE name from the 80’s when the area was a shithole. Flat ush technically starts at the Church Ave,2 blocks away.

Anonymous said...

"Cthulhu". Please don't ask how one pronounces it.

JQ LLC said...

Last anon:

That's why Metallica's song about the beast was an instrumental (they also spelled it wrong)

georgetheatheist said...

My, oh my. I guess I did read these right:

"We have been living in a solidly Neoliberal economy since 1981, thanks to Ayn Rand, a Russian bitch whose books that Reagan and others like him read and based all of our current economic policies on."


"You can insist all you want that this [is] "communism" and "liberalism" but it's not. It's Ayn Randism"

BTW that "Russian bitch" lived through the Bolshevik collectivist revolution and witnessed the confiscation of her father's business in the name of the "People".

Alas, as Alexander Pope wrote in 1711:

"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again."

So those thirsting for REAL knowledge about that "Russian bitch", imbibe deeply at the Ayn Rand Institute HERE.

Amazon Viner said...

@georgetheatheist: So what if she lived through the Bolshevik collectivist revolution and witnessed the confiscation of her father's business in the name of the People? Mussolini, Stalin, Hitler and other demagogues also lived through hardship. Since when does going through hardship turn you from sinner to saint?

And what a surprise that an "atheist" would champion Rand. A lot of her neoliberal and libertarian sycophants are atheists because religion--whether we're talking Western, Eastern, or otherwise--believe in morality. Since Ayn Rand was a sociopath, she naturally hated and scorned all religion.

BTW, don't waste your time or brain cells reading that website @georgetheatheist posted. Naturally, her fanbase are going to put out a completely sanitized, benign-sounding version of her despicable philosophy. Anyone wants to learn the truth about Ayn Rand, go watch old clips of her on YouTube where she praises selfishness and trashes morality as tribalism, LOL...

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...


What a really lame come back. Bet you're an agnostic.

No soup for you.

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