Friday, June 21, 2019

Joe Crowley is not done with Queens


FOX News

Former U.S. Rep. Joe Crowley may get his revenge by proxy on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a district attorney race -- after being embarrassingly dethroned last year.

Crowley, previously a top Democrat whose years-long political career was derailed by the self-described Democratic Socialist, is opposing Ocasio-Cortez’s growing influence in New York state politics.

He’s helping raise money for Queens Borough President Melinda Katz, a district attorney candidate who’s competing against public defender Tiffany Cabán, the candidate backed by Ocasio-Cortez, Politico reported.

"Melinda and I both grew up here, went to school here, have sung together at countless community parties here, and most importantly have dedicated our careers to improving the lives of the people who call this wonderful borough home,” Crowley wrote in the fundraiser email, asking for donations of $50 to $200.

 “For as long as I’ve known Melinda, she’s always shared my commitment to making Queens a safer, more just place for our families, and I know she’ll do the same from the DA’s office.”
Katz is among the leading candidates in the seven-way Democratic primary to fill the seat that became vacant after DA Richard Brown died last month.


Anonymous said...

Let's see: Joe Crowley wants me to vote for Melinda Katz. And I got a robocall from Stinky asking me to vote for Katz. Two more reasons to vote for Gregory Lasak!

Anonymous said...

Melinda and I both grew up here, went to school here, have sung together at countless community parties here, and most importantly have dedicated our careers to improving the lives of the people who call this wonderful borough home,” Crowley wrote in the fundraiser email, asking for donations of $50 to $200.

“For as long as I’ve known Melinda, she’s always shared my commitment to making Queens a safer, more just place for our families.


1. Growing up in Queens has nothing to do with anything or how good you are as a public servant.
2. Going to school in Queens - same as #1
3. Having sung together had NOTHING TO DO WITH SHIT.
4. EXACTLY HOW have you and her improved the lives of people in Queens. Give examples, statistics, action plans and their outcomes, you know THINGS YOU CAN ACTUALLY MEASURE. Anyone can say anything, but without proof to back it up it means nothing. Crowley has much in common with Trump.
5. Making Queens safer and better...................See #4.


Anonymous said...

Joe, please go back home to Virginia. Greg Lasak is the ONLY QUALIFIED candidate for District Attorney. He is experienced, honest and knows the criminal court system. He wants to fix Rikers, not close it. Why vote for a political hack, when you can vote for someone who actually knows what the job as DA entails? Vote for GREG LASAK.

Anonymous said...

Is Queens done with Joe Crowley?

Anonymous said...

Joe can't help it -- Dopey Melinda reminds him of his cousin, Dizzy Lizzy

Anonymous said...

I want a QUALIFIED District Attorney. Greg Lasak is the only qualified to be DA.

Anonymous said...

How long before someone lets the cat out of the bag that he is working for Trump.

Come on Queens weeklies. Show a little. Everyone knows it.

Anonymous said...

Melinda and I both grew up here, went to school here, have sung together at countless community parties here, and most importantly have dedicated our careers to improving the lives of the people who call this wonderful borough home,

What a crock.

Anonymous said...

What is it with Queens politicians thinking that everybody wants to hear them sing? I was at a Christmas party and Crowley and gang stood up and sang Christmas carols. and everybody just stood and watched... you couldn’t eat until they finished singing.. it’s weird

Anonymous said...

um crappy it might not be just revenge, might not be revenge at all, the interest Crowley represents do not want Caban to win under any conditions, case and point this article

Anonymous said...

Crowley can howl all he want its the Hispanic woman candidate that's gonna win.
In my opinion white voters are now so outnumbered the Asian vote is the only slim SLIM chance for both Lasak or Katz.
This is no longer New York but an annex of East Los Angeles.
The numbers dont lie, both Lasak and Katz will need a miracle or a time machine to go back to 1960

Anonymous said...

Shame that fear of Caban will hand the election to Katz. Lots of people who aren't thrilled with her candidacy are now going to vote for her out of fear of the socialists.

georgetheatheist said...

You'll know Crowley will be running again when you see him wearing a guayabera shirt. (Which if he had worn that in the last election, he'd still be in the House.)

Anonymous said...

The stakes in this race are high for Queens. Lasak is qualified and appeals to Dems in the more conservative areas of Queens in which there is not enough to win county-wide. When I look at the remaining field of candidates, it boils down to Katz or Caban. Katz may not be my first choice, but I know her views are closer to mine than Caban's will ever be. Yes, Melinda's a politcal animal, but she's one who will listen to views of those who don't agree with her on policy. Caban never will as she's a creature of the far far left and just like the far far right the extremists only subscribe to the my way or the highway philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Crowley plays a pretty good guitar and Katz sings nice,let them try out for American Idol and stay out of politics.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Katz shouldn't have Crowley doing this, it will cost her votes.
Nobody trusts this old white guy who lives in Virginia, he's also jerk.
Caban will likely take it by surprise just like that Alexa Cortez.
I'm gonna have to move out of New York, I had enough of these shit democrats, socialists and stupid voters who created this corrupt one party system--all of them. The back stabbing Crowleys who put on knee pads every time the mayor came calling.

People are going to listen to Joe Crowley?---Hahaha :)
Who, A handful of bar & restaurant owners, 40 or so rent controlled senior citizen Irish people living in the step street barracks that can hardly walk?

Anonymous said...

If Caban wins, the Dem machine as we know it in Queens is finished. There will then be two Dem machines. One in the West and one in the East.

Anonymous said...

Methinks Katz is in trouble. Why else did she go on the attack against Lasak and Caban recently? Even the 32BJ endorsement doesn t mean shit since most of their members (ahem Hispanics largely) will defy the union and vote for Caban anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the goal is to make sure Caban is not elected. Katz for now, then we will replace her 4 years later. Save NYC from the Caban Progressive agenda. Anyone running for DA should know they don’t create law from the bench.

Anonymous said...

The folks who created this one party system are your neighbors. Welcome to the jungle.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Melinda's a politcal animal, but she's one who will listen to views of those who don't agree with her on policy.



Anonymous said...

I don't trust the old white guy running for DA. He's a qualified prosecutot, a good ADA, but he;s far from qualified to be the DA The DA is an elected position ergo it is political. ADA's are appointed and not political. He's the past and time don't go backwards, Caban is the future you get if he gets your vote. Politics is supposed to be about compromise. In between the old white guy and the young lefty is Katz, and she'll get my vote, reluctantly, but I'm not going to help the lefty by throwing my vote to a guy who can't win a countywide race.

Anonymous said...

"ADA' are appointed and not political"

Do you even understand what you're writing? Every ADA is from a family that is known to the machine. Futhermore, every single law secretary to a sitting judge comes through the machine and many other civilian jobs in the courts are filled through the machine. The gerneral rule is that you must buy (3) $300 fundraiser dinner plates yearly in exchange for your job. So it costs you $900 a year in contributions to the Queens Dems to get a job with full benefits and a taxpayer funded pension. But they gotta know ya first lolol.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone seem to think Caban has a chance of winning? Caban won't win. The winner
Will be either Katz or Lasak.

Anonymous said...

***Anyone running for DA should know they don’t create law from the bench***

They don't have too because progressives just ignore current laws. They call it "re-interpretation" --the US Constitution included. Toss it right down the toilet like our rights to guns and castle doctrine.
And if enough broke ass people with nothing to lose break the law they simply do away with the law completely rather then incur the cost of enforcement & prosecution.

Can you believe a mother with 4 or so in tow had pulled her kids pants down between 2 cars and let her take a crap in the street. This as a cop did nothing on Roosevelt ave ?
Laws ? What laws ? Why not go back to the wild west and the Alamo and not have a DA at all

Anonymous said...

So...if every ADA and judge is part of the "machine" then Lasak is a liar when he claims he's not a political animal.

Anonymous said...

Lasak is not a political animal. He is known politically because that is the nature of the judiciary. Yes, he was close to the Manton and D'Amico faction but he is in no way a political hack. Katz is the political animal here. Lasak's entire tenure whether as ADA or Judge has been one of complete integrity and fairness. He could have went into private practice years ago and made a fortune but he stayed in public service instead. That said, just because someone is known or comes in through the "machine" doesn't mean they are not up to the job. It is just that Katz has never tried a criminal or civil case and has never really even practiced law. She is and always has been the epitome of a Democrat hack.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

"I don't trust the old white guy running for DA"

So you think we would be better off with either of the two unqualified lesbian front-runners instead?

Anonymous said...

"Vote for Katz...Save NYC from the progressive agenda..."

Umm..In case you haven't noticed, the entire Democrat Party on the national and local levels has been taken over by the progressive agenda.

Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

"...Crowley's working for Trump..."

Does that surprise you? He has always been a selfish punk. Why does this surprise you?

Anonymous said...

"unqualified lesbian front-runners instead"

Umm yes... Let them make a mess out of everything, cause chaos, tear the party up from the inside out, piss off all the stupid voters.
A smart old man can fix things and make all the snakes get along. A stronger unified democrat clubhouse will not be a good thing.

Thank god for Alexis Cortez, she's driving them completely batshit and that's exactly how you want democrats, off their toes, at each others throats, lesbian rampage, unable to legislate and agree to more shitty liberal change.
Rattlesnakes don't commit suicide, they simple kill each other and lesbians have the worst tempers of them all.

Worse then Charlie Manson, perhaps some good lesbian rampage and airing of dirty underwear & skeletons is exactly what this miserable liberal democratic party in New York needs to destroy itself.

The feds can then come in, mop up and start over the right way.

Anonymous said...

Worse then Charlie Manson, perhaps some good lesbian rampage and airing of dirty underwear & skeletons is exactly what this miserable liberal democratic party in New York needs to destroy itself.

The feds can then come in, mop up and start over the right way.

Holy City Jerusalem! Amen!

Anonymous said...

Democrats are a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley ruined it for Katz he should have stayed in Virginia and played his guitar.

"Caban won't win"
Oh, I suppose these same clueless will now say "It Is What It Is"

Like old Ned I think said Old and white people cant not win because the voting base is now dominated by Hispanic and black/Hispanic. Caban winning was a no brainer for those paying attention to the real outside world and current NYC 2019 demographics.
No need to wait for official word or 3% count. The time is Tuesday 11:54PM

Anonymous said...

Anon above. Basing your hypothesis on a super-low turnout special election is the epitome of foolishness. Demographics or not, Caban would not have won a normal race. But, hey, it is what it is.

Anonymous said...

"Anon above. Basing your hypothesis on a super-low turnout special election is the epitome of foolishness. Demographics or not, Caban would not have won a normal race. But, hey, it is what it is."

It was a Primary, not a Special, election.

Anonymous said...

The vote numbers showed that black voters, Jews and a majority of working class in Queens largely supported Melinda Katz. Greg Lasak siphoned enough centrist democrat votes from her which enabled Caban to win the Queens DA election.

Demographics played a part as well but not what you might think: WHITE gentry/millennial leftists in Astoria, LIC and Sunnyside OVERWHELMINGLY voted for Caban. If you look at the numbers by Election Districts in those areas, she destroyed Katz. it was not even close, folks. Caban garnered around 11,000 votes (1/3 of her total vote count) from just two Assembly Districts : 36AD and 37AD. These districts (Astoria, LIC, Sunnyside) are now solidly progressive/socialist. These bloody transplants move into these districts and immediately register to vote. These same folks provided the margin of victory for Ocasio last year and they did the same for Caban.

Anonymous said...

"Caban garnered around 11,000 votes (1/3 of her total vote count) from just two Assembly Districts : 36AD and 37AD."

Spot on analysis from anon above although I like to think that Lasak should have been the party nominee so Katz actually siphoned votes from Lasak. Nonetheless, Caban's dominance in Western Queens cannot be replicated borough-wide. Katz or Lasak running a third party ticket or even on the GOP line in the general and winning is not out of the realm of possibility. An uphill battle, yes, but not impossible. Such a race would garner significant national attention and would be quite interesting.

Harry Bingham IV

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