Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Governor Cuomo ratifies State Senate bill for undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses



Undocumented New Yorkers notched a historic win on Monday night as Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed a bill into law restoring their right to apply for a driver’s license.

The governor’s signature came after the state Senate narrowly approved the bill, which had passed the Assembly last week, marking the latest show of force by the newly Democrat-dominated Legislature.

Cuomo injected some last-minute drama earlier in the evening when he publicly weighed a veto, expressing concerns the measure would expose license-holders to the scrutiny of federal immigration officials.

He asked for assurances from state Solicitor General Barbara Underwood that the bill was legally defensible. When her boss, state Attorney General Letitia James, declared the “legislation is well crafted and contains ample protections for those who apply for driver’s licenses,” Cuomo gave in.

“Governor Cuomo has supported this policy for over a decade,” Alphonso David, the governor’s counsel, said in a statement. “The key to this bill is not the political intent but the legal effect. We hope the Attorney General’s assessment is correct for the safety of the thousands of undocumented individuals who are relying on her legal opinion.”

 The bill passed the Senate 33 to 29, with all six Democrats from Long Island and one Hudson Valley Democrat voting against the measure, raising the political stakes for the governor.
Opponents of the bill argued it would handcuff law enforcement officials, and some county clerks have threatened not to follow the law. Supporters say the change will ultimately make roads safer, cutting down on unlicensed drivers.

The bill carries high stakes for an estimated 200,000 immigrant New Yorkers who would be eligible to apply and have been navigating life without access to state-issued identification. For them, standard interactions with law enforcement can lay down the groundwork for deportation.


Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah! Today I'm an unlicensed, Undocumented alien, and tomorrow I'll run down and get my documented driver's license so that I will be legal behind the wheel. Cuomo and his ilk are a pack of idiots out to completely ruin NY.

Anonymous said...

"Supporters say the change will ultimately make roads safer, cutting down on unlicensed drivers"

what a crock of bull. they drive without them, why would they bother getting them? this is just a gateway for Dick-tator Cuomo to give illegals the right to vote in the state. and how disgusting to watch these dirtbag legislatures cheer when this was passed. STOP REWARDING ILLEGALS!

Anonymous said...

How is this not dead on arrival since federal law requires secure license technology?

georgetheatheist said...

Does American citizenship mean anything anymore?

Anonymous said...

So now, they can register to vote.

Anonymous said...

Wake up people .....we the legals are being sold out by these F#$K politicians. Anything for a vote, get these liberals out. This illegals licenses are not just the Spanish, this pertains to the Asians too. How many are driving out there without a license, how many without legal papers? Anything for a vote, sell outs.

Anonymous said...

All the hogwash put forth by Andrea Stewart-Cousins and her brain dead libtard ilk as to why giving drivers licenses to illegals is pathetic; does she think the rest of us are stooopid like her? All this is, is a thinly veiled attempt to make it easier for illegals to vote, so the pathetic Dumbs can get more voters. Meanwhile, we added another magnet for any and all illegal scum to come to NY, where we will reach a little deeper into our own pockets to feed, house, educate, etc. these illiterate criminals. What we get in return is many more cases of DUI and a host of other accidents from people who do not have a firm grasp of English and can't understand traffic signs. And do you really think these criminals, who sneaked over our border in violation of our laws, are going to bother to carry auto insurance? So OUR premiums will go up to cover them.

Anonymous said...

Disaster--1/2 these people from south the border are bad drunks and alcoholics !!!
Once these criminals register a car (in any name & address they wish to make up) they will never keep up the insurance payments.

This insanity is pure negligence with the lives of millions of people. And yes this was the gateway key to giving illegals voting rights in government elections.

Anonymous said...

"requires secure license technology"
Actually not, in New York you can renew a license by mail with your current old photo on file and an eye test from a drug store or eyeglass place. The difference is you just wont be allowed board an airplane or enter government buildings with it.

Anonymous said...

You don't reward bad behavior. We are supposed to be a nation of laws. Most laws are not enforced in this city. The quality of life for our legal, law abiding citizens is deteriorating. Imagine, you break the law by coming here illegally. You go to New York and because of the right to shelter law, you get a free roof over your head. Free medical at the city hospitals, food stamps, you can send your kids to our already over-crowded public schools and now you can drive here. No wonder New Yorkers are leaving this city in droves. Next will be a push to let them vote in our elections. I want a list of all the politicians who supposedly represent us who voted for this. We need to take back our city and vote them all out.

Anonymous said...

Try renewing your license at the DMV, without an original SS card. Nightmare with the Real ID requirements. Easier to tell them you’re illegal. They’ll bend over backwards for you.

Anonymous said...

I'm worried about NY driver's license not being a viable form of ID anymore. Now we'll have to bring our passports when we even fly domestically.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo pissing on the graves of those who fought for this country.

Ned said...

Better off going to Mexico learning Spanish and breaking back into the country as an illegal. Give any name & address you wish to vote, get free healthcare, food, housing, drivers license, open a bank account.
I'm told only legal documented Americans are required to give fingerprints, retina scan's, 3D facial recognition scan, government certified birth certificate and SS number.

The woman next door who works at the ER says 1/2 these illegals that come in can not read or write in any language, this given how are they to fill the paperwork let alone know NO RIGHT TURN, STOP, ONE WAY, DO NOT ENTER?
--Or do they get a free pass on that also ?
Shit, I think I need to plan a long vacation on some Mexican beach, get some tattoo's, buy a sombrero and Virgen de Guadalupe tattoo and come back in a Juan from el Puebla.


Anonymous said...

How will they show the proper points? Are the standards lowered for everyone? Social security card, birth certificate no longer necessary?

Anonymous said...

N.Y. is a "All Blue State" and this is what the people wanted.
Voters like this Crap like diabetics like sugar.
The outcome will not be good.

Anonymous said...

My insurance company sent me a letter just yesterday before dumbass Cuomo signed this into law. The letter stated to call my congresspeople to tell them to vote against it because guess what? They said they will raise my insurance premium it this shit goes through. But when does any politician ever listen to its' citizens anyway? Oh and good luck getting any of their insurance information because the politicians WONT make them learn English before they take the driving test. They will just keep catering to these lawbreakers just so they can vote. This state is full of shit.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have a one-party government. New York is done. People are leaving the state for a better quality of life.

Anonymous said...

I left the state for a better quality of life, but unfortunately the liberal states like NY, California, Illinois, Oregon, Wisconsin, etc. are driving their liberal minded citizens out of their states. Now they show up on our doorstep with the same mentality that caused them to leave their former states. All Libs. All Dems. All Freaks. Stay put New Yorkers, we don't want you. Happy in a Conservative state.

Anonymous said...

Shame on Cuomo,all Republicans voted against this as well as all Democrats on LI and most NY'ers oppose it.I can't believe 13 states allow this.

Anonymous said...

So horrible. Now, illegals won't even need "anchor babies" to stay in the country. This ad-hoc legalization of illegals is truly atrocious and a threat to our national security - alfster

Anonymous said...

Welcome to New York Shitty, where you get rewarded for breaking the law. Free food stamps, free medical, free housing vouchers, free education for your illegal kids. Next they'll be allowed to vote. This is the Democratic Rule. Freebies = Votes.
This is the land of the freebies. Taxpyers be damned. I will never, ever vote Democratic again.

kapimap said...

Well,maybe now NY can get money from DMV processing fees. No more out of state plates? Sounds like a win.

Joe said...

I just got back from State Farm to put my truck on the road for summer.

My agent warned me expect a substantial increase in the future explaining New York is a no fault state, everybody's premiums are going to skyrocket due to these 250,000 new drivers and drunks (illegals) being dumped into the high risk pool.
A percentage of that high risk pool is mandatory assigned to every insurance company doing business in New York.
An extreme rise in property damage claims, DUI related deaths and hit & runs will be the result, the cost will then climb even more.

This is a complete disaster, the shit liberal bastard governor needs a mental evaluation to see if he is fit to serve.

Question: Being a drivers license is a privilege how does it become a RIGHT for 250,000 criminals that broke many laws to break into this country ?
This law may be illegal and DMV may not have to obey it.

Anonymous said...

"Well,maybe now NY can get money from DMV processing fees. No more out of state plates? Sounds like a win"
Apparently you don't have any experience in dealing with these people or how they operate.

No, these people will pay the first installment to get the insurance card, register some $500 shitbox then default on insurance payments. Continue to drive uninsured, disappear or run if they get into an accident or get pulled over!
Anything to escape only now with a 4000+ legally registered pound weapon.
They will give a fake name and address like they do at the ER, immigration services and everything else, its license to disappear.

Today every MS-15, Mexican mafia, drug trafficker in New York is jumping for joy or has already bought a bus ticket to here.

Anonymous said...

You need a certain number of documents to prove who you are. If you’re undocumented,how does that work??

Anonymous said...

Jackass governor just gave the worse of the gangs, fentanyl and heroine trafficker's wheels. This without thinking about the dreadful results in other states. Just wait till these illegals start driving into good neighborhoods looking for work and delivering drugs, ringing doorbells.

Wow! New York voters really got what they asked for (and perhaps deserve) for electing Cortez, Cuomo and DeBlasio. So sad for the decent people in New York who will suffer the worse of it.

Anonymous said...

"You need a certain number of documents to prove who you are"

Not if your an illegal.
Like the Medicaid, SNAP, NYS of health, NYS ID application's you check the box:
X- "I am undocumented seeking asylum" then then skip lines 2-7, points of ID and such

Anonymous said...

And yet, I bet most of you vote Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Illegals all over the world now have more reasons to come here and settle down. They will flock like pigeons and will start replacing the us citizen and taking their driving jobs. New yorkers prepare youre angus and open wide cuz were about to get our ass rammed raw.

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