Thursday, June 13, 2019

Better know your District Attorney candidates



Anonymous said...

Isn't there anyone running for DA that isn't pro-criminal coddling??? Stating that they are not for incarcerating non-violent offenders makes those crimes sound so benign. Simply put: Non-violent crimes are those crimes that do not involve the use of any force or injury to another person. That means some lowlife can break into your house, steal from and trash it and that would be considered "non-violent".

NYC sucks.

Captain Al said...

Greg Lasak has the most relevant experience and the right temperament for the job of Queens District Attorney. On June 25th, please vote for Greg Lasak.

There are other good people running that are better suited for different offices.

Anonymous said...

County Dems have picked Melinda Katz. If she wins, won't the other candidates then run for her vacated BP seat, in yet one more special election to replace her?

Anonymous said...

Vote for Judge Lasak in the Democrat primary. Endorsed by EVERY law enforcement union in the City.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

Not one of these candidates have the necessary experience other than Greg Lasak. Vote Lasak for DA!

The Sociologist said...

Blacks and Browns. People of "color". Don't the B&B's and Colored read:


Time to get the duct tape for those broken windows.

Anonymous said...

Rory Lancman is such a slob

Anonymous said...

Melinda Katz will win. She's the pick of the party machine and the only candidate most people have heard of due to her position as borough president. Lasak is probably the best candidate but c'mon no one ever heard of him and he looks like he's 80 years old. He's also trying to appeal to the loony left with his emphasis on getting the "wrongfully convicted" released from prison. Lasak, if you are the law and order candidate it is a losing strategy to say you want to get convicts out of jail, most times not because they are innocent but because of some minor aspect of their trial.

TommyR said...

Lasak is reasonable and experienced. I liked his thoughtful and assured responses in the WNYC debate I saw earlier this week.

Anonymous said...

Please don't elect a politician who is clueless about the Judicial System become our next District Attorney. Vote for the person who is experienced and knows the Court System - Greg Lasak. Honest, fair, experienced and competent. He has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there anyone running for DA that isn't pro-criminal coddling???

The winds have shifted in that favor, and after decades of "lock 'em up" Judge Richard Brown, the people want a change, especially since the people being locked up have overwhelmingly been black and Hispanic.

I agree that Greg Lasak is the most qualified of the candidates, having worked in the DA's office, and having worked to overturn the wrongly convicted, long before there was an Innocence Project. Seems like a good person.

Lancman can run for BP when Katz vacates the position due to term limits. Or maybe he'll join the crowded race for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

LOL Manton must be spinning in his grave. PRIMARIES? Heavens to Betsy!

That said, Lasak for District Attorney. Most qualified candidate period.

If Crowley and the other idiots at County didn't get so arrogant which caused AOC's win, Lasak wouldn't be in a primary right now. Everyone in Queens politics knows he was the heir apparent and rightfully so. The guy lives and breathes for that job.

What is left unsaid is that Reich and Bolz dropped the ball big time. Crowley would have been out eventually due to demographics but it didn't have to happen yet. He could have lasted a few more cycles. But don't blame Crowley, everyone knows he's always been the village idiot. Reich and Bolz own this failure. And if Katz and Gibbons don't win their races, the machine is done. Sayonara!

Reminds me of the time that even Bathhouse Barry was shaking his head at Reich and Bolz allowing Weiner's seat to be flipped by Bob Turner. LMAOOOOOOOO.

Anonymous said...


Lasak does not look 80 years old. I do agree with you that pivoting to the left was the wrong choice for him. They should have contrasted him as the law and order candidate. I think they were too blinded by what is going on in Western Queens. These hypocritical so-called "progressives" who preach social justice and equality would never even consider voting for Lasak due to one main factor: race. The racist progressives would never consider voting for a straight White Man even though he is clearly the most experienced candidate. But that is the state of the Democrat Party today.

So, yes, they shouldn't have wasted time with the "progressive" bullshit. His votes are coming from old guard Democrats and I hope that there are enough of them left and that they turn out to put him over the top.

Harry Bingham, IV

Anonymous said...


Lasak does look old especially with all that white hair. It's also difficult to readily find his age which is probably an intentional omission on just about every article or bio on him. I did find a December 2003 article in Newsday which listed his age then as 50, making him now 65 or 66. His age works against him as his opponents look and are considerably younger than him and 65-66 is old for a position where politicians often stay decades in that office. I agree he is the most qualified candidate (and likely the only qualified candidate in the election) because of his law enforcement background but he's got a real uphill battle to win, not only because of his age but due to his lack of name recognition. He's also short in stature. Richard Brown also was short but image counts especially with someone who was not in the public eye like Katz.

When I get his campaign flyers in the mail, it's about him freeing the "wrongfully convicted". As I believe most of these wrongful convictions are due to technicalities and not true innocence, he is making a poor case for voting for him. If that's the reason I should vote for him, he's no different than Katz.

Anonymous said...

I believe he is 64 which, in my opinion, is an excellent age for public office as long as one is healthy. He has the wisdom that only age can bring. I don't think they are intentionally hiding his age. I believe he is 64 or 65. Hell, Trump and Biden are in their 70's and will still be in the running for a much higher position. It is true that it will be hard for him (or any of the others) to beat Katz due to County backing.

Harry Bingham IV

Anonymous said...

Katz hates dogz.

Anonymous said...

Find it so funny to hear that people think Lasak, who is 64, looks or is too old for the job. How old are the top contenders for President in 2020? DUH!

Anonymous said...

Lasak is the ONLY option on June 25th

Anonymous said...

Tiffany Caban all the way!

Anonymous said...

>Lasik: Endorsed by EVERY law enforcement union in the City.

Sounds like a great reason not to vote for him. The law enforcement unions object to every single common sense reform, no matter how mild. If they had their way, the City would still be arresting people for smoking pot, and probably for smoking cigarettes too.

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