Friday, February 15, 2019

The caption is already there...


Anonymous said...

It's Sick out there and getting sicker !
What a bunch of fools elected and kept in office by bigger fools !

Anonymous said...

Simply unbelievable what these politicians have done. 25,000 jobs killed. Now, after their celebrations, the damage control will begin. Expect Town Hall meetings being set up by these characters, to "listen" and "learn" from those they claim they represent.

JQ LLC said...

It is hysterical that #PoorBezos would pull this shit on Valentines Day considering the drama that oligarch imbecile has brought to himself in his personal life by cheating on his pretty wife with that reporter.

One thing about that poster, the congresswoman just made 2 opinions on social media about this and this wasn't in her district and they are trying to saddle her with the blame for this tax-dodging worker-abusing company.

If there was so much support for Amazon according to the polls, why would they bail out?

The best things about this it's made total and bigger asses of the Governor and Mayor, and even former HPD director and ECD matriarch Alicia Glen, who boasted that they were staying no matter what (you the) people say.

Captain Al said...

The insatiable Corporate Welfare Beast needs to be slayed. That being said I think that the 25K individuals that Amazon was going to hire, would have paid taxes and contributed to the economic, intellectual and social fabric of Queens. Bezo's sucks, but we'll miss the employees.

Anonymous said...

from what I read, amazon was given the 3 billion tax credits/breaks because cuomo and de blasio were forcing amazon to use union and union labor only for the contruction of their mega complex.

Anonymous said...

Gianaris what a joke. Where was he when Astoria (his area) was being pillaged with overdevelopment? When neighbors rights were being violated in the interest of developers. The press can have a field day over this.

Anonymous said...

One thing about that poster, the congresswoman just made 2 opinions on social media about this and this wasn't in her district and they are trying to saddle her with the blame for this tax-dodging worker-abusing company. '

2 opinions???
She was barking about this since November.

From CNBC:
In a series of tweets, she called it "extremely concerning" that Amazon would get tax breaks "when our subway is crumbling and our communities need MORE investment, not less."

And where will all that $$$ investment come from? Oh yeah, again the moronic chant of "Tax the rich".

Anonymous said...

sure, 2 billion in tax credits to generate 25 billion in taxes. now who is going to pay for the welfare state?

no one. history will look back at this moment as the point that nyc began its decline to becoming a 3rd world slum.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have a one-party government and you keep voting the same people into power over and over again. All these politicians have their own agendas and don't care about their constituents. You get the government you deserve.

TommyR said...

The City will get by...incentives area all a race to the bottom and should be put an end to, anyway (federally). when big-Corps start coughing more taxes maybe the burden can finally shift away from MC-homeowners...

georgetheatheist said...

And the anemic buffoon-laden Queens Republican party, with a now clear downfield view of the goal post - Democratic disarray - will continue their at-each-other's-throats' conflict.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anybody who thinks those 25,000 jobs was a real number needs to be re-educated to realize how they were being lied too..
Some union people for the construction, Then some young transplanted computer science and software brains for Amazons many technology divisions but certainly NOT MANY OF US.

Funny how the news people talk about 25K jobs and always show people packing boxes as the jobs. The packing jobs and shipping hub was going to Virginia not LIC .
Why did Amazon suits refuse to answer so many questions from the people that actually live in the area other then baiting everybody with a 25K jobs claim?
How can a global corporation claim 25 thousand jobs without disclosing what kind of positions and how many of each they were seeking first?

It was a crock of spoon-fed bullshit to score a foot in the door inside the most prime real estate space left in NYC.

Anonymous said...

"I'm going to spit on you, but I'll clean the spit off your face if you lick my boots." THis best explains "incentives". First they make it impossible to do business, then they give incentives for their teachers pets to do so anyway. Crony capitalism.

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Amazon, they got their feelings hurt and bailed out. Now there won't be tons of extra sewage in LIC. Now we have go and find 25,000 more people to stuff into already over stuffed Queens. How sad, my thoughts are prayers are with Amazon. :(

ron s said...

Maybe the "benefits" of the alleged 25,000 jobs are like the "benefits" multiple cities got when they were scammed by sports teams for new stadiums. The benefits were bullshit and the cities lost out on millions.

Anonymous said...

No statement from our beloved Boro President???

Anonymous said...

And if any local developer (read campaign donor) shows up to screw up your block every one of these people would be MIA.


Well the only good news is the caliber of our local talent is now open for the world to see. Wonder if someone will do something about it now their ability to inflict harm goes beyond their long suffering constituents.

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo happy!!! Just ask the people of Seattle how they feel about Amazon.

Anonymous said...

Dumb politicians - "Lets spend the $3 Billion on the community"

Can one of these imbeciles now show us where this $3 billion is so they can spend it on the community? It doesn't exist you morons without Amazon coming into LIC to create the jobs.

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