Sunday, December 2, 2018

3 City Council hearings on Amazon

From Metro:

The New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson still has a lot of questions about what exactly will happen when Amazon HQ2 comes to Queens, and in a search for answers, the Council will host three hearings about the closed-door deal that lured the tech giant here.

At the New York City Council Amazon hearings, council members will question city officials and Amazon executives about the negotiations made in the bid for HQ2.

Deputy Mayor Alicia Glen, Economic Development Corp. President James Patchett and Amazon executives have been invited to the hearings, Corey’s office told the Wall Street Journal.

There will be three hearings in total, with the first oversight hearing scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 12 at City Hall. That hearing will be through the Economic Development Committee to look at the specific Amazon HQ2 in Queens site and how the deal between the company and the city played out.


Anonymous said...

The pols have been in favor of development and displacement from the word 'go.'

The only problem they have with Amazon is they cannot control it - the development beast they made may very well consume them for it is bigger, more powerful and a damn sight smarter than they are.

For the rest of us, for the first time in generations, it will be great to see a small corner of Queens not controlled by the boys. It will be well worth it to bring them in for that reason alone.

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen,Amazon will get it's way

Anonymous said...

Members of the panel probably were in support of a such a move but due to the public backlash they are now against Amazon. HYPOCRATES !!

JQ LLC said...

"The council is also looking into providing a public forum so community member scan (sic) voice their concerns, but is still figuring out how to implement that."

So they are going to have three meetings with these amazon gentries and two of biggest vile neoliberal corporatist snakes (Glen and Patchett) and it is not open to the public when these farcical charades take place. Not much of a difference when amazon was initially meeting with Andy Amazon, made him bend over and sign a NDA and then he proceeded to give them everything his new stepdaddy Bezos wanted. Talk about a colossal waste of time and a fucking insult.

Corey had the whole year to delve into this money and land welfare giveaway. Amazon just open up two packaging factories (because that's what they are, even though they don't manufacture anything) in Staten Island and Queens, it was quite obvious they were going to choose New York. This pageant was a scam from the start. Really, it was initially one new HQ and they wound up splitting it in three.

#NYGovernorAndrewAmazon and de Faustio sold the borough and it's residents out.

Anonymous said...

People will get jobs when Amazon comes to Queens. These politicians are such losers that they were not consulted and able to extract ransom for their pet project.

Anonymous said...

Just a waste of time. I'm sure the contracts are already signed and delivered. The council is trying to make people think they actually have a say in all this. Money know the rest.

Anonymous said...

As the old saying goes " A day late and a dollar short".

Anonymous said...

If we were getting 5 new homeless shelters in LIC, there wouldn't be one single hearing. The Amazon deal is going to create thousands of high paying jobs. What's wrong with these pols?!

Gary W said...

Local pols are pissed because they didn't get to wet their beaks. Like I said before, the big boys are playing, and they don't need your ball or sandbox.

Anonymous said...

Amazon, controlled by liberal ideologist Jeff Bezos, is treated like a pariah in a liberal city.

Can you imagine the hue and cry if Walmart was going to open a northeast headquarters in Queens?

Anonymous said...

To quote Ralph Wiggum: "Look, I'm Helping."

Anonymous said...

"The Amazon deal is going to create thousands of high paying jobs"
Yea, from all over the country & planet but us!
Remember the "east coast" numbers Amazon gave includes the facility they are building in Virginia. The stupid politicians didn't read or dont understand the boiler plate in this shitty deal. No safeguards are in place, Amazon can basically do whatever it wants.
They will bring in 100s from the West Coast alone, rents are going to skyrocket. Blissville and small homes in LIC are gonna get obliterated.
This is good ?

Anonymous said...

Do not understand how a few thousand highly educated people coming into a community will ruin it, while a few hundred thousand uneducated peasants coming into a community is something not only good but justifies breaking laws to make it happen.

Unless! Unless! Unless! what is 'good' and 'bad' for a community is defined by the Democratic Central Committee!

The last thing they want is educated people that can think and know when they are being treated like dirt and have the backbone to do something about it.

Anonymous said...

This has to be the next guy to go. As 'the boys' are getting older and older, and getting voted out of office, he has no work to do and no reason to be in office as his main work was to smile, show up, and see that legislation 'the boys' wanted done gets done.

Emmanuel Goldstein said...

As the old saying goes " A day late and a dollar short".

Also, "Closing the barn door after the horse has left."

"The Amazon deal is going to create thousands of high paying jobs"
Yea, from all over the country & planet but us!

Yes, but think of all those vibrant and diverse H-1B programmers and office drones that will be replacing the non-vibrant locals!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile JimmyVanBramer is off in the corner somewhere sulking because Cuomo boxed him out of the deal... Jimmy your emeritus years are fast approaching

Anonymous said...

>a few hundred thousand uneducated peasants coming into a community is something not only good but justifies breaking laws to make it happen.

More undocumented, low-skilled laborers entering the country drives wages down for blue collar workers and lower class citizens, saving money for the rich who make up the backbone of both the Democrat and Republican parties. There was a reason why the Republicans were also all in favor of illegal immigration before Trump.

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