Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Big ass development project approved for Queens Blvd

From Sunnyside Post:

The city council gave the developer of a proposed two-tower project in Woodside the go-ahead Wednesday after an agreement was reached requiring the buildings to be smaller and for the project to include an elementary school.

Madison Realty Capital, which required a zoning change in order to move forward with the project, initially planned for 17 and 14 story towers at 69-02 Queens Blvd. Instead, it will be building 15 and 12 story towers at the site, respectively.

The developer also agreed to build a 476-seat K to 5 school spanning more than 66,000 square feet, which will be included in the base of one of the towers.

The changes to the project, among others, were signed off by the council on Oct. 31, thus ending the six-month public review process for the development and clearing the project to be built.

The developer’s revamped project does away with a prior plan that received intense push-back from area residents, Community Board 2, and even Council Member Robert Holden as it underwent its public review process to rezone the site.

The new project, however, goes beyond drops in height and the inclusion of a school. Rather than a total of 561 apartments with 169 affordable units as originally designed, the towers will have a combined 431 units, with 129 designated as affordable.

While the number of units has dropped, the development will still set aside 30 percent of the apartments for affordable housing, as laid out in the initial plan.


Anonymous said...

Same shit different day in other words. People in this city cant complain anymore. You got what you voted for, the same trash that has been screwing you all over for years still remains In offices. So there is no complaining. Let the overdelopment of NYC continue.

Anonymous said...

You get the government you deserve. Since this is a one-party state, the results are always going to be the same. One day, the sheeple will realize this and maybe things will change. New people = New ideas. We just recycle our politicians and can never get rid of them.

Anonymous said...

This is good. More supply needed in the city as a whole. This will chip away. This corridor of Queens Blvd is underbuilt. Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Who would want to live in a building with "affordable housing" tenants and a bunch of screaming elementary school students?

It doesn't matter who you voted for; apparently the real estate developers are the unelected bosses of the "new" NYC. Since residents of NYC are apparently stupid as can be, they keep voting for radical socialists who believe that there should not be nice neighborhoods and less nice neighborhoods, because according to their commie playbook, everyone must be EQUAL and live in an equally garbage neighborhood. NYC is now a national laughingstock with the election of a bar tender who is as crazy as a bedbug for a member of Congress, and I'm sure we'll get great press at the antics of some of the city council members and certainly DumblASSio. He's trying to push his totally unqualified wife, who he already gives millions of our tax dollars to spread around as she sees fit on various LGBT causes, as a future candidate for political office. He sent her out to (was it Iowa?) ostensibly to speak at a mental health seminar (for which she is uniquely UNqualified), and the press didn't even show up!

Anonymous said...


You Too Can Make Millions said...

First, learn how and when to end sentences.

When millionaires pay no income taxes, while everyone else does, there is a problem.

>> according to their commie playbook, everyone must be EQUAL

Yeah, no one ever said that.

>>voting for radical socialists who believe that there should not be nice neighborhoods

Cav said...

Anonymous post# 2 said:
"We just recycle our politicians and can never get rid of them."

One of the major reasons this happens is what I call this the "Great Guy Syndrome". Everyone you talk to agrees that the political establishment sucks, electeds are corrupt, incompetent, works only towards the interests of lobbyists and donors, etc. That is all other electeds except their electeds because he(she or it) is a great guy who does right by their constituents or variations thereof. Even if this great guy elected sometimes screws them over, they come here and bitch in the comments sections, vent a bit, then come election time, said elected becomes a great guy again. Or they give these whinging excuses of "but there's nobody else to vote for". They simply refuse to consider any other alternatives. This simple minded type of response is where the NPC (non-playable character from video gaming) meme arises from.

What the great guy voter never seems to realize is how wide spread this syndrome is, how the people everywhere else thinks their elected is such a great guy too, worthy of re-election to the point of elected office becoming a life time appointment.

Hence, we never see any change and are completely baffled as to the reason why.

There are a number of other reasons as well but that is a tale for another time.

Donald Cavaioli

JQ LLC said...

Barack Obama was a great guy

George W. Bush was a great guy, then he was loathed but now because of Trump he's a great guy again

It's certain being a great guy was how Foodie-Liu won

But the disturbing thing about the great guy theory, even though it was birthed here in the comment section is that it is actually a dead theory. Because the people are electing lying assholes instead and they know it.

Stronghead Donald Trump
Mayor Bill de Faustio
Mario's son Andrew Cuomo
Bob Menendez
Ted Cruz
Etc. Etc. Etc. ad infinitum.

I think one of the number of other reasons are people are just plain scared, but mostly uninformed.

JQ LLC said...

Oh, I forgot two more lying assholes. Who got re-elected despite being indicted:

Duncan Hunter
and our pal upstate Chris "Sell! Sell!" Collins.

Anonymous said...

That's a busy area for traffic on Queens Blvd. and 69 street and with school buses and teacher parking it'll be a mess and don't forget the school at St. Mary's a block away.

Anonymous said...

Let's play connect the dots:

Queens is being overdeveloped and overpopulated.
Neighborhoods are being overrun and overburdened by city bureaucrats and elected officials who haven't met a developer that they will say no to.
Where is the plan to address overpopulation? What exactly do they figure is the limit to our roadways and subway system? What exactly is the limit to number of peopole per square mile before quality of life starts to decline?
In their minds, there is unlimited growth possible in this city because hey,
they cram 18 million into Mumbai and 24 million into Shanghai so what's another million or two in Queens.
It never occurs to these harebrained "city planners" that there is a reason they call these cities third world. It has to do with the quality of life, stuff like potable water, sanitary toilets, upward mobility, living space, clean air and stuff like that. God-forbid you even mention American traditions and culture. That would be an offence to them!

In the small minds of globalists and socialists (i.e. Democrats), these are abstract considerations that are not to be addressed on the way to getting elected on promising the world and curing all societal ills. They don't know how to make hard choices, only deals that trade our prosperity for a few votes and the chance to call themselves "leaders of the people" LOL.

Now, many of you people in Queens just elected a socialist among other assorted miscreants into office, all of them Democrats. You're busy patting yourselves on the back as you think you've actually solved something.
Meanwhile, right under your noses the development of a new third world continues unabated because the city council votes just as the mayor wants, and the education chancellor does just what the mayor wants and the governor continues his own agenda on the way to Leftist/Socialist Craptopia.

Connect the dots between your votes and the elected officials that are implementing a plan that has nothing to do with traditional American values and everything to do with socialist stupidity that these idiots cling to from their college days of smoking weed and waxing philosophical. Reality has no time for the theories of class warfare, it just continues to grind away and erode away at NYC.

Don't fool yourselves into blaming Trump either. He's doing the right thing by trying to save the middle class in this country. The Democrats are the ones selling out to foreign citizens and foreign interests while overdeveloping Queens and pretending to play the working class hero.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

This is Holden doing this? Wasn’t he one of the most anti-development people in Queens?

Anonymous said...

Yep. As soon as you get in the council you become one of these developer handmaidens.

Rob in Manhattan said...

"Don't fool yourselves into blaming Trump either. He's doing the right thing by trying to save the middle class in this country."

-Another parroted bit of propaganda from a useful idiot.

The facts just the opposite. The republicans are the party that has been virulently anti-union for a century. They correctly see unions of workers as the only entity powerful enough to actually curb the worst impulses of capitolism. Most of the companies and services who have dumped American workers for offshore, cheap labor are run by republicans.

Try actually doing some real research who these heads of industry are and who they back.

Trump doesn't give one dump about working people. They are just useful to feed his ego.

If you really want to make a dent in over-development it must be done using the levers of government via zoning, and that will often pit you against your neighbor who sees the chance to make a killing on that house he's slaved and brown-nosed for decades to own.

I do actually wish you all good luck on that.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

Rob in Manhattan said:

"The republicans are the party that has been virulently anti-union for a century. They correctly see unions of workers as the only entity powerful enough to actually curb the worst impulses of capitolism. Most of the companies and services who have dumped American workers for offshore, cheap labor are run by republicans."

Harry Haller says:

No dumbass, the unions simply became the organized labor arm of the Democrat party, when they weren't being run by organized crime that is. They were corrupted by the same forces that corrupt CEO's: Greed and Entitlement.

Stop acting like Wall Street is all Republican also, we all read how Wall Street gave more to Hillary's campaign than to Republicans, by far, so stop spreading stupidity.

What's more, unions have become more and more obsolete over the course of one hundred years of labor law.
Don't they teach this crap in college anymore? Oh yeah, they don't. Colleges are busy indoctrinating gullible students into Venezuelan style socialism. No wonder Queens zombie-voters just elected the socialist woman with a supposed economics degree. LOL.

Finally, recall who actually pushed and passed NAFTA. That's the agreement that sent thousands of union jobs and manufacturing plants to Mexico and Canada. Clinton did.
Trump just undid that crap!

Pay attention and understand that Trump was not even a Republican a few years ago. He's disliked by the Democrat establishment and the old Republican establishment so he must be doing something right.

Getting back to Queens, you mentioned the levers of government via zoning. Last time I checked, the city council is practically ALL democrat. What are there, like 2 Republicans in there? This article clearly stated that the City Council approved this zoning. Connect the dots: Democrat City Council.....Zoning Changes Approved....Overdeveloped property....Crappy quality of life.....

Harry Haller

Rob in Manhattan said...

"Finally, recall who actually pushed and passed NAFTA. That's the agreement that sent thousands of union jobs and manufacturing plants to Mexico and Canada. Clinton did."

Once again, try doing at least minimal research:

Trump hasn't "undone" -anything. these two countries have learned just how to play that jackass; give him a few minor and mostly unenforceable points (a minimum wage in Mexico...gotta be kidding. They don't even enforce traffic fines). Let him have a photo-op and blather away at how he has done more than any other president. There is a good reason why he was laughed at during the U.N. speech.

As for seeing republicans as bulwark against over development you are delusional in the extreme. You are dealing with an administration that is dismantling the basic protections for clean water and air in the purpose of greater corporate profits.

Your little house and neighborhood don't mean shit to them if there is a buck to be made. To a slightly lesser extent the same can be said for Democrats.

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

where is angry bob h in this not what campaign on full of shit bob mayors new lap dog

JQ LLC said...

Trump's USMCA act is just NAFTA with a more pronounced patriotic brand. (Funny how it's the Marine Corps initials + A and it starts with US first. America First as the once 6-year-old kid landlord said at his inauguration)

And it is the irony of all ironies that these fauxgressive neoliberal democrats walked in lockstep to approve these displacement producing rezoning and upzoning acts. MIH/ZQA is a cancer on communities.

Trump is now using the Republican establishment the same way they used him. But he may have fucked up firing Jefferson Sessions. Which was no surprise being that Donnie thought that the U.S. attorney general was the President's personal lawyer. (coming soon, AG Christie!)

Both political parties need to be skewered.

Anonymous said...

Rob in Manhattan said:

"Once again, try doing at least minimal research:

Trump hasn't "undone" -anything. these two countries have learned just how to play that jackass; give him a few minor and mostly unenforceable points (a minimum wage in Mexico...gotta be kidding. They don't even enforce traffic fines). Let him have a photo-op and blather away at how he has done more than any other president. There is a good reason why he was laughed at during the U.N. speech.

As for seeing republicans as bulwark against over development you are delusional in the extreme. You are dealing with an administration that is dismantling the basic protections for clean water and air in the purpose of greater corporate profits."

Where to start?....
I can see I'm speaking to another democrat zombie voter who thinks that reading the NY Times gives him some insight outside of the Democratic party talking points. Laughable if wasn't so pitifully trite.
Let's start from the top then:

1. You never addressed the fact that NAFTA was indeed passed by President Clinton.
Instead you try to pass off an article stating that it's basically Reagan's fault. Just like you Dims try to pass off the debacle of Obamacare as Mitt Romney's idea from when he was governor of Mass. Bottom line, it's all about implementation and in the case of NAFTA it was Clinton (D) just as Obamacare was Obama (D).

2. Predictably, the reworking of the NAFTA agreement is seen as a bad thing by the dunderhead liberals. Why? Because Trump passed it. Never mind that those minimum wage requirements on Mexico, not only help to stop the slave wage labor driving migration Northward but actually helps stop the exploitation of the Mexican working class. You the Democrat however don't like it. I assume you're not Hispanic.

By the way, the deal also addresses Canadian quotas on American farm products aiming to fairly balance the trade deficit. I assume you're not a farmer either.
But you don't like it because the NY Times and other liberal rags don't like it.
Here's a hint, read the provisions of the new trade agreement and understand that it helps us all as Americans.

3.As far as "evil" Republicans destroying our clean air and water, do some of your own research, maybe you won't sound like such a partisan hack:

...yes, Nixon (R) created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

So what else is new? The idiot that runs this blog hasn't figured out yet is that this was the best that was to be allowed by the De Blasio administration. It could have been much worse. Developers run this city while the idiots here spit into the wind.

Queens Crapper said...

The idiot that runs this blog looked it up and the org proposing this doesn't even own the property yet. So that means if the council had voted no, then nothing would have been built, or a much smaller as of right project.

TommyR said...

pretty sure I commented on this issue yesterday, in defense of its being on the blvd instead of bleeding the side streets, crapster.. there was a water analogy I thought was elucidating. eh.

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