Monday, November 5, 2018

A friendly voting reminder from Queens Crap

Sample Ballot SD11 by queenscrapper on Scribd

Above is a sample ballot for a district in northeast Queens. Please be advised that all ballots throughout the borough will be similar to this one. There are many races this year plus ballot questions, which means each voter will get TWO pages to fill out, front and back.


Anonymous said...

Yes everyone, go out there tomorrow and blindly vote all democrat. Then for the next year come on back to Queens crap and complain why nothing has changed or gotten better.

Ned said...

How many languages on that confusing piece of toilet paper?
Anybody old enough to read, write, vote in English should be kicked out the fucking country !


Anonymous said...

What about the three proposals on the back and I'm hearing you have to rip the ballot in half.

I hope they bring back the old mechanical voting machines,you had a your own personal space and the lettering was big and right in front off you.Now we have to fill in the dots and remember to turn the ballot over and no privacy.A step backwards.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is basically an IQ test. Dum dums and low info voters will vote D. People with even a little self awareness will vote for something different

Sunnyside Al said...

I predict more liberal Democrats being elected to office.

Welcome to the "New" New York City

Anonymous said...

Hopefully some folks ere smart and did the right thing with their assets. Think of it this way:
All these conservative old men who bowed to the church, the Pope did absolutely nothing for the middle class working man deserve to have all their heads chopped of tomorrow!!

Its the GOPs fault democrats are going to win big, for example: where is my Obamacare repeal and Wall you promised oh great GOP ?
Hope you learned a lesson, too bad its too late, the Constitution and country death warrant has been signed with communism at the front door,

Anonymous said...

"Dum dums and low info voters will vote D"

Yes and that's just about every college kid, everybody in the country born & educated after 1968. Including every immigrant.
Now who can guess whats gonna happen tonight?

Anonymous said...

>I hope they bring back the old mechanical voting machines,you had a your own personal space and the lettering was big and right in front off you.

The Federal government under Dubya Bush banned them because they were nearly impossible to fuck with, in favor of electronic voting that makes it really easy for the party in power to cheat.

Ned said...

Maybe somebody can explain this:
Members of Congress must swear to support the Constitution of the United States. They also must also must swear and confess they have never engaged in criminal or dishonest conduct. If they lie and mis-represent themselves its a federal crime.

Now, how the hell are all these pinkos & communists to be swarm in if they win ?


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