Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Parkway Hospital rezoning underway

From Crains:

A rezoning application to convert the former Parkway Hospital in Queens into 351 units of affordable and market-rate housing entered the public review process Monday.

The Manhattan-based Jasper Venture Group is seeking city approval to add two stories to the former medical facility, which was forced to close after losing a court case a decade ago. The revamped building would have about 135 units of affordable housing, according to application documents, and some of them would be set aside for seniors. In addition, the developer seeks permission to construct a 14-story rental building with about 216 market-rate apartments elsewhere on the site, which abuts both 113th Street and a Grand Central Parkway service road between 70th Road and 71st Avenue in Forest Hills.

The application ends years of intrigue about what would become of the property.


Anonymous said...

Enough with all the additional apartments. How about expanding PS 196 which is overcrowded and sits right next door to this place

Anonymous said...

Why not keep it a hospital? Since the powers that be keep adding so many "affordable" apartments and there are so many people, what happens when they have a medical emergency? Our hospitals in Queens are already overflowing with people. What ever happened to "City Planning?" We need more schools, hospitals, buses, trains, supermarkets if the city wants to accommodate all these people. It's no wonder that most people in Queens are trying to move out of here ASAP.

Anonymous said...

"Enough with all the additional apartments. How about expanding PS 196 which is overcrowded and sits right next door to this place"

There's no profits in building the school. REBNY and Mayor Dumblasio's benefactors don't care about anything but the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Traffic is going to be a nightmare since lots of parents already double park to pick their snowflakes up by car instead of walking

Anonymous said...

Just like the redevelopment of the RKO theater in flushing it will take decades before the site is actually finished.

Anonymous said...

To first "Anonymous" above: This is a private application to rezone a private property to facilitate a proposed, private development. Sure, tell DOE to expand PS 196 but don't say "don't do this, because I want this". If the city owned the property, then OK. But your argument makes zero sense. The developer is not in the business in making schools. It's private property. I'm done. I just cannot understand the lack of reason and logic is some of these complaints.

TommyR said...

Building is an eyesore and has been abandoned long enough. Make use of it, one way or another. Reminds of St John's by me.

Anonymous said...

Gotta jam more people where they don't fit so the developers and real estate people make more money!

Anonymous said...

The new parkway hospital site will be home to a new homeless shelter as we know it.

Anonymous said...

"The new parkway hospital site will be home to a new homeless shelter as we know it"

No where is this stated, that's why if I lived in the area I'd take the complex so it doesn't become a homeless shelter, it's a great location for a shelter so be careful.
Take the "affordable" housing units and move on. Like another poster said this is private property so the developers can go anyway they want with it and they want to make money, homeless shelter or apartments they would both be a win for them compared to it sitting there empty.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean it will now be known as Hospital Parkway instead?

Anonymous said...

It will be a homeless shelter!

Anonymous said...

Forest Hills and the words affordable housing in the same sentence,funny.

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