Monday, September 17, 2018

A subway signal malfunctions just about every day

From PIX11:

There were subway delays on all but one day during August 2018 because of signal problems, a Riders Alliance analysis released Sunday showed.

The Alliance said it reviewed MTA delay alerts for the month of August from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. They reported delays due to signal problems for every day except Aug. 23.

"It's just painful," said Joe Hetterly of Bay Ridge, about his commutes.

The Riders Alliance said signal delays caused problems on every subway line except the L, which has already received signal upgrades.

The analysis showed the worst delays were on the D and R lines.


Anonymous said...

It's called job security! They dont want to replace anything with new things. They just fix the old stuff so they will have a job a few months from now to just fix it again. That's the way things work.

A Better NYC said...

Subways delays are the result of the incompetence of the people who run the day to day operations of the system. Management hides behind the "signal malfunction" excuse because it's easy.

The MTA is a state run operation that hires people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. No need for any relevant experience to work at the MTA. This is obvious.

Anonymous said...

So here is the solution. Go to China and hire the best engineers that money can buy and bring them to America to assess and fix the system once and for all. If they can build the fastest train networks on the planet then surely they can solve our biggest transportation problems in record time. America is not great again. I hate saying that but its the truth. We may dominate in space but here on earth, Europe, China and Japan kick ass when it comes to public transportation.

Anonymous said...

Its great how the politicians always push the blame somewhere else - they know more than the professionals running the system, they know more than the mayor, governor, and president ... combined.

All the garbage that this city is going through is their fault.

Well, not all.

After all, it is you dear NYC resident who put John Liu in office.

Anonymous said...

Just look at who is working for the MTA. That's the problem in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

This is the result of generations of affirmative action & employees who believe a civil service job is repetitions for slavery

Anonymous said...

They should just let UBER and Elon Musk run the MTA. Maybe things will change.

Anonymous said...

Exactly - look who's working for the MTA. Union jobs go one of 2 ways.
People who care and take pride in their work and then those who can't be fired and are comfortable doing the bare minimum to pass the time. Going to an MTA booth you'll mostly find attitudes and very little assistance. Very rare occasion to find someone that's helpful.
It's a rough job dealing with new yorkers but you're getting paid to do it, lets get it done.

Anonymous said...

"The MTA is a state run operation that hires people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. No need for any relevant experience to work at the MTA. This is obvious." Yes, that's the problem along with socialism..

Anonymous said...

And surprise, surprise, Monday Morning rush hour.... Signal Problems...

Anonymous said...

But, 'Gargoyle Andy' Cuomo refused to admit that he governs the MTA, selects many board members, and he even has total control of the MTA Office of the Inspector General, but not only will he not admit that (for reasons that are not known to his ever languishing public), but even his own staff refuse to admit it. Despite how she refused to give me her name when I asked (I recognized her voice), one of Cuomo's empowered-idiot lackeys up in Albany, Catherine Montrose, actually intercepted my telephone calls from the switchboard level (like they do in Third World countries), because I demanded answers about Cuomo's role in the MTA, and what percentage does he hold power to govern the Inspector General's Office. When I asked who oversees the IG's Office (State of New York), she had the gall to say, and I quote, "I don't know," before she hung up on me, a constituent.

They system of public trust betrayals up in the Executive Chamber is so entrenched, that even Third World countries aren't even that egregious and recalcitrant anymore! I still haven't gotten any help from the Executive Chamber, much less any answers that I am entitled to receive.

It's time to finally make political corruption a capital offense.

Tired Citizen said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the result of generations of affirmative action & employees who believe a civil service job is repetitions for slavery

Perhaps YOU are the affirmative action person here, since you don't seem to know the difference between "repetitions" and "reparations".

Or maybe you meant Cuomo, Lhota and Byford, since they are the ones who are actually in charge of the MTA.

The fact remains that while we're sitting around whining and blaming workers, Andy Cuomo is going to sail to re-election for a grand total of 12 years in office while the subway continues to deteriorate; but by all means, please do carry on with your denigration of workers. Hope it helps you get to work faster.

Anonymous said...

This is why you need to shut up conspiracy theorists. Stuff like maintenance doesn't get votes. This is why you need to set up independent bodies to do what isn't politically palatable. Joseph and the Pharoah shored up the price of wheat by buying it up when it was collapsing then sold it when it was too expensive and made a nice profit for the state, The original RFC/RTC/TARPm which Paul Ryan wrongly removed from FRB 13-3.

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