Monday, August 13, 2018

Parking rates going up

From Sunnyside Post:

The cost of a metered parking spot is going up throughout New York City—with Queens to be hit with the increase starting Nov. 1

The new rates will see the cost of metered parking spaces in the commercial districts of Astoria, Long Island City, Sunnyside, Woodside, Jackson Heights and Forest Hills go up from $1 per hour to $1.50. In downtown Flushing the cost will be hiked from $1 to $2 per hour.

Outside traditional commercial districts in Queens, the cost will go up from $1.00 per hour to $1.25.

The DOT in announcing the roll out, which starts in Brooklyn Sept. 4, said that this will be the first time since 2013 that rates are going up.


Anonymous said...

This city sucks. It's being run by the three blind mice.

Anonymous said...

Think of all of the revenue there might be if they actually enforced it consistently!

Anonymous said...

This is part of the boy mayor's plan to remove all automobiles from the city and make it into a cyclists dream. Citibike stations will be the new wave of transit. One problem, the stations don't go farther into Queens than Sunnyside while the new meter rates cover all of the borough.

Anonymous said...

More extortion from the public.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its part of the war on private owned cars.
My friend works for the DMV, NYC is trying to impose an annual $1500 congestion surcharge on registration fees for gas powered autos and SUVs registered private in the 5 Boroughs. I think they have something like that in Amsterdam only worse because you must prove why you need one, carpool and share your car to own one. It must also be small 4 cylinders and meet strict requirements

Anonymous said...

>This city sucks. It's being run by the three blind mice.

That would be the state. The City is run by 52 blind mice.

Anonymous said...

All I keep hearing in most posts is "this city sucks"!
So why are you still here?

Anonymous said...

So...,make more money.
This is not Fishkill New York.
It's New York Fuckin' City!
Love it or leave it!
OR don't be so HOOKED on your car.

Anonymous said...

The city doesn't care about the working class nor does it want to attract consumers to the business districts. They keep raising the rent, the parking, the tolls, the fares, and squeezing the middle class out. Pretty soon there will be no one left but the wealthy and most of them don't live here full time.

Anonymous said...

How do you divide $1.25 by four for fifteen minutes?

Anonymous said...

The Economist just released the list of the top 10 cities to live in and the Big Apple was not one of them. No surprise there. We will never be worthy of being in any top ten list for any good reason. we will forever be the most expensive and badly run city in the world.

Allof Youar Edum said...

The city doesn't control the rent.

Would you people that keep complaining just leave!

I would never complain about something so often and say "it's hopeless", "it sucks" and then stay. That speaks to the kind of people you are

>> anonymous
>>The city doesn't care about the working class nor does it want to attract consumers to the business districts. They keep raising the rent

Anonymous said...

>One problem, the stations don't go farther into Queens than Sunnyside while the new meter rates cover all of the borough.

That's not a bug, it's a feature. The mayor doesn't like us.

Anonymous said...

But, no matter how hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged this dystopian, hollow and nihilistic, post capitalist city and state become (BECAME!), there is always guaranteed protection to the two MOST disgraced administrations in history, both of which continually SO ORDER the mayhem, corruption, graft, greed, cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, cover-ups, kickbacks, payoffs——and, intensely dangerous (and monstrously failed) leadership that has NEVER led by example, with impunity: Bill de BLASS-hole's OPENLY PRACTICED criminal enterprise that has infected City Hall to its most corrupt throughout the annals of urban history, and the Emperor Without Clothers, Gargoyle Andy Cuomo (of the dynastic Cuomo SCOURGE of epic, humanitarian-and-ecological fail), who DEVALUES honesty itself——where BOTH walking SCOURGES give MENDACITY a BAD NAME!

I guarantee that during Harendra Singh's retrial, the penalty for his alleged bribery scandal will be fixed at a lengthy, long term sentence, versus the filthy scum who accepted his alleged bribes, Bill de BLASS-hole (a/k/a the'Tall 'N Stupid' genetic mutation), will walk freely (like right now) without any and all consequences, whatsoever (exactly like he has ALWAYS gotten away with crimes for which men have already been hanged for LESS). Likewise, Cuomo and his criminal enterprise that he runs outta the Executive Chamber (of horrors), up in Albany——where everyone around him is going to jail (i.e., Percoco, Skelos & Son, Silver), except Albany's version of Caligula himself! Yet, all that I keep hearing is that quality of life continues to improve in this wretched metropolis of lowest political life (but, only see life quality for the sub-human filth that enriches themselves within City Hall and Albany——but, not for anyone else)!

In fact, the entire State of New York is a raw sewage plant that makes an ACTUAL waster treatment plant like the Newtown Creek facility in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, look like a perfume factory!

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ——Robert LeFavre

Cav said...

Anonymous [post#9]said...
"So...,make more money.
This is not Fishkill New York.
It's New York Fuckin' City!
Love it or leave it!
OR don't be so HOOKED on your car."

Monday, August 13, 2018

Seriously, this comment sounds a lot like "then let them eat cake".
Need I remind you that when the peasants had had enough of their assclown ruling class and all their bullshit how well that worked out for the last person to whom that quote is attributed?

God forbid anything unpleasant like the events that happened in France in 1789 or here in the U.S. in 1861 should repeat and I certainly do not want such things to happen.
But yeah, maybe you should be a bit more respectful in the future and not such a stuck up assclown. You know, just in case.

Anonymous [post#10]said...
"The city doesn't care about the working class nor does it want to attract consumers to the business districts. They keep raising the rent, the parking, the tolls, the fares, and squeezing the middle class out. Pretty soon there will be no one left but the wealthy and most of them don't live here full time."

Monday, August 13, 2018


Of course if you're a money hungry parasite like our bureaucratic/political establishment what makes for a more filling meal for themselves and trickled down to their parasitical client voter class:

Taxing the income of yupsters making $250K or more per year and or collect property taxes from foreign real estate investors buying expensive high end properties?
Proles who make from about $50K to $100K and may own much less expensive and lower taxed houses?

(hint: it isn't the proles)

The solution is the red pill and to think heuristically.

Don Cavaioli

Anonymous said...

**So why are you still here?**

Already moved out of DeBozo/Coumo country you degenerate :D :D

Anonymous said...

Traffic is a nightmare everywhere. The only feasible solution is for less people to drive and own cars. Best way to do that is to make driving more expensive. An extra quarter an hour isn't gonna do it.

Anonymous said...

"How do you divide $1.25 by four for fifteen minutes?"

You don't.
It will be 25 cents per 12 minutes
instead of 25 cents per 15 minutes.

In other words, you pay four quarters ($1) to park for one hour right now.
With the new rates you will pay 5 quarters ($1.25) to park for one hour or 25 cents per 12 minute period.

....remember the good old days when you could use a public phone for a dime? Parking meters were a dime too.
When you were incommunicado if you happened to go out for a paper and a bagel, and that's the way you liked it!
Heck...there aren't even phone booths anymore. WTF happened?

Harry Haller

Jon said...

I agree with you but funny you should say that here considering all the people that insult people in need and in homeless shelters.

>> Cav said...
>>But yeah, maybe you should be a bit more respectful in the future and not such a stuck up assclown.

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