Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Ozone Park filing lawsuit to stop shelter

From CBS 2:

Some residents in Queens say they’re going to take the New York City Department of Homeless Services to task for its plans to bring a new men’s shelter to their neighborhood.

They fear a very different kind of housing could stand in the middle of family homes on 101st Avenue near 86th Street in Ozone Park.

The department wouldn’t confirm its shelter proposal, but a document obtained by CBS2 shows a letter sent to elected officials earlier this month explaining the plan to create a transitional housing facility for 113 men facing homelessness and mental health challenges. Residents say it would be far too close to several schools.


JQ LLC said...

This is basically a mental hospital like Creedmoor, except unlike that hospital the patients will be wandering the streets instead of the fenced-in grounds.

Why doesn't this goddamn city just build a hospital?

There must be transparency about the former locales of these men. Because this homeless program was based on keeping these men and families in the neighborhoods they are from. Ozone Park doesn't have the displacement from gentrification issues that 90% of Brooklyn had.

Not to mention the state origins were these single men are from too.

Gary W said...

Remember OP residents the elected politicians and unelected bureaucrats hate you. So act accordingly.

Anonymous said...

It would simply be easier (and more efficient) to file a lawsuit to evict disgraced, resident/ parasite Eric Ulrich instead, whose intensely incompetent, monstrously self-serving, openly practiced (without consequence), taxation without representation is the reason why all of Ozone Park (and South Ozone Park), looks like one big homeless shelter in the first place.

He, and the 'OTHER'maggot, that is: Jerkface Addabbo, both of whom DEVALUE honesty itself! Banish both of these cradle-to-grave government hacks——and Ozone Park will instantly look 90% improved and accountable (for the first time since the early 1960s)!

Anonymous said...

>This is basically a mental hospital like Creedmoor, except unlike that hospital the patients will be wandering the streets instead of the fenced-in grounds.

I thought under DeBlasio and Coumo, Creedmoor patients are now allowed to wander around the neighborhood, acting way worse than even the average men's shelter resident.

M. How said...

Take a look at the area around the Kew Gardens homeless shelter for men. What a mess! The litter, the panhandling, the loitering from early morning to dark. This is a lesson in how to destroy a neighborhood and downgrade property values. AND, we can't wait until the "neighborhood prison" opens. The litter from family members of the incarcerated will need a crew of full time sanitation picker-uppers.
WAIT A MINUTE. We could hire the homeless men from the shelter to collect the litter then they would have some money to spend and wouldn't have time to panhandle. Well, I guess the glass is half-full after all.

Anonymous said...

No one got out to vote against DeBlaiso. This all could have been stopped last November.

Anonymous said...

>Take a look at the area around the Kew Gardens homeless shelter for men.
Are you talking about the one on 134th and Union? That's in Briarwood.

M. How said...

Anonymous said... "Take a look at the area around the Kew Gardens homeless shelter for men.
Are you talking about the one on 134th and Union? That's in Briarwood."

Yes. Thanks for correcting me.

Unfortunately, no matter where these shelters appear, each neighborhood becomes degraded with litter, panhandling, improvised toilets, safety concerns and devalued property.

I know these shelters push everyone out at 6:00AM and they can't return until 6:00PM. What do they do when they have nothing to do but roam around the neighborhoods? Where do they go when it's hot or raining, freezing or snowing? When they're sick with flu or cancer? Where do they seek shelter? How do they occupy themselves for 12 hours? How would you handle this situation day after day for months at a time?

This is not a pity-party appeal. It is reality and until we figure out a way to change this situation we will be stuck with it and the homeless -- through no fault of their own -- will be the designated villians.

The fact of the matter is that the City is spending a fortune on housing these unemployed men. Why can't they figure out a way to give them something to do within that time frame?

What about local Community Centers for Seniors? Surely some of these men are over 65?
Wouldn't they benefit from some social interaction?

What about local factories or corporations, such as furniture and kitchen cabinet manufacturers? Perhaps they would be willing to hire someone for clean-up or for vocational training. Couldn't the City give those businesses a subsidy or tax credit for their training? What about The Salvation Army; Goodwill; soup kitchens -- surely they all could use some help starting as interns and then employees. Public transportation could also be subsidized for a time by the City for these men just to get them on the right track.

We all know idle hands are the Devil's playground so give them options. Give them a purpose in life -- other than panhandling -- and a reason to pick themselves up.

Those who are mentally challenged, depressed, diabetic, etc. place them in the proper places to deal with their illnesses. Surely they could find space in the many half-way houses in this State.

This may sound unrealistic and many will not want to or will be unable to change their lifestyle BUT some will. For my way of thinking, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Do something! Don't just dump them. Be proactive. Otherwise we will have the same situation all over Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island. I don't think we have Men's Shelters in Midtown Manhattan or Park Slope so we don't have to worry about degrading those areas.

If none of the above is feasible or possible or doable, then change the law. Don't allow homeless into New York State from other States. Some politician or some charity or some corporation -- or all -- are benefiting from these homeless people or the law would have been changed long ago. Instead, our taxes escalate exponentially year after year after year.

It's a lot cheaper to pay for a bus ticket out of town than to warehouse non-residents in our State. This situation would disappear immediately if there was no money to be made.
This situation smells of graft and corruption, as politically incorrect as this statement is. And who pays the price? New York taxpayers and homeless men.

Am I the only one who thinks like this? Maybe there are better ideas out there. If anyone has any ideas -- even if they seem silly or unrealistic -- join this conversation. Leave your ideas in the comments.

Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, many brains together should be able to come up with a few solutions to this problem.

Queens Crapper said...

There is indeed a homeless men's shelter in Kew Gardens, right across the street from Borough Hall.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that info, Crappy. Interesting that those men were bussed in - they're not even pretending they're from the area.

Anonymous said...

Ozone Park is a dumping ground for all the unwanted crap that would never go into Forest Hills or northeast Queens!
It's become a nabe that is invisible except for the crime stats!

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