Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Congratulations, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez!

Bye, asshole!


Anonymous said...

I'm not for her style of bigotry but I'm still glad she trounced this worthless pile of manure. It was way overdue.

Anonymous said...

He’ll just blame Dizzy Lizzy.

Anonymous said...

This is huge.... Boss Joe gets owned

Anonymous said...

As expected and Good fucking riddance !!

Anonymous said...

Good for her!

JQ LLC said...

Congressman Joe Crowley, his lousy guitar and The Queens Machine 2000-2018

Congratulations again to Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez. Outstanding campaign. Best candidate in a very long long long time. Go get 'em kid.

Anonymous said...

Awwwww poor Virginny Joe, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!!!!

Anonymous said...

Finally !!! Down with The Machine! We've had enough of it's crap!

Anonymous said...

Wake up,white people!

Anonymous said...

Whatever claptrap she says about abolishing ICE, income inequality, or other reactionary socialist nonsense, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez decapitated the head on the snake of Queens political corruption, and freed Queens (at least temporarily) from the grip of machine politics. And for that she deserves a round of applause and our gratitude.

chico0100 said...

Who is taking bets on how quickly(not) Virginia Joe moves his family back to Queens?

Anonymous said...

Woot bye bye Joe and the Crowley crime family. Now we can hope the Republican wins instead of this Bernie loving commie nut backed by the Young Turks.

Anonymous said...

Socialism will win!

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley 1998-2018. Now you don’t have to pretend you live here anymore

Anonymous said...

"Socialism will win!"

LMAO Where has it ever won? I'll wait for an answer...lol

Anonymous said...

Big news !

Anonymous said...


Listen to all you Dems celebrating!
As if you've actually discovered something new here.

What this means in practical political terms is simple:
The Left is moving even more to the left.

You've managed to get rid of the old corrupt leftist and
replace him with a young, Leftist who's a member
of the Democratic Socialists of America,
the same group who supports Chavez/Maduro style redistribution.

In other words,
The Democrats in Queens have duplicated the same exact political
dynamics that got Venezuela to where it is today.

Please don't listen to your own tainted national media's explanation
of all this. As if it's a groundbreaking event to hear that the
Left is getting even more unhinged.

This is nothing more complicated and unusual than what
happens in third world republics electing themselves into Socialism all
the time then wondering why they have to sneak into the United States when
the crap hits the fan and they have no toilet paper because their manufacturing
base has imploded.

You have no national leadership to speak of except Maxine Watters
and Nancy Pelosi.
You have been slapped down by the Supreme Court
the majority of Americans feel we are moving in the right
direction under Republican leadership.

You still have another chance though.
In November, Vote Republican.

Harry Haller

JQ LLC said...

A lot of redscaring here. Even that Uncle Tom Kori Chambers on PIX drop the s bomb after he read the results of her victory.

I wouldn't bank on the Republican opponent, surely this will be a big donor backed whore too, maybe the same donors from that republican backed lobbyist group that Joe begged for cash in his final hours to film his only campaign ad.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit the white people woke up, what meds worked?

Anonymous said...

horrible, communists, who destroyed half of the planet including Venezuela and Cuba, voted in NYC. From a hidden communist, to an explicit communist.. People get from stupid to stupider

Anonymous said...

"Ocasio-Cortez, a Bernie Sanders supporter who has called for the abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), had gained the endorsement of several left-wing groups, including MoveOn and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).: . To me, coming from a former communist country, I feel like a Jew who escaped the Holocaust only to say the same Nazi walking around... Horrible, horrible, horrible.

georgetheatheist said...

"There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." - Ayn Rand

"Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good." - Ayn Rand

“To be a socialist,” says [socialist] Goebbels, “is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is sacrificing the individual to the whole.” - Leonard Peikoff.

Joe, big mistake sending the kids to school in Virginia, no?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: a socialist "pig" with lipstick? The future has yet to be written.

georgetheatheist said...

"Medicare for All"?

Ocasional-Cortex, are U nutz? The socialist "Medicare for Some" is going broke right now.

Anonymous said...

Election turnout for this primary was EXTREMELY low, even for a non-presidential year compared with 2014. Clearly the unions simply did not come out for Crowley despite giving him their official endorsement. Maybe he shouldn't have attacked Trump so much as his evil Queens counterpart. A lot of the blue collar union guys like him.

Liman said...

Godless George hits the nail on the head again! One thing... under socialism, communism, Marxism, Maoism, whatever... your life and work don't belong to society but to the commissars.

And she's not "nutz." She's the usual know-nothing lefty who is too uneducated to know her dream world is impossible. Rather, she's too "educated" in what passes for education today.

Around the country (but not among the idiots who live here), voters look at Crowley's loss, look at the attacks on responsible conservatives, listen to Ocasio-Cortez' entirely conventional contemporary Democrat views (crackpot as they are), and see a growing threat to our future. Blue wave, my ass.

Joe Moretti said...

GOOD FUCKING BYE, corrupt Joe. No matter what you may think of his opponent, this is GOOD FUCKING NEWS because people came out to VOTE to make a statement. Besides if you ever did your reading and learned things from outside your bubble, you will find that Crowley sided with Republicans many times on certain issues, so he was not the "great Democrat" that some of you may think or the better choice. HE WAS THE WRONG CHOICE and Ocasio-Cortez and the people proved it. GET OUT AND VOTE. GET OUT AND VOTE. GET OUT AND VOTE. WHile I make not agree with everything that Ocasio-Cortez stated (and one person cannot just change everything by themselves), Crowley was a big part of the PROBLEM and WRONG, especially for another term.

AND you know folks, give me a break on the socialism bullshit, when we have a president who feels he is above the law, thinks that "being president for life is great" and is slowly dismantling democracy and the institutions that hold it together for a check and balance.

As far a socialism, need I remind you: SOCIAL SECURITY (the word is in it), Medicare, unemployment insurance. YET Trump gave a HUUUUUUUUGE tax cut the mega rich and 1% that will have devastating effects for the future, but that is fine.

Anonymous said...

You guys who think a Republican is gonna bear Ocasio-Cortez in November are idiots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, good for her. Time for 10 Term Joe to go. Time for anyone with more than 2 terms to go-- including her in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Well well well the Machine was bit in the ass. Joe lost because the voter roles were inflated with non-citizens and his supporters were smug and, cozy in the dozy arms of the torpid machine, lulled to sleep while the insurrectionists surrounded their fort, and then charged in the citadel before they rolled out of bed.

Joe is going nowhere - party bosses have lost before and marshaled their comebacks - the only way to get rid of them is to, like getting rid of a cancer, purge the disease at its roots. The left will inevitably fall into fighting each other and lacking the discipline to purge the cancer of machine politics, drop the ball.

We have not seen the last of "Honest Joe" Crowley by a long shot. EVERY member of the community boards appointed by the bosses, every culture group supported by the machine with funding, every civic formed by the boys to put a public image to their agenda, every developer after your block and lot, and every elected official who is there not because of ability or merit, but because of boot-licking and script reading will quietly wait for the signal for the revanche (look that word up kiddies)

Unless Ms Cortez is willing to put in place an army to do these things, she will ultimately fail. Sure its possible, but she had better start to organize building arms via social media and trenches via the internet 'cause when the 'man' returns (with proxy clones of Ms Cortez at the van to confuse her troops) they will take no prisoners.

Socialism the wave of the the future? Sure, its been there for generations. Now, no reason to fear socialism - it will fail as it always does because its a THEORY but capitalism is a REALITY.

Oh yes, no discussion of politics today can be complete without invoking perhaps the greatest game changer since Kennedy or Roosevelt: Trump. He is ecstatic. Let the Dems fall off on the left, the Great Center can now fall to him at his asking.

Gary W said...

Congrats to her, shows what I know.

Like noted before Joe doesn't have to pretend he lives in that shithole anymore and can get a nice job on K street.

Looks like the Dems have a nice little socialist tea party problem to deal with. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

Oh well maybe she can primary Schumer or Gillibrand in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Now we just have to figure a way to keep her from getting elected at the real elections. This idiot wants to abolish ICE. She needs to go.

Anonymous said...

This is the result of the gerrymandered district where the Bronx people are mixed with the Queens people. Little did they expect the socialist Latina from the Bronx to upset the Queens party boss. Now they will redraw the district to separate the two. Regardless, I hated the way this idiot Crowley was given his seat by Manton. People realized that this guy who lived in Virginia was just our white machine boss who thinks that his own district is nowhere to raise a family. If you represent an area in Congress, you and your family should actually live there.

Anonymous said...

He learned nothing from his cousin Dizzy Lizzy. His campaign was based on attack, rather than standing on the issues. He didn't show up for the first debate -- Lizzy refused to debate -- and did nothing for years!

John said...

The alternative is what? Let millions of the population not have medical insurance or split medical care into hundreds of insurance companies so the cost and risk is cut up and less efficient?

Maybe medical insurance should come through the employer, which makes no sense at all. For some reason that is the model in this country. So, lose your job, lose your insurance.

Blogger georgetheatheist said...
"Medicare for All"?

Ocasional-Cortex, are U nutz? The socialist "Medicare for Some" is going broke right now.

Anonymous said...

"Now we just have to figure a way to keep her from getting elected at the real elections."

Regarding Joe Crowley's loss, "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't."
Heaven help us if Ocasio-Cortez wins.

Anonymous said...

Hey Moretti and the rest of you Dems high on Socialism,

Trump is "dismantling democracy" ?
LOL, how so? By giving healthcare back to the people instead of MANDATING insurance you don't want? By strengthening our military and giving our veterans the respect and care they're due? By championing American values and the idea of individual responsibility in society? By destroying the idea that our immigration policy is the world's welfare center at the expense of our middle class? GET REAL.

What don't you understand about Venezuela?

They enacted EXACTLY the policies that the Bernie Sanders/ Ocasio types
are advocating here in the USA.

Doesn't work.

Please study logic and the Western tradition starting with Pascal.
Cause and Effect.

Democratic Socialism = Venezuela = mass migration and starvation

Harry Haller

Kevin Walsh said...

If the socialists are taking over, I want the full benefits package: guaranteed basic income and free universal health care. I'll take the free speech restrictions when I get those.

Anonymous said...

On the whole, not a good year for the Crowley clan.

Joe said...

"This idiot wants to abolish ICE"

That one thing that Will happen and when all her voters realize the aint getting all the free stuff she will be out on her ass too.
The Republican challenger needs to look "hip" and appeal to the young people and promise some of the same socialist bullshit and free stuff to win.
Most of these older guys (Republicans & Conservatives ) come off like authoritative figures, walking resume's, Wall Street Bankers. A sure way to lose and election by turning todays young voters off. Keep in mind Crowleys lousy guitar playing and singing did get him a lot of mileage

Anyway I wouldn't worry about Ms Cortez, not yet anyway.
She ran a grassroots campaign that got young supporters to out to the polls in 2 ways:
1-Todays young voters liked her looks and all the free stuff she proposed and that's the only 2 thing they give a shit about.
2-Older voters were sick and tired of the Crowley's bullshit, especially after that video of an elderly ethnic woman being shoved in a hallway. In todays world of multimedia and simple smartphones elderly people have mastered, -that shove and "mousy grin" drew attention to the issue and made a lot of sheep actually think and read.

Myself coming from an entertainment industry background. A filthy dirty industry based on looks, marketability and nepotism Id say the results of this election were 100% totally expected

Joe Moretti said...

Anon Stated:

Trump is "dismantling democracy" ?
LOL, how so? By giving healthcare back to the people instead of MANDATING insurance you don't want? By strengthening our military and giving our veterans the respect and care they're due? By championing American values and the idea of individual responsibility in society? By destroying the idea that our immigration policy is the world's welfare center at the expense of our middle class? GET REAL.

First off, I am not high on socialism, so don't know where you got that from.

Trump dismantling democracy:

1. When you make up FACTS or re-write facts as Trump and others do, there is no more what is true or what is not, anymore, you just make it up as you go along. Something that dictators do in other countries, like your Venezuela you brought up.

2. When you call the media FAKE. Again something that all dictatorships do.

3. When you call FBI investigations "witch hunts" undermines democracy. This is what the FBI does, INVESTIGATE, it is part of the name of the institution.

4. Trump IS NOT giving healthcare back to the people, don't know where that came from, but it is not fact. He still has not come up with a plan for healthcare anyway to replace the affordable health care and EVERYONE deserves health insurance, it should not be a luxury, it should be a right, it saves money in the long run as opposed to how our health insurance system operates now. AND healthcare should not be attached to an employer either, because you lose your job, you lose healthcare, the worst time to lose it to begin with

5. Our military has more money than they need. All of the top generals have already stated this. Our military is not weak at all and is still the strongest military in the world.

While I totally agree on individual responsibility, how is Trump actually doing that by giving huge tax cuts to the mega rich, which in the long run will hurt the average person and programs designed to help the poor and lesser off.

As far as immigration, the USA still takes in less migrants/Immigrants than other nations. Yes, illegal immigration is an issue, but that has been an issue for decades that has not been addressed properly by both parties. And Trump is not really do too much to strengthen the borders, but then neither have past presidents either. The so-called Muslim ban is off kilter considering that the country that did have their people attack us, Saudi Arabia, is not on that list.

Obviously conservatism and liberalism has not worked that well either, not that I am advocating total socialism, but neither of the other too have worked well on their own.

Joe said...

"That's one thing that Will happen"

I mean that's one thing that will NOT have the votes to happen for quite a time and need another Obama like president to sign it.
--Typo, dam IPHONEs library is all screwed up!!

georgetheatheist said...

Kevin Walsh wrote:

"If the socialists are taking over, I want the full benefits package: guaranteed basic income and free universal health care. I'll take the free speech restrictions when I get those."

Operative word? "Want". Are you blind man? How about scheduling a Forgotten NY tour of the NYCHA projects so you can tell us about the glories of socialist collectivism?

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to Miss Ocasio-Cortez, at least she is a better look than the old fart Crowley.
I can't wait for all those free stuff. My new $100k public servant job, my new Park Avenue free apartment, my free Platinum health insurance, my new MS13 best pal since no more ICE....Yeah !!!!
Just a question, who are you going to send the bill to??? (Wink, wink...sorry, but I am already broke with your current mirror reflection in City Hall (Dumbassio) :(

Anonymous said...

Where does Miss Socialist Venezuela live?

The Ghost of Tom Manton said...

Hey, can't Crowley run as an independent on a third party ticket? You mean to tell me Reich and Bolz are going to put up with this loss? BTW, now who do the Democrat politicians answer to? Who's their Big Wig?

Anonymous said...

...while we're on the subject of socialism and Latin America,
here's another simple, easy to follow, example of logic vis-à-vis the current border immigration crisis.

Huge numbers of women and children are showing up at our doorstep demanding
asylum due to deteriorating conditions in Nicaragua.

Nicaragua is led by socialist-Sandinista-Marxist government with a platform based
on wealth redistribution. In effect, democratic socialism of the type that democrat-socialists here in the US are foisting on the public.

Now, if we see that these democratic-socialist nations like Nicaragua begin to fail to the point where their citizens are crossing hundreds of miles of desert lands on foot just to get to the "evil" capitalist United States of America, why are we not asking what the problem is at the source?

The media concentrates on a "crisis" at the border, which Ms. Ocasio was quick to jump on with photo-ops of her yelling at our border crossing agents and calling for the dissolution of ICE. The media (read democratic free advertising arm) continues to push this "crisis" for their own agenda but never once bring up the question as to WHY people are fleeing in droves.

They want to keep the American public stupid and gullible so that they will see democratic-socialism as a viable option. So instead of putting an image of Nicaraguan socialists or El Salvadorian gangs on the cover of Time magazine, they put up a photoshopped image of President Trump and a crying child, never mentioning the fact that the child was crying because they were fleeing socialist policies.

...and so the lesson is for Democrats here to go and google politics in Venezuela and Nicaragua and see for themselves how nations rich in natural resources become third world hellholes where citizens need to flee or starve.

Harry Haller

John said...

Trump started a fake university and swindled thousands of people out of millions of dollars.

Insurance is mandated because you can not require health insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions unless everyone gets health insurance. This isn't a difficult concept to understand. Otherwise, how do you do it? You either have a single payer system or you put pre-existing condition patients in a separate plan. But that doesn't work because if all high risk people are separated from healthy people it would be too expensive.

By the way, Trump did promise affordable healthcare for all.

>>By giving healthcare back to the people

Trump insulted a veteran, two in fact.

What are American values exactly? Getting an education? Helping the under served? Being a country that supports science? Being a leader in the fight against racist and religious inequality?

Because that is not who this president is. He has no position. His position is whatever gets his base to cheer for him.

>> By championing American values

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Moretti and the rest of you Dems high on Socialism,

Trump is "dismantling democracy" ?
LOL, how so? By giving healthcare back to the people instead of MANDATING insurance you don't want? By strengthening our military and giving our veterans the respect and care they're due? By championing American values and the idea of individual responsibility in society? By destroying the idea that our immigration policy is the world's welfare center at the expense of our middle class? GET REAL.

Anonymous said...

now with crowley out maybe reich, sweeney & bolz will soon follow

Anonymous said...

now to get rid of sweeney, reich & Bolz

Anonymous said...

they will certainly split queens from the bronx so the hacks can take over again.

the rank and file in queens will have nothing to do with her but lip service.

the borough could vote for tump in 2020.

her only hope is to put in a parallel power structure so she has roots and we know the snowflakes have the attention span of a gnat.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

>If the socialists are taking over, I want the full benefits package: guaranteed basic income and free universal health care. I'll take the free speech restrictions when I get those.

Don't you know? Free speech has to go first, otherwise people will object to the others.
Plus, destroying free speech has support from the far-right, too, as well as the machine. Everyone wants to silence their opposition.

Mary said...

You people who can't get past the idea that "socialism" does not have to mean McCarthyism...

This is her position in her words. It is not unreasonable.

"When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity. It's asserting the value of saying that the America we want and the America that we are proud of is one in which all children can access a dignified education. It's one in which no person is too poor to have the medicines they need to live. It's to say that no individual's civil rights are to be violated. And it's also to say that we need to really examine the historical inequities that have created much of the inequalities — both in terms of economics and social and racial justice — because they are intertwined."

Anonymous said...

She needs to ditch the anti-semites


Anonymous said...

Having commuted in and out of the city since I started high school, and having met all the trust fund kids from Brearley, Chapin, Collegiate and Dalton, it's amazing to me that so many Queens Archie Bunker fools are happy to slave away for these "job creators" straight out of the Born Rich documentary, who have never worked a day in their lives, whose parents never worked a day in their lives, and whose grandparents have never worked a day in their lives. Content with seeing the idle class expropriate their surplus labor time, Archie Bunker flies into a rage at the socialists and mention of inequality, redistribution and so forth. Socialism is about STOPPING redistribution - redistribution of the wealth created by those of us who do work to the heirs who do not work. It's a sign of the overarching parasitism and acceptance of parasitism in American society that workers organizing to assert their rights is seen as dangerous, while the usual gravy train of everything to the idle class heirs is smiled upon. Who nod their head approvingly at "self-made" presidents who start off with a "small loan of a million dollars".

Congratulations Ms. Ocasio-Cortez! Working people are waking up. Not just in Elmhurst, but in Breezy Point, Whitestone, Bayside, Howard Beach and Douglaston.

Anonymous said...

How arrogantly ironic that socialism was never a dirty word over the past 50-plus years, as the BrainWashington, D. C. cabal (and kakistocracy) of kleptocratic, 'Monetary Locusts' gave billions of other people's money away to corporate welfare for billionaires like the psychotic, Walton, Wall-mart Street dynasty/family scourge (without We, the People's consent and approval, much less any public referendum measures to vote away their kleptocratic wealth)——but, NO welfare in the billions for anyone else to actually help the downsized, depressed, oppressed, disenfranchised, displaced, forgotten and invisible masses that fell off the government bought radar systems that robbed and impoverished an entire nation?

You have serious work ahead of you, Ms. Cortez, and to reverse ALL of the kleptocracy that these empowered idiots have mistakenly labeled as 'socialism' when in fact it is We, the People's Democratic Socialism that I would rather see help and contribute an entire nation BACK to wealth redistribution (that was earned and deserved), versus the perpetual and savage loop of robbing, cheating, stealing——and bleeding, ravaging and raping our national taxpayers' with impunity——so long as the diabolical and ominous 'S' word isn't linked to the most nuclear and brutal wealth redistribution cycle by force, more commonly known as corporate welfare (and the political kickbacks that have destroyed all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency——to SMITHEREENS)!

Anonymous said...

"She needs to ditch the anti-semites


I say if the shoe fits...the fact is a lot of landlords are greedy, and yes, shocker, some of them are Jewish. Everytime someone dares call bullshit on something, there's always the immediate accusations of anti-Semitism

Anonymous said...

"they will certainly split queens from the bronx so the hacks can take over again.

the rank and file in queens will have nothing to do with her but lip service.

the borough could vote for tump in 2020.

her only hope is to put in a parallel power structure so she has roots and we know the snowflakes have the attention span of a gnat."

She did very well in Queens...people here wanted change... some people are having a hard time grasping that. Hopefully this will be the demise of the clubhouse system, which is antiquated and quite frankly useless

Anonymous said...

The only good thing about Ocasio Cortez is that she's hot!

Queens Hedge Fund Stud said...

so long as the diabolical and ominous 'S' word isn't linked to the most nuclear and brutal wealth redistribution cycle by force

Yes, since socialism didn't work for: USSR, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Laos, Vietnam, Albania, Angola, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Mongolia, Romania, Somalia, Yugoslavia, South Yemen, India, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ecuador, Greece, etc. etc.

Why not simply try again?

Anonymous said...

...once again for the slow (and there... are many here);

No matter how you want to rebrand, reboot and revisit socialism, it just doesn't work.

The first colonists in Plymouth tried a form of socialism, a communal type of arrangement where everyone was just did whatever they wanted to contribute. Those that could did, those that couldn't received just as much.
They almost starved.
This is documented in the journals of William Bradford:


How many times do I have to repeat the same thing with historical examples before the willfully ignorant realize they can simply read and learn?

Capitalism and free markets work because they incentivizes people to improve themselves and their lot by their own efforts. Human nature, plain and simple.

...and while we're at it, please stop the idiotic assumption that we live in a society with a static class structure where you can't improve yourself in one generation. One would think that the example of Obama as President, for lack of a better model, would disabuse these socialist shills of the notion that a man of talent can't rise to the highest levels within one generation (his father didn't even stay in the USA).
Ms. Ocasio's own life story is proof of the success of this nation, not its failure as she espouses.
If she really wasn't "supposed" to be in politics, she very well wouldn't have been elected would she? Do we really think that she's the only interesting story of citizen-politicians around? The entire congress is filled with interesting folks who rose from poverty, from disability, from adversity on both sides of the aisle, so please don't ask me to swallow the riveting story of their success in America while denouncing the same nation that produced it!

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

Hey Moretti, you have a lot to learn:

You say:
"1. When you make up FACTS or re-write facts as Trump and others do, there is no more what is true or what is not, anymore, you just make it up as you go along. Something that dictators do in other countries, like your Venezuela you brought up."

I say:
What facts did Trump make up exactly? That he was duly elected? That the major media is relentless negative? That we have an illegal immigration problem? That Obamacare wasn't working? LOL

You Say:
"2. When you call the media FAKE. Again something that all dictatorships do."

I say:
Objective analysis has shown that the major media (ABC,CBS,NBC, NYTimes, Wash. Post)
have been overwhelmingly NEGATIVE in their coverage of Trump. Something like 90% NEGATIVE coverage. They have been repeatedly caught in lies and sometimes don't bother apologizing for their lies. They conduct themselves as arms of the democratic party rather than objective reporters of news.Go ahead and try disputing this.

You Say:

"3. When you call FBI investigations "witch hunts" undermines democracy. This is what the FBI does, INVESTIGATE, it is part of the name of the institution.
Hey Moretti, you have a lot to learn:"

I say:
You are aware that McCabe (FBI assistant director) was fired because of untruthfulness, Yates (acting director) was fired for insubordination, Comey was just slapped down by the Internal Investigation report and will likely be facing charges of perjury. Please hold on to this conversation when the truth of FBI collusion against a duly elected President comes out. I'm assuming you read the text between the FBI colluders as well.

You Say:

"4. "Trump IS NOT giving healthcare back to the people, don't know where that came from, but it is not fact."

I say:

I'm assuming you paid federal taxes last year. If you did, you filled out a "proof of healthcare form" that documented that you better have had a medical plan or else!
Trump got rid of that Individual Mandate.

Harry Haller

Anonymous said...

I love this.

This leftist moron will just pull the DemoRat party further left in 2020.

I will be first in line voting for 4 more years of TRUMP! Keeping America Great!

Crowley getting booted on his ass is just icing on the cake. It doesn't really change anything. We still live in a blue state. It is a democrat seat and will still be held by a democrat in a congress that will likely stay in republican control.

Thinking back on all of the talk about Crowley leading the Democrat party just makes me laugh.

Trump beating Hillary is still the upset of all time. This isn't even close.

Anonymous said...

Glad Crowley is out. Hopefully his cronies will be gone too. Imagine Sweeney pulling in outrageous amounts of money as counsel to the Public Administrator! The Queens Democratic organization, headed by Crowley, has filled government positions with Democrat cronies who play along with the machine. They control the courts, community boards, Board of Elections, judgeships, and just about every aspect of life in Queens County. They get away with it because many of the new immigrant minorities (who are now the majority) have been bamboozled into thinking that the Democrats are helping them. On the contrary, the Democrats are only pandering to them for their votes so that they can continue to get elected indefinitely.

While we are happy that Crowley was defeated, we are not happy with the winner, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. America is a country of liberty. You have to work hard to be rewarded with benefits. We are a country of equal rights and opportunity, not equal results. Why should somebody who works like a dog have to pay for benefits for those who sit back and claim entitlements? Who is going to pay for free tuition for all, free healthcare for all, free housing for all, etc.? The hard-working middle class, who else. Their taxes are going to be so high that they will be unable to afford the mediocre life-style that they work hard to sustain. In the past, we did not have our benefits handed to us on a silver platter. Why should our hard-earned money be taken from us to pay for everyone else, even illegal immigrants? And, her proposal to eliminate immigration enforcement is ridiculous. There is no cultural unity in NYC. People cannot understand each other because there are so many non-English-speaking people here. There is so much overcrowding that the quality of life in NYC has plummeted to unconscionable depths. We have always had immigration laws to preserve the quality of life of our country. Allowing people to enter our country unrestricted is an insult to those who waited their turn to immigrate legally. Not every new immigrant is a criminal, obviously, but facts are facts, and the explosion of illegal immigration increases crime proportionately. Weren't there immigration quotas in the past? And why do we have to bend over backwards for Puerto Rico? What has Puerto Rico done for us? This is the United States of America. Whether people like it or not, we are an English-speaking country, with certain cultural values. People should assimilate to us, not the other way around. I'm sorry, but this is not a Spanish-speaking country.

While we don't need the Crowley clan, we certainly don't need a socialist to undermine our way of life. We understand that people are to be treated equally and with respect, and we certainly disagree with separating young children from their parents. But maybe their parents should have thought about the consequences of entering our country illegally, before they did so. How would people of other countries like it if English-speaking people overwhelmingly immigrated to their countries, and changed their cultures and values? I don't think they would be very happy, do you?

Sorry for the rant, but enough is enough. Unfortunately, because Queens is so overwhelmingly Democratic, a Republican/Conservative will not win in the general election, even though he or she should.

Anonymous said...

Harry Haller:

Good counterpoint.

Ignore Joe. He hates both sides. When his list of enemies includes everyone it leaves the rest of us to conclude the problem is him. He doesn't play well with others. What else do you have to say about the only white guy who lives in Jamaica.

Anonymous said...

Trump is "dismantling democracy" ?
LOL, how so? By giving healthcare back to the people instead of MANDATING insurance you don't want? By strengthening our military and giving our veterans the respect and care they're due? By championing American values and the idea of individual responsibility in society? By destroying the idea that our immigration policy is the world's welfare center at the expense of our middle class? GET REAL.


ACA is hated by Trump supporters. A doctor had to explain to his patients they hated Obamacare and had to tell them it was ACA. If you have a job, you probably have health insurance through your company so it matters not those who get health care through their employment. Trump has little interest in American values. He cares about himself. If you’re a anew Yorker , you should know that. So you’re fixated by illegals somehow getting on welfare programs but not care about fellow American citizens on social security disability when they can work and red states with dying job bases and rely on welfare programs?

What do you mean by strengthening our military? What has he actually pushed for? A Space Force? You mean the massive $181 billion budget for the military? Do military personnel get pay raises?

Anonymous said...

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide." - Ayn Rand

"Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good." - Ayn Rand


Any Rand was a crackpot and petty with her circle of cult members. Anyone who quotes her, I can’t take seriously. She’s a nobody. Might as well quote Nietzsche. When you grow up, try a serious political thinker.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. ring a bell? Has these programs harmed Capitalism? Our European counterparts do pay higher taxes, but there’s a social net and benefits where if you get seriously sick, you don’t get pushed out of s hospital bed or physical therapist can’t spend enough time with you because of cost.

Good luck when you’re old or get seriously sick.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean Joe has to move back to NY from Virginia?

Rob in Manhattan said...

Something named Harry Haller said:

"Capitalism and free markets work because they incentivizes people to improve themselves and their lot by their own efforts. Human nature, plain and simple."

Time-and-agin, unbridled capitalism has destroyed lived -not improved them. Capitalism only works with adult supervision. Regulation. Oversight.

Types like you rail against "socialism".

Well Haller, given the way you write is it likely you are already befitting from at least TWO forms of socialism; Social Security. Medicare or Medicaid.

I meet types like you regularly in our restaurants. Stupid, old men who 'think" no one knows the truth of their situation and what is keeping the battered old bodies alive.

Save the parroted, talk-radio bullshit and self-righteousness for those dumb enough to consider you intelligent.

Rob In Manhattan

Sunnyside Al said...

I wasn’t fond of Crowley but Ocasio-Cortez may very well be worse.

Her policies are nearly impossible to implement.

1. Federal government jobs for all.

The private sector employs the vast majority of workers. It is corporations, which also pay the majority of taxes to the federal government. They have tried this in South America, only 30-35% of the population there has a “guaranteed” government job but they have a 2-3 work week.

2. Healthcare for all.

Similar programs are currently found in England and Canada for all subjects there. I personally have a friend who lives in Bolton, England who told me, “yeah, we have free health insurance but you need private insurance if you have a real sickness.” Many Canadiens flee to Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic for treatment of life-threatening illness. Ask any honest doctor how they feel about the Affordable Care Act and why less doctors are not accepting Medicaid and Medicare.

3. Force Wall Street to pay for social programs

Would you like for 60% of your profits to be taken away to have your money being thrown at insoluable issues. For example, Baltimore is in the Top 5 for pupil expenditure for its public schools but ranks near the bottom of academic achievement. Why should more taxpayer money be spent on problems like these? We are over $20 trillion in debt because 75% of our budget is spent on Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security and other social programs. We cannot get rid of these programs but a solution, other than “throw money at the problem,” must be found.

4. Abolition of ICE

I know Ocasio-Cortez ( and now Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, etc.) only said this to mobilize the Hispanic vote. She even said in a May 2018 tweet, “the Governor, Mayor, Speaker and Democrat bosses are all rich, old white men. That is no coincidence.” In a debate, Ocasio-Cortez asked, “why is a white man representing our district?” It was identity politics from the beginning, us vs. them.

The basic function of Immigration and Customs Enforcement is to detain individuals who commit additional crime(s) after unlawfully entering the country. This includes Child molesters, sex traffickers and narcotics distributors. If you want to abolish ICE then there will be a message sent back to criminals that the border is wide open. The majority of the people who cross illegally are not violent criminals but the things that I mentioned before do happen.

I am a mellenial ,just like Ocasio-Cortez is, but I know the dangers of her agenda. Soft socialism is taking its effects in Europe and has destroyed other places in Venezuela and Colombia. Our GDP is more than double the size of the European Union combined because we have capitalism. The wealth of our corporations translates to the strength of our military. For the reason, Germany, Canada, Japan, etc. come to us for military (and economic) protection.

Institute “soft or hard” socialism and our ecomony, military and social programs will suffer as they need funding to function. China (Communist) , not Russia (whose GDP and population is falling) will have a field-day with us then.

Anonymous said...

In one corner we have the puncher in the blue trunks and in the other corner we have the puncher in the red trunks each looking for the knockout for the for the far right or the far left. The sad reality is that both are punching and pummeling all of us who are way more in the middle of the ring than either of them. They are landing their blows on not each other but on our country. No matter who wins each bout in whatever state it appears the middle ground is shrinking into oblivion. The grand experiment set into motion in 1776 is coming to its end. Consensus building is dead and it appears whether the winners are red or blue those in control will be it's my way or no way and we all are the LOSERS.

Queens Hedge Fund Stud said...

I meet types like you regularly in our restaurants. Stupid, old men who 'think" no one knows the truth of their situation and what is keeping the battered old bodies alive.

Rob In Manhattan

Salvatore? Is that you?

You're going by "Rob In Manhattan" now?

Anonymous said...

Her policies are nearly impossible to implement

And they won't be. That's the point. Crowley was practical and effective and running the machine. Cortez is starry-eyed, naive, and has no seniority. The point is, she has no national standing to leverage a local political machine, and will be much easier to replace by someone else.

John said...

The U.S. spends 15.3% on healthcare and Canada spends 10% yet they have a single payer system a we don't. Those number alone tell you our system does not work.

The alternative is to have millions of people with no health insurance?

What's wrong will basic health insurance for all and then people can buy private add-ons if they want?

You have millions without health insurance they go to the emergency room and then the cost gets passed off to the other patients with insurance or funded by programs funded with taxes. We aren't going to let people die because of no healthcare so how is the United State's model better?

>> Sunnyside Al

2. Healthcare for all.

Similar programs are currently found in England and Canada for all subjects there. I personally have a friend who lives in Bolton, England who told me, “yeah, we have free health insurance but you need private insurance if you have a real sickness.” Many Canadiens flee to Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic for treatment of life-threatening illness. Ask any honest doctor how they feel about the Affordable Care Act and why less doctors are not accepting Medicaid and Medicare.

Anonymous said...

"Rob in Manhattan said...

Time-and-agin, unbridled capitalism has destroyed lived -not improved them. Capitalism only works with adult supervision. Regulation. Oversight.

Types like you rail against "socialism".

Well Haller, given the way you write is it likely you are already befitting from at least TWO forms of socialism; Social Security. Medicare or Medicaid.

I meet types like you regularly in our restaurants. Stupid, old men who 'think" no one knows the truth of their situation and what is keeping the battered old bodies alive.

Save the parroted, talk-radio bullshit and self-righteousness for those dumb enough to consider you intelligent.

Rob In Manhattan "

Dear Miss Rob,

LOL, I find it amusing, the assumptions you make, I'm neither old nor unaware of what Socialism is. In addition, I'm quite healthy, except for the daily dose of stupidity I've been subjected by reading comments such as yours.

First off, Medicare is paid-into by individuals through their work paycheck it is not an entitlement but a financial agreement between the American citizen and its government. Socialism and its "benefits" are paid for through the collective ownership of industry and the profits of a nationalization of industry. So by definition, Medicare is a product of a productive capitalist society.

Medicaid, similarly is a program enacted through the profits of our free market system; the Trillions in federal taxes collected yearly from American paychecks (and state taxes in some case as well). It is not a program instituted and funded through the organization of a collectivist social/productivity structure, so you characterization of it as a "socialist" program is false.

Let's make this clear once again,
Socialism in any of its forms has never worked. Please don't point to the social programs that have grown out of our growth and industry within the structure of a free-market system, as somehow "socialism". Socialism doesn't own common sense and care for its citizenry. We have the most generous people on the planet in this country, and yes, studies have shown that Republicans (god-forbid) give more to charity as a whole than Democrats do.

I think what you need to do at whatever "restaurants" you loiter in, is to stop assuming that you know anything about what other people know or are. Understand that the one thing you should be developing is a sense of the potential in each human, not their need for your "salvation" from their situation. Leave that part to God.

Harry Haller

Elon Musk said...

"Those who proclaim themselves “socialists” are usually depressing, have no sense of humor & attended an expensive college. Fate loves irony."

georgetheatheist said...

"Any [sic] Rand was a crackpot and petty with her circle of cult members. Anyone who quotes her, I can’t take seriously. She’s a nobody. Might as well quote Nietzsche. When you grow up, try a serious political thinker.

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. ring a bell? Has these programs harmed Capitalism? Our European counterparts do pay higher taxes, but there’s a social net and benefits where if you get seriously sick, you don’t get pushed out of s hospital bed or physical therapist can’t spend enough time with you because of cost."

Can't handle the gist of the argument so you resort to ad hominem personal Rand attack? Boring. Been there. Seen it.

I will quote Nietzsche: "Was micht nicht umbringt, macht mich staerker."

Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid? The bell does ring. The bell of impending bankruptcy. I'm getting mine while the going's good. And it ain't too good. Was once in Flushing Hospital lying on a gurney in the hallway for 10 hours while an open bed had to be found. Why? Because the place was inundated with the sick in turbans and saris.

You, Bubele, will be singing not such a self-righteous tune when you need the ER and the illegals are ahead of you.

"The fallacies and contradictions in the economic theories of socialism were exposed and refuted time and time again, in the Nineteenth Century as well as today. This did not and does not stop anyone: it is not an issue of economics, but of morality. The intellectuals and the so-called idealists were determined to make socialism work. How? By that magic means of all irrationalists: somehow." - Ayn Rand

Anonymous said...

How can she be anti-Semite when she is Jerry Pyenson's love child

Kevin Walsh said...

"How about scheduling a Forgotten NY tour of the NYCHA projects so you can tell us about the glories of socialist collectivism?"

George can't recognize sarcasm. Check

Mark said...

It is really sad that you think these comments are ok.

Only white people deserve healthcare? Non-white people are not equal?
Do you say the same of baseball hats in Westchester hospitals?

>> Blogger georgetheatheist said...
>> Because the place was inundated with the sick in turbans and saris.

Anonymous said...

The big secret is the tirnout was low because the rolls were inflated by fake obama votors

Anonymous said...

>How can she be anti-Semite when she is Jerry Pyenson's love child

Self-hating Jews have always been a thing.

But who's "Jerry Pyenson"? Google isn't turning up much.

Rob in Manhattan said...

georgetheatheist -You aging right-wingers still cling to that drug addicted nutcase. She was a damaged woman with a horrific childhood who changed her name (they all did in those days, it seems) from Rosenberg.

She ended up in and out of mental institutions and on Social Security. the irony of which is probably lost on you.

For anyone still interested in this woman, start here: http://nymag.com/arts/books/features/60120/

"Was once in Flushing Hospital lying on a gurney in the hallway for 10 hours while an open bed had to be found.''
Another bender...or was it the death of Bob "Grant" you took too hard?

Rob in Manhattan

Anonymous said...

after VA JOE won, the dems take the house, he was gonna get dizzy lizzy a nice cushy job!
oh well

Anonymous said...

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy." - Winston Churchill

Anonymous said...

What happens if everyone else votes for her republican opponent and he wins?

Queens Hedge Fund Stud said...

Rob in Manhattan

Lino? Is that you?

You're name is 'Rob in Manhattan' now?

georgetheatheist said...

@Rob in Manhattan:

"A little learning is a dang'rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring." - Alexander Pope

#1 "Rosenbaum" not "Rosenberg. BTW Ayn Rand is a nom de plume like Mark Twain, George Eliot, Bob Grant, and Rob in Manhattan.. You write; "...they all did in those days, it seems." Who's the "they"?

#2 The "horrific childhood" was caused by the Bolsheviks seizing her father's pharmacy and forcing the family to escape to Crimea. Makes you want to admire the collective, no?

#3 Why would a multi-millionaire be "on" Social Security? Stop spreading this lie. Give us the source of your mendacious mental institution comment. Name the building...if you can. Again a blatant lie.

Ocasio-Cortez said...

Mark, George was referring to the illegals being ahead of you in the ER, Face it now. You, an American citizen, have to wait in line so the undocumented illegals get medical care before you. You paying your taxes for this?, No doctor 4U. R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, I gotta say I'm a bit disappointed that you haven't ripped on Alexandria for being a fraud. Seriously, she was raised in Yorktown Heights, Westchester which is currently 90% white and 5% Hispanic. She's no not a NYC gal and is a fraud. Crickets .... come on and represent. Middle Village Gal is not happy with your lack of shaming her.

Queens Crapper said...

I'm sorry, but I posted the NY1 debate and in it she clearly states that her family moved to Westchester for the schools when she was a child. Her father worked as an architect and her mother a house cleaner. AOC went to BU after that but settled back in the Bronx. I don't see the point in shaming her for that. She had no control over where her parents took her to live.

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