Sunday, June 24, 2018

Removed trash baskets cause dumpers to trash neighborhoods

This PIX11 story is about a residential area in Harlem having their street corner trash baskets removed, however we're aware that this seems to be happening all over the city, even in commercial areas. There's a backwards logic that removing cans means people won't dump trash, which just is not the case.


Anonymous said...

Remove the people. That will get rid of your trash problem.

Anonymous said...

Dump your incumbent political trash at the polling place.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the people who live there ? Freaking slobs...
Stop blaming the Sanitation Department and go after the litterers !
Good behavior is taught by parents and passed on to the next generation.

JQ LLC said...

This idiotic decision is actually derived from the city cutting corners to set aside spending for other stupid shit, the stupidest being the massive tax breaks to the real estate overlords. Take away a few garbage cans here, neglect to repair some potholes there, etc. etc.

What I find hysterical is that the city did not replace the baskets with those failing big belly solar powered cans. Those things are always overflowing with garbage, mostly of the detritus from food trucks, dunkin donuts and Starbucks.

Joe Moretti said...

Yes, this is another in a long line of dumb-ass ideas from this wonderful shitty city, BUT BUT BUT as one person already stated, IT IS THE SLOB PEOPLE. Normal respectful people just don't dump litter on the ground because there are not garbage cans around. They hold on it till they find one. This also tells us that there are many illegal conversions in the area.

A community is only as good as its people, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

The city has to pay for the housing, food, medical & dental of those illegal border children somehow.
The mayor, Governor and the Dems are actually ASKING for more bus loads of them, now they want the parents also. No funds exist to pay for this without taking it form the people. Deep deep shit and big trouble is coming if the democrats succeed in this re-engineering of demographics.

Anonymous said...

The MTA also tried removing cans in stations...and admitted later that it was a failed experiment. Why can't they learn? This City needs to get serious about ticketing people for litter. As a homeowner I'm really tired of picking up after slobs who want to use my lawn as a garbage dump/dog relief area.

Anonymous said...

In Jackson Heights Dromm had all the trash cans removed from 73rd and 74th Street only to have the people dump coffee cups and trash all over the sidewalk. Same stupid logic.

Anonymous said...

Removal of trash cans, failure to paint worn away street lane markings, failure to maintain the cleanliness of parks, crumblilng public transportation system, wanting to supply drug addicts free injection centers, painting out much needed car lanes for buses only (which are only used maybe once every half hour), removing parking spaces for bike lanes no one uses, wanting to destroy the last remaining functional schools, using taxpayer dollars for his own criminal defense and to make political photo op jaunts all over the country---yeah, we got a real bargain when only 21% of eligible voters bother to go to the polls--TWICE. The entire city is becoming just like one of those removed trash cans, complete with rats (two and four legged both).

Anonymous said...

This sounds just like the MTA removing garbage cans from train stations. If I am not mistaken that did not work.

JQ LLC said...

"The mayor, Governor and the Dems are actually ASKING for more bus loads of them"

This theory is easily debunked because Those two neoliberal morons did not even know those migrant kids were in Harlem! (or so they claim, we'll find out soon enough) And de Faustio decided to go to Texas in a waste of time photo op to boost his national profile instead of going to the orphanages that were taking care of them and seeing for himself if the kids are being treated alright. (Yes I said orphanage, because these kids are not going back to their parents any time soon if at all, Trump is bringing us back to a time when Little Orphan Annie and Sandy adventures were on the radio)

Oh, those anyone see the delicious irony in De Faustio's outrage on not being notified by the feds about these kids being sheltered here considering the surprise shelter deployments he and Banks have doing since 2014?!!

Shout out to anon above for his precise condemning analysis of Mayor de Faustio's foul presence in City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Granted, people are slobs, however, if trash cans are available, people use them. We are living in a third-world city now. There are no rules. People do what they want and nothing happens to them. In Maspeth there are 3 schools within a ten block radius. No trash cans on Grand Avenue. Plenty of garbage on the streets. What happened to all the cans that were once there? Put the cans back. We are infested with rats at night, in addition to the raccoons. Common sense is not very common in NYC.

Anonymous said...

On a similar note, have you noticed that fast food chains, drug stores, etc. have removed the trash cans from their parking lots. They may have one outside the front door but nothing near the exit, so Big Mac and Snickers wrappers wind up on adjacent streets and sidewalks. The store manager could care less as long as they make the sale.

Anonymous said...

Compare to when nice Italian families did all the carting

Anonymous said...

>There's a backwards logic that removing cans means people won't dump trash, which just is not the case.

Where did this cockamamie idea even come from? How could anyone possibly believe it??

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of thing that could only work in Japan.
But then again it is cultural there to conserve the environment for others.

Too much garbage, too many slobs, no one cares about, values, or considers the shared environment.

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