Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Congressional primary roundup

Not mentioned here is a pretty interesting race in Brooklyn. Yvette Clarke vs. Adam Bunkeddeko. She won. But barely.

Change is in the air.


Joe Moretti said...

Again a BIG KDUOS to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for toppling the crooked machine Joe ASSHOLE Crowley.


AND another bad blow for SE QUEENS and Jamaica as this totally corrupt politician AGAIN, with the help of clueless constituents put this piece of crap back in office. He has DONE NOTHING to improve anyone's life in Jamaica and the areas he serves. AND that can be said of pretty much all of SE Queens and Jamaica's elected hacks (past and present) like Floyd Flake, Leroy Comrie, Ruben Wills, Vivian Cook, William Scarborough, Shirley Huntley, I. Daneek Miller and Malcolm Smith.

I mean COME ON FOLKS, tell me how the Jamaica community has gotten any better with any of these hacks. In fact Jamaica keeps getting worse with more and more homeless shelters and drug induced zombies roaming around, the poisonous Royal Waste garbage dump continually impairing resident's health, auto repair shops that have take over streets/sidewalks and a lane of Merrick Blvd with junked and unlicensed vehicles, illegal large truck parking all over, crime that continues to go up. SO WHY FOLKS did you put in this not only a do nothing but a destructive force that keeps communities of color down at his own benefit.

As stated in the blog, Impunity City:

"While his district is suffering from myriad problems like pollution, the biggest amount of home foreclosures in Queens and steady crime rates, he has continued to live large and lavishly at the expense of his constituency, so he has to fucking go.

He is able to "serve" his district by living in a mansion in St. Albans that he couldn't afford and relied on payments via a loan from an indicted realtor and a Democrat fundraiser who donated personally and laundered cash through one of his companies so Meeks could pay back the realtor. The congressman, through his elected official position and shady money lending through party donations, is basically a squatter in his own palace. He also was involved in a grift with a crony non-profit over $56,000 that was supposed to be donated to the victims of Hurricane Katrina but they never received it."

NEWSFLASH folks, this hack has not fought for you at all. I mean take a good look at your community and all the problems that Meeks and the other hacks have NOT ADDRESSED or done anything about. I mean would an area like Forest Hills allow a major polluting dump like Royal Waste to be put in their backyard near thousands of families.

Bamboozled again folks and you all let this happen yet again. You all must be a glutton for punishment. AND you hack church leaders who supported this immoral hack and conned your flocks to go out and vote for him are also the root of the problems in that area.

How does an Iraqi war veteran loose to an immoral corrupt hack like Meeks.


Anonymous said...

Too bad, we could have had a twofer. Heck, we could have had a fourfer, that would have really put the City establishment on notice.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Grace Meng becomes the most powerful Dem. in Queens?

Anonymous said...

Well, this is the first step, hopefully this leads to the unraveling of the corrupt Queens County Democratic Organization. Crowley still remains chair of that, and he has placed a lot of his minions in positions of power and influence. Most of the Board of Elections is controlled by him. I'm surprised there was a fair result yesterday. Anybody that was an ally of Joe had better start backing away, because Ocasio proved that the machine can be beat. It has happened twice now, first Bob Holden took Liz Crowley down. Now, Alexandria Occasion has taken Joe Crowley down. This is a wonderful, pleasant surprise and it should put all Queens politicians on notice - if you ignore your constituents, you do so at your own peril.

Anonymous said...

Hip hip hooray! Crowley in finished. Now we're screwed. Ocasio-Cortez is to the left of Karl Marx. With politicians like her NYC will make San Francisco look conservative. Who are the Republicans running and do they have a chance?

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh....the Congtessional swamp just got drained big time. Now Virginia Joe has to look for work. Wonder where???!

Anonymous said...

"tell me how the Jamaica community has gotten any better"

Its as good as its gonna get because the people that live in that dump like it that way and see nothing wrong with it. Its been the citys dumping ground since the train went up in the last century.
Anybody who chooses to live in that cesspool does so by their own account. You cant fix anything until you fix and domesticate the inhabitants first and that's not gonna happen. They cant not be changed and are not going to go away because Jamaica is like there home slums down in the Caribbean Africa or India. Ever seen the slums of Bangladesh, Fredricksted in St.Croix, Kingston, or Trinidad? Thats Jamaica Queens only without the palm trees. You cant change NOTHING I would just move on, Eff it and those people Jamaica Joe !!

Look at the bright side: Rents are cheap, you have plenty of shopping and transportation, dont need a car, plenty of liquor stores to drown your misery (if that what you choose) Relax !! Just thing with the money you save living in a dump. $1000 or $2000 a month perhaps ? Hop the air-tram and take trip to Florida, Bermuda, Savanna every couple months to chill. It cost us more money just to get to and from JFK then the actual airfare. Your lucky !!
As long as you have a good door and steel bars on your windows your fine. If you dont like the idea of that you need to MOVE or live in a perpetual misery.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crowley, next time literally listen to your constituents you overconfident bloated ancient mess

Anonymous said...

The King of Queens got owned in his own fiefdom

14th Congressional District > Part of Queens (Active Enrolled Democrats: 136,670) Election Districts Reporting: 263 of 268
Candidate Party Graph (by Candidate) Percent (by Candidate) Votes (by Candidat)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 58.62 11,804
Joseph Crowley 8,220 40.82%

Watch how many of the county minions and hangers on start backing away from him, pathetic little runts

Ned said...

""Joe has to look for work. Wonder where???""

Likely Karaoke and mixology tester at Danny Boys Lounge.
The pipes have called and his goose is done dam crispy.


Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for Ocasio-Cortez is way too left for me the fact is crowley brought hundreds of millions into the district she will be put in a corner great sound bite for today

Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for Ocasio-Cortez is way too left for me the fact is crowley brought hundreds of millions into the district she will be put in a corner great sound bite for today

Anonymous said...

The most epic monumental good news since the moon landing . All within 40 hours! A total catastrophic event for the liberal types that destroyed my city and it serves them right !!

Lets See:
1-Trumps asshole ban reinstated
2-Crowley tossed on his ass
3-Top #1 obstructionist Justice Kennedy announcing his retirement.
4-Progressives and liberals freaking out and crying in the streets of California
That's a HOME RUN !

Shit, talk about putting out the dumpster fire that is the DNC !!
The liberals are gonna go so batshit they will expose what they really are and destroy themselves.
Everybody should keep a charged fire extinguisher and other safety equipment for when the protests turn into riots. (especially local copycat riots) Because if you think the cops will around to save your ass, money or property you been misinformed

Anonymous said...

"Ocasio-Cortez is to the left of Karl Marx"

Good, let her focus on stupid crazy shit and drive them all friggan nuts.

None of that Socialist shit will ever get past the house & congress let alone Trumps desk. I think she said that stuff to win, it was likely copied straight from Bernie Sanders training camp.
Republicans need to start get good with the Millionails and Hispanics and start saying the same things are they are gonna lose! Young Millionails and Hispanics coming into voting age are now swinging the election results.

Should all those old Republicans lose the House and Senate too young progressives all her proposed socialist shit (if its truly her agenda) must still must pass several levels then be signed by the president correct ?

Giovanna Garcia-Romano said...

Oh boy congrats to another socialist posing as a demorat that wants to destroy the very fabric of what's left of Queens. Anything they touch they destroy . Just wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Will the Dem machine in Albany just redraw her district? I'm sure after the 2020 census NY will be losing more seats. Didn't they do that to the Repub who won Wieners seat?

Just spitballing.

Anonymous said...

"Ahhhh....the Congtessional swamp just got drained big time. Now Virginia Joe has to look for work. Wonder where???!"

Joe will be just fine...he will start a lobbying firm, he still gets kickbacks and finders fees from Sweeney, Reich and Bolz (these assholes have to go too. I don't care where he goes, just go away. Stay in Virginia. Maybe run for office down there.

Anonymous said...

>3-Top #1 obstructionist Justice Kennedy announcing his retirement.

Only a fascist or communist bootlicker would call obeying and upholding the rule of law "obstructionist".

Anonymous said...

She will now hold this seat for life. She will will turn into just what Crowley is in 10 years...

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