Friday, June 1, 2018

Carsharing companies to get exclusive access to public parking spaces

From Crains:

Mayor Bill de Blasio is taking back the streets—and then giving them to two massive multinational companies.

Starting June 4, residents of certain neighborhoods will see signs reserving parking spaces for Enterprise and Zip Car rentals. It's part of a two-year pilot program unveiled Thursday by the mayor to promote carsharing. It will allocate 230 spots at curbside, 55 in municipal garages and 24 in New York City Housing Authority lots for the members-only autos.

The carsharing services allow people to unlock cars via smartphone and use them for short periods of time.

The mayor characterized the program as an anti-congestion measure "pointed in the same direction" as CitiBike and his public ferry program: to diversify transit options and promote sustainability. De Blasio asserted it would ultimately liberate more parking spots across the city, citing a study finding that carshare options take autos off the street.

"There are just too many cars here," the mayor said, highlighting the five boroughs' swelling population and the costs of car ownership. "If people only sometimes really need a car, let's help them get a car only when they need it."

Both companies will give free memberships and discounted rates to public housing tenants. Zip Car will also give a free membership to holders of the IDNYC public identification card.

Yearly memberships with Enterprise start at $40, and the cost for a rental starts at $8 an hour or $69 a day. At Zip Car, the annual fee is $70, plus hourly rates beginning at $7.50 and daily ones at $70 to $80.

De Blasio said he hoped to see the pilot eventually grow "much bigger" and prompt thousands of New Yorkers to get rid of their personal autos and to stop hailing for-hire cars.


Anonymous said...

I guess we won't need taxi's, Lyft or Uber anymore. What are these drivers going to do for a living. Will NYC pay for them to stay home since they won't have a job. I really can't wait till this Mayor's terms are up so we can elect someone who will bring NYC back to normal. Sad how driver's rights are taken away. What will be next?

JQ LLC said...

What a stupid fucking idiot. And how is something that will go on for 2 years a "pilot program".

With this, de Faustio is saying to people who have a fucking right to own a car "damn right I am taking your cars away and you can't do a goddamn thing about it."

This comes the day after Ed Maganno's case in Long Island accepting bribes from de Faustio's fundraiser caterer ended in a mistrial.

I haven't drove or owned a car in 20 years, but I am pretty sure this will not alleviate congestion at all.

A big question about this program is why are spaces being dropped by housing projects, the majority of tenants can't afford to rent a car. Now we can see why he refused to consider discounted transit fares, it was to bolster this asinine service.

Gary W said...

Wow, this is really dumb. More public land given away to corporations.

It'd be awful if something happened to these Zip cars while they were parked on city streets.

Anonymous said...

Ad the idiot boy mayor vowed that when he returns to live in Park Slope he will NEVER OWN a car.

One problem, we all know he ain't going back to the Slope.

Anonymous said...

Drivers rights? Not a fan of BDB, and not a huge fan of this proposal either, but driver's rights?

Kevin Walsh said...

"There are just too many cars here," the mayor said

Including the one he takes to and from the gym

Anonymous said...

If it worked for a bike it should work for a car. The only difference, people who leave trash or body odor when they leave the car for the next person.

I have no sympathy for the medallion owners. Most owners aren't even the drivers. They lease it out to some poor soul who works like a slave to give them the money to pay it off. They should go to Uber and work for themselves.

It is not the taxpayers job to bail out the taxi industry. They should have changed with the times.

The newspapers do find the poor souls going broke or killing themselves because of the loss of value for the medallion. My question: when the city goes bankrupt and my pension is a bust who is there to bail me out?

JQ LLC said...

Here's a video by those assholes at transportation alternatives where at the end they claim that parked cars are the biggest threat to the city, not this borderline fascist policy and corporate privatizing of public space and of course the plague of app cab services that exacerbated all this congestion in the first place. (Wanna bet some of those six figure salaried dicks at transalt have uber accounts?)

Anonymous said...

Oh so the mayor wants to annihilate private car ownership and private taxi ownership ?
Banishing private home ownership is coming next, just watch !!

Anonymous said...

The real reason DumblASSio is pushing this program is that the companies who own these "communal" cars have lined his filthy ignorant corrupt pockets with lots of payola. He could care less about NYC, only how it can serve to (1) line his own pockets, (2) push his commie agenda and (3) harbor a maximum amount of illegal criminal invaders to despoil it. Taxpayers, know your place! It's to function as an ATM machine for his destructive agenda. Dirty streets, degraded roadways, funding drug addicts' shoot-up sites (!), dysfunctional public transportation, a schools chancellor who speaks almost exclusively about increasing diversity as his major role vs. anything remotely related to useful education which will result in an employable graduate, harassing veteran teachers with priceless experience out of the system, opening up the last schools with real learning going on to his beloved ghetto thugs, road construction projects lasting for eternity with no visible workers on the job---yeah, DumblASSio's NYC is such a great place to live.

Anonymous said...

"Including the one he takes to and from the gym"

You need a high level of secure transportation while travelling from the upper East Side to Park Slope considering the high rate of crime in NYC since he became mayor and removed many of the statutes from the books.

Anonymous said...

I would seriously like to rent the biggest luxury vehicle that I can acquire, with JQ as my accomplice, and patiently wait for shithead de BLASS-hole to leave his Park Slope gym so that I can punch hard on the accelerator and run him down, and then back up until he turns into bloody hamburger.

Such a public service would be worth a stint in prison (and early release for good behavior), for REAL contentment, peace and spirituality to finally prevail, versus anywhere on the outside of New York City――the REAL 'Rubber Room' and padded cell!

❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom Morello

Alas, slavery didn't END in 1865——it EVOLVED! And, THIS time round: EVERYONE'S INVITED!

❝No man will ever be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.❞ —Denis Diderot, French philosopher

❝This planet is obviously being used as an insane asylum by other planets.❞ —George Bernard Shaw

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, city council will come to your rescue. They can reign in the mayor since they tell you they have their interests for you, right?


Anonymous said...

"Including the one he takes to and from the gym"

Gotta count all 4-6 cars Keven
2 cop cars in front, plus his SUV + 1 cop car following, then include 1, 2 cars armed security and press people following that for public things.

Anonymous said...

how much of a kick-back is this mayor and all the counsel people getting I hope the people take this to court and these people lose.

JQ LLC said...

@drivers right

Excuse my latent hyperbole. But I was not conflating it with civil rights although with the arrogant way policies have been structured under mayor big slow, most tellingly with dropping homeless shelters with no community input and his attempts at manipulating and controlling the press, it's abundantly clear he does not give a damn about the rights of ANY citizen

And when government colloborates with corporations at the expense of the constituents and deprives them of public spaces that are maintained with t this program becomes a violation of civil rights and despite how blandly helpful it purporrs to be, it's a form of fascism

Anonymous said...

"There are just too many cars here," the mayor said"... Could that be because there are too many people shithead? Let's try a 2 year pilot program to rid the City of illegal immigrants and see if that makes traffic, and everything else, better. If it doesn't work out we can always let them back in.

JQ LLC said...

Um, I despise the feckless prick that is de Faustio, but don't condone vehicular assassination (you gotta be careful with words these days.)

But I do condone throwing pies at hypocrite elected hacks and various other villains of society.

As Kevin and other anons observed de Faustio's blatant hypocrisy with vehicular usage, the mayor recently boasted that he still has to still use his police escort for his profligate taxpayer funded carbon footprint stomping daily morning routes.

Anonymous said...

I would seriously like to rent the biggest luxury vehicle that I can acquire, with JQ as my accomplice, and patiently wait for shithead de BLASS-hole to leave his Park Slope gym so that I can punch hard on the accelerator and run him down, and then back up until he turns into bloody hamburger.

Such a public service would be worth a stint in prison (and early release for good behavior), for REAL contentment, peace and spirituality to finally prevail, versus anywhere on the outside of New York City――the REAL 'Rubber Room' and padded cell!

❝The system cannot be fixed by the system.❞ ——Tom MorelloI would seriously like to rent the biggest luxury vehicle that I can acquire, with JQ as my accomplice, and patiently wait for shithead de BLASS-hole to leave his Park Slope gym so that I can punch hard on the accelerator and run him down, and then back up until he turns into bloody hamburger.


Alas, slavery didn't END in 1865——it EVOLVED! And, THIS time round: EVERYONE'S INVITED!

❝No man will ever be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.❞ —Denis Diderot, French philosopher

❝This planet is obviously being used as an insane asylum by other planets.❞ —George Bernard Shaw

ron s said...

Re DeBlasio's excessive car use- although I was not a big Bloomberg fan, he often took the subway to work and traveled with other New Yorkers instead of acting like the Generalissimo of a banana republic travelling with an entourage in a bullet proof motorcade.

Anonymous said...

My reply to JQ's response to MY initial post above: As long as openly practiced corruption, graft and endless greed continue to destroy We, the hardworking people, (not to mention the massive, citywide [and statewide] cover-ups, kickbacks, payoffs, cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, no show jobs, phantom public service, taxation without representation [or 'selective' and 'occasional' representation]), then I likewise have the right to suggest vehicular assassination (and any and all other forms of drastic action), because the only way to rid a lethal scourge like de BLASS-hole and City Hall's most crooked, corrupt and disgraced administration (of them all), is to impose a mob style wipe out that takes EVERYONE down——the only effective way to tackle systemic corruption like this from its breeding point.

And, don't tell me that the lawlessness, vigilantism and violence was born of the working poor and ever struggling American middle class, JQ, when the formation itself was all higher up, abuses of power and privilege that justified leaving the rank-and-file to their own devices in the first place——exactly the way the system has ALWAYS ignored public corruption with impunity since WAY before Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall was ever exposed. By comparison, this administration makes Tammany Hall look like a harmless dress rehearsal!

Anonymous said...

Everyone with privilege is robbing, ravaging and politically and emotionally raping and using anyone without privilege...

There is no nice way of saying that our rights are no protection from those with self-appointed privilege... It is the reality, and if We, the People do not end all kleptocratic, unearned and undeserved privilege, power, unjust enrichment and PRIVATE SPLENDOR for all of those classes which have ruled us, then we will once more be forced to fight for our very survival against our rulers, as the entire nation (and world-at-large) continues to languish in PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation——IN PERPETUITY——and, the ever languishing-and-impoverished public be eternally duped, bilked, robbed, scammed, SCARRED FOR LIFE, and damned!

Anonymous said...

C'mon! Taking your car to the city is more trouble than convenience anyway.
Let's get real. I haven't owned a car for in NYC Queens and get along fine. When I need one, Uber or other car service. I save money that way. No repairs, insurance or trouble.

Anonymous said...

No repairs, insurance or trouble exactly. No headaches at all
Anybody who lives in Queens that needs a car is doing something seriously wrong or has the wrong job in the wrong place.
I see many of these hipsters working from home for Amazon, who even supply's the computers and internet connection.

However I still think this shit for brains mayor is wrong and a communist!

Anonymous said...

So, according to JQ, it's not alright for 'Anonymous' to suggest vehicular assassination——but it's ALWAYS alright for Bill de BLASS-hole and current administration of hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged empowered idiots (and political hacks), to rob, cheat and steal from all obscenely foisted upon taxpayers like me, where taxation WITHOUT representation STILL continues to betray all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency, with impunity?

Not a single one of my representatives will meet with ME, their constituent, and when I attempt to call any and all of these voracious, predatory and rapacious thieves (including, but not limited to), my city councilboy, my assembly rat, mystate senator fungi, and useless/worthless member of congressional dysfunction and incompetence——where their 'ALL PAY and NO WORK,' taxpayer funded (no show) jobs now DEVALUE honesty itself!

So, leave Anonymous alone JQ: He knows how to rid a lethal scourge like the one that has infected (and disgraced) City Hall and New York City with a vengeance right now, and to exterminate these perpetual stink weeds of terminal corruption from their breeding point!

JQ LLC said...

"So, according to JQ, it's not alright for 'Anonymous' to suggest vehicular assassination——but it's ALWAYS alright for Bill de BLASS-hole and current administration of hyper-corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged empowered idiots (and political hacks), to rob, cheat and steal from all obscenely foisted upon taxpayers like me, where taxation WITHOUT representation STILL continues to betray all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency, with impunity?"

No it absolutely is not alright for Bill or any nefarious political loyalist,willful deaf or blind supporter or corporate donor heathen like him .

"The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. It destroys communities and makes humanity impossible. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers... In winning our freedom, we will so appeal to you heart and conscience that we will win you in the process".

"The reason I can’t follow the old eye-for-an-eye philosophy is that it ends up leaving everybody blind. Somebody must have sense and somebody must have religion. I remember some years ago, my brother and I were driving from Atlanta to Chattanooga, Tennessee. And for some reason the drivers that night were very discourteous or they were forgetting to dim their lights .... And finally A.D. [King’s brother] looked over at me and he said, “I’m tired of this now, and the next car that comes by here and refuses to dim the lights, I’m going to refuse to dim mine.” I said, “Wait a minute, don’t do that. Somebody has to have some sense on this highway and if somebody doesn’t have sense enough to dim the lights, we’ll all end up destroyed on this highway.”

And I’m saying the same thing for us here in Birmingham. We are moving up a mighty highway toward the city of Freedom. There will be meandering points. There will be curves and difficult moments, and we will be tempted to retaliate with the same kind of force that the opposition will use. But I’m going to say to you, “Wait a minute, Birmingham. Somebody’s got to have some sense in Birmingham.”-

Martin Luther King Jr.

I prefer the power of the voice/pen/keyboard.

"The revolution will be live"-Gil Scott Heron

Anonymous said...

That's NOT how the real world works, JQ. Here's how it DOES work: The REVOLUTION will not be televised. And, why is the onus on We, the People for sanity when City Hall is now an openly practiced padded cell (and the 'ORIGINAL' Rubber Room!), of all corruption, graft and greed? Why do THEY get to wreak havoc and not be impeached, and we have to keep taking it on the chin??? SERIOUSLY???

The only language THIS City Hall understands is government tyranny and outright ANARCHY. They have abused their power, privilege and unjust enrichment so completely, that there is nothing left for any and all within the constituency, while THEY profit with both hands full of other people's money (as they feed off of the human misery, time, labor and sacrifice of everyone else, for which We, the People always end up paying the ultimate, soul-crushing price).

And, THAT'S your lesson in 'REALITY 101!'

Anonymous said...

Can we impeach this piece of crap Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Can we impeach him? Of course we can, last Anonymous. Do you hear the deafening silence of your city coulcil crud, regarding impeachment? They are not ACCOUNTABLE——and they are certainly not about any and all 'taxation WITH representation' (and, they never HAVE been).

That is why, in case you haven't noticed, society has already collapsed into anarchy, as the rich and powerful get protection for their corruption graft and greed, versus everyone else, who get a police state of military enforcement for minor infractions (complements of de BLASS-hole and Mario's equally crooked-and-corrupt son, 'Gargoyle Andy').

One interesting note: I was traveling to Philadelphia over the last few days, and despite a floundering economy, there wasn't a piece of dirt on the streets that I could take issue with. The building were clean and preserved, as the city sparkled throughout (so unlike New York)——reason enough to impeach de BLASS-hole (and the entire city council, including their newest speaker puppet, Corey), a feckless and grotesque mutation of what honest, ethical, inclusionary, NOT FOR SALE leadership (that leads by example) should ALWAYS look like——but, where I have never seen such an example in ANY and ALL statesmen throughout the annals of history——to present day

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