Thursday, June 21, 2018

AirTrain will chip away more land from FMCP

From NBC:

Residents in northern Queens are crying foul over a plan to create an AirTrain to LaGuardia Airport. Roseanne Colletti reports.


Anonymous said...

Why is this crap going to Willets Point? Wouldn't it be more helpful to bring it into Woodside? There it can connect with all of the LIRR and not just the Port Washington branch and Woodside is closer to Manhattan - where the tourists want to go.

Anonymous said...

Willet's Point has the GCP close by and very little residential. A lot cheaper to build and you can use it as a drop off for people driving in from LI.

At some point they also want to build a connection to the JFK AirTrain and that means they have to build it by the Van Wyck

Anonymous said...

Waste of money. Why can't we be more ambitious? Either extend this mini-Airtrain down to Jamaica, or extend the N train to LGA.

Anonymous said...

Just shows how wrong headed the plan is to begin with. It needs to go west to Woodside (and closer to Manhattan), not east to Willets. In this way it could link to the rest of the LIRR, not just the Port Washington Branch. Billions already being mis-spent and the shovel isn't even in the ground. On the issue of FMCP being scavenged again, I agree. So let's get legislation or whatever is needed to start the reclamation of square acres from the USTA, right?

Anonymous said...

Why not have a ferry service that leaves from several docks on the east and west side?

Less construction, less complaints form neighbors and no parkland to be absconded with.

Anonymous said...

Another idea would have been to extend the N,W line to LGA. The main problem is all the bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding from the MTA. They overspent by billions finishing up the second avenue subway line so they don't have any funds to spend on anything else. We are so behind when it comes to public transportation it's not even funny anymore. MAKE NYC GREAT AGAIN !!

Anonymous said...

more crybaby nimby shortsighted drivel. The original airtrain was supposed to also link JFK and LGA but the whiners in Forest hills didn't want their lovely view of the van wyck expressway altered. They would much rather have thousands of taxi cabs clogging up the highways and the smog that goes with them I guess. Just pathetic. Why real solutions to fix the gridlock roadways can never get done in this city. Since they stopped the clearview expressway from getting connected to JFK and the damn oysters of long Island stopped the causeway to connecticut the residents of this traffic abomination have no reason to complain about the hours they sit in gridlock traffic on the inadequate roads. The idiot suggesting more busses made me laugh. sorry you bought a house near the airport, no doubt it was cheap and you got a great deal , now live with it.

Anonymous said...

Not ferry service because 1- Its the rich who use the Port Washington line that want it.
2-Its the perfect ROW for a monorail engineering wise. You already have the electrical conduits and transformer vaults left over from the worlds fair and MTA yards
To add that GCP side ROW that is currently part of the park is used as a homeless camp and toilet. This due to all the winos and nutters who wont go to other side brush by the water rats, bugs, ticks, dogs and coyotes

Anonymous said...

That is those Mediterranean Hillbillies in Vallonia - one of the reasons the trains suck big time in the borough is that 3/4 of all Lexington Trains go to 5 stations in Vallonia and not the rest of the borough where its needed.

A simple train can extend the Ditmars line and in a few minutes be at the airport.

But no, about 6 blocks will be effected and we CANNOT touch them as they are special.

Anonymous said...

Another idea would have been to extend the N,W line to LGA. The main problem is all the bureaucratic red tape and lack of funding from the MTA. They overspent by billions finishing up the second avenue subway line so they don't have any funds to spend on anything else. We are so behind when it comes to public transportation it's not even funny anymore. MAKE NYC GREAT AGAIN !!
problem is about a hundred NIMBY vallonians.

that was the original plan when the line was built.

JQ LLC said...

Billions are being pissed away on that Grand Central LIRR connection too.

Anonymous said...

Queens is dumped on again so what else is new ?
At least I got to watch Roseanne Colletti she is a fine longtime reporter !

Anonymous said...

"Not ferry service because 1- Its the rich who use the Port Washington line that want it."

The rich taking a "Train-To-The-Plane"? PLEASE! The rich will drive or take a cab/Uber to La Guardia.

Anonymous said...

Look folks FMCP is a 3rd world dump.
It was an ash dump before it was two worlds fairs before it became "park" land. Then you've got the junkyard. It's not Gramercy Park. All the wailing and demos won't stop the FAA!

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