Saturday, February 3, 2018

BDB wants basement apartments legalized

From Crains:

Mayor Bill de Blasio managed to include one new proposal in the preliminary budget he released on Thursday—a pilot program to bring illegal basement apartments above-board.

The mayor revealed his latest plan to tally more living spaces toward his affordable-housing goals during a press conference at City Hall. It calls for the city to expend $5.7 million to bring existing underground apartments in Brooklyn’s East New York section up to code while keeping their rents below market rate.

“We’ve got to keep looking for new ways still to create and preserve affordable housing,” the mayor said. “We have to prove the model first, and we’re going to do that in East New York.”

The mayor estimated that the program, if successful in the impoverished enclave, could let him take credit for creating or preserving 5,000 more apartments citywide. This would appear to encompass about 11% of the current number of basement units, which a 2002 survey put at 45,000 across the five boroughs.

The number one reason landlords install illegal apartments in their basements/cellars is greed. They want the extra tax free income. Another legal unit could mean a change in income tax bracket and the DOF tax assessment also changes. I'm all for people living in safer environments, but this initiative does not jibe with the reasons why illegal apartments exist.


Anonymous said...

And how long before someone starts a fire and gets trapped and dies and the city will be sued for 70 million saying its the city's fault for making it legal.

JQ LLC said...

The hipshit population is starting to rise in East New York. Rents are already rising there because of the disruptive development and gentrification city rezoning plan. And as crappy says, landlords will surely charge juicy rates for their basement studios. This will be a massive win for them.

The rerouting of the M from metropolitan ave. to broadway junction is also a factor.

Anonymous said...

Two reason that basements are unsafe.
1. Fire
2. Mold

Anonymous said...

The Crain's article seems to show a cellar room. Crappy also shows a room in a cellar.

Fire, mold, lack of ventilation. A ridiculous idea! Is he changing the zoning of communities, too?

Anonymous said...

Except a good portion, maybe most, maybe ALL of this housing probably isn't affordable once it's made legal. What's left over after paying taxes + regulatory compliance fees + increased insurance premiums will cut so much into the profit they're making that how many won't even bother with the hassle? Making these apartments legal could just as well remove them from the market all together. Given its current infrastructure, services, and land limitations, there are simply TOO MANY PEOPLE living in NYC, certainly at below market rate. This is a wide country, with many cities which would love an influx of people, with the same kind of low-skilled jobs many who can barely hang on in NYC are already working. They'd have a better shot of reaching personal and financial independence than on this perpetual lurch from one political battle to the next over municipal handout programs. If it costs $2K - $5K or so to relocate and get them on their feet elsewhere, it'd be worth it.

Izayoi said...

He seems so quick to legalize basement apartments but legalizing marijuana "still needs research". This guy is not progressive nor conservative.

Anonymous said...

Above poster you forgot to mention leaks, sewer overflow, toilet back ups in basement apartments. I've lived in basement apartments - there was always flooding from either a backed up shower or clogged toilet because the house's sewage pipes were not built to contain so many toilet and water lines. The boiler, furnace, hot water heater are in very close proximity to tenants in basements. That's not healthy with all those fumes. Add radon, invasion of privacy, lack of ventilation, asbestos, lead paint, mail theft by landlord, interruption of essential service by landlord to effect an eviction with out due process.

In housing court, the worst landlords are the ones with one or two family homes where they've rented out the basement and attic. They're usually from a third world country like Pakistan or Ecuador. They get ordered by the judge to remove all the appliances, stove, refrigerator. A month later they're renting out the same crummy basement.

Not to mention, these landlords usually demand rent in cash and won't give rent receipts. A terminally ill friend had Russian landlords. They would never give rent receipts because they weren't declaring the income. These people owned a Mercedes Benz, parked in a garage right next to his basement apartment. The ceiling was full of mice. They also owned a Poconos vacation home.

Tell me how do illegal aliens get to buy houses in Queens? Is it all the tax free dollars they are generating? Or that they don't have to pay taxes on their business's income for seven years?

Anonymous said...

He's going to jack small household private homeowners taxes sky high then offer a tax exemption, guaranteed rent $$ and expediters to fast track legalizing that "space" if you sign on to take in a sec 8.
The final domino is about to be flicked to crush small private homeowners into compliance with socialist monarchy and all its rules.

Anonymous said...

This is all we need. Legal basement apartments, so that MORE illegal aliens can be crammed into the city, further overwhelming the infrastructure. More crowding of vastly overcrowded schools with illiterates who will need lots of expensive bilingual this, that, and the other. More crowding at city ERs, the better to bankrupt the hospital and put them out of business for us all, as has happened to several small Queens hospitals. More crime, as these already law breaking scum aren't adverse to pulling more illegal acts. More traffic, more trash, more loud music---you name it. You work hard to afford a house in a nice neighborhood, and being able to rent basement apartments in those houses brings lowlife scum into your formerly nice neighborhood that they could not otherwise afford. PURE COMMUNISM from Dumblassio, right up his Commie ass alley! No one can have nice things while others have crummy things, so we have to equalize it down to marginal for all. Put homeless shelters in nice neighborhoods, put jails in nice neighborhoods, and now allow lowlifes to afford living in nice neighborhoods. There will be no decent places left to live in NYC, so the nice people will leave the city to the lowlife scum. Nice going, you oversized puckered anal orifice!

Anonymous said...

won't the person's bank have to approve something like this in order for their mortgage to still be valid? if you're changing a house to a 2 family, seems like something the bank that owns the property needs to be aware of and approve.

Anonymous said...

You legalize basements, NYC will look like a combination of Detroit and New Delhi.

Anonymous said...

Let him rent his Park Slope townhouse basement as affordable housing.

Anonymous said...

Well, a lot of writing has been done about this .... a century ago.

So where is our great monuments to scholarship and learning - NYU, Columbia, etc?

Oh yes, gobbling up communities.

A distraction like this is hardly worth their time - but as they use our public tax dollars there is no question that they are obligated to speak out in favor of the public over this and get this out of the hands of Democratic hacks!

Anonymous said...

Pervs liked to to rent their basements to young single women and mothers. Guess what happens.....

Anonymous said...

This is all we need. Legal basement apartments, so that MORE illegal aliens can be crammed into the city, further overwhelming the infrastructure. More crowding of vastly overcrowded schools with illiterates who will need lots of expensive bilingual this, that, and the other. More crowding at city ERs, the better to bankrupt the hospital and put them out of business for us all, as has happened to several small Queens hospitals. More crime, as these already law breaking scum aren't adverse to pulling more illegal acts. More traffic, more trash, more loud music---you name it. You work hard to afford a house in a nice neighborhood, and being able to rent basement apartments in those houses brings lowlife scum into your formerly nice neighborhood that they could not otherwise afford. PURE COMMUNISM from Dumblassio, right up his Commie ass alley! No one can have nice things while others have crummy things, so we have to equalize it down to marginal for all. Put homeless shelters in nice neighborhoods, put jails in nice neighborhoods, and now allow lowlifes to afford living in nice neighborhoods. There will be no decent places left to live in NYC, so the nice people will leave the city to the lowlife scum. Nice going, you oversized puckered anal orifice!


Anonymous said...

from the MDL Multiple Dwelling Laws -

When the number of occupants of such a dwelling is eleven or more, there shall be provided for them in such dwelling at least one laundry tub and facilities for drying clothes.

Maybe some body should call the Chinese consulate about this one.

Anonymous said...

Legalizing every possible basement in NYC to make neighborhoods look like a combination of Detroit and New Delhi to drive all the white middle class out is the plan.
You can then have near 100% democrat votes.
I wonder how long before deBlasio and Cuomo II offers free "universal basic income"

Anonymous said...

Again: a CELLAR is more than 50% below grade. It is a fire trap; cannot be used for living. Period. A BASEMENT apartment, on the other hand, is already acceptable for living space, provided zoning allows it and egress is properly configured.

Anonymous said...

"a CELLAR 50% below grade. It is a fire trap; cannot be used for living"

No true !!
Go to those apt buildings by step street or Springfield blvd the supers, the supers & maintenance people with wives & kids have apartments. All without question 50% below grade.
They even have doorbells with intercoms I know a family, I call the apt "The Batcave" It has a double door, 2 narrow window slits in one room, you cant even fit a small AC unit let alone pull somebody out in a fire. (but then again the whole building is concrete, brick & cinder block)

Anonymous said...

>The boiler, furnace, hot water heater are in very close proximity to tenants in basements. That's not healthy with all those fumes.

If it's ventilated to code, it's not a danger at all.

>This is all we need. Legal basement apartments, so that MORE illegal aliens can be crammed into the city

Do you really think the same illegals that you expect will break all the other laws you listed will be eager to pay more money to live in a legalized basement?

Anonymous said...

If the is only one exit I don't understand how this is covered anther the existing DOB code? Also opens the door for MORE illegal contracting work on kitchens, baths and electrical. Terrible idea.

Anonymous said...

Will Illegals be eager to pay more money to live in a legalized basement?
Oh hell no !!
Illegals just need kids with them or be pregnant and deBlasio pays good guaranteed $$$ for them with your tax dollars. Its the best deal in the world for a landlords. You can even get a free new water heater and in some cases furnace, duct work & ventilation upgrades if you accept these cases.
In Denmark and Germany you can even get a professional masseuse & backrub to your door if you worked too hard getting living space ready and met deadline.--(as a bonus)

Most renters start screwing you 2 months into the lease, so these guaranteed rent money alternatives the city is coming up with is very attractive, especially to landlords who do not live on the premises. .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So, those of use who had grandfathered basements directly from the builder but got harassed by inspectors with huge fines even when we won in the hearing - do we get any of our money and troubles reimbursed?

Anthony said...

Just look at his wife.Enough said!!

Anonymous said...

It's stories like these that drove me out of NYC, once and for all. Fought the same battle with my next door neighbor who hails from the slums of Guyana. These people could care less about the rules of law. He subdivided his basement and rented out his attic and the NYC-DOB. could give a rat's ass. I gave up and left and moved to Florida. FU Cuomo and DeBlasio! NO more tax $$$$ from me or my family.
Currently, sitting in my backyard, enjoying my morning coffee, overlooking nature, with only the sound of birds and none of the human trash that NYC has become, around me.

My recommendation to anyone who can leave, is to do it, posthaste!

Anonymous said...

I gave up and left and moved to Florida. FU Cuomo and DeBlasio! NO more tax $$$$ from me or my family.
Currently, sitting in my backyard, enjoying my morning coffee, overlooking nature, with only the sound of birds and none of the human trash that NYC has become, around me.
My recommendation to anyone who can leave, is to do it, posthaste!

I guess you lost the war or battle against NYC. NYC is not for the weak. In fact, people like you moving to elsewhere is better for NYC as it won't be as crowded. So leave if you guys want. Plus you might be enjoying your coffee in your backyard, but my property will worth 10X than yours in the future. Then I will maybe move to florida or las vegas for retirement or say with that much money I can go anywhere. Florida property doesn't rise as fast nor worth as much as it's full of swamp land with no basement. My cousin lives there and he can't even rent out a 3 bedroom in fort lauderdale that easily. Here, got a tenant within 1 month.

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