Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Developer claims woman is anti-Semitic for complaining to DOB

From PIX11:

Julita Gontarczyk is involved in a bitter dispute. She and her husband own a home in Maspeth, Queens. A developer, Orin Effi, is putting up several homes in the space next door. What began amicably enough has deteriorated in a war of words, texts, complaints, and calls to the police.

“Because we have a common wall there is a lot of problems going on,” Julita told us. “Rain would come into his house. Flood his basement and flood my basement.”

Julita says her complaints to Effi fell on deaf ears. She complained to 311, the Health Department and the Department of Buildings. Some stop work orders were issued, infuriating Orin Effi. He says Julita made false accusations and blames the fact that she’s Polish and he’s an Israeli Jew.


Joe Moretti said...

Get the fuck over it Orin Effi. You are being called out, not on your religion, ethnicity, etc BUT because you are the typical arrogant, crooked and asshole developer, one of many who fuck up communities and damage neighboring homes.

Good work city for not doing a damn thing. Why even have agencies if they do not do their jobs, it is just a fucking waste of money.

What a FUCKED UP City, but then you all know that anyway.

(sarc) said...

Everything these days is a racial or gender issue.

Racial issues are not always so black and white...

JQ LLC said...

Not only the city, which continues it's consistent record of failure from willful indifference, but Mr. Help Me too. The lowlife used building materials to vandalize her house and Howard tells her to shut up. This shitty report doesn't even show what was said to convince her to deal with her vile neighbor, but probably because she doesn't have the money for shyster attorneys like that predator developer bastard.

Orjn is another great example, probably the worst yet, of people using the cudgel of anti-semitism to get what he wants. No matter how baseless his defense is. (Wasn't Poland the first to get conquered under Hitler's final solution plan to erase people of Jewish faith?)

Not to change the issue but this is why BDS against the Isreaeli government (not it's citizens) exists.

Anonymous said...

The old failsafe, when in doubt claim racism. Problem is that the allegations will be entertained.

Anonymous said...

seems to be that whenever someone knows they're wrong or gets caught in a lie/graft it automatically becomes a race issue. yelling "you're racist" or "you're sexist" doesn't automatically assert your correctness in any situation.

Effi, you got called out because you're a shady developer with absolutely no respect for the people of the community around you. she'd complain about it if you were a Pole too, if you were Black, white, purple and worshiped Zuul.

you're a predator and a cancer on this city.

Tony Notaro said...

Remember folks, don't challenge them because even if you're right, it's "anti-semetic"

georgetheatheist said...

(0:24) "Orin agreed to call his lawyers off."

I don't get it. What's his case?

Anonymous said...

His construction equipment and rubble is in her front yard! How is one expected to deal with a "neighbor" like this?

Anonymous said...

I consult as an engineer to owners who neighbor construction sites, and by far the largest share of the most callous and destructive neighbors are overwhelmingly Israeli Jews. They all seem to think that damaging your neighbor is part of construction. It’s what I have heard from them over and over when we are at the same table at meetings, and is exactly what this guy is claiming. He’s not the first to claim anti-semitism either. It’s possible this sort of damage is culturally acceptable in Israel so maybe to them it seems like it.

Anyways they’re the worst, Chinese developers are mixed because they do have cultural principles about listening to your neighbor (though it helps to be fluent in mandarin), followed by REBNY stalwarts who build union because they have the money to bully people around and say “if you don’t like it then sue us” knowing that worst case they just have to write a check. The best neighbors for construction are small and mid size developers who are typically non-union. The guys staffed overwhelmingly with immigrants (regardless of status). The cheaper the better. Some of those guys are really smart and skilled, some are greenhorns, but a good engineer can navigate that process and make sure construction is up to snuff. Meanwhile the developers are so terrified of being sued they’ll do almost whatever it takes to keep the owner whole.

Doesn’t matter what nationality your neighbor is, don’t sign anything from them without letting a lawyer look at it, and if they’re doing any work on a vacant lot have an engineer and lawyer on speed dial.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

Two subdivisions???


Anonymous said...

Echoes of the standard ploy in Flushing.
If you complain you are "anti Asian"!
Scum bags are scum bags regardless of race color or creed!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that he's calling her a "Nazi", but can't spell the word correctly?

TommyR said...

"Not only the city, which continues it's consistent record of failure from willful indifference, but Mr. Help Me too. The lowlife used building materials to vandalize her house and Howard tells her to shut up"

Howard asked her to "please, stop talking and listen" - which I can get, when people are upset and frustrated, like a woman in her position might be - they tend to just repeat themselves and not actually LISTEN. Not she saying she's wrong (she isn't). And she shouldn't even have to capitulate to anything to come to an agreement with Orrin - the woman should get lawyers of her own involved. All this does is set a precedent that essentially outsider developers can come in and do what they want.

I just said earlier about how Maspeth-ians have to defend their duplex-smaller lots more vigilantly??! They HAVE to, because of things like common walls, which should not even be a THING in Queens, sadly. WTF is a common wall even doing as an element of architecture ANYWHERE in MASPETH, let alone Queens outside of high rise towers!? I thought I left that nonsense behind in Brooklyn. This is why my people prefer 20' of yard-space between them and the nearest neighbor..but sadly you see "common walls" everywhere. They only work if you and your neighbor GET ALONG, ALWAYS.

Never heard of Asian developers crying "wah-wah, you're anti-Asian" to complainers.

Agreeing with Anon's mandarin comments...most Asians (not just Chinese) make far, far better neighbors than any other. They never complain and keep things clean and quiet. A lot more than I can say about other groups.

I've had to deal with a few old biddies (white) early on whinging about my yard having some untrimmed bushes, when I first came into the area. People always show their jealousy that way - I gathered they were from somewhere else, with no yard space of their own, so they made it their business to police everyone else's property. Meanwhile none of my *actual* (some of whom happen to be white- Irish mostly) neighbors from my streets are anything but friendly, good people.

This Orin Effi sounds like a real bag of crap. That shit might be what flies out in the West Bank, so maybe he figures it'll work here, too. Good on that lady for fighting him, but she should take him to court. You can't get justice in a 3 minute TV spot.

Anonymous said...

As a Jew, I HATE HATE HATE it when others do this.
It's like the boy who cried wolf. Scream "racism" or "anti-semitism" at every little thing, and eventually people will stop listening when the real murderous anti-semites come around again.
Antics like this put us all in danger.

TommyR said...


Crapster should use the following site^ to alert him (and us) of when other greedy developers barge about in Queens throwing their weight around. If these places must be built, they need to go up properly, quietly, and not to the detriment of their neighbors and the surrounding community as much as possible.

Gino said...

Israeli Jews, Oh boy will they take you to task.
As a contractor I have the same problems with them too.
They are aggressive as yellow jacks, lawless, arrogant and self-righteous as it gets and will do anything, grab any opportunity if they think they can get away with it.
These people also don't give a shit about being good neighbors, being sued, constantly "hustle" and never seem to rest or sleep, its very hard to keep them in check.
Without question the worst, worse and far more aggressive then Bukharin's.


Anonymous said...

Mr. Oren did acknowledge vandalizing her property with tar and glue, didn't he?

Anonymous said...

Someone may want to check the sewer plans on file for this development:


Anonymous said...

The architect David Nagan has a history with the DOB


Anonymous said...

This site is getting boring. Theres no meat to it anymore.

Anonymous said...

Oh please.... Stop with the bs. You are wrecking this persons house and you claim anti Semitic? Wtf is wrong with people?

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. Where does this guy think he is, Palestine? This nice lady has rubble in her yard and water leaking into her house and she is anti-semetic? The guy is a total pig and should not be allowed to construct anything in New York. Then people wonder why there is no peace in the middle east.

Anonymous said...

Stupid moron jackass reporter.
The woman will drop her legal action, lose her cue in line for hearings and the Israeli will be back to the same BS in a week costing her MORE time, aggravation and money.
Just watch, I give that poor woman 5 days not even a week before hell returns!!
I guess trusting sheep must learn the hard way when making deals with wolves & maniacas. We have Tovarisch deBlasio & Cuomo II in office prove this theory.

Its sad, In the good old days Italian men with thick necks and chewed ears would have paid this slob builder a talking LONG before one shovel touched the ground and the problem would only need be resolved once.

Anonymous said...

His ass needs to be locked up in some mental institution.
Obviously he is not dealing with a full deck.

Anonymous said...

He’s creating the problem,then pulls the card. Typical and disturbing.

Joe Moretti said...

By the way, WORST reporting and intervention by HELP ME HOWARD. "Shake hands and be friends".

What bullshit. Help Me Howard is better than this.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous "This site is getting boring. Theres no meat to it anymore."
Then don't come here go read the NYT and watch CNN/The Veiw....
This site is one of the few places where the people of Queens can have issues address that are not getting attention from our inept city agencies and corrupt "Electurds" !
Long Live Queens Crap !

TommyR said...

My community watchdog group's seen this and they're prepared to step up scrutiny of ALL new development in my area, b/c of this story. So guys like Orrin should be prepared for a LOT more issues unless they make nice with their neighbors. Because unlike this lady we're legion, we know the rules and codes, we have connections, and when and if that doesn't suffice - we deal will with you in other ways.

We take the City's garbage. We do NOT take crap.

Thanks for sharing the story, Crapster.

Anonymous said...

Yawn! Agreed! Where's the beef?
Queens Gripes! Nobody's listening!

Anonymous said...

HELP ME HOWARD was probably intimidated by the situation.
A women who was visibly upset and a out of control developer predator who has most likely been in this situation many times before. Natural instinct is to fight or flee and Howard was on his heels. Not a good example of all the good work he has done in the past.

Anonymous said...

Guilty people always play the race/religion card

Gino said...

Guys like Orrin wont change because that's how Israelis are.
HELP ME HOWARD is a bigger ass for even thinking shaking hands and singing coombuya will resolve this issue.
This guy Orrin is gonna piss all over that poor woman, I see his type every day in the construction business. -And its the worst.

Anonymous said...

"Where does this guy think he is, Palestine"

Actually YES ! These people think they are BOSS GOD everyone else is garbage, slaves. They are all raised that way in Israel, mandatory combat training and military service too.

The worst shit you can have next door aside Chris Brown and Justin Beiber

Anonymous said...

>The worst shit you can have next door aside Chris Brown and Justin Beiber

Logan Paul?

Anonymous said...

Where can I send the reporter a "joke of the year" award? What an idiot ego.

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