Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Cuomo wants lots of new taxes

From Crain's:

Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for an array of new revenues to close the state’s $4 billion budget hole on Tuesday while sketching his spending plan for the coming fiscal year.

The governor asserted that Albany could reap $750 million from sales of health care nonprofits to private entities, $140 million from a new tax on health insurers, $170 million from an opioid surcharge, $300 million through a one-year suspension of certain corporate tax credits and $318 million through an internet sales tax.

The 2017 federal tax legislation eliminated the state and local tax deductions, which let New Yorkers report less on their returns to the Internal Revenue Service. Cuomo reiterated his earlier calls to restructure New York’s tax system by replacing the income tax with a payroll tax—eliminating the excise on employees for money earned, and putting the burden instead on employers for wages paid.

This idea won a swift and bitter rebuke from a top small-business trade group.

The governor again teased a congestion pricing plan that would fund the moribund subway system through a new charge on cars entering the Manhattan business district. He offered few new details other than insisting that he would not impose tolls on the four city-owned East River bridges, but promised a full proposal later in the week.


Izayoi said...

Fuck this conservative that poses as a liberal democrat. Like Bill De Blasio, he pretends to be liberal and says shit like "medicinal marijuana" or "decriminalization" but not full blown recreational legalization. They are anti gun too, so nothing good comes out the deal. The whole medicinal only and recreational onlh is just another scheme for prohibition.

Anonymous said...

All to pay for shit that no one needs.

JQ LLC said...

Cuomo shouldn't be trusted with a unicef box of pennies. It's really telling when Charles Barron has to expose Mario's son of his incompetence and subservience to his wealthy donors when it comes to funding government programs.

Anonymous said...

this guy is a piece of shit, vote him out!

Anonymous said...

Cuomo for President!

Anonymous said...

NY State budget of $168 Billion for the almost 20 million State residents comes to $8,400 for each resident. Additionally, NY City budget $85 billion adds more than $10,000 for each of the City's 83 million residents. some $ burden for New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

Of course. The Feds lower our taxes and Cuomo wants to take it back. That #1 U-haul salesman picture is no joke. New Yorkers are doomed.

Anonymous said...

He's not a conservatice nor a progressive but a fucking opportunist lying to us all. While thousands of travelers were stuck at JFK airport two weeks ago this schmuck was inside the comforts of his executive office waiting for the storm to be over so that he wouldn't be held responsible for the port Authority poor mishandling of the situation. The PA chief in charge of JFK did speak but only to put the blame on the airlines and not themselves.

Fast forward two weeks later and he emerges from his hiding to face the cameras to discuss his transportation initiatives, i.e. 'congestion pricing'. He now says that the issue has to be studied further and a study is in place that will take some time which basically means tax payer $$$ is going to pay for a study which the results and solution is already known.


TommyR said...

LOL the only thing funny about this is that picture, Crapster.

As someone who works at a small community non-profit (and the term is decidedly apt) withi a shoestring budget that provides food and physical care for the disabled, I've got one more reason to hate Cuomo. Thanks alot Andy...

Mr Cuomo should take a look at the bloated government authorities (OMH/OPWDD) I have to deal with first! >:(

Anonymous said...

The thought of cutting spending never entered his two brain cells.

Anonymous said...

>Like Bill De Blasio, he pretends to be liberal and says shit like "medicinal marijuana" or "decriminalization" but not full blown recreational legalization.

If marijuana were legal and taxed, they wouldn't have an excuse to raise our taxes.

Anonymous said...

Instead of yelling at Trump for "punishing" high tax states why not justify to us NYers why our taxes are so high, or maybe even lower them?

georgetheatheist said...

And don't forget that this son-of-a-bitch, as Clinton's HUD secretary, CAUSED the later 2008 economic breakdown.

The esteemed late Village Voice reporter, Wayne Barrett, wrote about his bringing about this fiasco HERE.

Anonymous said...

What the hell are these taxes!!!!!!!

Albany could reap $750 million from sales of health care nonprofits to private entities - Ok now list who's going to get screwed as a result of this

$140 million from a new tax on health insurers -'re going to tax health insurance companies, who are in turn going to raise their premiums again, and the Dems keep going on and on about affordable premiums just went up...if this plan goes through, they'll go up again

$170 million from an opioid surcharge - Not sure what this is, so you are going to tax morphine and other pain medication that some people need in hospitals because there is an abuse epidemic going on and you want to look like the hero is going to combat it - by again, raising healthcare costs by taxing a class of medications that are used for legitimate therapeutic purposes

$300 million through a one-year suspension of certain corporate tax credits - I see, you're playing to the Bernie crowd here

$318 million through an internet sales tax - oh hell no you don't, this will not be popular...I hope your minions in the legislature do not rubber stamp this one, they have to get re-elected too this year

Ms. Tsouris said...

This is the same piece of shit governor that has called public school education a "monopoly"! Doesn't sound like a Democrat or a democrat. He's a scheming fascist pig owned by corporate interests including charter school interests, just like that other fraud Cory Booker

Ms. Tsouris said...

This is the same piece of shit governor that has called public school education a "monopoly"! Doesn't sound like a Democrat or a democrat. He's a scheming fascist pig owned by corporate interests including charter school interests, just like that other fraud Cory Booker

Anonymous said...

Another shot to the wallet to break people into accepting socialism or moving out of New York.

The Governor warned people last year in some speech about people "sharing" Something like this: --If you dont like sharing, community or want to own guns get the hell out because New York is not the state for you.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo cares more about illegals than he does citizens. He'll tax us to death so they can have all their services. Meanwhile, the middle class will suffer and eventually move out. The plan is to have only the rich and the very poor in this city. God help us if he runs for President. If you don't like Trump, wait and see what President Cuomo will do to the country. Congressmen/women are all millionaires and we pay for all their perks, including the Cadillac of Health Care Plans. Middle Class people don't have that luxury. Pray that people come to their senses and don't re-elect Cuomo for Governor. You get the government your deserve. God help us all.

(sarc) said...

“Their problem is not me and the Democrats; their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” Governor Andrew Mark Cuomo.

The arrogance shown in his comments, claiming the democrats and himself are NOT the problem but YOU, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! These statements says much about him. Sigmund Freud would label this as a crystal clear example of "projection". If you have your religious beliefs, if you believe in the right to protect your family and yourself, if you believe in protecting life and not killing babies, in this tyrant's eyes, you are not worthy of living in one of the thirteen colonies that founded and fought for our freedom from such oppression.

This statement is quite close to the Madame Secretary HiLlEry's "Basket of DEPLORABLS" statement, that vilified half of the electorate.

The arrogance...

TommyR said...

>You get the government your deserve.

Lately we just get the government we fail to stop from entering power. Unfortunately most people individually or even collectively don't possess enough leverage (connections) or awareness (knowledge) or resources (time + $$$$) to effect change beyond the ultra-local level (and even that's a PITA...)

But you got it right: politicians by and large are in it for themselves, and their rich donor buddies, whether R or D. The keep the poor placated enough to vote without fuss. Bread and circuses...

Anonymous said...

People in New York need a civic lesson.
God helps those who help themselves !

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