Monday, January 15, 2018

Ain't it the truth?


georgetheatheist said...

I'll eat to that!

Joe Moretti said...

How true, especially in this day and age of low IQ elected officials beginning with Trump, crooked immoral elected officials in Dem run Queens (and elsewhere), smart phone zombies (notice that the material thing is smart, not the consumer), state run Fox News, lack of reading (not counting FaceBook).

Why watch The Walking Dead, when the majority of our population is already that.

Anonymous said...

Mark Twain said: 'It's not what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that ain't.'

Anonymous said...

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Martin Luther King Jr.

georgetheatheist said...

All kidding aside.

Son of Queens Trump was 100% correct. Now all the blah, blah, blah from the usual commentariat. Bottom line?

Those countries ARE shitholes.


PS. The Son of Queens, the Straight-Talking President, used to ride the E train to school as a young lad. Was that sterling mode of transportation in his day - the 1950/early 60's - the "shithole" that it is NOW?

JQ LLC said...

I like to address this to the neoliberal elected leaders of our state and city, de Faustio and Mario's son, who are going to give homage to Dr. King in Times Square today and the figurehead irrelevant president Donny "two times" Trump...

"A Genuine Leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus"

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is "what are you doing for others?""

Anonymous said...

Smart Phones - Stupid People

TommyR said...

try to be decent everyday, not just the named ones!...

some countries are shitholes. that usually has as much if not far more to do with whose leading them as the folk on the bottom trying to work their way into better lives elsewhere. a better conscience would not qualify entrance based on origin, but character and merit.

Trump is the authority on shitholes, being one himself. time to deport his orange ass to a nice padded cell!

Anonymous said...

Re: shitholes

Look no further south than red state Alabama

Anonymous said...

Alas, JQ, the empowered idiots occupying City Hall and Albany haven't the vaguest idea what Dr. King's words represent, because both of these corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged neo-liberals of the two-party-machine-failed duopoly devalue honesty itself!

As long as these two 'monetary locusts' continue to be in positions of absolute power and privilege (neither of which they had ever earned, much less deserved), as well as unjust enrichment and PRIVATE SPLENDOR, it is We, the People who will likewise continue to pay a soul-crushing price of PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation――and, all of that is ON TOP of decades of a willful 'taxation without representation' that has reached epidemic proportions of epic, government fail, and a 'Delay, Deny――And, Hope That You Die' tactic of brainless stonewalling that now causes lawlessness, vigilantism and violence BECAUSE of the openly practiced dereliction of public duty.

It's a disgrace that just keeps getting worse by the hour.

❝No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.❞ ―William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower

❝Voting has become a farce, if indeed it was ever anything else. By voting, the people decide only which of the oligarchs pre-selected for them as viable candidates will wield the whip used to flog them and will command the legion of willing accomplices who perpetrate the countless violations of the people's natural rights.❞ ―Robert Higgs

❝Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician's ear: 'You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.'❞ ―Wendy McElroy

❝It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.❞ ―Thomas Sowell

❝It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.❞ ―Upton Sinclair

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ―Robert LeFevre

Anonymous said...

@georgetheatheist, traveling from Jamaica Estates to Kew Forest, what opportunity would boy Trump have had to take the E train to school?

Anonymous said...

Describes Dumblasio's supporters to the t

Anonymous said...

"Those countries ARE shitholes."

The dems claim that those countries are NOT shitholes. So why are they fighting to let the illegal aliens stay here and not return to their wonderful homelands?

Anonymous said...

Alas, JQ, the empowered idiots occupying City Hall and Albany haven't the vaguest idea what Dr. King's words represent, because both of these corrupt, entrenched and establishment-rigged neo-liberals of the two-party-machine-failed duopoly devalue honesty itself!

As long as these two 'monetary locusts' continue to be in positions of absolute power and privilege (neither of which they had ever earned, much less deserved), as well as unjust enrichment and PRIVATE SPLENDOR, it is We, the People who will likewise continue to pay a soul-crushing price of PUBLIC SQUALOR, adversity, beggary, obscurity and quiet desperation――and, all of that is ON TOP of decades of a willful 'taxation without representation' that has reached epidemic proportions of epic, government fail, and a 'Delay, Deny――And, Hope That You Die' tactic of brainless stonewalling that now causes lawlessness, vigilantism and violence BECAUSE of the openly practiced dereliction of public duty.

It's a disgrace that just keeps getting worse by the hour.

❝No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.❞ ―William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower

❝Voting has become a farce, if indeed it was ever anything else. By voting, the people decide only which of the oligarchs pre-selected for them as viable candidates will wield the whip used to flog them and will command the legion of willing accomplices who perpetrate the countless violations of the people's natural rights.❞ ―Robert Higgs

❝Voting is not an act of political freedom. It is an act of political conformity. Those who refuse to vote are not expressing silence. They are screaming in the politician's ear: 'You do not represent me. This is not a process in which my voice matters. I do not believe you.'❞ ―Wendy McElroy

❝It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.❞ ―Thomas Sowell

❝It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.❞ ―Upton Sinclair

❝Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.❞ ―Robert LeFevre

Anonymous said...

How true, especially in this day and age of low IQ elected officials beginning with Trump,

Sick and tired of this shit already.

Here chew on this:

Just like Dr. King, who was taken out by Deep State.
Was not good for business as usual.

Low IQ for the fuckers who don't realize any of the crap going on since JFK.

Anonymous said...

Trump is the authority on shitholes, being one himself. time to deport his orange ass to a nice padded cell!

Your love for the Arkansas mafia is second to none.
You would make a good pet monkey.
Go sing Kumbaya with comrade DeBlasio who makes little man from North Korea look positively attractive.

georgetheatheist said...

"...what opportunity would boy Trump have had to take the E train to school?"

He switched at Van Wyck.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

How true, especially in this day and age of low IQ elected officials beginning with Trump,

Sick and tired of this shit already.

Here chew on this:


Wow, you are so tired of this shit that you give a link to an extremely right wing blog/website. That site sure is objective. Why not just quote the Long Gunmen from the X-files while you are at it.

Some people do believe, in CRAP.

While that site does contain some facts since they are reporting on fact based stories, some are very questionable.

Please in this day and age of social media, anybody can write or say anything and it is considered factual news by the clueless and not well read.

Gary W said...

Dem policies create shitholes. That is what they are so upset with the honesty displayed by the POTUS. People are waking up

See Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, San Francisco...etc.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so tired of this shit that you give a link to an extremely right wing blog/website.

You and you liberal friends believe everything from the extremely LEFT wing blogs, websites and MSM.

BTW, Good Morning liberals, what are we offended by, today?

Anonymous said...

Why not just quote the Long Gunmen from the X-files while you are at it.

Here stupid:

Anonymous said...

@Gary W

MSM likes to pretend.
They still don't understand how they lost the elections in 2016.
Poor little lambs.

TommyR said...

^Arkansas Anon: sounds like you'd be better company for the the Park Slope Dope, since both he and Trump have this in common: that they absolutely LOVE butt-kissers like YOU!

Or better yet, self-deport to North Korea since apparently there's no difference between the Fatty there and the dope here?

Only sniveling simpletons are so easily aggrieved - so please rant and rage some more, why don'cha'? Clearly your mind isn't developed enough to comprehend anything not presented in as paint-by-numbers format...that's why people like you will always need a Glorious Leader to put thoughts in those empty brains of theirs!

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are so tired of this shit that you give a link to an extremely right wing blog/website.

You and you liberal friends believe everything from the extremely LEFT wing blogs, websites and MSM.


No, not all. I don't read any extremely right or left leaning blogs or websites. I actually read Newspapers with actually journalists and reporters regardless, you know unbiased reporting and journalism. I know it is harder and harder to find, but reading your Facebook page, your twitter and other bullshit social media it not the same thing as picking up an actually quality newspaper that reports facts and statistics.

AND Trump is not calling anyone out on their bullshit, he just makes up his own bullshit and fills his cabinet with the 1% who could care less about anyone who reads Queens crap or are not in the 1%.

Anonymous said...

Where our fearless mayor and governor are selling Rikers Island for 17 billion.

Anonymous said...

Poor Tommy, got triggered.

So how many times did you vote for Hillary?

Anonymous said...

Demandments of the Inner Slog
As sitting is the new smoking, transit riders must always stand to avoid bladder flappers.
Pedestrians will cross busy intersections with underground concourses.
Commercial trash must be stored, if not moved, underground.
Crossing tolls and transit fare will be congestion priced proportional to number of users in the previous two hours.
Schools and libraries will be replaced with free wimax services.
No curbside delivery during rush hours.
Build a loop subway at the city half-radius connecting retail workers with major malls.
An uninterrupted LI-NJ tunnel as well as cross town highways will be built.
Thrice-lost homeless will be implanted with GPS and infusion pumps.
Cameras will track panhandlers, performers and vagrants on trains and stations.

Gary W said...

...that's why people like you will always need a Glorious Leader to put thoughts in those empty brains of theirs!

No. it's the left that loves their glorious leaders. Our idiot mayor even honeymooned in one of those commie shitholes, oops workers paradises.

Pol Pot

Etc Etc.

TommyR said...

Ugh, for those of you linking CRAP and passing it off as copper-bottomed fact, constantly whinging about the next immigrant bogeyman, while all us regular tax-paying, rule-abiding peons lose more and more rights to corporate overlords and corrupt phonies in power, READ some god-damned HISTORY you nutcases!

"But it is not alone that the presumption regarding the immigrant of today is so widely different from that which existed regarding the immigrant of thirty or fifty years ago. The immigrant of the former time came almost exclusively from western and northern Europe. We have now tapped great reservoirs of population then almost unknown to the passenger lists of our arriving vessels. Only a short time ago, the immigrants from southern Italy, Hungary, Austria, and Russia together made up hardly more than one per cent of our immigration. To-day the proportion has risen to something like forty per cent, and threatens soon to become fifty or sixty per cent, or even more. The entrance into our political, social, and industrial life of such vast masses of peasantry, degraded below our utmost conceptions, is a matter which no intelligent patriot can look upon without the gravest apprehension and alarm. These people have no history behind them which is of a nature to give encouragement. They have none of the inherited instincts and tendencies which made it comparatively easy to deal with the immigration of the olden time. They are beaten men from beaten races; representing the worst failures in the struggle for existence. Centuries are against them, as centuries were on the side of those who formerly came to us. They have none of the ideas and aptitudes which fit men to take up readily and easily the problem of self-care and self-government, such as belong to those who are descended from the tribes that met under the oak-trees of old Germany to make laws and choose chieftains."

Beaten men from beaten races...history doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Anonymous said...

For all those offended by Trump's alleged used of the word "shithole" to describe countries stricken by poverty and corruption, when was the last time you booked a vacation to Haiti or Somalia, to Chechnya or to Varanasi to drink from the Ganges? Didn't think so.

John said...

No, they are saying don't demean an entire country because you are the president and should act with some dignity.

People hated Italians when the came here. People thought Italians were dirty and dumb.

When companies move to "shithole" countries, which helps improve their economy, people complain that "our" jobs are leaving. Well, if you don't want the economies in other "shithole" countries to get better you can't also not want people to come here.

Either the country gets better and is a competitor or it is not and people want to leave.
Either way you people will complain.

"Those countries ARE shitholes."

>> The dems claim that those countries are NOT shitholes. So why are they fighting to let the >> illegal aliens stay here and not return to their wonderful homelands?

Anonymous said...

))))When companies move to "shithole" countries(((

They, move because wages are next to nothing and they intend to keep it that way.
Bribe a few local officials and all is good.

Tommy you suffer from TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get help, you can start by turning off television and spook controlled CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, you know the so called MSM.

The "shithole" comment is an invention of good old Dickie Durbin who has a track record of lying.

Chuckie Schumer chimed in quickly, the President should prove he is not racist by allowing DACA to go on and by not building the wall.
So it was a setup for the start if you ask me.

As for the President's health, I never ever in my life seen such a disrespecting bunch of dirtbags like the majority of the reporters at the doctors press conference. Hillary was fainting, taken away in a van and they worry about Trump's mental health? Oh yeah the Clintons also looted the Haiti funds and Uranium One is just starting. How do you create distraction? With stupid stuff like "shithole" countries, paid off porn actresses, yeah right Trump the germophobe just waiting to make out with trailor park material who had more facials than Pond creme on their faces.

TommyR said...

the only person deranged about Trump is the blowhard himself, since he has a terminal syndrome of narcissistic logorrhea and can't focus his remaining brain cells to spew about anything else.

keep telling yourself you're winning, the irony is that America is a far greater laughingstock because of Trump's imbecilic behavior than it ever was before he started his digital slobberings.

Hope Papa Putin's paying you for all your overtime.

Anonymous said...

Hope Papa Putin's paying you for all your overtime.

Loser, ask Hillary about Uranium One, she knows more about Putin than anyone.
You people lost the election, because you are so out of touch with mainstream America is not even funny, not because of Russia.
I guess your overtime is paid by George Soros and the rest of the globalist scumbags that successfully destroyed Europe as we know it.
No wonder NYC and NYS is so fucked up, with voters like you what the hell we can expect?

Anonymous said...

Hey Tommy I heard the White House doctor also has Russian connections.

He had a salad with Russian Dressing on it.

Quick, run to CNN, will be breaking news :)

Anonymous said...

"Trump: he has a terminal syndrome of narcissistic..."

That may be true, monkey boy, but so does the modern media regarding young, white females. If you can apply a standard to Trump than why not to the media and its worship of modern feminism? Modern feminism is practically a religion of narcissism.

It's amazing how the irony escapes you. The more young white women and their soy boys scream for diversity in this city, he less diverse it gets.

The more neo-liberal whites set up shop here, and march, and protest, and cry, and whine, and demand - the more they displace black and minority families.

Luxury condos target specifically to this group in all their ads. They love throwing up a poster of Black Lives Matter in the windows of their new Bed Stuy co-ops. But they can't seem to own the fact that Bed Stuy used to be black - only 15 years ago.

If Trump is narcissistic then fine. It's better than the new era of racism/sexism McCarthyism that is upon us.

Anonymous said...

So how well can you do the cognitive test the President took?

Anything under 20 means you are a Democrat.
Anything under 10 means you work for MSM and you are a Democrat.
Anything under 5 means, well you voted for DeBozo.

Anonymous said...

Watching monkeys at the zoo is better than watching CNN.

CNN's shill doctor already knows Trump has heart disease.

Some doctor!

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