Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thruway tolling system also screwing drivers

From Eyewitness News:

A local lawmaker is demanding an overhaul of the way tolls are collected along the New York State Thruway.

State Senator David Carlucci hosted a forum Wednesday in Nanuet where drivers told how they unknowingly racked up thousands of dollars in fines.

Most of the complaints stem from the cashless toll system implemented at the Tappan Zee Bridge. Under the system, drivers without EZ Pass are supposed to be billed by mail. But many motorists say they never received the bills but did get letters only after steep fines were imposed for unpaid tolls.

Drivers who do not pay can have their registration suspended.


georgetheatheist said...

I have an EZ pass BUT I do not affix it to my windshield. I don't want it stolen by thieves. So I physically hold it up when approaching the toll cameras. There should be large signage far in advance that the cameras are coming up when you're driving so those who do not have these passes affixed to the windshield can have them ready to manually elevate for the cameras.

On the one hand, car owners are told by the police not to leave valuables in plain sight in their cars to prevent break-ins and thefts and on the other hand are told to leave the valuable EZ pass affixed to the windshield.

Queens Crapper said...

I haven't heard of an EZ Pass theft in more than a decade.

JQ LLC said...

This wouldn't have been a problem if you had people manning the booths and taking physical payments.

Anonymous said...

Institutionalized theft with extortion.
Just like the TVB.
Not to mention the fact that a lot of people lost their jobs to automation while the dopes are grandstanding about $15/hr minimum wage.
Whoever steals an EZ Pass must be an idiot, is sure way of tracking the thief.

Anonymous said...

"This wouldn't have been a problem if you had people manning the booths and taking physical payments."

That's OK if you're willing to cope with the resultant delays and pollution?

Anonymous said...

"Whoever steals an EZ Pass must be an idiot, is sure way of tracking the thief. "

NYPD can't find heir own ass with both hands and a hunting dog, do you really believe they're going to track an EZPass?

The Fuzz said...

Right, because we want to pay for people to work brain dead jobs and slow down traffic.

This wouldn't be a problem if people didn't play dumb and keep driving through the toll booth without paying then when the bill comes throw their arms up "I didn't know it wasn't free!!!"

>>This wouldn't have been a problem if you had people manning the booths and taking physical payments.

Who would want to do this? The first time through you would know which car stole it.
>>Blogger georgetheatheist said...
>>I have an EZ pass BUT I do not affix it to my windshield. I don't want it stolen by thieve

JQ LLC said...

That's OK if you're willing to cope with the resultant delays and pollution?

I hope this was sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

I think Most these people bitching never updated change of address or registered cars in other states to beat the insurance mandates.
They send several notices before the fines start getting high, do we expect to believe the screwed up US Postal System is selective about loosing people bills 2, 3, 4 times in a row ?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Use a stolen EZ Pass and they have your car and license plates are tagged instantly for a crime investigation. All the better crooks know this.
Money making cameras are being installed everywhere and they are all on a networked database that syncs every every time they get a "hit"
EZ pass is a RF ID so if its in your pocket under a jacket it can trigger a camera or other scanner looking for it.

The cops don't have to look for anything. The APB is sent wireless to all the scanners systems in traffic enforcement and police cars, if a bumper scanner gets a "hit" it beeps and your pulled over. The car & plates will be impounded if parked because it was used to commit a crime.
The same shit with facial recognition is coming next (All Facebook, Microsoft & Google are making HUGE $$ with your barometric metadata) All these dopes posting & tagging faces on Facebook are making it happen real easy and fast.
Big Brother & 1984 is now very real and all the dominoes and systems aren't even set up yet. This is just the tip of the iceberg nearing !!

georgetheatheist said...

"All the better crooks know this."

But the asshole ones don't. So no transponder on my glass.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed any improvement on either the Whitestone Bridge or the Throgs Neck Bridge since the toll booths were removed? It somehow seems even worse, especially on the Bronx (Queens-bound) side, where the lanes get squeezed.

Anonymous said...

I'm disgusted with all the cameras, speed traps, intersection traps, the nasty traffic. The f_ with "EZ Pass" because I dont wanna go noplace aside driving a moving truck across the dam bridge and never coming back.

4-8 more years of DaBlasshole is gonna sink this city like the Titanic, all these sheep voters need is a band with some acoustic acoustic guitars.
-Joe Crowley & Katz can lead them.

Alligators and small old shack in Sarasota is looking real good compared to the COST, disbursement and mental anguish of living this shit.
My city & culture has been murdered by design its time to face the facts coming back

Anonymous said...

***NYPD can't find heir own ass with both hands and a hunting dog, do you really
believe they're going to track an EZPass?***

Who said NYPD is tracking EZ pass?
Do you know how the surveillance infrastructure works?

Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

***Yes, Use a stolen EZ Pass and they have your car and license plates are tagged instantly for a crime investigation. All the better crooks know this.***

100% correct.
The average Joe has no clue how any of this works, better yet how all ties in together, who is watching what.
As for the original article, these scumbags are God, jury and judge all at once.
Or what makes more sense? $17 or $300?
But as George Carlin said once, you cannot fix stupid.

Anonymous said...

***The cops don't have to look for anything. The APB is sent wireless to all the scanners systems in traffic enforcement and police cars, if a bumper scanner gets a "hit" it beeps and your pulled over***

Not to mention the black boxes, V2V protocol in the CAN bus in cars newer than 2008.
The whole grid is set up, geared to charge congestion pricing based on the time of day one is driving. In order for that to happen monitoring needs to be in place. The powers to be were very upset when it came out that EZ pass actually tracks you while driving in Manhattan, which was surprising, because Ez pass is like old technology.
But sheeple has no clue, since Kim Kardashian, Fake News takes up most of their time.
Add a few sex scandals and they will have no brain cells left at the end of the day.
Brought to you by Mickey Mouse Productions aka ABC News :):)

Gary W said...

Coming soon to NYC!! 40 bucks to drive in. Don't worry, only the rich can afford it you prols can still use the MTA.

Yet our crappy politicians complain when Uber charges surge pricing.

georgetheatheist said...

"But the asshole ones don't. So no transponder on my glass."

Plus having read all the above follow-ups - this site is indeed so-o-o educational - I keep the transponder off the windshield and in that protective non-readable bag they give you at the outset.

No gubmint tracking of me. Fight back!

TrumpIsKing said...

New York, no other state empties your wallet more than New York. Even California at least has good weather and outdoors, otherwise its not a nice place. New York is cold in the winter, hot and humid like a Swamp in the summer. I wonder why so many idiots flock to this city and state? I guess most humans are morons easily programmed by the mass media.

Anonymous said...

Because even with all the crap the city is pretty f-ing great .


Anonymous said...

>>I keep the transponder off the windshield and in that protective non-readable bag they give you at the outset<<

No worries, your smartphone will do the tracking on you :):)
Android phones can track even without an active SIM card or turned off.

Anonymous said...

"No worries, your smartphone will do the tracking on you :):)"

You're assuming he has a smartphone.

Anonymous said...

You're assuming he has a smartphone.

Did you see the smileys?

Anonymous said...

Here, NYC free Wi-FI, charging stations spy on you!

Anonymous said...

"Who said NYPD is tracking EZ pass?
Do you know how the surveillance infrastructure works?
Ignorance is bliss"


You Ignorant and also clueless to the new technology developments, its 2017
Nobody said the cops are tracking everybody, they **HARVEST** everybody and store all the metadata where to go, been, speeds, your common routes. It all gets put in a folder and can be pulled up at any time by a person or another computer. Storage is becoming unlimited.

And to George Placing EZ Pass in a ferret bag will do you no dam good because the new scanners can read 150 license plates per second from over 100 feet away. Registration stickers from 40 feet away now !!
Can you put you license & registration sticker plates in a bag

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