Sunday, December 3, 2017

De Blasio speaking to raise dark money

From the NY Post:

Mayor de Blasio will headline a political fundraiser in Iowa without knowing who’s paying up to $2,000 to see him speak or where the cash will go – despite promising to stay away from “dark money.”

“We know there’s a lot that happens in the public process where there’s no disclosure of who the donors are – I don’t go near anything unless there’s full disclosure,” de Blasio said in February 2016.

Yet the mayor will speak at Progress Iowa’s fifth annual holiday fundraiser on Dec. 19 even though the group doesn’t disclose donors or spending. Tickets range from $30 to $2,000 for VIPs and at least 150 are expected.

Progress Iowa won’t have to reveal who’s paying to party with de Blasio or any of its other donors because it’s registered as a shadowy 501-c(4) non-profit.


JQ LLC said...

You know, as a liberal with socialist views and libertarian leanings, I would think that a group that uses the word progress for it's mission and fundraiser would not resort to the same dirty advantageous tactics that their political rivals, the conservative Republicans use to raise money, but here we are today.

And yet they not only invite this cad of a mayor, whose policies are collapsing in front of him in just a month with his ferry failure and his poor family vote pandering 3-k and his blatant lying and encouragement and enabling of lying by his NYCHA commissioner, continuing the poisoning of the young developing minds of children living in real affordable housing, they give him the podium to speak, pathetically establishing him as a leader for the(ir) progressive movement and values

Morality and shame have been dead for a while, but these types keep dancing on their graves.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there were ANY socialists in Iowa!

Anonymous said...

What it says on the Progress Iowa Home page:

"New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will headline Progress Iowa’s fifth annual Holiday Party on December 19th. Mayor de Blasio will focus his remarks on the future of the progressive movement and the effort to resist the conservative agenda being enacted across the country. In addition, Senate Democratic Leader Janet Petersen and House Democratic Leader Mark Smith will speak at the event."

Anonymous said...

Crooked is as crooked does. He learned at the feet of the master, the Crooked Clintons!

(sarc) said...


our Comrade, the Mayor has learned much from BJ Clinton and HiLlEry Diane Rodham.

I wait patiently for the investigation of the Uranium One deal and all of the improprieties of the Clinton Foundation and Their Global Initiative of enriching themselves...

Joe Moretti said...

There is NOTHING progressive about this mayor except for people putting that label on him. None of his programs for the homeless, people of color, the poor, the working & middle class are progressive at all, in fact the opposite. This city is certainly not a green city and how progressive and liberal can a city be when marijuana is still illegal.

deBlasio has taken a cue from the dirty SE Queens politicians and the biggiest idiot of our times, Trump. Pretend you are for something by saying words, but your actions are complete out of sync.

His lack of actions for SE Queens prove how NOT LIBERAL or PROGRESSIVE he is. His 4K baby sitting program, which is mostly in lower income areas and communities of color are horrible with violations coming out left and right, plus the fact that if one has ever seen one of these 4K or 3K in SE Queens, you would not drop off a gold fish at these places. His doing absolutely NOTHING about poisonous waste dumps in SE QUEENS, Bronx and North Brooklyn again show how NOT progressive and liberal he actually is.

His callous pulling out his big afro son during this first campaign should have been a red flag that the people who he was to help were going to get the big 24 inch dildo without lube.

AND yet again the sheeple put this ass back in office just like the Trumple's put that ass in office and now the working class and poor white folks who voted for this charlatan are getting and even bigger dildo up the ass.

AND now with this ass blatantly throwing his hat into the next presidential election(though he stands NO CHANCE), means less time for A Tale of Two Cities that has gotten worse under his leadership. AND don't bring up the low crime rate, which is in areas with little crime, but HIGH in areas like Jamaica, Bronx and North Brooklyn. It is all smoke and mirrors and he does it well.

For as sophisticated, liberal and progressive many folks in NYC think they are, why would you vote for the most NOT liberal and progressive person for Mayor a second time.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he will walk into a corn field and disappear a la "Field of Dreams" and we can then plow under the corn.

Anonymous said...


Ignoring the party-machine-failed duopoly is to condone it.

If you are unmoved by a rigged elections, then you will be unmoved by a fascist president!

The people who were smart stayed home this election, because New York State is a heavily entrenched, DemonRat town of errant government fail that no amount of voting could ever change, when the entire 'dark money, gerrymandering, lobbyist and special interest laden system' is totally rigged to fail its voting public in the first place!

But, before you accuse me of partiality that favors the satanic Republicans (and their OWN false, fake and failed leadership), it's the two-party-machine-failed duopoly itself that continues to destroy all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency, not to mention the lives, livelihoods and living standards of the American middle class (while creating both a HOSTILE and UNACCOUNTABLE environment that devalues honesty, hence, the rise of all rank-and-file anger, exasperation, disgust, lawlessness, vigilantism and violence), with a vengeful impunity that is unprecedented, to date.

It's the ignorant 21% who slithered from out of their illegally converted attics and crawlspaces for this pathological, congenital and inveterate liar, who doesn't even pretend to be honest and ethical, much less humanly decent. Now, this terminal shithead's corruption, graft, greed (and the many spokespliars throughout City Hall who reinforce their demigod's corruption, with total ease of conscience), can OPENLY PRACTICED their entrenched pathology and total betrayal of public trust, without consequence! THAT'S GOVERNMENT TYRANNY and ANARCHY! It's also what I correctly refer to as: 'CRIMES WITHOUT CRIMINALS' (and it's only getting worse by the hour)!

In another four years of de BLASS-hole's corrupt, totalitarian rule, no one will even recognize New York City anymore——not that it's so recognizable right now! In fact, it's as hollow, nihilistic and dystopian as it ever was (albeit, now the 1% are destroying the city and outer boroughs, with greater speed and efficiency), and the public be damned (again and STILL)!

In the end, right now New York City and New York State government makes hell look like heaven!

Slavery didn't end in 1865—IT EVOLVED!

❝I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.❞ —Harriet Tubman

❝If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.❞ —―Malcolm X

❝I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all.❞ ——Alexis de Tocqueville

Anonymous said...

>the mayor, whose policies are collapsing in front of him in just a month with his ferry failure and his poor family vote pandering 3-k

But those two programs are some of his only successes. My friends in Far Rockaway LOVE the ferry.

Anonymous said...


Ignoring the party-machine-failed duopoly is to condone it.

If you are unmoved by a rigged elections, then you will be unmoved by a fascist president!

The people who were smart stayed home this election, because New York State is a heavily entrenched, DemonRat town of errant government fail that no amount of voting could ever change, when the entire 'dark money, gerrymandering, lobbyist and special interest laden system' is totally rigged to fail its voting public in the first place!

But, before you accuse me of partiality that favors the satanic Republicans (and their OWN false, fake and failed leadership), it's the two-party-machine-failed duopoly itself that continues to destroy all pretense of public trust, ethics, integrity, accountability and transparency, not to mention the lives, livelihoods and living standards of the American middle class (while creating both a HOSTILE and UNACCOUNTABLE environment that devalues honesty, hence, the rise of all rank-and-file anger, exasperation, disgust, lawlessness, vigilantism and violence), with a vengeful impunity that is unprecedented, to date.

It's the ignorant 21% who slithered from out of their illegally converted attics and crawlspaces for this pathological, congenital and inveterate liar, who doesn't even pretend to be honest and ethical, much less humanly decent. Now, this terminal shithead's corruption, graft, greed (and the many spokespliars throughout City Hall who reinforce their demigod's corruption, with total ease of conscience), can OPENLY PRACTICED their entrenched pathology and total betrayal of public trust, without consequence! THAT'S GOVERNMENT TYRANNY and ANARCHY! It's also what I correctly refer to as: 'CRIMES WITHOUT CRIMINALS' (and it's only getting worse by the hour)!

In another four years of de BLASS-hole's corrupt, totalitarian rule, no one will even recognize New York City anymore——not that it's so recognizable right now! In fact, it's as hollow, nihilistic and dystopian as it ever was (albeit, now the 1% are destroying the city and outer boroughs, with greater speed and efficiency), and the public be damned (again and STILL)!

In the end, right now New York City and New York State government makes hell look like heaven!

Slavery didn't end in 1865—IT EVOLVED!

❝I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.❞ —Harriet Tubman

❝If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.❞ —―Malcolm X

❝I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all.❞ ——Alexis de Tocqueville

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